
Individual Stories

A Winter Weekend

Brian and Justin finally get some time away in Vermont. Written for the Broken Bed Challenge. 

Happy Fucking Valentine's Day 

Has Brian successfully discouraged Justin from celebrating Valentine's Day?

New Feb. 11th 2009

The Promise 

Will Justin have to break one of his most important promises to Brian? Written for QueerAsChristmas on LJ.


Brian observes Christmas morning at Britin (4 years post-513).  Written in the “The Ends Justify the Means” universe for the LJ community, qafchristmas. 

A Night at Woody's

 A vignette based on drabylon prompt #21

Fun at Forty

 It's Michael's fortieth birthday

Can Worlds Unite?

 Can Brian and Justin find their way back to each other after they break up in Season 5?

Rekindling - A B/J Vignette

 A memory is rekindled.

A Night at Britin

 Ficlet based on a drabylon pic of Britin


 Ficlet based on a picture prompt from LJ community qaf_sanctuary

Rage Redux

 Written for the Queensoftarts Wedding!fic challenge on Live Journal

Birthday Surprise

Based on a Drabylon Prompt

Best Friends 

Justin and Daphne share some best friends time.  Written for the Prequel Challenge.

The Balloon Man

Gus has a story for his Daddy.  Written for the Moonshadow Balloon Challenge.


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