Trisky's   QAF Fan Fiction

Smashed to Smithereens
Wisdom Fairy
Part 1
Part 2
Stand Alone, Still Together
Chapter 1 - Inside
Chapter 2 - Outside
Chapter 3 - Focus
Chapter 4 - Blur
Chapter 5 - Up
Trisky has discontinued this series  - No future chapters are planned.
Stand Alones
Lick My Bum
The Color Series
Black - Present
Blue - Present
White Sheets - Future
Red Balloons - Future
Gray - Present
Brown - Present
Hazel - Present
Dull Fluorescents -

Beige Bottoms - Future
Periwinkle - Present
Goldenrod - Future
Green - Present
Purple - Present
Yellow Son - Present
Silver Bells- Present
Pink - Future
Peach - Present
Gold - Present
Sap Green Leaves - Present
Violet - Present
Burnt Sienna - Future
Cinnamon - Present
Copper - Present
Scarlet Rapture- Present
Cream - Present
Amber - Present
Ash - Present
Upon a Veil of Midnight Blue - Present
Azure - Future
Chameleon - Present
Olive - Present
Technicolor - Present
Canary - Present
Transparent Human Being - Present
Rust - Future
Salmon - Present
Bone - Present
Tan - Present
Crystal Blue
Persuasion - Present
Smoke - Present
Iridescent - Present
Ivory - Present
Orange - Future
Lemon - Present
Shade - Present
Incandescent - Future
Flesh - Present
Pearl - Present
Platinum I -Present
Platinum II - Future
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Screencaps courtesy of Elliot and Princess of Babylon

Special Thanks to What Loves Means for allowing us to continue using Trisky's original page design.