Chapter 6
At ten the next morning everyone assembled at Debbie's. Carl had decided to come so he would drive himself, Deb, Michael, Hunter and Ben. They had loaded the trunk of the car with sleeping bags and coolers of food. Bikes for Michael and his little family were strapped on the back so they could explore some of the back roads near the farm.
Brian looked at the bikes and felt a throb in his shoulder. He was glad he had decided to forego the bike ride when Michael had suggested it to him. The infamous Liberty Ride had effectively taken away his desire to sit on a bike for a long, long time.
John and Bobby were going to drive Jennifer and Molly. They could all get to know each other on the trip. Brian and Justin would take Gus and Lindsay with them. Ted and Emmett rode together keeping the backseat open to bring back Jennifer and Molly on the return trip.
With all the logistics taken care of and the trunks loaded with goodies and sleeping bags and changes of clothing, they set out on their adventure.
A couple of hours later they approached the farm. Gus was bouncing in his seat. He had loved the farm the first time he had been there, and his daddy had told him that there was a big surprise in store for him when they got there. He could hardly wait.
"We're almost there," Justin said to the little boy. He could see the driveway up ahead. John's Navigator had already turned in. "Are you ready?"
"Yes," Gus said suddenly serious. He seemed to be holding his breath.
"Breathe, sweetie," Lindsay told him touching his leg.
Gus smiled over at her, but his eyes were very big and he looked almost terrified. Brian was watching in the rearview mirror.
"It's going to be fun, Gus," Brian said in his most reassuring voice. "You'll like it."
"Daddy," Gus said with a frown. "Is it the treehouse?"
"We're almost there," Brian grinned into the mirror. "You'll see in a minute."
They turned into the driveway and pulled up next to John's Navigator. Lindsay unbuckled Gus and helped him out of his seat. As soon as his feet hit the ground, he ran towards the tree. Suddenly he stopped and turned around. Brian who was close behind him saw the tears in his eyes.
"Gus, what's wrong?"
"Is the tree dead?" Gus gulped.
"Dead?" What are you talking about?" Brian looked up at the tree for the first time. His attention had been riveted on Gus before. He smiled and then frowned. "No Gus, the tree isn't dead. It looks like Uncle John covered up the surprise so that when we take down that tarp you will be able to see the whole thing at once."
"Now!" Gus stated emphatically.
"Can you wait a few more minutes?" Brian asked.
"No! I'm going to explode, daddy!"
Brian chuckled. He seemed to be raising a budding drama queen. "Everybody else will be here in a few minutes. Can you wait that long?" Gus shook his head and Brian was sure tears were close. He went over to Gus and picked him up. "Let's take a peek, and then maybe you can wait for the rest. Is that a deal?"
Gus nodded. "Peek, now," he said. Brian carried him over to the tree and raised the tarp enough for Gus to see the slide. Gus' smile was brilliant. "A slide," he whispered in awe. Slides were just about his most favorite thing in the whole wide world.
"There's Debbie and Carl coming up the driveway," Brian said pointing to the car that had just pulled in. "It won't be long now."
Gus leaned against Brian putting his arms around his father's neck. "Hurry," he ordered.
They had to wait a little while for Ted and Emmett to arrive. Brian called for Beau who was able to distract Gus from the unveiling of the treehouse for a few minutes. Claire and Jennifer met for the first time. They immediately liked each other and struck up a conversation. There were lots of hugs and kisses as everybody got reacquainted. Carl admired the farmhouse and the surrounding land. He had visited his grandparents' farm often as a small child. . Finally Temmett arrived uttering their apologies for holding things up. They had had to make a few potty stops along the way.
Quickly everyone assembled under the big tree. John took Gus' hand and led him over to the side of the tarp. He cleared his throat as he handed Gus a rope to hold onto.
"I am so pleased that Brian's family, and by association, my new family are all here today for the unveiling of Gus' treehouse. We spent an interesting week working on this project. I learned a lot about my little brother." He paused and smiled at Brian.
"Not all of it good, I bet," Debbie chuckled.
"I like every part of what I learned about Brian. He is an incredibly complex, but very interesting man. He's taught me a lot."
Brian smiled over at his brother sticking his tongue in his cheek. "Back at ya', big bro'. Thanks to John's fine tutelage I'm applying for my carpentry papers next week."
"Brian," Justin said with a giggle as he swatted his partner on the arm.
Everybody laughed.
"What?" Brian asked. "I'm serious."
John cleared his throat again bringing everybody's attention back to him and a very impatient Gus. "We have an eager little boy here who wants to see what his daddy and his uncle and their partners were able to make for him. So without further ado, give that rope a big tug, Gus."
Gus yanked for all he was worth. At first the tarp seemed to be stuck, but John took hold and helped Gus give it a big pull. The tarp gently fluttered away from the treehouse and floated to the ground as all assembled gasped and oohed and aahed.
"Brilliant!" Emmett said slapping Brian on the shoulder.
"It's fucking amazing, kiddo!" Debbie said kissing Brian on the cheek.
"Those tools you borrowed went to a fine purpose," Carl said shaking Brian's hand.
Brian smirked, but then realized that he needed to say something. "Thanks for all the compliments, but this was truly a team effort. And I had the best team imaginable. John was the guiding genius, but Justin and Bobby both added their ideas and hours of hard work. We couldn't have done this without each other."
"Hear, hear!" people replied.
Brian felt a tug on his jeans. He looked down. Gus' eyes that matched his own looked up at him. "Please, daddy, can I go up?"
"Yes you can. You've been so patient."
Gus smiled. "Come with me?" he asked taking Brian's hand.
Brian went over to the ladder and set Gus part way up. The little boy scampered quickly up to the balcony level with Brian following close behind. On the balcony he looked over and waved at his mother and the others. They all waved back. Gus looked like he was ready to take the slide down, but Brian caught him first.
"Come see the rest, Sonny boy," he said, "and then you can slide all you want." He took Gus' hand and led him to the next ladder. They climbed up quickly.
Everybody waited for Gus' reaction. Almost immediately they heard a squeal of delight, followed by giggles and laughs. One of the windows opened and Gus stuck his head out held up by his father.
"Mommy, I'm on the wall. Justin painted me and daddy on the wall! Come see!"
"Everybody has to come and see," Brian said.
"Oh, oh, oh!" Gus yelled. "There's a fireplace."
"A fireplace?" everybody gasped.
"This I have to see," Emmett said heading for the tree.
One by one they all climbed the tree and surveyed the masterpiece that was Gus' treehouse. They loved Justin's mural and the table with the chess set all set up ready to play. They couldn't get over the installation of the fireplace. Everybody took the slide coming down including Debbie and Jennifer. Claire saw the inside of the treehouse for the first time and loved it. She complimented Justin on his mural as he caught her at the bottom of the slide. Even Carl took the slide on his return trip.
It was unanimous. The treehouse was a resounding success. And Gus loved it too.
Ted wanted to know if he could move in. The rent might be cheaper than paying for his condo.
"But the commute will kill ya'," Emmett told him.
"That is the most fucking amazing treehouse I have ever seen," Michael said leaning in to give Brian a kiss.
"I though it turned out well," Brian replied with his tongue in his cheek.
"Are you sure you won't fuck me up there?" Hunter asked. "It would be hot."
"Fucking me is always hot," Brian replied with a smirk, "and no, I won't be fucking anyone except Justin."
Justin beamed over at him as he caught Gus at the bottom of the slide.
"I think it's time for some iced tea followed closely by lunch," Claire announced as they all started to follow her to the house.
Brian and John stood under the tree staring up at Gus who had just climbed up so he could take another trip down the slide.
"We done good!" John said with a big smile.
"That we did," Brian agreed as he gave his big brother a big hug.
While children young and old were playing in the treehouse, the ladies, including Emmett, began to prepare for the party. Hunter took a break from his fantasy of fucking Brian and helped to set up some music, nothing too loud but jumping. Brian and Justin hoisted up the sleeping bags and made plans for the 'men' to spend the night in the treehouse. By two o'clock everyone was hungry and ready to dig in. There were cold cuts of every sort, barbecued chicken, ribs, burgers, hot dogs and thick soft rolls. There were enough vegetables to keep Ben happy for weeks and enough different desserts to send the whole lot of them into diabetic comas. It was a feast to behold.
John and Carl set out the long tables and folding chairs John had rented for this occasion, placing them in a big square so that everyone could be seen and join in conversation. Michael and Ben draped disposable table cloths on the tables and began to set out the plates and utensils. The whole family pitched in to give Claire a hand. Within the hour, the tables were set and all were seated. Just before they started to eat Debbie thought a few words should be spoken. Brian and John had already said their peace so this time Justin stood up to speak.
"I didn't realize that when I found that book on Brian's shelf that this would be the result. Brian, I am so glad you let me explore the mystery into your family's past. I hope that this new family of ours somehow makes up for the one you never really had. Thank you, Claire and John, for letting us ALL into your lives. Let's eat, I'm starving!"
Everyone laughed and passed around the box of tissues that thankfully made its way to the table. The Treehouse Warming party officially commenced. With food and drink flowing like a waterfall the party was a success.
Later on the large family broke up into smaller groups. The Bruckner-Novotny clan took out their bikes to go exploring. The mothers all huddled on the screened in porch with their coffees and tea and chatted about children and other 'girly' matters. Emmett and Ted commandeered Bobby again to explore the stream. Molly and Gus spent time in the treehouse coloring pictures that Gus wanted to decorate the other blank walls. John and Carl remained at the table to discuss politics. Brian and Justin took their little party to the barn to disrupt poor Beau's peaceful nap.
Before it got too dark, Claire announced the sleeping arrangements.
Carl and Debbie would take John and Bobby's room. Jennifer, Molly and Lindsay the guest room. Ted and Emmett claimed Claire's long thick sofas in the living room. Michael, Ben and Hunter came prepared with their own sleeping bags to use in the screened porch. John and Bobby would make good use of the loft storage area in the barn. Everyone knew where Brian, Justin and Gus would bed down for the night. With flashlights and lanterns in hand, the family scurried off to prepare their respective sleeping quarters.
By the time it was fully dark all the sleeping accommodations had been taken care of. Sleeping bags were rolled out and linen and pillows provided. Everyone met back in the screen porch except for Gus who had crawled into his sleeping bag in the treehouse. Brian and Justin had stayed with him until he fell asleep exhausted from all the excitement of his treehouse and slide, and from chasing Beau all over the place all afternoon. Once the little boy was asleep Brian and Justin took the slide down and met the other adults in the screen porch.
It was a beautiful, clear night with myriads of stars visible. Claire and Debbie had set out rolls and cold cuts so that people could have a snack. They had forgone dinner having pigged out at lunch and eaten way on into the afternoon. There were cold beers and bottles of wine and a pitcher of iced tea. Desserts were everywhere. Everybody helped themselves and then found a seat on a chair, or the swing, or on a cushion on the floor.
"That was one fan-fucking-tastic day," Debbie said giving Carl a kiss as she cuddled next to him on the wicker sofa.
"I can't believe you guys built that treehouse," Ben said. "It's palatial."
Brian chuckled. "Nothing but the best for us Kinney men," he said giving Justin a peck on the cheek and a gentle squeeze. He smiled over at John and Bobby who were sitting on the floor across from them.
"I wish you had taken movies of the construction. I would love to see Brian Kinney working up a sweat," Ted joked.
"In your dreams, Theodore. I don't sweat, except at one activity." Brian stuck his tongue in his cheek.
"And we all know what that is," several voices chorused.
"Ladies and gentlemen," Claire said, "we still have youngsters present." She tilted her head in the direction of Hunter and Molly who were sitting together in a corner.
"Don't worry about me," Hunter said. "I could tell you some stories that would make your hair curl." Ben cleared his throat and glared at Hunter. "Maybe another time," Hunter corrected himself.
"How did you decide to paint that mural of Gus and Brian?" Lindsay asked.
Justin smiled. "I could see my boys vying for the championship and I wanted an activity that they could do at the little table. I wanted it to mirror real life."
"Gus is really picking up on the chess," Brian said. "Won't be too long until he beats the pants off me."
"Another reason for you to take your pants off, Mr. Kinney?" Emmett smirked.
Brian stuck out his tongue at Emmett.
"Like he's ever needed a reason," Ted said with a chuckle.
"I always have the best reason for taking off my pants, and he's sitting right here."
Everyone laughed, but they had to admit that it was a new and improved Brian Kinney who could say something like that in mixed company.
"Do your friends always enjoy roasting you, Brian?" Claire asked with a smile.
"Their lives are so pathetic they have to live vicariously through me." Several cushions came flying across the room before Brian could get his tongue in his cheek.
"Hey!" Justin called. "I'm here too." He started to dig himself out from the pile of cushions. He and Brian good naturedly tossed them back.
"You certainly have surrounded yourself with an interesting group of people," Claire observed with a laugh.
"If they don't kill ya', they make you stronger," Brian said, "or just plain crazy."
"You know we should have taken everybody to the Honey Bear," Justin said. "It would have been so cool to have our own group."
"We still could do that. It's not that late," John said.
"Who wants to go?" Bobby asked.
Ted and Emmett were up for it immediately. Ben and Michael said they would like to go. Hunter wanted a dance with Brian if he went. Brian just shook his head.
"Ladies?" Brian asked.
"I think I'll stay here with Molly and Claire," Jennifer said.
"Me too," Lindsay said. "I don't want to leave Gus all alone in the treehouse in case he wakes up and doesn't know where he is."
"That's true," Brian said. "Do you mind staying with him till we get back?"
"I'd like to see how they do things at the Honey Bear," Debbie remarked. "But I think Carl and I will call it an early evening."
"Maw," Michael whined.
"What?" Debbie asked. "We're just going to sleep."
"Sure you are," several people laughed. Debbie blushed and so did Carl although it was hard to see in the dim light.
"So, Emmett and Theodore, you can right with Justin and me," Brian said. "I think the Novotny-Bruckner clan can squeeze in the back of the Navigator with John and Bobby. Unless you'd prefer to ride your bikes," Brian smirked.
"Briiaan," Michael whined.
They all made their way to the vehicles looking forward to an evening of dancing and fun.
As the cars pulled away, Claire looked over at the adults. "Peace and quiet," she sighed. "Those youngsters have a lot of energy."
"True," Jennifer agreed. "But it's fun being around them."
"Anybody up for charades?" Debbie asked. "We can make our own fun."
"Sounds good to me," Carl said. Even Molly liked the sound of that.
Saturday night at the Honey Bear and the joint was jumping. There were no empty tables to be had and the bar was three deep. Bobby herded the gang over to the large fireplace and the futon cushions that were in front. Too warm for a fire, the logs and andirons were replaced by a beautiful arched candle holder that had rainbow colored glass cups each holding a tea candle. It radiated a soft warm glow. Since the Honey Bear was down one very popular red-headed waiter that night, Bobby offered to get everyone's drink. Justin, no stranger to waiting tables, helped.
Lounging on the cushions and sipping their drinks, the happy family relaxed.
Michael and Ben were the first to get up to dance. Bobby was busy introducing John to his regulars. John mused about how many of his neighbors and people he went to school with were here. Before opening the door to his own closet, John was never aware of the friends he could have had. He was surprised to see some of his former 'dates' here; they too had made life altering decisions.
Ted excused himself to use the men's room as Hunter convinced Brian to give him one dance. Bobby, John, Justin and Emmett cracked up as Hunter tried some of the moves he saw Justin use. Brian pushed the teen back to a respectable distance then popped Hunter one to the back of his head. Crushed, Hunter finished the dance. The music changed and Justin came out to take Hunter's place and to show Hunter how it was done.
With Emmett's usual dance partner otherwise engaged in seducing his man and every other man in the club, he looked to John and asked if it was okay to dance with Bobby. John held up his hands indicating that it was Bobby's choice. Bobby nodded a yes, but had reservations about dancing with his newly acquired Auntie Em. John kept an eye on them both but knew that there was more to Bobby than what met the eye. Bobby wasn't a twink nor was he as young as he looked. Bobby worked his good looks to get good tips but you don't win a scholarship to law school on good looks alone. Emmett would be in store for a big surprise if he thought Bobby had fluff for a brain.
Brian and Justin returned from their dance and plopped down on the cushions. Finally returning from the men's room and with a very perplexed look on his face was Teddy. He sat down across from Brian and watched with fascination as Justin tried to consume Brian bit by bit. Breaking apart to catch their breath and observing the look on Ted's face, Brian cocked his head.
"What is it, Theodore? You've seen Justin make a meal out of me before."
"Hmm? That's not it?"
"Teddy, did something happen in the men's room?" Justin questioned with concern for the accountant.
"Let me ask you a ridiculous question. What does getting hit on feel like?"
"That is a very ridiculous question, Theodore."
"Ted, did someone make a pass at you?"
"I believe so."
"Tell us."
"I was in the men's room standing at the urinal, doing what was expected. I heard someone come out of a stall. I never look, 'cause well, someone like me, should not look." Brian nodded. "I zipped up and washed my hands."
"Well thank the gods for small mercies. It's good to know you practice good hygienic habits. I have to touch all those papers you throw at me." Justin backhanded Brian in the stomach and urged Ted to continue.
"Anyway, I was heading out the door when this guy said he hoped to see me on the dance floor. Was that a pass?"
"Why Theodore, I never knew you had it in you. I'm proud of you."
"Do you see him?"
"Yes I do. He's the blond haired guy over there and, oh my god, he's walking over here! What do I do? It's been so long, I'm not prepared." Poor Ted started to tremble in anticipation and fear.
Brian put his arm around Ted's shoulder and whispered in his ear. Brian's warm breathy voice reassured Ted and brought ideas to Ted's dick. "Remember how you felt when you borrowed my bracelet; now what would the master do in this situation?"
"You think I can pull it off? You think I can be you?"
"No one can be me; have confidence in yourself Ted. He already finds you interesting; go for it." Ted scrambled off the cushion to greet the interested party.
"Somebody pinch me so I know I'm not dreaming." Brian and John stretched out their long arms and each pinched an ass cheek. Ted never felt it as he was whisked away to the dance floor by a good looking tall blond.
"Who'd a thunk it?" Brian shrugged.
"It must be this place," said John. "It seems to bring people together." Brian nodded in agreement.
"It certainly brought you and Bobby together." John smiled; that was certainly true. John, seeing how bored and miserable Hunter was looking, grabbed the teen's hand and led him to the floor. John wasn't Brian but he was a very handsome substitute. Hunter and John danced over to Michael and Ben.
Bobby was still dancing with Emmett and getting a little annoyed at Emmett's roving hands. He was about to make a point of telling him when John tapped Emmett on the shoulder to cut in. A grateful Bobby showed his gratitude all over John's face and neck.
"Now I know why Dorothy ran away," Bobby murmured into John's ear. With Emmett forgotten, the lovers danced.
Both sans partner, Emmett and Hunter danced together. Hunter was okay with dancing with the flaming Emmett until Emmett started with his praise Jesus moves. Hunter quickly left the dance floor leaving poor Emmett to practice his moves by himself.
About 12:30 they all decided to go back to the farm. It had been a very full and exciting day.
The Navigator and Cherokee pulled into the drive and everyone got out to say their goodnights. Pulling Lindsay aside Brian spoke quietly to her. Justin saw Lindsay sigh then nod. Then Brian pulled his boy back into the Cherokee and they climbed into the back.
"We never did christen your car properly."
"Oh, OH! Okay!"
The moon was hidden behind the treehouse and the dark tinted windows that were quickly fogging up hid the lovers from view. Only the rocking of the truck gave away its occupants' activities.
After a while, the well fucked Brian and Justin got out of the Cherokee. They ran into the house to change their clothes and with flashlights in hand they climbed up into the treehouse to join the sleeping Gus. A small lantern was glowing on the table to keep the wilderness from frightening the little boy. Quietly they crept into their joined sleeping bags, spooned together and soon they too were asleep.
An hour or two later, Brian awoke to a sleepy, squeaky voice.
"What is it Gus?"
"I have to pee."
"Can you hold it till we get inside the house?"
"Don't think so."
Faced with this new dilemma, Brian got up and carried Gus to the balcony level. Brian knelt beside his son then freed their penises from the confines of their pajama pants.
Pointing Gus between the spindles of the railing and positioning himself in the same direction, Brian whispered loudly, "Look out below!"
Gus and Brian giggled as they peed together, sharing a father and son moment and raining urine onto the grass below. Helping the boy to shake it off, Brian readjusted their pajamas and carried Gus up to the enclosure.
"Can I sleep with you and Justin?"
"Sure." Father and son joined Justin in the soft warm sleeping bag. Gus snuggled between his two dads and fell back to sleep.
"Where'd ya go?" Justin asked with a sleep raspy voice.
"We had to pee."
"Remind me to hose down the grass at the back of the tree in the morning."
"Okay." Justin rolled over and he too fell back to sleep.
With the two most important people in his life snuggled closely next him, Brian slept like an angel.