Runaway Life
Chapter 13
Hunter awoke the next morning with the sun streaming into his room. He stretched, got out of bed and crossed to the window, throwing it open to feel the sun on his face. The air was cool and crisp but with the promise of a warm afternoon. Hunter listened to the sounds of the countryside. He loved the quiet of the farm. If he could spend the rest of his life here, on the farm, Hunter would. He leaned a little out the window. If he concentrated, he could hear the rustle of the breeze through the trees, the water flowing over the rocks at the stream, an occasional sleepy bullfrog, and "Justin, fuck me!" Hunter shut the window. Try as he might to be angry and jealous, knowing that blondie was fucking the life out of Brian in the barn, Hunter couldn't. He knew that in this life, in this universe, the sun was Justin, and Brian his only moon allowed to orbit. Brian's orbit may wax and wane on occasion but Brian remained the only satellite.
Shaking his head, Hunter got dressed, straightened up his room and changed the sheets. Secretly he hoped that it wouldn't be Carl and Debbie sleeping in his room that night. The thought of hetero sex taking place on his bed horrified him, especially sex between Carl and Debbie. He shuddered at the visual then went to place the dirty linen in the hamper and get washed up. He packed a small bag so that he could spend the night at the cottage with Michael and Ben. Hunter wanted to get downstairs to help with breakfast and the preparations for the day.
Next door in Bobby and John's room, they were doing the same, changing the sheets and airing out the room. John blushed as Bobby opened the windows to get the smell of sex out of the air. Bobby returned the blush and shook his head. Even after a year, the honeymoon wasn't over. The lover's hugged and laughed in each other's arms. Bobby affectionately patted John's well-ridden rump as they too went to place their sheets in the hamper. Hunter met the lovers in the hall and recognized the signs of afterglow. Bobby winked at Hunter, who rolled his eyes and chuckled. The Kinney-Anderson men had had some night with their blue-eyed, pale skinned lovers.
Again Hunter was amazed at the feelings he was having. Two months ago he would have been green with envy and angry that he would never have someone to love, let alone have sex with. Now, he had more important things to do, like finishing his education, getting a computer, doing a good job at the farm. Hunter wanted the Andersons to be proud of him, especially Bobby. He had taken a lot of little steps and all in the right direction. He could have sworn he was going to wake up anxious, wanting to hide in his room all day. Although he was a little nervous about seeing Michael and Ben, he knew he'd get through it. Meeting Debbie after all this time was going to be another matter but Hunter had a funny feeling Brian would help him out. The trio joined Claire in the kitchen and began the task of getting breakfast on the table.
Brian and Justin skidded to a halt as they sprinted into Claire's kitchen. Brian wore the same well-fucked expression that John had. Bobby and Justin looked as if they grew a few inches taller overnight. Claire had long decided that if she was to survive as the country's version of Debbie, she'd better get over the looks, language and innuendoes really fast. As Claire began to dish up breakfast, Hunter decided he was going to stay a kid for as long as he could and not deal with insatiable partners any time in the near future.
Brian ate his usual light breakfast, having finally found a comfortable position on the cushion Justin brought in from the screen porch for him to sit on. After several cups of coffee and a slice of toast, he was ready to face the day. The amount of food that was going to be cooked and consumed later that afternoon could have fed a small country. Brian knew that with so many mother figures around to plague him, it would behoove him to be hungry later. John stuck with ham and eggs, requiring the extra protein to replenish what he had lost last night. Claire smiled at the healthy appetite Hunter and Justin displayed and noted that even Bobby snuck a second muffin. Claire was also aware of the changes Bobby had gone through over the past month and was pleased that he seemed like his old self again. Breakfast was pleasant, filled with happy chatter and reviewing the day's agenda.
After breakfast, Brian and Justin remained in the kitchen with Claire to prepare the vegetables and season the meat. John, Bobby and Hunter went to the barn to get the table and chairs and to prepare the yard and grill. The Liberty Avenue part of the family would be arriving around noon, Bobby's family was expected at about the same time. Steve, Bill and Bill's long time partner, Gary, were also invited. Both Hunter and Bobby wanted them there.
It was just going on twelve when the first car pulled up the drive; it was Debbie, Carl, Ben and Michael. The minute the car was in park, Debbie and Michael were out and yelling for Hunter. Hunter took a deep breath and pushed open the screen door, closely followed by Brian and Bobby.
"Hunter, oh god, Hunter, you look like you grew a couple of inches." Michael gushed out gibberish and drew the boy into his arms. "Oh, your ribs. Am I hurting you?"
"No, Michael. I'm all better."
"Come here, you little shit. You had us all worried." Debbie sucked Hunter into one of her back breaking, turning blue in the face bear hugs. Hunter found himself smothered by a pair of huge breasts.
"Jesus, Debbie. Will you let the kid go, he can't breathe!" Brian began prying off the red painted fingers.
"And you!" Debbie screamed at Brian. "You asshole, you knew where he was all the time and you didn't tell me. Some fucking best friend you are. Michael and Ben were going crazy."
"Debbie," it was Bobby's turn to explain before Brian had the chance. "Debbie, Brian had no choice. He was instructed not to tell anyone Hunter's location. Brian was only allowed to say that Hunter was well looked after and safe."
Debbie, not quite able to engage her brain before putting her mouth in gear began to tell Bobby where he could get off.
"Why you little red-headed shit, who the fuck do you think you are?" Brian shook his head and stood back, waiting for John's caveman alter ego to attack.
"Debbie..." John growled, stretching to his full height. Bobby quickly put himself between Debbie and John and calmly explained to the un-naturally red headed woman, just exactly who Bobby Morrison was.
"Debbie, I'm Hunter's lawyer. As such, I have the right to protect my client. Hunter was in no way physically or emotionally ready to speak to anyone when we found him. He required medical attention, which we saw to and when he was able, he started counseling sessions with Bill. Now, will you all stop yelling and give the boy the chance to say hello. If you don't behave, I'll recommend to my client that he return to his room and I'll ask you all to leave. So, what will it be?"
Debbie stared at the petite red head with the biggest balls in the state of Pennsylvania. She looked at Hunter, who was wearing rather a smug expression but Debbie's glare wiped the look off his face. Debbie faced the asshole, uh, Brian, who merely shrugged and held up his hands indicating just how big Bobby's balls were. Debbie took a double take at John who went from a murderous look in his eye to beaming with pride at Bobby's boldness. Debbie knew she was beat.
"Okay," was all Debbie could muster. She kissed Hunter then cuffed him on the back of his head. "You just behave yourself." Then she went in the house to assist Claire. Both Hunter and Bobby breathed a sigh of relief.
Michael and Ben gave Hunter proper hello hugs and kisses then looked him over for signs of physical flaws. They were satisfied that life in the country did seem to be the best thing for Hunter and it was beginning to be obvious that he was not going to go back to Pittsburgh with them the next day. Carl gave the boy a handshake then a hug. "I better go soothe someone's ruffled feathers," Carl stated then went in the house to console Debbie.
Temmett's car was pulling in the drive. Jennifer got out, gave Justin a hug and a kiss as well as a kiss to Brian's cheek. She greeted everyone and Justin brought her in the house to show her the albums of their trip to South America. Ted smiled weakly, stretched the kinks of the long drive out then also went in the house to lend a hand. Emmett was his bouncy self, dressed in a sweater of red, yellow, orange and brown with bright orange leather pants. He looked as if he should be raked up with the other leaves. Brian, John and Bobby couldn't help but stare at the man's outfit.
"What? It's Fall. I'm wearing Fall colors."
"Somehow I don't think Mother Nature had you in mind when she created the Autumn season," Bobby said coolly.
"I think you'd look fabulous in this sweater, especially with all that red hair."
"NO!" John, Bobby and Brian shouted back.
"Wimps," Emmett said over his shoulder as he sashayed into the house. John, Bobby, and Brian shook their heads and followed Emmett but not too closely fearing the flames that were burning very brightly.
Everyone pitched in getting the hors d'oeuvres on the table, salads, iced tea and rolls. Claire had vegetables grilling as well as the corn. All that was left to do was put on the meat, greet Steve, Bill and Gary and meet the Morrisons.
Steve, Bill and Gary arrived together and were welcomed by all and sundry. They each grabbed a beer and brought out their folding lawn chairs and made themselves to home. Gary was a big, gentle man. Everyone could see why Bill was so fond of him. After another half hour had passed, everyone was becoming concerned that Bobby's parents hadn't arrived yet. Bobby was sure he had told them the right time, and they had already been to the Anderson house. They couldn't be lost.
"They're not coming," Bobby said in a hushed voice.
"I heard that," John said wrapping his arms around Bobby's waist. "Don't jump to conclusions."
"They would already be here if they were coming."
"We'll give them another fifteen minutes and see if they show."
"They're probably scared out of their fucking wits by everything I told them about the Liberty Avenue gang. Why didn't I keep my mouth shut?"
"Forewarned is forearmed," Brian said walking up to the two. "They seemed like nice people when Justin and I met them. I'm sure they'll be here."
"I wish I could be half as sure as you are," Bobby grumbled. His own fucking parents were going to let him down.
"Hey, I'm usually the pessimist. Cheer up," Brian said. "There's a car coming up the driveway right now."
Bobby's face cleared as he recognized the car. "They came," he said in an outbreath. "They fucking came."
Bobby rushed over to the car as it pulled to a stop. Everyone watched as Bobby's parents emerged and gave their son a hug. Mrs. Morrison opened the back door of the car and pulled out a large cake. Carrying the cake for his mother Bobby led them over to the big group of people. He made the introductions as each person welcomed his parents to the gathering.
"It's nice to meet all of you," Dr. Morrison said. "I'm sure we won't remember everyone's name, but we'll do our best."
"Don't give it a fucking second thought," Debbie piped up. "We answer to anything."
Amid laughter Brian said, "Speak for yourself, Deb."
"I am, you little shit!"
Everyone laughed and Mrs. Morrison looked slightly taken aback at the exchange between Brian and this loud woman. "I should take the cake inside," she said hesitantly. "I'm sorry we're late but I wanted to get the icing just right and it wouldn't cooperate."
"This bunch'll eat any fucking thing," Debbie offered.
"I'll have you know I have a very discriminating palate," Emmett said in his very best queeny voice.
"That's the only fucking thing you're discriminating about," Debbie laughed. Others joined in.
Claire and Jennifer stepped forward to rescue Mrs. Morrison from any more of Debbie's barbs. They ushered her and her cake into the screen porch. Dr. Morrison stood by his son wondering what to do.
"Come have a seat over here," Carl called holding up a beer to the bewildered man.
Dr. Morrison went over to Carl, accepted the beer and flopped down in the chair next to him. He wiped his brow where it was evident he had been sweating.
"Don't worry," Carl told him. "I'm straight and the rest of them are pretty harmless when you get right down to it."
"That's a relief," Dr. Morrison said taking a good swig of the beer. "I'm Dan."
"What about that loud woman?"
"She's my fiancée."
"Oh … oh, I'm sorry," Dan said getting all flustered again.
Carl laughed. "She takes a little getting used to, but she's a helluva woman when you do."
"I'll take your word for it."
"Looks are often deceiving," Carl said philosophically.
Dan frowned thinking about that. "What about the one that looks like an overgrown autumn leaf?" He watched the man swish around the table checking that everyone had cutlery and napkins.
"That's Emmett. He lives with Debbie and me. He's the salt of the earth, one of the most loyal friends you could ever have,"
"Absolutely. He can queen out with the best of them, but he always comes through in the end. Pardon the pun."
Dr. Morrison looked at Carl wondering what pun he was supposed to pardon. "You actually share a house with those two? How … how do you do it?"
"Life is never dull," Carl laughed.
"What do you do … as a job?"
"I'm a police detective."
"Well, I'll be!"
Carl laughed again. "I told you not to judge a book by its cover."
"And you're okay with all this gay stuff?"
"Yeah. I mean, I wasn't at first, but I learned. They're just people who have problems and good times like everyone else. I've come to like and respect every one of them."
"I see." Dan Morrison sat back watching the bantering and jokes being cracked all around them.
In the kitchen Claire set the cake on the counter. She turned to Emily Morrison and smiled gently. She wanted this woman to like her for her son's sake … and for Bobby.
"That looks like a delicious cake," she said.
"It's chocolate, an old family recipe. The icing is a concoction of my own. I didn't think I was going to get it right in time to bring it."
"It was lovely of you to go to all that trouble," Jennifer said. "I'm Justin's mother, Jennifer Taylor, in case you don't remember."
"I had dinner with your son and his … partner a few weeks ago. He's a lovely young man."
Jennifer laughed. "Yes, he is, but he also has his moments."
"Don't they all," Claire added.
"All what?" Debbie asked coming through the door.
"We were just talking about our sons," Jennifer said. "Michael, the one with dark hair, is Debbie's son."
"Unless I kill him first," Debbie said.
"What did Michael do?"
"He's been getting reports about Hunter all this time and he never said a word to me. I should ream his ass but good."
Claire looked at Emily whose eyes had gotten very big once again. "Hunter's been staying with us until he sorts himself out."
"Is Hunter gay too?"
"The jury's still out on that one," Debbie snapped. "What needs doing in here?" she asked Claire.
"The meat went on the barbecue just as you pulled up so I think we should be able to set everything else out on the tables. We're lucky it's such a lovely fall day and we can eat outside."
They all grabbed bowls and started carrying them out to the table. Before long they were all seated around the tables having loaded their plates and dug into the delicious fare. There was lots of talk and jokes and kibitzing. Emily and Dan Morrison watched with interest as these new friends of their son revealed more and more about themselves as the afternoon wore on.
When they finally finished eating everyone helped clear the tables and bring out the desserts. Most people were too full to eat and just lounged around while they waited for the coffee to brew.
Brian got up and went over to the old tree that held Gus' treehouse. He sat on the lowest step and lit a cigarette.
"Those'll kill ya," a voice said.
"So I've been told," Brian replied as he smiled at Dan Morrison.
"Is this the treehouse you told me about at dinner the other night?"
"Yeah, want the grand tour?"
"I'd love it."
Brian stood and crushed out his cigarette before leading Dan up the steps. They stopped at the first level and looked out at the group of people lounging around the tables. Some people waved at them. Brian saw Justin's sunshine smile and had to smile back. They climbed the rest of the way to the house and Brian opened the door.
"This is unbelievable," Dan said looking around. "A fireplace?"
"Yeah," Brian laughed. "Nothing but the best for my Sonny Boy. It runs on gel."
"I love this painting of you and Gus playing chess."
"Thank you," Justin said having decided to join his lover.
"Did you paint it, Justin?"
"I did."
"As I said, nothing but the best for us Kinney men." Brian leaned in and kissed Justin lightly on the lips.
Dan watched them. It seemed such a natural thing, so right for a loving partner to do. He wondered why he was so worried about Bobby's future life, especially if his son could have something like this.
"Your son is very lucky, Brian," Dan said.
"Thanks. I guess we should go down and join in eating the million and one calories that have so lovingly been provided for us."
"You can eat off my plate," Justin volunteered.
"My girlish figure is indebted to you," Brian laughed giving Justin another kiss.
Dan Morrison smiled as he followed them out of the treehouse.
While Claire and Debbie were making sure everyone had a piece of cake or slab of pie, Rachel, Bobby's sister pulled up. Bobby got up to greet his flustered sister.
"You're late," Bobby scolded.
"Tell me about it. Cindy had another soccer meet. I couldn't get out of car pool duty."
"Better late than never. Come and meet everyone. Hope you're hungry, we have tons of food."
"I'm starving. Hi everyone!" Rachel greeted the family en masse.
"This is my sister, Rachel," Bobby explained.
The whole gang shouted back, "Hi Rachel!"
"Oooo, she's lovely! Come and sit by me, honey. I want to hear all the dish on your hot little brother." Emmett got a chair for Rachel and she joined him at the table.
Bobby moaned out loud and mumbled, "I'll never live this down."
John chuckled softly and drew the younger man onto his lap. "You'll survive, baby. I promise." Bobby smiled at the soft hazel eyes that so comforted him and nuzzled John's ear. "Awww!" The family said collectively as Bobby's face turned a similar shade of red as his hair.
Even Bobby's mother smiled at the genuine affection John showed for her son. Emily couldn't help but notice how similar John and Brian were both physically and in their love for their partners. And how open everyone was in showing their affection for one another. Debbie may have been Michael's mother but it was obvious how much she loved Brian and all her boys. Emily discovered that under that bright red wig was the true Earth Mother of Liberty Avenue. She wondered how Carl was able to put up with it all then realized that Carl was Debbie's anchor. Debbie gave Carl the freedom to let loose as Carl grounded Debbie to earth.
Ted and Emmett were the singles of the group but somehow they didn't seem to mind and apparently being single didn't mean you were alone, at least if Emmett's tales of his sexploits were to be believed. And Emily wasn't sure if she believed him, although the family had no doubts. Ted appeared to be just what he looked like, a quiet accountant. And while he appeared mild and meek, Brian trusted him with his money and so did Steve. Ben and Michael were married and acted like they were still on their honeymoon and like any teenager, embarrassing Hunter with their open displays of affection. Emily suspected it was an act on Hunter's part and definitely no act on Ben and Michael's part. Emily was almost envious as Rachel joined in the fun, so accepting of the diversity that was sitting at the table.
Jennifer caught the wave of perplexity that flashed across Emily's face. She sat next to Emily and took the woman's hands in hers. "You've raised two beautiful children; you have a lot to be proud of." Emily smiled, she didn't quite grasp the whole of Jennifer's statement but she was proud of her children. Emily nodded in agreement.
Dessert was a quiet affair. Afterwards everyone helped to set up a table in the screened porch so that anyone who wanted to pick on the leftovers could at their leisure. The family broke up into smaller groups taking strolls to the stream, Emily and Rachel were given the treehouse tour and John gave Hunter back his watch.
John wanted to present the watch during the meal but Bobby convinced John to slip the watch to Hunter quietly. Ben and Michael didn't have to know that Hunter was robbed not unless Hunter told them himself and Bobby was sure he would later that night when they were alone. The overjoyed Hunter gave John a fierce hug.
Before the sun started to set Bobby and Brian wandered off to the stream. Bobby was nervous and wanted to sneak a cigarette from Brian.
"Better not let John see you do that. He'll ream the two of us out and not in a positive life affirming way," Brian quipped while lighting Bobby's cigarette. Bobby coughed a couple of times as the harsh smoke filled his lungs. Brian laughed.
"What's up, Bobby? You didn't follow me here to bum a smoke."
"I need your advice."
"My advice?" Brian questioned with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes. What we talked about yesterday, at the cemetery. I'm going to speak to Steve tomorrow. I didn't want to do it today and ruin the party. I..."
"What?" Brian asked softly.
"Would you come with me?"
"Wouldn't you rather have your partner there instead?"
"I think I need an objective friend more. I did tell John about everything. He's a little torn up about it. He's known Steve for most of his life. In some ways he always hoped that Steve and Claire would get married. They are kind of suited for each other and have the same goals in mind for the Farm. If they got married John wouldn't be so worried about her being lonely."
"Who knows, Bobby, that may still happen. This farm has a way of performing miracles. I'll go with you. And I don't need an excuse. I think I still owe Steve money for cow therapy." Brian grabbed the cigarette from Bobby and snubbed it out. "You don't need that shit. Let's go back before a frog tries to slime me."
Bobby started to laugh when a bullfrog hopped out of his burrow for a last look around before his winter slumber. Brian jumped, both of them, the frog and Brian scurried off in opposite directions leaving Bobby in tears with hysterical laughter.
When Bobby rejoined the family, Brian was in full queen out mode, pacing the yard with Justin following closely trying to calm the man. Bobby's uncontrollable laughter took hold again as he described to the family Brian's run-in with the dreaded frog. The whole yard was brimming with laughter including the Morrisons. Across the yard Brian was holding up his arms describing a six foot bullfrog to Justin. Bobby caught Justin's eye and held up his fingers indicating a six inch bullfrog. Justin nodded then turned his attention back to his irate ranting lover. He flashed a 100 watt smile, batted the baby blues, stopping Brian in mid tantrum. Brian held open his arms for Justin.
"Awww!" the family exclaimed in unison as all was right in the world again.
Dan leaned over to Bobby, "Does that happen often?"
"What, Dad?"
"Brian's queen outs and Justin's remedy for them."
"You don't know the half of it," Bobby said as father and son shared the moment.
The afternoon was a complete success. The Morrisons left with a new understanding of their son's lifestyle; the Morrison family felt complete. Rachel left with new friends to keep in touch with and with new recipes. Steve, Bill and Gary left knowing that the work done by Steve and Bill with Hunter was paying off. The Anderson-Kinney family said good night to the Morrisons and continued cleaning up.