I Promise You, I Will (Here Come The Brides) 


Chapter 4



Gus sauntered into Emmett’s bistro looking so much like his father in a snazzy sport coat, white shirt with the top two buttons undone, and designer jeans that fit his trim physique.  He looked around then ordered a cup of Emm’s special coffee and a popover.

“She’s out back,” Sean said as he handed Gus his ordered.

“Thanks,” Gus replied with a flirty smile.  Sean smirked, shaking his head as he pointed toward the yard.  Gus giggled.

“Hi, big brother,” JR called out as Gus entered the yard. 

“Hey,” Gus replied as he put his coffee and popover on the table before lifting JR out of her seat to give her a huge hug.  “It’s been so long,” he said as he swung her around.

“Put me down, you brute,” she said as she laughed, tightening her hold around Gus’ neck. 

“I missed you,” Gus murmured into her hair.

“And whose fault is that?  You’re the one who’s constantly globetrotting,” JR pointed out.  He put her down then they both sat.

“Yeah, I know but…”

“No need to explain.  Uncle Brian trusts you to do Kinnetik business and supervise the new house renovations,” said JR.  She gave her brother a gentle smile and saw the relief in his eyes.  The siblings paused their conversation to enjoy a bit of their snack.

“How are the renovations going?” JR asked after a while.

“Done.  There’s some little stuff that Hudson is still working on but the rooms are all finished.  And the honeymoon suite is perfect,” Gus said with a grin.

“I still can’t believe your dad offered us his house like that.”

“It’s why he bought it and besides he loves you.  I think he and Jus will eventually retire there.”

“You mean live there all year round and give up the lane?”

“No, but I can see them spending the winter months there.”

“What about Uncle Jus?  Will he be happy to spend that much time there?  He’ll miss his studio,” JR commented.  Gus shook his head.  “What do you mean no?”

“Pop had the nursery converted into this huge studio, but don’t say anything, it’s a surprise,” Gus warned.  JR nodded while making a lock and key gesture over her mouth.  “Now what’s going on with you?” Gus asked as his eyebrow automatically arched.

“You know, you are a lot like your dad,” JR couldn’t help commenting.

“I’ll take that as a compliment, now spill,” Gus demanded.  Then Gus’ demeanor suddenly changed.  “Wait, you’re not getting cold feet, are you?” Gus asked with concern.

“No way, I’m just worried about Jacq.”

“You think she’ll back out at the last minute?”

“No,” JR emphatically stated with confidence.  “I think sometimes she overthinks things like worrying about our age difference, our backgrounds; stuff like that.  What bothers me is that she has no family, I mean no one else in her life.”

“I thought she was close to the women that she works with,” said Gus.

“She is but they’re not family.  Dad’s walking me down the aisle, Ben is the officiant, and Bree is my maid of honor.  Jacq has no one,” JR said quietly.  Gus stared at his cup for a moment.

“I’d proudly stand up for her, if she’d let me,” Gus offered.  JR gave him a smile.

“Thank you big brother but honestly, I don’t think she’d be comfortable with that.”

“Not sure she’d be comfortable with anyone in our crazy family.  And you’re sure she doesn’t want any of her friends or co-workers to be her bestie?”

“I’m pretty sure if she did, she would have said something by now.  Auntie Emm has everything planned out but he’s flexible.”

“I’m sure he is,” Gus commented with a sly grin.

“Eiww, that’s gross!” JR exclaimed as she got Gus’ double entendre.  “He’s old.”

“He’s not that old and Drew’s hot.”

“Okay, not liking where this is going.  Can we please stay on track here,” JR commanded.

“Yeah, sure.”  The siblings quieted as they sipped their coffees and enjoyed their muffins.

“Jacq’s a bit of a loner, isn’t she?” Gus asked.

“Yup,” JR agreed.  “With some trust issues too,” JR said as she rolled her eyes.

“Hold that thought,” Gus said as he fished his phone out of his pocket.  Grabbing JR’s wrist to check her watch, Gus hit a number on his speed dial.  “Can you talk?  Good, I’m with JR and putting you on speaker.”

“Hi JR!” Bree called out.

“Hi Bree.  How was the dance?”

“It was fun; I can’t wait to tell you all about it!”

“Yeah, but not right now,” Gus cut in before his sisters started talking girlie stuff.  “We have a problem and want your input,” Gus explained.

“Okaaay,” Bree snarked.  Gus briefly explained the situation.  “Hmm.  So, the issue is finding a bestie for a stubborn loner,” Bree summed up the problem with her usual style and panache (cough, cough) that she apparently inherited from her elder father.

“Yup,” said Gus.

“Hey,” JR complained.

“Come on, be honest,” Gus said to JR.  She could only shrug her shoulders and nod.  JR had to admit that Jacq was stubborn and definitely valued her personal space.

“Any ideas?” JR asked.

“Yeah, I think so,” said Bree, “but give me about twenty minutes and I’ll call you back.  Bye.”  And she was gone.

JR looked up at her brother.  “Are you sure it was a good idea to get advice from Bree?” JR asked pensively.

“Piece of cake!” Gus said with confidence.  “Uh, you want more coffee?”

“Yeah, and one of Emm’s gooey brownies, I think I’m going to need it,” said JR.  Gus nodded as he stood up then he gave JR a poignant look.  “Okay, we can share the brownie,” JR griped about calorie counting gay men.  Gus grinned before going back into the bistro.

Bree hurried into the cafeteria then scanned the room.  Finding who she was looking for, she made a beeline toward their table.

“Hi Bree,” both Ashley and Peter called out as she approached.

“Hey.  I’m so glad you’re here.  We have a problem,” Bree announced as she flopped into a chair then began pulling her lunch out of her bag, adding to the communal pile in the middle of the table that they all shared.

“We do?” snarked Peter as he pawed through the pile.

“I mean I have a problem.  Well, not me personally but…”

“Why don’t you start at the beginning,” Ashley calmly suggested as she held up her hand to stop Bree’s rambling.  Peter hid a smirk as he rolled his eyes.  Bree took a large bite out of her sandwich then relayed what Gus told her about Jacq and the wedding.

“So basically, Jacq needs a ‘best man or woman’ but doesn’t really have any close friends,” said Ashley.  “That’s so sad but not everyone has to have someone standing next to them, right?”

“That’s true, but JR feels bad since everyone at the wedding will be our family.  Jacq has some co-workers coming but…”

“But not someone she feels close with,” Peter softly pointed out.

The kids ate their lunch in silence thinking about Jacq’s dilemma while sharing sandwiches, fruit, and snacks.

“I’ll do it!” Peter declared as he suddenly sat straight up.  “Jacq’s been very nice to me and she deserves to have someone there just for her, but will it be legal?  I’m still a minor, I don’t think I’m allowed to sign anything,” said Peter as he slumped back down into his chair.  Ashley beamed proudly toward Peter as she patted his hand.

“I’ll call Gus,” Bree said as she dug in her bag for her phone.  “Hey, Peter said he’ll do it but wants to know does he have to sign anything cause he can’t do that.  Wait, let me put you on speaker,” said Bree.  Peter and Ashley leaned in closer to hear better.

“He wouldn’t have to sign anything,” JR said as she took over the conversation.  “Mama Mel and Ben are planning to be the official witnesses,” JR explained.

“That’s good,” Peter said.  “Um, who’s going to tell Jacq?” Peter pensively asked.

“I’ll talk to her tonight,” said JR.  “I’m sure she’ll call you later either way.  And thank you Peter for volunteering.  I know for a fact that she likes you,” JR said.  “But you never know with her, so don’t be disappointed if she doesn’t like the idea.”  Then she added, “Thanks Bree.  I’ll call you later.  Bye!”

“Bye!” everyone called out as they hung up.

“That went well,” Gus commented.  “But I don’t envy you and your conversation with Jacq.”

“Yes, I guess she can be a little intimidating but she really has a heart of gold.”

“If she didn’t I wouldn’t let her near you,” Gus declared with masculine pride.

“Like I can’t take care of myself,” JR fought back.

“You know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I do,” JR gave her sibling a warm loving smile.  “I think I’m stuffed.  I need to walk off the brownie.”

Brother and sister got up and began to clear the table.

“Let’s walk over to the Babylon garden.  I haven’t had a chance to see it yet,” said Gus as they brought their trays into the bistro.  Both brother and sister gave Sean flirty smiles as they said, “Bye Sean!” 

Sean laughed as he pointed toward the front door and shouted, “Out!”

“This is so beautiful,” JR whispered as Gus pushed open the heavy gate.  Most of the Spring flowers were in full bloom and there were buds on the Summer plants waiting their turn.  “How does he do this?”

“You mean Pop and his green thumb?”  JR nodded with awe.  “I have no clue.  That’s not totally true.  I understand it after he’s finished and the plants have grown in or the flowers are blooming; it’s his vision before the fact that’s scary awesome.”

“That’s probably why he’s good at his job,” JR commented.

“Yeah,” Gus said with a bit of a frown.

“Hey, you do know you’re just as good.  And you have the same work ethic as he does,” JR pointed out.

“How would you know?”

“Kinnetik has been in the neighborhood for a long time. The business association frequently uses Kinnetik's business model as an example of best practice and on how to give back to the community.  Prime example, this green space,” said JR as she waved her arms around.

“I never knew,” murmured Gus.

“Come to the next meeting, if you’re not globetrotting, and bring Ray.  I think there’s one just before the wedding,” said JR.  “I’ll send you the details.  Uncle Ted usually represents Kinnetik.”

“Maybe I will.  Speaking about work…”

“Yeah, time to go.”

Brother and sister hugged before going their separate ways.




“Hey Ted,” said Gus as he sauntered into Kinnetik.

“Hi Gus, you look like a man with something on his mind,” Ted observed.

“Yeah, let’s go into your office,” Gus suggested.  “What do you think of the Pittsburgh Business Society?” asked Gus as he plopped himself down into the chair in front of Ted’s desk.

“I think it’s a good way of sharing best practices and keeping abreast of any changes in local laws that could affect the way we do business.  Plus, we share information on local crime news,” said Ted.  “We have a lot of small mom and pop shops that can be vulnerable to break ins.  That sort of stuff.  Of course, we don’t share any specific business secrets but sometimes there’s safety in numbers.  The larger businesses may have more clout which can help the smaller businesses,” Ted explained.  Gus nodded at the logic.

“Occasionally we’ll have a guest speaker such as a deputy mayor or local police representative.  Or sometimes it’s just one of us needing to vent.  Why do you ask?”

“JR mentioned that I might want to go to the next meeting with Ray,” Gus replied.

“You and JR talked about the business association?” Ted asked with astonishment.

“Yes, we don’t only talk about brother and sister stuff.  We both do work,” Gus growled.

“Yes, yes, of course.”

“Does Dad go to the meetings?”

“He has in the past.  Most of the time he’d look bored then pretend to fall asleep.  Then he’d complain about the bad coffee,” Ted said.  “Every once in a while, depending on the topic, your dad would contribute his pearls of wisdom, and I don’t mean to sound flippant.  Your father is a very astute businessman.  When he speaks, it’s gold and they listen.  He helps when he can.”

“What do you mean, helps?”

“He has a knack of pointing people in the right direction or focusing the conversation.”

“Hmm.  JR said there’s a meeting soon.”

“This Thursday at 6pm.”

“I’ll mention it to Ray.”

“We’d be happy to have you,” said Ted with a genuine smile.  “In the meantime, the Eyeconic account needs your attention.”  Gus nodded, got himself a large coffee then went up to the office he shared with Ray to get to work.

After a few hours of work, a lot of coffee, and several colorful words, Gus threw a pencil across the room.  When he picked up another one and was about to lob it, Ray decided to step in.

“Hey, buddy, why don’t you put down the pencil and step away from the table.  Tell me what’s going on,” Ray suggested as he approached his frustrated partner.

“Coffee,” said Gus.

“I think you’ve had enough coffee for now.  Talk now then maybe I’ll get you a decaf.”  Gus glared at the word decaf.  “Come on, big guy, you’re good at talking, so spill.”

Gus rambled on about the Eyeconic account and that it has always been a pain to work on.  They’ve never been satisfied but they always renew.  Gus sighed as his shoulders slumped.

Ray listened.  The account was a good one but nothing that would make or break them, but Gus prided himself on not losing any of his dad’s original accounts.  Ray knew that Gus would keep on working on it until he collapsed or got it right.

“Maybe it’s time to consult your old man,” Ray said with a grin.

“Them’s fighting words,” Gus quipped.

“I can take you,” Ray retorted.  The boys shared a laugh then Gus reluctantly agreed.  “I’ll get you that coffee,” said Ray when Gus picked up the phone.

“Hey Dad.”

“What’s wrong, Sonny Boy?”

“How…?  Never mind.  The Eyeconic account is up for renewal.”

“Is that bitch giving you trouble?” Brian growled.

“No, she left the company a long time ago and went to work for their competition.”

“And how’s that company doing?”

“So far, not so great.”

“Who’s handling their ads?”

“One guess.”

“You’re kidding.”

“Nope.  Do we get involved?”

“No, not unless they ask; in the meantime, fill me in on Eyeconic.”

About an hour later, father and son ended their conversation.  The son went back to work with renewed confidence and enthusiasm.  The father left with increased pride in his son and with the knowledge that he still had something to contribute.




“Hi, long day,” Jacq called out from the kitchen as JR entered their home.

“Yeah, just finalizing the work schedule for the next month,” JR replied.

“Are we planning to be away that long?”

“You never know,” JR answered with a weary smile.  She was happy that Jacq hadn’t immediately objected to the possibility of a longer honeymoon.

“You look like you could use a nice glass of wine,” Jacq commented.

“Maybe later.  What are you cooking?”

“Chicken with rice.  Are you hungry?”

“Yes, I am.”

“We have about fifteen minutes if you want to get cleaned up and change.”

“Can we talk first?”  ‘No time like the present,’ JR thought to herself.

“Of course, we can.  What about?”

“The ceremony.”

“I thought we had that all planned out.”

“There’s one detail I’d like to discuss.”

“Go ahead.”

“I realize we’re having not a typical wedding and I’m very pleased about how we’ve worked things out, but it still bothers me that you have no one to stand up with you at the altar.”

“We don’t have an altar,” Jacq so helpfully pointed out.

“You know what I mean,” JR groused.  Jacq nodded.  “If I made a suggestion, would you consider it?”

“Yes, but you know why I haven’t asked anyone.”

“You’ve told me your reasons.”

“And you’re still going to suggest someone.”

“Yes,” said JR as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.




“Yes, Peter Chang.  My grandma’s Peter,” said JR, expecting an explosion.



“Yes, wow.  I never thought of him.  I never thought of “a him”.  I kept thinking females.”

“So, what do you think?  When we’ve gone to the lane, you and he seem to gravitate toward each other and appear to have lengthy conversations.  It’s obvious you two have something in common with each other.”

“Huh, I never realized.”

“It’s not a bad thing.  Our family is made up of several interesting friendships and relationships.  Nobody blinks twice at them.  And we don’t gossip either.  I’m happy you’ve found someone to share confidences.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Then don’t say anything.  I’m going to clean up then I’ll set the table.  Just think about it, please,” JR said as she walked to their room.

“I promise, I will,” said Jacq as she checked the chicken.

When JR returned to the kitchen, Jacq was cutting up the chicken.  The rice and vegetables had been plated.  JR immediately set the table and poured the wine.  Then they sat and ate in companionable silence.  Jacq was quiet, well, even more quiet than usual for Jacq.  JR wasn’t worried.  She had made her case and knew Jacq would truly weigh all factors before making her decision.

“More wine?” JR asked before she put away the bottle.

“Yes, please, just a small glass,” Jacq replied.  “Thanks.”  JR poured them both a small glass then continued to clean up.  “You’re not going to ask me.”

“Ask you what?”

“My decision.”

“You’re a very logical person.  I’m sure you’ll consider the pros and cons then make a decision based upon your conclusions.”

“Sounds like you’re the logical one,” Jacq said with a smile.  She then got up from her chair to take JR in her arms.  “Thank you and whomever you consulted.  I’ve never had so many people in my corner like this before.  It’s a bit overwhelming.”

“I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable,” JR said with concern.

“You haven’t.  I may feel overwhelmed but it’s in a good way.  And in answer to your unspoken question,  yes.  Peter is young but he has an old soul.  We do have a lot in common mostly due to a challenging childhood.  Plus, we’re both very fortunate to have been sucked up into this crazy family of yours,” Jacq said with a laugh.

“Hey, you are a part of this family, you know,” JR reminded her.

“How can I forget,” Jacq retorted as she checked her watch.  “I’ll call Peter and formally ask him to be a part of the ceremony.”  JR gave her a warm smile then a fierce hug.

“I’ll give you some privacy,” JR said as she brought the utensils into the kitchen.


“Good evening, Carl, this is Jacqueline Archer.  How are you?”  Jacqueline had decided to call their house phone.  She had nothing to hide and Carl and Debbie were Peter’s guardians.

“Very well, Jacqueline.  How are you?  Are you and JR prepared for the big day?” asked Carl, already knowing the answer when Emmett was involved.

“Very prepared,” Jacq chuckled.  “I don’t think I’ve ever been this prepared for anything in my life!”  She and Carl shared a laugh.

“That’s Emmett for you.  Now, I don’t think you called to speak to an old straight man.  Are you looking for Debbie?”

“Actually, I’d like to speak with Peter if he’s not too busy.”

“Peter it is.  I’ll get him.”

“Hello?”  For a second, Peter looked at the strange object in his hand with curiosity.

“Hi Peter, it’s Jacq.”

“Hi, uh, how are you?”

“I’m fine, everything is fine.  I wanted to call you to first thank you for offering to stand up with me and secondly to accept your offer.”


“Yes, really.  Honestly, I’m not sure if I’m doing this for myself or JR but either way, it feels right.  And I really appreciate it.  One more thing, do Debbie and Carl know?  I don’t want Debbie to be angry.”  Peter snickered.  “Laugh it up but you have to live with her.”  They both laughed.

“Yes, they know.”

“Good.  Please put Carl back on; I’ll see you at the rehearsal.  And thanks again, I really do appreciate this.”

“Okay, see you in a few days.  Bye.”

“Bye.”  Jacq waited a few seconds until Carl picked up the phone.  “Carl, just letting you know I’ve accepted Peter’s offer to be my best man.  He’s a good kid.”

“Yes, he is.  And you’re a good woman.  You’ve made JR very happy.”

“She makes me happy.  We’ll see you at the rehearsal,” Jacq said before she and Carl ended their call.

“All good?” JR asked as she brought out the last of the wine for a toast.

“All good,” Jacq replied as they clinked glasses then enjoyed a sip and the rest of their night.

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