I Promise You, I Will (Here Come The Brides) 


Chapter 3




Justin knocked on Bree’s bedroom door.  “Are you ready, sweetheart?” he asked.

“Almost.  I’ll be right out.”

“Your Dada is ready to go so don’t be too long, okay?”


Bree stared at herself in her mirror.  She spun around watching the skirt of her dress swirl around her.  She loved this dress so much.  She hoped Charlie liked it too.  With one last look in the mirror Bree picked up her little evening bag.  Before she opened the door to her bedroom, she asked Ashley a question.

“What do you think?” Bree asked Ashley.

“I think you’ll be the prettiest maid of honor ever,” Ashley gushed.  Ashley gave Bree a strong hug then left the room so that Bree could make her grand entrance for her parents.

Bree walked down the hall to the kitchen where she knew everyone was waiting for her.  As she entered the kitchen she heard an audible gasp.  She glanced around the room wondering what was wrong.  Her fathers and her uncles stared at her with no words being spoken.

“What’s wrong?” Bree asked with a frown.  “Do I look bad?”

“Hell no, sweetheart,” John said in his big voice.  “You look beyond beautiful.  You take our breath away.”

Bree smiled in relief.  “Thank you, Uncle John,” she said.

“We all concur with John’s assessment,” Bobby added.

Bree’s smile got larger.  She looked at her younger father who was smiling proudly at her.  Her Dada, however, was a different story.  His face was somber with no smile at all.

“Dada, what’s wrong?”

Brian swallowed hard.  He cleared his throat to get rid of the lump that had formed there.  “Nothing’s wrong, Squirt!  You just took me by surprise.  I can’t believe you are such a beautiful grown up young lady.  You look … wonderful.”

Bree quickly strode toward her father and gave him a fierce hug.  “I love you, Dada,” she whispered to him.

“I love you more,” Brian whispered in reply.

“I think we should get going,” Justin said before things got more emotional.

“Definitely,” Brian agreed as Bree released her grip on him.

Justin and Brian got into Justin’s Jeep.  Bree and Ashley took the back seat.  They picked up Peter at Debbie’s.  He looked good in a new shirt, tie and jacket that had been purchased for this occasion.  He climbed into the back seat of the Jeep beside Bree.

“Wow!” he said when he got a look at Bree.  “You outdid yourself.  Charlie will be blown away.”

Bree scowled at him.  “I just wanted to look nice,” she added.  “You look pretty good too.”  Ashley nodded in agreement.

Peter felt himself blushing.  He merely smiled not knowing what to say.

“You can say thank you when you get a compliment,” Justin advised having heard the exchange from the back seat.

“Thank you,” Peter mumbled to Bree.  Peter also complimented Ashley as did the rest of them.

Justin smiled to himself, teenagers, then he briefly scowled.  Was he really that bad when he was a teen, Justin thought to himself as he glanced at Brian.  Brian smirked as if he knew what Justin was thinking.  Brian gave his spouse a wink.  Young people always had such a hard time as teenagers, but then they gave as good as they got.  It was good to see Peter taking some steps toward becoming the man they all hoped he would be.

There was a lot of silence from the back seat as they made their way to the school.  When Brian parked the car and they piled out, Justin heard Bree whisper to Peter.  “It’s going to be fine.  Ashley and I have your back.”

“I have yours too,” replied Peter.

They all made their way into the school and to the gym where the dance was held.  Ashley rushed over to her mother as soon as they came in.  She looked pretty in a pale blue dress. Brian and Justin made their way over to where the other chaperones had congregated.  Ashley’s mother was one of them and she smiled proudly as she watched her daughter and complimented Bree’s dress and Peter’s outfit. 

Bree glanced around the gym, and then she saw Charlie making his way toward her.  She smiled and he smiled back.  As Charlie approached, Bree stepped forward to greet him.

“Wow!  You look amazing,” Charlie said as he handed her a wrist corsage which she placed on her wrist.  Charlie took a fleeting glance at Bree’s parents.  Justin smiled while Brian glared as he arched a brow.

“Thanks,” Bree said with a smile.  “You look good too.”

“Peter,” Charlie said with a nod in Peter’s direction.

Peter was surprised that Charlie had even acknowledged that he was there.  “Charlie,” he said in reply.

“You here with Ashley?” Charlie asked.

Peter glanced at Ashley who gave him a little smile and a nod.  “I guess you could say that.”

At that moment the DJ started to play a song.  “Want to dance?” Charlie asked Bree who nodded and they walked out onto the floor where other couples held onto each other and swayed to the music.  Bree and Charlie did the same.

“I see what you mean about the guys not being much as dancers,” Peter said as he observed the goings-on.

“I told you; you had nothing to worry about,” Ashley said with a grin.

“You were right.  I can stand in one spot and sway back and forth.  No problem at all.”

Ashley giggled.  “Anyone can.”

“Hey, don’t underestimate my dancing skills, especially after I’ve had lessons from two such masters as you and Bree.”

Ashley giggled again.  “Want to put those lessons to use?” she asked.

“Um … sure.”

Peter and Ashley stepped out onto the dance floor and began to sway together.

“Thanks for letting Charlie think we’re here together,” Peter said after a minute.  “It’ll make things easier for me.”

“You’re welcome, and we are here together.”

“You and Bree have been great.  I just wish…”  Peter didn’t finish that statement.

“You wish you had someone you really wanted to be dancing with?”

“Yeah, I guess.  Even though I really appreciate dancing with you.”

“I appreciate dancing with you too.”

“I … um … I asked Joe to go to JR and Jacq’s wedding with me,” Peter admitted.

“You did?  That’s great.”

“Thanks, I’m kind of looking forward to it.”

“I bet you are.  Too bad you didn’t invite Joe here tonight.”

“But then I wouldn’t be dancing with you.”

“You are really a flirt, you know.”

“I am?” Peter asked in surprise.  He had never thought of such a thing.

“You just need to relax and enjoy yourself then the best of you comes out.”

“Huh.”  That gave Peter something to think about, something he had never considered before.  He wondered if that was all it took to fit in with other people.  He had never been able to fit in, at least not until Bree and Ashley had decided to make him part of their little triad.  “You know,” Peter said thoughtfully, “you make it so easy to relax and enjoy myself.  You’re really very special, Ashley.”

Ashley felt herself blushing.  “Thank you for saying that.  I really appreciate it.”

“Anytime,” Peter said and he truly meant it.

Bree and Charlie were dancing in silence.  Bree could feel eyes on them.  She imagined some people were jealous of how good they looked together.  She knew they made a great looking couple, but there was more to being together than looking great.  She wished Charlie would say something but he seemed intent on holding onto her, not having a conversation.  She decided she better take things into her own hands.

“Are you enjoying the dance?” Bree asked.

“Sure,” Charlie said.  This was followed by more silence.

“I’m glad,” Bree said.  More silence.  Bree looked around and saw Ashley and Peter dancing.  They looked like they were enjoying themselves.  She wished she could say the same.

While taking a small break and having a drink of punch Bree noticed that a lot of kids from her club were at the dance.  She motioned to Ashley who looked around.  Bree and Ashley shared a large smile then proceeded to “collect” their fellow club members including Peter, taking them onto the dance floor for some more fun.  The DJ noticed the influx of kids and played some earsplitting music that only kids today could enjoy.  Bree, Ashley, and Peter laughed, shouted, and danced along with their friends.

The dance proceeded with breaks for punch and some bites to eat.  Justin and Brian watched the kids dancing and other groups of teens in conversation, finding it more than a little boring as the evening wore on.  They had decided to stay to help when Susanna hinted that a few of the chaperones had bowed out.   The DJ noticed some of the parents and teachers and even a few kids were looking a bit bored, so he decided to change things up by playing a few of the “oldies.”  He played several classic disco hits for which the kids had fun trying out their own Travolta moves.  The next batch of songs were some good old thumpa thumpa music and then a few slower songs.  A number of chaperones boldly took to the dance floor enjoying one or two dances.  Then suddenly “Save the Last Dance For Me” filled the air.

“Shall we?” Brian asked Justin.  For a second, Justin searched Brian’s face, seeing only love and strength.  Justin took his hand.

Together they made their way onto the dance floor and did a reprise of the dance they did on that fateful night of Justin’s bashing.  Most of those present simply watched although a few did dance along with them.

When the song was over, Peter looked at Ashley.  “I can’t believe they just did that.”

“They’re good dancers,” Ashley affirmed.

“I didn’t mean the dancing so much as the fact they did that in front of everyone.”

“Everyone in this area knows Brian and Justin.  They have contributed so much to the school and the community.”

“I mean, I can’t believe they danced together like that.”

Ashley began to realize what Peter was getting at.  “Everyone knows they’re gay and they’re married and they have danced together at school dances before.”


“Really,” Ashley stated.

“That gives me … hope,” Peter said thoughtfully.

The rest of the dance proceeded without incident.




“Hello?”  Michael shouted as he came through the door to his and Ben’s home.

“Up here,” came the response.

Michael had been helping Danny at the book store.  The damp Spring was playing havoc with Danny’s arthritis, and he was so looking forward to dancing with his granddaughter at her wedding.  Danny’s doctor had suggested resting, elevating his legs, and being an overall couch potato for a couple of weeks prior to the main event.  So, Danny called Michael and Michael said yes to helping at the store.  Michael thought it was a good excuse to keep a close eye on the girls’ house just in case they needed some help for the wedding.

Smelling something warm and tantalizing coming from the kitchen, Michael asked Ben, “Do I have time for a quick shower before dinner?”

“You sure do,” Ben happily replied.  Ben was in the guest room/den humming to himself as he ironed a few summer weight shirts that he planned on taking to the lane.  Their luggage was laid out on the bed with neatly folded items next to each suitcase.

Michael went into their room to change.  As he did, he noticed a pile of papers on Ben’s bedside table.  Most were the usual essay and exam booklets he was used to seeing but one long notepad stood out.  Unable to resist, Michael picked up the pad and began to read.  It was a speech, an officiate speech.  Ben was planning to be the officiant at JR and Jacq’s wedding.  Michael was a bit shocked and slightly angered.  How dare Ben usurp Michael’s position as father of the bride?  He was about to march into the den and have it out with Ben when he heard a phone ring. 

“Hi Sweetheart,” Ben said.  “Yes, the speech is finished.  It just needs a little tweaking.  I think I rambled too much,” Ben admitted as he laughed.  “I promise, no gushy stuff.  Love you, honey.  See you soon.”  Michael decided to take his shower first then have it out with Ben.

It was well after dinner when Michael had his opportunity to “discuss” the situation.  He followed Ben back to the spare room.  There, Ben finished his ironing.

“Why?” Michael mumbled.

“Because these shirts have been hanging in the back of my closet for months.  I thought I’d freshen them up a bit,” Ben explained.

“No. I mean why are you going to marry the girls?  You’re not a priest or a pastor,” Michael stated.  Ben could see the argument coming so he proceeded with care.

“Of course, I’m not a priest or a pastor but in the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania you don’t have to be.  All you need is a self-uniting marriage license. It requires the signature of both parties entering into the contract and two adult witnesses, one of which can be the officiant.”  Ben paused to allow that bit of information to sink in before continuing.

“As to why, that’s very simple, they asked.”


“The girls asked me to be their officiant.”

“But JR’s MY daughter!”

“And as such, she’s looking forward to you walking her down the aisle and you couldn’t do that if you were standing at the podium as their officiant,” Ben said then waited to see Michael’s reaction.

“Oh.  Who’s walking Jacqueline down the aisle?”

“No one.  She decided to stand at the altar.”

“Oh.  And Briana is her maid of honor.”

“That’s right.  JR and Jacq want to keep the wedding simple.  No groomsmen required.”

“Mel and Lindsay had a simple wedding too,” Michael said as he remembered the hell the girls went through to have their wedding.“But I don’t understand why JR doesn’t want to be married in a church,” Michael whined.

“Michael,” Ben began, trying not to sound too condescending.  “Neither JR nor Jacq are practicing Catholics.  It would be inappropriate to be married in a church.”

“Well, what about Father Tom?”

“JR likes him but doesn’t know him as well as the family on the lane, but he and Todd are invited to the wedding.”

“Oh.  And their wedding is legal?”

“Yes,” Ben replied.  ‘Even more than ours,’ Ben thought to himself.  He and Michael never got married in the US.

“Oh.  So, what about all the clothes?”

“Just getting ready for our vacation,” Ben said with a big smile.  He was finished for now.  He unplugged the iron, setting it on its stand to cool.  He looked around the room, satisfied with what he accomplished.  He turned off the light then shut the door.

“Oh,” Michael murmured still wondering why there were so many clothes ready to be packed when they were only going away for a weekend or a week at most.




Due to an interesting twist to the evening, the boys followed Susanna, Ashley, and Bree back to the St. John home.  Susanna had suggested a girls’ sleepover and would take both girls to school Monday morning.  She also promised to take great care of Bree’s dress.  The boys had no objection as they waved good night to the girls then watched as the door closed and was secured.

“Did you have fun?” Justin asked Peter as they drove back to the lane.

“Believe it or not, I did,” Peter proudly stated.  “I never thought I’d fit in,” Peter quietly admitted.  “Never thought I’d have real friends but now I do.”  Peter took a moment to contemplate the changes that had occurred in his life over the past couple of years.  He had a permanent home with loving people, he was doing well in school, and he was accepted by his new family, warts and all.

“Life is good,” Brian said out loud, glancing at Peter via the rearview mirror.  Peter coyly smiled back.

They were almost home when Justin noticed that the General Store was still open.  He indicated to Brian to pull into the parking lot.

“Ice cream?” Justin asked before jumping out of the Jeep.  He took orders that included some for Debbie and Carl then sprinted into the store.

“Mr. Justin has a lot of energy,” Peter innocently commented making Brian grin from ear to ear.

“You have no idea,” Brian stated in anticipation.

Justin quickly returned with his purchases then they proceeded to the lane.

“Good night and thank you for taking me to the dance,” Peter politely stated.  Justin handed him his bag of ice cream as he said good night.  They watched Peter enter the cottage then hurried up the lane.

“Alone at last,” Brian dramatically stated as he closed the front door then stretched out his arms.  Justin, who had quickly placed the ice cream in the freezer, scurried back to Brian and into his embrace.  The boys clung to each other for a moment.  Brian inhaled the scent of his lover.  “Brandy?” Brian asked as he released Justin.

“Mmm, yes please.  I’ll light a small fire,” said Justin.  The lovers separated for as long as it took them to complete their assigned tasks.  They came back together to cuddle on the sofa, sharing the fine brandy and watching the fire catch.

“It was a good night,” said Justin.

“Mmm,” Brian agreed as he took sip of brandy, savoring the flavor.

“Peter’s come a long way,” commented Justin.

“Yes, he has.”

“What do you think of Charlie?” Justin asked as he took the snifter out of Brian’s hand to take a sip.

“He’s a dumb jock that couldn’t string five cohesive words together to make a logical sentence.  Bree knows it too,” Brian spat out.  Justin leaned back to look at Brian’s face.  “Don’t mind me, it’s been a long day,” said Brian.  Justin nodded.

“Do we have to worry about Bree?”

“No, the Squirt can take care of herself but I’ll have a talk with her.  Listen, I had a call from Ben.  He’s hoping to spend some time here on the lane this summer.”


“No, at least he hopes not.  Michael’s obsessed about the wedding.  Personally, I think he’s hoping something will go wrong so he can crow about it.  But the girls and Emmett have several back up plans including using the Village Garden or the Babylon Garden.  Nothing will go wrong,” declared the great god Kinney.

“I wish Michael could just relax and enjoy himself,” Justin sadly commented.

“Me too.”

“Well, I’m all in favor of them spending the summer on the lane.  Uh, does he know that we’re going to London?”

“Not to my knowledge but then why have a brand new ancient house in the middle of London and not use it,” Brian stated logically.  He felt Justin nod.

After a while, the brandy was finished and the fire was waning.

“What flavor of ice cream did you get, Sunshine,” Brian innocently asked as he stared at the dying embers.

“Vanilla,” Justin replied just as innocently.

“Hmm,” Brian said as he stood, stretched a bit then said, “I think I’ll take a quick shower.”  He then sauntered off to their room.

“Good idea,” Justin said as he watched Brian walk away.  He quickly gathered certain supplies then joined his spouse for ice cream kisses and lots of BJ loving.

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