I Promise You, I Will (Here Come The Brides) 


Chapter 1 



JR arrived home just after seven, kissing Jacq on the way to the shower.  JR had spent most of her day dealing with a large shipment of comic books and action figure toys at the store. She felt a bit grimy and was looking forward to a nice hot shower before figuring out what to do about dinner.

Jacq was preoccupied with trying to figure out how to tell JR that she needed to go on a business trip just weeks before their wedding to visit her Philadelphia store.  Plus, she had a bit of a dilemma with one of her local stores.

Before entering the bathroom, JR’s phone rang.  

“Hi Uncle Drew. Is everything all right? Uh, sure, hang on,” JR said as she stared at the phone for a second before delivering her phone to Jacq. “Here, it’s for you,” JR snapped as she dumped her phone into Jacq’s hand then marched her way back to the bathroom. 

Jacq heard the bathroom door slam shut. 


“Hi Jacqueline, it’s Drew Boyd.” 

“Yes, Drew.” 

“I was wondering if you and JR are free for dinner tonight.” 

“I’m not sure. Is everything okay? Is Emmett all right? The wedding plans?” 

“He’s fine; the plans are fine. I have a business proposal for you but knowing JR, we thought it best to bring this proposal to you both on neutral territory, so to speak. Can you meet us at the restaurant around eight?” 

“I think so but I’ll have to get back to you in about twenty minutes.” 

“That’s fine. Talk to you soon,” Drew said before he cut the connection. 

“Think they’ll go for it?” Emm asked. 

“We’ll find out soon,” Drew replied with a shrug of his shoulders. Emmett nodded. 

Jacq sat on the sofa contemplating her strange conversation with Drew while waiting for JR and anticipating her next conversation. 

In no time, JR emerged from the bathroom wrapped in her robe and toweling her hair dry. 

“So?” JR demanded not so subtly. 

“Drew asked us to dinner; said he has a business proposal for me,” Jacq stated. 

“What did you tell him?” 

“That I’d let him know.” 

“Where and when,” JR asked as she headed back to their bedroom. Jacq followed. 

“Across the village at Emmett’s Place Too and at eight,” Jacq replied. 

“Hmm, okay. I have to find something pretty to wear,” JR said giving Jacq a poignant look before rummaging through her closet. Jacq quickly phoned Drew to confirm then decided if she knew what was good for her, she too should look for something “pretty” to wear. 

Wearing outfits befitting the atmosphere of the upscale restaurant, Jacq and JR strolled through the Village Garden toward Emmett’s restaurant.

Arriving minutes to eight, the maître d’ immediately led the couple to Emmett and Drew’s private table. Understanding that Jacq wasn’t the touchy-feely type, Emmett and Drew were reserved in their greeting to Jacq. With JR, however, they could be a bit more effusive. As the two couples sat and were made comfortable by the wait staff, Drew got down to business. 

“Let me assure you that what I’m going to propose will not interfere with your wedding plans. There’s no deadline, no pressure or rush. Jacqueline, I understand you have two local stores. Is that correct?” Drew asked. He received a nod. “A little birdie informed me you’re looking to combine the two locations.”

“Something like that,” Jacq snapped.  She really hated it when people found the need to butt into her business; however, she didn’t want to appear rude.  Especially to Drew and Emmett; JR considered them family.  “More accurately, I’d like to expand the store that’s closest to our home.  And keep the other that’s across town just as it is,” Jacq explained. “But I really don’t want to go through the hassle of looking for real estate.  Not yet anyway.”  

“What if I told you that you didn’t have to look for real estate?” 

“What do you mean?” asked JR. 

“I’m stepping back from my store. It’s very financially sound but very time consuming. I’d rather stick to football. I’ll still be a partner, but I’d like you to have a controlling interest. And of course, those wonderful bicycles of yours can take center stage.” 

Jacq was stunned at the offer. “I don’t know what to say.” 

“Then don’t say anything. Take your time to think about it. As I said, I’m in no rush. This can wait until after the honeymoon and I’m sure you’ll want JR’s input. This is my business lawyer,” Drew said as he slid a business card toward Jacq. “Have your people contact my people, as they say. Do your research then get back to me. I haven’t spoken to anyone else and I don’t plan to until I get your final word. In the meantime, let’s enjoy dinner,” Drew said as the wait staff arrived with their main course. 




“What do you think?” Jacq asked JR as they walked home. 

“I think it’s a great idea. You always get antsy working from home and it’s not like your store is around the corner.  If you take his offer, your store will be much closer.”

“Or more precisely, across the street,” Jacq pointed out.

“I think this is a wonderful opportunity. Besides, you like a challenge,” said JR. “And if I’m not mistaken, you were trying to find the right moment to tell me that you’re going to Philly.”

Jacq loudly sighed as she slipped the key into their front door lock. “You know,” Jacq commented. 

“I always know,” JR replied. “Do you have to go right away?” 

“Not really, but I wanted to visit the store before we left for London, and check on my apartment.” 

“Well, we’re flying out from Philly a few days after the wedding anyway. We were planning to leave the car in your garage, right? Why wait; we can drive to Philadelphia the day after the wedding. You can spend time at the store while I air out your apartment; we can stay there until we leave,” JR suggested. 

“You’re so smart,” Jacq stated as she drew the younger woman into her arms for a kiss. 

“Yes, I am, and don’t you forget it,” said JR with a wide grin as she happily accepted the kiss. 




Bree walked into the sun porch looking for her Daddy. Justin was still in prolific artist mode, cranking out small canvases and still life collections for the German gallery. He was totally engrossed in his latest painting when Bree asked him a question. 

“Daddy, the date of the Spring dance been changed to next Saturday, can I go?” Bree asked. 

“Mmm,” came a murmured reply from Justin. 

“And Nina said she designed my maid of honor dress so that I can wear it to other parties and stuff. So, I don’t need a new dress or anything. So can I go?” Bree asked again. 

“Umm,” Justin mumbled around his paintbrush. Bree shrugged her shoulders. 

“Briana,” came a stern voice from above her. Bree looked up and saw a pair of piercing hazel eyes gazing down at her. She loudly sighed then slowly ascended the spiral staircase to her fate. 

“Yes, Dada?” Bree stood in front of Brian’s desk pretending to be fascinated by his fancy pen and pencil holder set that sat prominently on the front edge of the desk. 

Brian shook his head. “Bree, you know it’s useless speaking to your daddy when he’s painting. Never mind asking him questions. All you’ll get out of him is hmm, mmm, and uh huh. Now what’s so urgent that you had to try breaking through his painting barrier?” 

“You remember the Spring dance?” 

“Yeah, some idiot decided it was a good idea to schedule a school dance on the Friday night before a long weekend. The rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner are scheduled that night. I booked us into several suites at the Plaza for that weekend.  What about it?” 

“Well, a lot of kids wanted to go but...” 

“But the parents had already made other plans.” 

“Exactly. So, they changed the day to next Saturday. I wanted to know if I can go.” 

“You said something about your dress,” Brian stated with an arch of his eyebrow. 

“Nina said she designed the dress so that it could be worn for many different occasions. I thought I could wear it to the dance.” 

“I see. Let’s discuss this, but first, sit down.” Bree sat in the chair in front of the desk. “What time is the dance?” 

“It starts at five and ends at ten.” 

“Is Ashley going?” 

“Yes, her mom is one of the chaperones.” 

“And are you planning to go together?” 

“I, um, was asked by a boy to go with him.” 

“And the boy’s name is...?” 

“Charlie, he’s the captain of the junior varsity football team.” 

“And how old is he?” 

“He just turned seventeen.” 

“Uh huh. And around here public transportation barely exists; I bet he just got his driver’s license. I suppose Charlie wants to pick you up.” Bree sort of nodded. “Nice try. This is how I see it. Yes, to going to the dance. No to Charlie picking you up. You are not going to be driven by an inexperienced kid behind the wheel of some beat up pickup truck. I strongly suggest you call JR and ask her if it’s okay that you wear your new dress before the wedding. She might have some phobia or superstitions about that. If she objects, then we’ll think of something. Next, why don’t you call Ashley and ask her if she’d like to sleep over that Friday night. I can pick you both up after school and I’ll escort both of you to the dance on Saturday.  What about Peter; is he interested in going to the dance?” Brian asked as Bree was digesting this new information. 

“I don’t know but I’ll ask him,” Bree said.  

“Would you like me to call Ms. St. John?” 

“Do you mind?” 

“I wouldn’t have asked,” snarked Brian as he picked up his phone and arched a brow. “JR first then Ashley and Peter. Let them both know that I’ll play taxi for the night. Ashley can stay for the whole weekend unless her mother has other plans.” 

“Oh, thank you, Dada,” Bree gushed. She gave her elder father a big hug and a kiss then sailed down the stairs to her room to make her calls. 

“Good girl,” said Brian as he scrolled through his contacts. 




“What are you doing?” Michael asked Ben. Ben was in their bedroom going through his clothes, making piles of them on the bed. 

“Spring cleaning,” Ben quipped. “I thought I’d donate some of my old clothes to Hunter’s center or the Grassi house. I’m not that rough on them and now that I’ve cut back at the university, I have more than enough,” Ben explained. 

“Are you teaching this summer?” Michael asked. 

“Not planning on it; I was hoping after this semester we could spend the summer on the lane. I’m looking forward to fresh air, quiet time, and perhaps doing some writing. Nothing’s written in stone, though. Do you have something in mind for the summer? We can do some traveling, if you like, although it’s a bit late in the season to book a flight,” Ben said as he began neatly folding the clothes he wanted to donate. 

“Why do you always want to go to the cabin? It’s my cabin,” Michael huffed. 

“Yes, it is. It was built especially for you. But you never seem to want to spend time there,” Ben pointed out. “I love it there.” 

“I bet you do,” Michael grumbled. “If you want to go, I won’t stop you,” said Michael as he crossed his arms. 

Taking a different tact, Ben said, “I’d really love it if you could modify your summer plans just a bit and spend some time with me at the cabin. We can take walks in the woods or bicycle around the countryside. Or just spend time alone with each other. We can put a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the front door,” said Ben with a beautiful smile. “Then we can do whatever you’d like to do. We have almost three full months to do anything you want to do or do nothing at all. What do you think?” 

“What if the girls need us?” Michael asked.

“I can’t imagine why they should. Besides, they’re planning on an extended stay in London,” Ben replied.

“How do you know that?”

“I asked. I wanted to know if they needed someone to look after the house or the comic book store. Both of them assured me they had everything under control. So, we have no obligations there,” Ben said casually hoping not to provoke another tense outburst.

“Oh,” Michael mumbled. He appeared to be trying to think of an appropriate excuse or comeback but nothing came to him. “Maybe we can go for a few days and see if we like it. Maybe we can hang out with Brian!” That thought put a smile on his face.

“Maybe,” Ben smirked as he began to organize their summer clothes.




“Hi Bree,” said JR.

“Are you busy?”

“Nope. What can I do for you?”

“The school changed the date of our Spring dance. I can go now but would you be upset if I wore my new dress,” Bree asked with trepidation.

“Of course not. It’s a lovely dress and you look so pretty in it. It would be a shame if you wore it once then shoved it in your closet.”

“But I’d be wearing it before the wedding,” said Bree.

“Not a problem,” JR said reassuringly. “Nina created our dresses with multiples uses in mind. I’m going to bring mine to London just in case we go to some place special. That’s one of the reasons I didn’t want to wear white. Besides, all white makes me look pasty. I like the pale rose color Nina chose.”

“I like it too,” Bree agreed. “So, it’s really okay with you that I wear the dress. The dance is next Saturday; Charlie asked me to be his date. Dada said he’d figure something out if you had any objections.”

“Absolutely no objections. Promise me you’ll send pictures.”

“I promise!”

“Now tell me about this Charlie,” JR asked conspiratorially.




“Hi Peter,” Bree said when Peter answered the phone. She continued calling her list of people that Brian had given her.


“Are you planning to go to the dance at school?”

“Why, you scrounging for a date?” Peter asked with a smirk.

“I’ll have you know that I have a date,” Bree retorted.

“Which jock this time?”

Bree frowned.  “How do you know it’s a jock?” she asked.

“Too obvious to explain.”

“What do you mean?”

“The pretty people always get together,” Peter said with a sigh.

“Pretty people?”

“You know what I mean.”

“I really don’t,” Bree said, getting exasperated.

Peter thought for a moment.  “You know when I asked if you were looking for a date?”

“I believe you said scrounging.”

“Okay, I did.  You would never go to the dance with a guy like me.  I’m not handsome enough or buff enough or rich enough…”

“Peter, stop!”

“You know I’m right.  I can be your friend but not your date.”

“The main reason you won’t be my date is because you’re gay,” Bree stated.  “But you are my friend.”

“Okay, point taken, but you see what I mean, don’t you?”

“Kind of, but I was just glad to get invited.  There’s nothing between Charlie and me.”

“Charlie Evans?  The captain of the football team?”  When Bree didn’t say anything, Peter felt compelled to add, “I think you just proved my point.”

Bree bit her lip.  She had no rebuttal.  “So, are you going to the dance?  I’ll dance with you,” Bree wheedled.

“I don’t think so.”

“Come on, Peter.  Ashley and I will dance with you, and maybe there’ll be a cute guy who catches your eye.”

“Has Ashley got a date?”

“No, Dada is going to drive her and me to the dance and you could come with us.  What do you think?”

Peter hesitated.  “I’ll think about it and let you know.”

Bree cut the connection.  She hoped Peter would decide to come with them, but there were no guarantees that would happen.




“Hello!” Justin called out from the sunporch. He had just finished a series of three small paintings of a family of squirrels seemingly playing tag in the trees. He was very satisfied with his latest grouping as he raised everything to the rafters. Justin’s stomach was growling, he figured he must have forgotten to stop for a lunch break.

“Where is everyone?” Justin called out again.

“Follow your nose to the kitchen,” Brian shouted.

“Mmm, something smells good,” Justin commented as he walked over to the counter.

“Good old fashioned fried chicken with fries,” Brian boasted. “I know we’re watching calories and fat intake, yada, yada…”

“But sometimes you just want good old fashioned fried chicken and fries,” Justin finished Brian’s thought. “Where’s Bree?”

“In her room, conspiring with Ashley and Peter, I imagine.”

“About what?” Justin asked as he sat at the counter watching Brian cook and stealing an occasional fry.

“The dance,” said Brian as he arched a brow at the French fry thief. He filled in Justin regarding the change of plans regarding the Spring dance.

“I don’t have a problem with that,” said Justin. “I’m glad they changed the date. I’m sure the kids are too. What’s Bree doing?”

“Probably on the phone with JR, gossiping,” Brian replied. “I suggested that she confirm that JR has no problem with Bree wearing her maid of honor dress before the wedding.”

“Good idea.”

The boys heard Bree’s bedroom door open and close. “Dada!” Bree shouted.

“Kitchen,” the boys answered.

“I’m hungry,” Bree announced.

“Another stomach heard from,” Brian mumbled as he turned off the deep fryer. “Let’s get dinner on the table,” Brian commanded from the stove.

“Are the guys joining us?” Bree asked. Before Brian could answer, John and Bobby came through the hall into the kitchen.

“Here we are,” John said as he plunked down a nice large bowl of salad on the kitchen table.

With the family together, dinner commenced.

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