Almost Perfect
Chapter 6
“I’m late!” Ray shouted as he abruptly sat up, waking from a deep sleep with a start. He struggled a few seconds with the bedding that he was tangled up in. Gus wrapped his arms around Ray, murmuring soothing words in an effort to calm him.
“Shhh, no class today, remember? It’s your study day. You can go back to sleep,” Gus said softly.
“I have research to do, a big paper.”
“Fine, but you need more sleep then you can do your research,” Gus insisted.
Ray struggled a bit but then relented. “You won’t let me oversleep?”
“No. See, I set my alarm.” Gus held up his phone to show Ray the alarm setting.
“Okay,” Ray said with a yawn. “Just a few more minutes,” he mumbled then began to snore. Gus snorted then snuggled closer as he followed Ray back into sleep.
“Hey,” Justin greeted Brian. Justin had come up into Brian’s attic office holding out a steaming cup of coffee, doctored just the way Brian liked.
“Hey. You read my mind,” Brian said giving Justin a beatific smile. Justin couldn’t help but smile back, falling in love all over again as Brian savored the offering. “To what do I owe the honor? Not that I don’t appreciate your visit and the coffee but I could have come down for it.” Brian had removed the coffeemaker in his office. He needed the excuse to get up off his ass and out from behind his computer.
“I needed the break too,” Justin said with a small shrug. He had come up with his own mug of tea.
“How goes your latest masterpiece?”
“It’s going. I’m using a lot of color so it needs time to set between applications,” Justin explained.
“My very own Jackson Pollock,” Brian winked. Justin just shook his head. “Seriously, Sunshine, that’s a big fucking painting. John may have to dismantle part of a wall to get it out of the sun porch.”
“Don’t worry, I measured carefully. We have about a two inch clearance; it’ll make it out the door.” Justin assured him. “But I’ll have to crate it out in the garden.”
“If you say so. Is this going to the gallery?” Brian asked as he sipped his coffee.
“Yes, but in London. Chaarles called, he’s doing a modern impressionist show. He wanted something large. I think it qualifies. Although I may have to hire my own cargo plane to get it there. If necessary I can take the canvas off the stretchers but I’d rather not.”
“We’ll figure it out,” Brian said as the wheels in his head were already turning. He’d make sure Justin’s painting got to the London National Gallery safely and in one piece.
“You all set for your trip?”
“Almost,” Brian sighed, as he sat back in his chair. “I’m getting old, Sunshine, the road isn’t as appealing as it once was.” Brian scowled.
Justin chuckled. “Poor baby. And you’re not old, you’ve just learned to appreciate what we have here, that’s all,” Justin said as he turned to walk back to the balcony. He looked through the glass walls of the porch to the garden and to the arbor path toward the greenhouse. Spring flowers were blooming; the lane was on the verge of bursting back to life.
Brian came out of the office to join Justin at the rail.
“It’s beautiful out here, Brian,” Justin said as he leaned in closer to his mate. Brian hugged him in close, tucking the smaller man under his arm. “Some days I never want to leave the lane, especially days like this when the sky is so blue and your flowers are blooming.”
“Our flowers,” Brian insisted.
“Our flowers,” Justin repeated as he turned in Brian’s arm to gaze up into the hazel eyes. Justin always found such depth in Brian’s eyes. They were so expressive if anyone cared to really look into them. Brian cocked his head slightly under Justin’s scrutiny. Justin reached up to push away a lock of the rich brunet hair that was just peppered with a few silver strands. Justin found himself growing hard as he stared at Brian’s face. Always confident with hidden meaning and always so gorgeous. Justin wanted him.
“Want you,” Justin whispered as he reached up on his toes to kiss Brian’s lips that reddened with desire. “Now, want you now.”
Not wanting to waste time by going to their room, the lovers went back into the office, closing and locking the door behind them. They kissed as they sidled their way to the futon stripping away clothing as they did.
The boys took their time as they made love.
“Is Gus going with you?” Justin asked as they rested, nestled close together on the futon. The air was still chilly so Brian pulled the throw off the back of the futon down to cover them, as their sweaty skin cooled.
“Yes. He seems excited, said that Ray convinced him to go with us.”
“Ray thinks logically; he probably thought of it as a learning experience for Gus,” Justin said as he interlocked their fingers. “But I’m glad he’s going with you. You can really see if he’s serious about taking over Kinnetik when you decide to retire.”
“If I decide to retire,” Brian grumbled.
“Oh you’ll retire,” Justin said with a smirk. Brian craned his head around to see Justin’s face. “And you’ll do it with style.” Justin smiled.
“What do you suggest I do with all that free time?”
“I’ll think of something,” Justin said with a smug look as he gently gave Brian’s cock a tug. Then it was on to round two.
When the alarm went off Ray stretched, yawned and gave himself a good scratching. He felt so much better. Ideas for his paper were swimming around in his head so he thought it best to get up and write them down before he forgot. He threw on sweat pants then went into the living room to begin working. Just then Gus came through the door carrying a large delicious smelling bag.
“Hey,” Gus called out. “You’re up.”
“Yup, and feeling great. You were right, I needed to sleep.”
“I’m always right. I decided we needed some good old fashioned junk food,” Gus said with a grin as he held up the bag. Ray scurried over to paw though the bag.
“Mmm, Manny’s homemade coleslaw, dill pickles and, yes!” Ray exclaimed with a fist in the air. “His beefy sirloin burgers. You do love me.”
“Was there any doubt?”
“None what-so-ever. I’ll get the plates,” Ray said.
“I’ll set up the tables,” Gus added. The boys got things ready to enjoy their meal.
“Did you speak with your dad?” Ray asked when he took a breather.
“Yeah, and he’s real happy that I said yes.”
“Of course he’s happy. What dad wouldn’t be proud to have his son follow in his footsteps. You’ll do great.”
“But what if the new branch takes off? He wants me to be involved.”
“So you’ll be involved. And we’ll adjust. We don’t have to be around each other every minute of the day. That doesn’t mean I won’t miss you if you stay in Toronto for a while. We’ll just be stacking up the frequent flyer miles, that’s all.”
“You’ve got this whole thing figured out, don’t you?”
“Sort of. We won’t be the first couple that has to work in another state.”
“Or country.”
“Or country, but that’s what they make video conferencing for. You may have to spend a lot of time up there while the branch is establishing itself. I’m sure your father will have to do the same. But when it’s done and you have the right people working for you, you’ll only have to go up once or twice a month. I bet your father will share that with you. Even your mom, since she’s getting involved, or Ted.”
“I hadn’t thought of it that way. But you’re cool with me going?”
“Sure I am. And who knows maybe one day you’ll hire me to do all of your real estate law.”
“Deal!” Gus said as he held out his hand toward Ray. Ray took it and gave it a firm shake then went back to devouring his burger.
“Are you ready for your trip?” Justin asked as Brian stepped into the porch. After their loving, Justin had gone back to his painting while Brian went to their room to begin organizing his wardrobe for his trip.
“Yes, mother. I’m packing for four different temperature zones. I’m not scheduled to see any clients but I do want to pack a couple of good suits.”
“Of course you do. And you never know what Joseph and Shane have in store for you,” Justin murmured around the end of the large paint brush that he absentmindedly stuck in his mouth.
“Wow, you got a lot done,” Brian said as he stepped in front of the painting. “I love all the color. It’s like our garden exploded on the canvas,” Brian quietly commented as he continued to study the picture. Suddenly his arms were full of a very happy artist who peppered his face with lots of kisses. Brian kissed back.
“So was I right?” Brian asked when they stopped kissing to breathe.
“Yes, that’s exactly right. What else do you recognize?”
“The perspective is from the mouth of the arbor, that’s why this feels cool and it’s a little dark,” Brian ventured.
“Uh huh. Go on,” Justin urged.
“There’s a bit of the hedge and then the main garden. This grey bit is the path through and that’s the sunlight reflecting off the porch glass.”
“Got it in one!” Justin was very proud of him. “Do you see anything else?” Justin had snuck something in that he noticed one day when he couldn’t find the dogs.
“No, I don’t think so,” Brian stepped back. Too close and the viewer would only see great strokes of color. “Wait, is that who I think it is?” he asked with a scowl. Justin giggled as Brian marched himself around the Japanese screen that hid the brass bed from the main porch.
Brian stuck his head around the screen then stood there staring at the occupants of the bed. Three large furry heads looked up at him with chocolate brown eyes. Brian sighed.
“At least someone’s getting some use out of that bed,” Justin heard from behind the screen. “Ya know, Sunshine, I think it’s about time we find a better home for that bed.”
“Really? I thought you loved that bed,” Justin said.
“I like that bed but it has served its purpose. I think it needs a cottage of its own.”
“Okay, now you’ve lost me,” Justin said in frustration.
“Don’t worry about it, Sunshine. I’m just thinking out loud. I think it’s time that our doctor of cottages builds another one on the other side of the B&B.” Justin just nodded his head then picked up his brush as Brian strolled back into the main cottage.
“Oh Sunshine?” Brian popped his head back into the porch.
“Hmm?” Justin murmured around his paint brush as he contemplated his canvas.
“If we do open a new branch, what should we call it?” Brian stood waiting for Justin to come up with another brilliantly creative name.
“Hmm?” Justin murmured again. He wasn’t fully paying attention.
“Oh,” Justin paused. “Kinnetik North,” Justin said as he picked up his palette and began to apply more paint to his canvas.
Brian gave a satisfied nod before returning inside.
“JR, please pick up. You haven’t come to work for days and you won’t answer my calls. I’m really getting worried about you,” Michael pleaded into the phone. There was no response so he shut it off with a sigh and a worried frown.
Michael waited on a customer then dialed Ben’s number.
“Ben, there’s still no answer from JR. What am I going to do?”
Ben hesitated before answering. “We all told you that you were pushing her away, but you wouldn’t listen…”
“I don’t need you criticizing me too. I need your help,” Michael declared.
“I have a class in a few minutes. I need to get ready for it,” Ben replied refusing to answer Michael’s request for help.
“Ben, did you hear me? I need your help.”
“What do you expect me to do?” Ben asked trying to keep the exasperation out of his voice.
“Maybe you could call her and explain…”
“I doubt she wants to talk to me anymore than she wants to talk to you,” Ben stated.
“But … she’s my daughter. She…”
“Michael,” Ben interrupted. “Are you listening, Michael?”
“You sound like Brian.”
“Another person you’ve alienated,” Ben grumbled.
“He should have stayed out of JR’s business,” Michael stated with conviction.
“Perhaps you should follow your own advice.”
“I can’t stay out of JR’s business. She’s my daughter.”
“I’m sure that fact is painfully clear to JR.”
“What are you talking about?” Michael asked. This wasn’t the way Ben usually talked to him.
“If you’ll listen for a minute, I’ll explain,” Ben said calmly. When there was no response, Ben took that to mean that Michael would listen. “Has your attitude toward Jacqueline changed?” Ben asked.
“Of course not,” Michael replied.
“Then don’t ask me to get involved. If you aren’t willing to be more flexible then there’s no point in me trying to get JR to speak with you. I’m staying out of it … completely.”
“There’s no but about it. I’m out, and I have to go.” The line went dead.
Michael stared at the phone. How could Ben be like that? He should be supporting Michael one hundred percent. Michael set the phone down, now truly confused.
“Brian, it’s Michael.”
“No shit!”
“I need your help.”
“Why am I not surprised,” Brian said into his phone. He pinched the bridge of his nose.
“JR hasn’t come to work for days. She said she was going to get another job. She won’t take my calls.”
“And this surprises you … why?”
“What? She’s my daughter. She should answer my phone calls.”
“Do you treat her like a daughter?” Brian asked pointedly.
“Of course I do. I love her. I’m just looking out for her.”
“And bashing her girlfriend every chance you get.”
“Michael, I’m not helping you to do anything. You made this bed, now lie in it.” Brian cut the connection.
Michael stared at his phone once again. Why was everyone turning against him?
“Emmett,” Michael said into his phone. He was getting desperate.
“You’re speaking to me?” Emmett asked. “I thought I was persona non grata to you.”
“I’m sorry, but I really need your help.”
“That wasn’t much of an apology.’
“Emmett, have you seen JR lately?” Michael asked ignoring Emmett’s comment.
“Is she okay?”
“She seemed perfect to me.”
“Was … Was she with that woman?”
“If you mean Jacqueline then she was.”
Michael let out a long sigh. “If you see her again, would you ask her to call me?” Michael pleaded.
“I can ask, but is there any point?” Emmett asked.
“What do you mean?”
“Are you willing to accept her and Jacqueline as a couple?”
“Wrong answer, Michael. No need to pass on your request. JR won’t be calling you.”
The line went dead leaving Michael to stare at his phone once again.
“Maw, I can’t get in touch with JR,” Michael whined into the phone.
“I need your help.”
“Michael, did I not make myself clear the other night? If you aren’t willing to give the girls a chance to be happy, then you’re on your own.”
“Michael! Do you ever listen to anything people tell you?”
The line went dead.
set the phone down. He was truly alone. No one, not even his husband, would
help him. What was he going to do? He finally realized that maybe he had some
major decisions to make regardless of how much he didn’t want to make them.