Across the Pond
Chapter 7
Jacq and JR strolled along Suffolk Street in Dublin. They had flown in earlier in the day after Gus had arranged a lovely B&B for them in the city. The lady who ran it was very helpful and full of advice. She had directed them to Suffolk Street to see the famous statue of Molly Malone. As they approached they could see the metal statue of the young girl with her cart of fish.
JR giggled and began to sing, “Cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh.”
Jacq chuckled. “What the hell are cockles anyway?”
“Damned if I know.”
“Go stand beside her and I’ll take a picture,” Jacq instructed.
“Yes, really! We’ve hardly taken any pictures to document our trip.”
“I don’t need pictures to remember our honeymoon. This has been the best week of my life,” JR stated honestly.
Jacq smiled. “I still want a picture. Go; look gorgeous like you always do.”
JR kissed her wife on the cheek and went to pose by the statue. She reached into the cart and pretended to get some kind of fish which made her make a face and then smile affectionately at her wife. Jacq snapped away getting an array of photos.
“That was great,” Jacq said as JR rejoined her.
“I want one with both of us.”
“Maybe someone will take a picture of us together,” Jacq said looking around for a likely prospect to do the deed. “Excuse me, ma’am, would you mind taking our picture?” she asked a passerby.
“Americans?” the woman asked raising an eyebrow.
“That’s right,” JR replied cheerily. “We’re only here for a few days.” When the woman continued to give them the once over, JR persisted. “I’m JR and this is Jacq. We just got here and we’re really enjoying Ireland so far.”
“That’s nice to hear,” the woman replied. “We do have a beautiful country, and I’m sure you’ll have a grand time.”
Sensing that the stranger had softened, JR said, “A picture?”
“Oh, for sure. Show me what to do. My name’s Meg, by the way.”
“Thanks so much,Meg,” JR said with her best smile.
Jacq showed the woman how to use her phone to get a picture of the two of them with Molly Malone.
When that task was completed to everyone’s satisfaction, Meg looked them up and down once again. “What other plans do you have for your stay in Ireland?”
“Right now we could use the name of a good place for dinner. I’m starving,” Jacq said.
“Then may I be of assistance?” Meg asked. The girls nodded. “The best pub in the neighborhood is just up the street. It’s called O’Donoghue’s.”
“That’s a good Irish name,” JR said.
“And it’s good Irish food.”
“Well, thanks very much for your advice and for taking the picture. We really appreciate it,” JR stated. She gave Jacq a little elbow in the ribs.
“Yes, we really do appreciate it,” Jacq responded.
“It’s been a pleasure helping you lovely young ladies. Have a wonderful time here in Ireland.”
“Thanks so much,” JR said again as the lady walked away.
“You certainly laid that on thick,” Jacq said with a wink.
“It worked, didn’t it? We got what we wanted and the lady was happy to help.”
“No wonder you’re such a good salesman.”
“You catch more flies with honey than vinegar,” JR replied.
“Oh god, you sound like my grandfather. He was always trying to get me to be sweet.”
“Too bad he wasn’t successful,” JR teased.
Jacq snorted. “I’ll never be as sweet as you.”
“That looks like O’Donoghue’s across the road,” Jacq observed.
“Shall we give it a try?”
“We have a glowing recommendation about it, so yes.”
The girls crossed the road and entered the pub. It was still early and the pub wasn’t too full.
As they looked around a girl behind the bar spoke up. “You can sit anywhere. I’ll be over to take your order in a minute.”
The girls found a table and made themselves comfortable.
“I think I might try Guiness,” Jacq said.
“We’re in Ireland, the home of Guiness,” Jacq retorted.
“Okay, okay, have it if you want. It’s not for me,” JR said. “I think I’ll stick with wine.”
“Did I hear someone say they’d like a Guiness?” the barmaid asked as she arrived at the table and placed menus in front of them.
“I’d like to try it,” Jacq said.
“Brave girl,” the barmaid said with a chuckle. “Just so’s you know, it’s not cold. It’s served at room temperature.”
“Thanks for the warning, but I’ll still have one.”
“Good for you,” the barmaid said. She looked at JR.
“White wine,” JR stated.
“I’ll be back with your drinks in a minute. If you want something to eat, you can make a selection from the menu.” She headed off back to the bar.
The girls studied the menu before the barmaid returned with their drinks.
“I’ll have fish and chips,” JR told her.
“Guiness stew,” Jacq said.
“You’re really into Guiness, aren’t you?” JR teased.
“Got to try what the natives eat.”
“You didn’t say that in France.”
“This is different.”
JR decided not to argue.
Soon they had their meals and Jacq seemed to like her liquid Guiness and Guiness stew well enough. After a pleasant meal they stepped outside and started to walk back to the B&B.
“We need to decide what we’re going to do with the rest of our time here.” JR observed.
“Tomorrow,” Jacq said with a yawn as they neared their home for the next couple of days.
“I can’t believe you’re going home already,” Gus exclaimed. JR and Jacq had returned from their Irish adventure a few days prior. Having spent nearly three weeks away from home, the girls decided it was time to go back to reality. The girls were sitting in Gus and Ray’s kitchen recounting their whirlwind honeymoon and their gratitude toward Gus, Ray, Hudson, Cook, and of course to Brian, who made it all possible.
Hudson and Cook were subtly hovering in the background, plying their charges with sandwiches and all sorts of goodies before the girls had to leave for the airport.
“This has been such a fantasy,” JR gushed.
“We can’t thank you enough,” Jacq said sincerely. “I’ve never experienced anything like this and I’m grateful.”
JR leaned over and gave her spouse a hug. “We’ve had a wonderful time,” JR began. “This is something we’ll never forget,” she added, smiling brilliantly at Hudson and Cook.
“We hope you both return often,” Hudson remarked as she topped off their coffee mugs. “I’m sure the master would appreciate your next visit while he’s in residence,” Hudson stated formally but with a wink.
The two couples laughed.
“When is Uncle Brian flying over,” JR asked.
“Soon,” replied Gus.
“They finally convinced Ashley’s mom to come with them,” Ray explained. “But they had to wait until the school year was completed and the teachers’ work was done. Brian had to work some airline magic so they could all be on the same flight.”
“We eagerly await their arrival,” said Hudson with confidence. Cook nodded in agreement.
Just then Stuart silently entered the kitchen from a hidden door to whisper to Hudson, she acknowledged his message with a nod. “Your car is ready,” said Hudson.
Gus led the procession toward the large entryway. The staff had gathered to say goodbye to the girls and wish them well on their journey home to their new life together. Gus and Ray hugged the girls.
“Are you sure you don’t want us to come with you to the airport,” Gus asked his sister. “It’s no trouble.”
“I’m sure, it’s hard enough to leave as it is. And I hate long goodbyes,” said JR.
“Um, we saw this in Ireland and thought you might like it,” Jacq said with a touch of hesitancy. From her bag she took out a small plaque and handed it to Gus. He quickly read the short passage.
“This is beautiful! Pop will love it,” Gus sincerely said as he showed it to everyone then lastly to Hudson and Cook. Cook beamed.
“It’s lovely and I believe there is a perfect place for it,” said Hudson as she went to just right of the massive front door. Blending into the dark paneling was a small niche which was currently empty, the plaque fit perfectly. “We shall have this promptly secured,” declared Hudson. No one had any doubts.
The girls said their goodbyes and thanked everyone as Gus and Ray walked them to the car. Nathan had the door open, ready to hand them inside.
Gus and Ray waved until the car disappeared from view.
“She’s going to hate me,” Ben said.
“Oh man up!”
“Melanie, that isn’t nice,” admonished Lindsay.
“Look, I’m the one who told everyone NOT to tell JR about Michael. I’m also the one who told you it was okay to travel if you wanted to,” Mel said pointing to Ben. “If JR is going to hate anyone, it’ll be me,” shouted Mel. “And tell me again why we didn’t pick up the girls from the airport?”
“Brian arranged for a car,” Lindsay reminded Mel.
“Of course he did,” both Ben and Mel said.
The moms and Ben were currently waiting at the girls’ house for their arrival. They spent a few hours airing out the home and dusting as needed. Due any minute were Debbie, Carl, and Hunter. The family decided to present a united front when facing JR and Jacq.
“Who’s that in the driveway,” Jacq asked not recognizing Ben’s rented car. “Hey, is that your grandmother’s car?”
“I think so,” replied JR as they pulled up out front. The limo driver helped the girls out of the car with their packages then quickly got their luggage out of the trunk and placed them on the porch. He drove away with a sizable tip.
When they opened the door, chaos ensued.
“Dada, should we start packing,” Bree asked her father.
“I don’t think so, we have a few days yet. But you should already know that,” Brian said.
“I do but I wanted to make sure,” Bree said with a Brian-like smirk.
“Come here, Squirt,” Brian said as he pulled Bree close into a hug. “We’ll be in London soon. JR should be home by now. We can see her before we go if you like.”
“Will she be angry at me?”
“No, you’re her sister and not responsible for the actions of the adults. Give her time,” Brian advised.
“Bree, Brian, dinner,” Justin called out.
“Coming!” Bree and Brian replied.
“Honey, we’re home,” JR shouted as she and Jacq came through the door. “Are you having a party?” JR looked around at the solemn faces staring back at her and was immediately worried. “What’s going on? Did something happen to our house?” she asked. Jacq was about to check out their home but was stopped.
“No, Sweetheart, the house is fine,” Lindsay said. “Let’s sit down and we’ll explain,” said Lindsay as she led the girls toward the living room.
“What’s going on?” Jacq asked Ben.
“JR, it’s your dad,” Mel jumped in before Ben could say anything.
“What happened?” JR demanded. Everyone began talking at the same time until Carl shoved two fingers in his mouth then made the loudest whistle JR had ever heard. Just like before, Carl had everyone sit then gave his report.
It took a few minutes for the realization of the events to sink in.
“Wait a minute, this happened the day after we drove to Philadelphia? Why didn’t anyone call me? Why am I learning this now?”
“JR, if you must be angry with someone, be angry with me,” pleaded Melanie. “It was sheer luck that the wedding turned out as lovely as it did due to Brian’s quick thinking. I made the decision to allow you and Jacq to go on your honeymoon without knowing about your father. I convinced everyone that you both deserved this time alone.”
“Honey, there was nothing you could do even if you stayed,” Debbie added. “Watching over him wouldn’t have made any difference. He was never alone, I made sure of that. Brian made sure of it.”
“I can’t believe you all did this to me,” JR shouted then stormed to the bedroom, slamming the door behind her.
“Are you angry too?” Ben asked Jacq.
“No, I’m not and I’m probably going to get shit about it later but I’m grateful that you waited. I fucked up when we got to London. I panicked. That house, the car that got us at the airport, servants, Hudson and her rules. It’s like Downton Abbey. I was so out of my depth that I said all the wrong things. She was royally pissed at me.”
“What did you do?” Debbie asked.
“I called Brian,” Jacq admitted with a sigh.
“Why him?” Mel snarled.
“Stop it,” said Lindsay as she poked Mel’s arm. “Go on,” Lindsay urged.
“He’s the only one I could think of who could really understand how I was feeling.”
“What did he advise?” Lindsay asked.
“Basically, to get my head out of my ass, grovel, and talk to JR. He told me to get over myself, let JR love me and just go with the flow. I’ve never been out of the country before. I’ve only seen houses like that in movies. JR and I talked, really talked about our feelings and she forgave me. Then she and Gus arranged for little trips. We went to Paris for a few days and to Ireland. In between Gus and Ray showed us around London. We really had a wonderful time.
“I am sorry about Michael, I may not like him very much but I’d never wish harm to come to him,” said Jacq. “I know it was a difficult decision to make; maybe eventually JR will understand the motive behind it. Just know that I appreciate having that special time with her. What happens now? With Michael, I mean.”
“That all depends on him. He’s stable for now but not getting any better,” Debbie sadly explained.
“And he’s allowed visitors?”
“Yes, they have rules because he’s susceptible to infection but yes we can visit him,” Hunter said. “Jacq, don’t feel guilty about how you feel about this situation. We weren’t honest with JR, not you. She’ll either forgive us or not, you should just stay honest with her.”
“I plan too. Thank you and thank you for taking care of the house and everything,” said Jacq. “Are you staying in the city?” she asked Debbie and Carl.
“Yes, for now, we’re staying at the house,” Carl replied.
“If you need anything, please call me,” Jacq offered.
“Thank you, Honey,” said Debbie. “You just take care of JR.”
“It’s getting late, at least for you until you get used to Pittsburgh time again. We should get going,” Lindsay suggested. “Please tell JR we love her and we’re happy you’re home safe.”
As everyone left, they all murmured encouraging words, promising to remain in touch.
“Jacqueline, please walk me out,” Ben asked. When they got to his car, Ben told Jacq his end of the story. “I’m not asking you to be the bearer of bad news. Just letting you know that I’ll be going out of town in two days. If JR is willing to hear me out, I’d like to explain it to her myself.”
“All right,” was all Jacq could say except for goodnight. When she went back into the house, Jacq looked around, checking every nook and cranny, then setting the security system.
“Everyone gone?” JR asked when Jacq entered the bedroom.
“You still talking to me?”
“Of course, I am. Are you still talking to me?”
JR nodded. “What do you think I should do?”
“I don’t have a fucking clue. Honestly, I’m so tired that all I want a nice hot shower, my favorite pjs and sleeping with you in our own bed. We can deal with this tomorrow unless you want to talk about it now.”
“I did want to talk but I like your plan much better,” JR agreed.
“Then come on, shower then sleep,” said Jacq as she extended her hand out to her spouse.
“Shower then sleep,” JR repeated as she took Jacq’s hand.