Sunshine Files

Many thanks to our dear friend Gina (toploft69) for all her help with screen grabs and verifying references to the show.

All these stories are complete (except for the latest one) and are in order starting from the bottom of the list and working up

Across the Pond

JR and Jacqueline plus other family members head for London.

Feb. 18th 2025

I Promise You

JR and Jacqueline's Wedding approaches.

Close to You

New adventures await the family.

Open Arms

The family gets back to normal (sort of) after Bree's escapade up north.

North to the Max

Gus, Ray and Bree head north.

Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now!

An old opponent has returned to throw a wrench into the family's plans.

Dances, Birthdays and Engagements, Oh My!

Big doings are happening to our extended family.

Kinney Bros. Inc.

Brian and John are building their new collaboration.

On the Move

Some of the extended family are making changes.

Ridiculously Romantic

The new visitors to the lane learn about the lane, the people and the romance.

Working My Way Back

Ben and Michael are in the same city but miles apart.

Forever Yours

In the aftermath of the Fourth of July on the lane, all the residents are wondering what will happen next.


It's Fourth of July on the lane, and there are Fireworks in more ways than one.

Raging On

Michael and Ben are still having problems that affect the whole family.

Trials and Tribulations

Some members of our family have issues to deal with.

C'est La Vie

The family gathers in Paris for the opening of Justin's show.

Gay Paree

Gus and Ray go to Paris while the rest of the lane tries to get back to normal.

Not So Zen Ben

Ben and Michael have differing opinions about life and the lane.

We're Still Having Fun

People on the lane try to get back to a normal life while Craig Taylor is still there.

The Fox in the Hen House

The Silver Fox gets closer to the residents of the lane.

Still the One

Relationships are tested.


The year 2024 in the Sunshine Files universe is full of many small events that will be described in two snippets for each month.

Almost Perfect

Even when things should be perfect, there's always a wrinkle.

Hormonal Shift

Some things are changing in our little family.

A Woman Scorned

A woman doesn't like to be ignored.

Little Girls and Puppy Dog Tales

Bree wants to meet her biological mother.

The Letters

Father Tom writes about his time on the lane.

Little Cabin on the Lane

Building another cabin on the lane for one of the Liberty Avenue gang creates a new set of problems.

Green Eyed Monster

Jealousy rears its ugly head on the lane.

Fun in the Sun

Justin and Brian need some time away.

Up, Up, and Away

A business and pleasure trip provides some interesting complications.


The next generation faces the future.

They Say It's Your Birthday

A couple of birthdays are coming to Edna's Treasures Lane.

The First Fifty

Brian is approaching fifty. It's time to reflect.


The Kinney-Taylor family must deal with Joan's death.


The Kinney-Taylor family thinks it might be time for some culture.

The Naked Truth

Justin has an idea for a new project.

Throwing Stones

The sequel to Glass Houses - sometimes stones get thrown, and there are consequences.

Glass Houses

Is the old adage about glass houses true?

There's No Place Like Home

Vacation is over and it's good to be home.

It's All Down Hill From Here

Sometimes you come out on top, and sometimes you don't.

Emerge Victorious

Sometimes you come out on top, and sometimes you don't.


Some big changes are in store for members of the Sunshine family.

Nuff Rope

Give someone enough rope and....

Before the Fall

 As summer continues at Edna's Treasures, someone is riding for a fall.

Pride Goeth...

 It's time once again for Pittsburgh PRIDE, and all that entails.

Be Careful What You Wish For

 Sometimes it isn't all you thought it would be.


 Bree's impending birthday party causes some problems at Edna's Treasures.

All About Justin

 It's Justin's turn for some examination.

All About Brian

 Many friends and family examine the enigma that is Brian Kinney.

London Calling

 Justin and his family are heading to London for his first show in England.


 Several cottages have come into the lives of the Sunshine Family.


 Some changes are in store for our Sunshine Family.

Blasts From the Past

 Several people from the past reappear in the Sunshine Family's lives.

Brian Un-henged

 Justin embarks on a new art project that threatens to unhinge his husband.

Ladies of Liberty

 The ladies of Liberty experience some new events in their lives.

Post Fractalization

 Following Justin's fractal project, life returns to normal...sort of.

Testing, Testing...1,2,3

 Some more tests of various forms face our Sunshine Family.


 Justin's interest in a new art form leads to some problems with his family.

After the Fall

 Some things from the New York trip extend into the fall in Pittsburgh.

Summer in the City

 Brian must make an extended trip to New York, so he takes some of the family with him.

Springtime for Justin

 It's a new season with new challenges and events. 

The Raging Storm

 Some events lead to trouble in the Sunshine world.

If It's Broke Then Fix It

Lindsay and Melanie take their much needed holiday while unexpected events happen back home.

Blizzard Wizardry

The Sunshine family has a new problem to face.

In Sickness and In Health

Our Sunshine family awaits the news about Brian.

Reception Deception

The reception that follows Molly's wedding.


A special story done in the style of '24' the television series. As the Sunshine Files family celebrates Molly's wedding, Thyme and Sabina celebrate 24 months of our writing partnership with our 24th story.

  The Quarterback and the Chef

Emmett and Drew take the new changes in their lives in stride ... sort of.

  It's a Pup's Life

The newest member of Edna's Treasures learns his job and his place in the family.

  Out of the Mouths of Babes

Problems for children and their parents in the extended Sunshine family.

  Oh My Papa

More troubles with fathers.

  NY, NY, It Ain't the Pitts

Brian makes a move to New York.

  Afflict Unto the Several Generations

Traits of the fathers affect the Kinney-Taylor family.

  Sins of the Father

An anniversary trip leads to some new understandings for the Kinney-Taylor family.

  And Never Brought to Mind

Some new Taylors arrive on the scene and complicate everyone's lives.

  Should Old Acquaintance

A death and a baptism lead to some new family dynamics.

  All the Rage

Brian and Justin are preparing for Rage. Hunter's clinic is attracting clients and John's construction crew is hard at work. Rage is coming!

  Bad as New

Brian has an idea that disturbs him, and it leads to a series of even more disturbing rumors.

  Then Comes Brian

Brian and Justin add to their family, while Justin struggles to resurrect the Rage movie.

  Then Comes Marriage

Brian and Justin begin their married life together with the help and interference of the family.

  First Comes Love

A new branch office for Kinnetik, Brian and Justin prepare for their wedding and for their new life together as a committed couple.

  What A Difference A Year Makes 2

Continuation of the year in the lives of the Kinney-Andersons and their friends.

  What A Difference A Year Makes

What a difference a year makes in the lives of the Kinney-Andersons and their friends.

  Wedding Bell Blues

A question asked and answered. A John and Bobby story with, of course, a lot of Brian and Justin. Let the games begin!

  Runaway Life

This is a Hunter and Bobby focused story. The past and present collide and the family rallies to help put the pieces back together.

  A Tale of Four Queers

Brian and John take their partners on a vacation to South America to follow the path of the artist Kinney and Patrick.

  Joan Vs The State of Liberty

This story continues where The Farm leaves off. Joan gets wind of the treasure.

  The Farm

Brian's nephews need straightening out. Another mystery is uncovered..


The boys fulfill Brian's dream for a treehouse for Gus and become a true family along the way.

  The Sunshine Files

Justin finds a clue to Brian's ancestry and it leads him to some interesting discoveries.


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