The Way It Should Have Happened…
Chapter 11
Bella dropped Charlie’s
body on the front steps and disappeared into the woods, Edward following on her
heels with Alice and Jasper in close pursuit.
They went miles at full speed, running full out, waiting for Bella to either
tire or become distracted by something along the way. Headed north, Jasper began
to wonder if they had crossed over into Canada yet, if maybe Alice had seen
where this was going to end. Would Bella calm down before she’d murdered too
many people for them to reasonably cover up or would they be forced to move yet
again just as they were settled in the area? Rosalie would pitch yet another fit
if that happened and even Emmett would be hard pressed to have her keep even a
semblance of a lid on it
This wasn’t going to be easy; Charlie dead back at the house would be a problem.
Of course Carlisle could come up with some plausible explanation but if Charlie
was merely the first in a long series, well...
Finally, finally after almost a dozen hours of straight running, Bella slowed a
bit, eventually coming to a complete stop six hundred miles north of the border.
Edward was still keeping pace, close by with Jasper and Alice trailing a few
hundred yards behind. He stayed a dozen of so yards away from his wife, slowly
and very cautiously approaching while she ignored him, staring at a small
waterfall she’d found.
“Bella?” No answer.
“Bella. Can you hear me?” Nothing. He moved a few feet closer.
“Would you like to hunt with me? Are you thirsty?” She inclined her head but
still didn’t respond.
“I’m sure I smell some deer and a grizzly not too far from here, would you like
to see with me?” She shifted her weight enough that she seemed to agree then
half turned to glance at him before smiling, her newly changed teeth glinting in
the sun.
Raising her arm she stopped, mesmerized by the look of her new skin, throwing
rainbows around the clearing, her smile widened and she laughed with pure
happiness. “I had no idea—this is wonderful!”
“Yes, you’ll find out how much as time goes by.” He held out his hand, moving
within inches of her. “Shall we hunt?”
She let him lead her down into a smallish valley where they found a herd of
deer, stopping long enough to feed on several with Alice and Jasper joining in
but not intruding on the newlyweds. Bella turned to Edward. “I’m a newborn,
aren’t I?”
“Yes, love. You just woke a few hours ago. You’re doing very well.” This caused
her to smile again, smearing the blood on her face.
Edward took off his jacket and used it to wipe off as much as he could as she
spoke to him. “Why do you look so boring? Are you tired?”
Edward knew what she was referring to.” No, this is how I look to other
vampires. There’s no need to attract them as with humans. We’re not as
attractive to one another.” He tossed the bloodied jacket behind a tree. “Are
you disappointed?”
“Yes.” She looked around, fixing her eyes on Alice and Jasper for a long moment.
“Where are we?”
“Somewhere in southern Canada. I’m not sure exactly.”
“Alice? What do you see happening next?” The sun was setting behind the trees.
Alice stepped forward and spoke softly, hesitantly but with honesty. “I see you
going to a small village and killing almost everyone in it.”
Edward knew what Alice was going to say before she said it, of course. “We’ll
all stay with you, prevent it from happening, Bella. Don’t worry.”
She gave him a sweet smile the started off again, moving at more like a lope
than a full out run. In less than an hour and a half they were all on top of a
ridge overlooking another valley, thick with trees and with a small river
running along the bottom. There was a hamlet with maybe twenty or so small
houses and one main street. “Bella, don’t. We’ll find more animals.”
“But Edward, I don’t like them as much. I want to drink human blood.” She
sounded a cross between exasperation and petulance.
Jasper came with a few yards. “It’s wrong, Bella. I know it’s what you want, but
it’s wrong.”
She gave him the same sweet smile and a small shrug then switched to vamp-speed
and was inside the first house in a millisecond; the family didn’t have a chance
to even scream. Quickly she moved onto the second and then third homes. The
other three tried to stop her but she had a newborn’s strength and they were no
match for her. There was nothing they could do unless she cooperated or they
caused her real damage and they knew Edward wouldn’t allow that. Inside of an
hour she killed and drained almost twenty people from young children to
The others did what they could to stop her, they did and they bore the injuries
to prove it. Alice had been thrown through two buildings, one after the other
without stopping due to the force Bella used in her punch. Next, Jasper, driven
mad by bloodlust had drained everyone Bella hadn’t, including the dogs. Edwards
though…Edward. He suffered the worse. Bella simply bit off his right hand,
followed by his left ear.
“Bella, love it’s all right, they’ll regenerate in no time. Don’t be upset,
don’t blame yourself.”
Her answer was a loud growl, a hiss and then the loss of Edward’s nose.
“I won’t leave you, love. I promise you. We’ll see this thing through together,
I swear.” She struck out with her arm, pinning her husband and snapping her
teeth at his neck.
“Ohmigod”, she thought; “Who knew he’d have so much venom spewing out when his
head fell off?”
This vampire thing was a hoot!
* * *
She heard a harsh buzzing; her alarm was going off. There was there an alarm
clock in the ruins of a Canadian village with all the inhabitants’ dead? It
didn’t make any sense. Her eyes weren’t wanting to open yet and her mouth tasted
like dead muse turds. Weird. Forcing her eyes to focus, she looked around the
dismal little room, the ancient curtains and stained rug, the yuck color the
walls were painted with. Cripes, she was supposed to live here?
It was damp, it was chilly—no, it was frigging cold and she wanted, more than
anything in the world to turn roll and go back to sleep. But… “Bells, you up?
Get a move on, okay?”
“Oh, man…” Charlie.
Washington State.
Oh, yeah, she’d moved here, arrived yesterday. This was her first day in school
in the land of Podunk and crappy weather. This was a nightmare. The kids would
all either ignore her or hate her. The boys would all be geeks and dweebs and
the girls would all be beyotches and mean girls—the ones who didn’t sell Girl
Scout cookies, that was. And, naturally, she didn’t have anything to wear that
would keep her warm in this constantly dripping freezer she’d landed in.
And, damn, that was a strange dream.
Oh, and Jacob was a werewolf? Jacob? Yeah, right. Vampires? She’d married
some hunky vampire and moved in with his entire vamp family? Uh-huh, sure she
did. Like she ever wanted to get married—not. Then she had an insta-baby that
wasn’t, ended up a vamp herself for some dumb reason and went nuts? Killed
Charlie? Wiped out an entire village?
Yeah, sure. Okay, whatever.
Man, no more too spicy Indian food after eight PM and that’s all there was to
Dragging herself to the shower and then down to breakfast she was ready to go in
twenty-five minutes when Charlie, with a scary look of bashful pride on his face
made her go outside. There he showed her this ancient, about to fall apart into
a pile of rust pick-up truck that looked like he’d bought it at some sale of
Civil war antiques and handed her the key.
The day was starting out even worse than she’d thought possible.
She found the school, signed in, got her schedule and wandered around from class
to class. One was more horrible than the last until lunch and then—damn—a
mega-hunk strolled in and sat down with some other hunks and hunkettes at the
far table. Sure, they were all really pasty skinned (get out much?) and weird
but they were the best looking things in this stupid burg. The odd man out? The
one with the reddish hair? Not bad. Not bad at all and he was even
staring at her. A quick gossip told her they were local celebrities, rich and
total snobs who never even spoke to anyone besides their own stupid family.
Well, cool—nothing like a challenge, right? And when he sat down beside her in
bio? Oh yeah, she could work with this, thank you very much.
Things were looking up.
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