New Kid

Chapter Seven

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Later that night Keith woke with Brian gently kissing his mouth, lightly, so feather like that it was almost impossible to feel the touch. There was no sound. The room was dark. The only sensations were the slightest pressure of another mouth on his, the slither of the bedding and the sound of their own breathing.


He lifted his arms up so that they were around the youngster, as gently and as lightly as the kisses they were now sharing.


“Did I wake you up?”


“Wasn’t that your plan?”


Young, shy, a little unsure. “Do you mind? Would you rather go back to sleep?”


“Brian, we’re naked in bed, we’re making out and we both have boners. No, I wouldn’t rather go back to sleep.”


Even Brian, frightened as he was, had to laugh. Breaking off the kisses for a moment he raised his face a couple of inches and asked, “What was your first time like?” He expected a joke or some snide remark not the answer he got.


“It—sucked, and not in a positive way. He was a lot older and it was rushed. He didn’t give a crap about me. As soon as he was finished he got up and left. The main thing I remember is that he didn’t even bother to take his socks off.”


Brian didn’t know what to say to that, not really, not anything that would help. “How old were you when that happened?”


“Fifteen, a year older than you are now. He was like thirty. I picked him up—we picked each other up on Liberty Avenue. I wouldn’t recommend it.”


Brian kissed Keith, trying to let him know that he cared, that he wanted to make it better, make the bad memory go away. “Do you think I’m too young to do this?”


Keith managed a small laugh. “You’re a very precocious fourteen year old.”


“I know I am. Everyone thinks I’m older than I really am.” They kissed a bit more, gently, carefully. Keith wanted it to be good for Brian, didn’t want him scared. “Do you? Do you think I’m too young for this?”


“Jesus, if I thought that you wouldn’t be here. I wouldn’t have asked you out last week and we wouldn’t be boyfriends.”


Brian just stared at him in the near blackness of the room, the pause became too long.




“…Is that what we are?”


Keith kissed him, his arms tightening just a bit. “Well, yeah, what did you think?”


“Shit. Really?”


“Yes, shit, really.” He could hear the smile as Brian snugged closer to kiss him, their arms around each other. He pulled Brian on top of him, the younger boy’s legs between his own. “I don’t want you to do anything that you’re not ready for, OK?”


“I’ll be alright. I’m fine, I want to do this.”


“If I do something that you don’t like, tell me—if there’s something, anything that you’re not comfortable with, just tell me.” He nodded. They began kissing again, this time with more intent, more passion, Brian using what little experience he had to try to convey to Keith how he felt, that he wanted to be there and that it was what he wanted. Their tongues touched, lightly, almost tentatively at first, the light touches became firmer, the gentle caresses became explorations of one another’s mouths.


Brian discovered that he loved kissing. He loved the closeness, the intimacy, the sharing of breath and the trust between two people. He liked being inside of another person. He loved the feel of lips on lips and the taste. He loved everything about it.


They had kissed before. They had even had make out sessions before, but this time they were naked in bed. It wasn’t the same. There was just so incredibly much skin involved.


He loved that Keith was using his hands on his body, stroking up and down his back, his sides, down to his ass and back up again. He loved the feel of his hips being held between Keith’s legs and the sweet friction of their cocks rubbing against one another. He loved that Keith’s legs rose up and held him in place, safely, securely. He liked the tickle of the hair on his legs rubbing against his own legs and up to his butt.


When Keith’s hand started kneading his cheeks, rubbing in circles and up and down, up and down, around and began dipping closer and closer to the cleft between he began to tense. He fought the feeling, trying to relax and renewed his efforts on Keith’s mouth to help.


When the first finger slipped between and started rubbing he almost pulled away at the sensation, the feeling of disgust and wondered how anyone could want to touch him there. He was terrified that he’d embarrass himself by doing—something gross, that Keith would kick him out if he somehow lost control of his functions.


Feeling and knowing what Brian was thinking Keith whispered “It’s alright, don’t worry about it. You won’t. Everyone is afraid of that at first.”


“…You don’t have to touch me there, if you don’t want. This is good, just what you’re doing.” They were both starting to breath harder and Brian realized, blushing in the dark, that he was starting to lightly hump Keith. “…I’m sorry” He stopped, ashamed. He had, after all, been raised in a Catholic house with a religious mother. This was a sin, no matter what his body and common sense told him. It was ingrained in his brain.


Sensing the problem, Keith renewed his efforts on Brian’s mouth, his arms coming up around the strong back again. Using leverage, he carefully rolled them both over so that Brian was now on the bottom, flat on the mattress. Working his way down from Brian’s mouth, he started on the youngster’s jaw and throat, suckling on his Adam’s apple and on down to the juncture where neck met shoulder.


Brian’s hands clenched Keith to him, his breath coming faster than before.


He moved further down, sliding his tongue down to Brian’s right breast. His mouth latched onto the small nub, suckling and teasing it with the tip of his tongue. The jolt through Brian’s body more than told him how much he liked it. Brian’s hands moved up, holding Keith’s head in place, gently pressing him down, asking him not to stop. Keith used his other hand to stroke up and down Brian’s body, down his shoulder to the sharp jut of his hip bones and back up again. Finally moving his own body further down, Keith began a slow progress down the taunt abs, across to the ribs and down to Brian’s navel, his tongue rimming around it, then in and out.


He felt the gasps from Brian as much as he heard them and smiled to himself as Brian began to writhe under him, his larger body pinning him down and keeping him under Keith’s control.


Both of Keith’s hands were now fondling, tweaking Brian’s nipples, his mouth still moving further down and Brian’s cock leaving a wet spot on his chin where he managed to bump into it. He smiled at the feeling.


Without pausing, he took the entire head into his mouth, sucking hard and tonguing the slit at the same time. Brian’s body spasmed, his stomach muscles and his abdomen moving in waves, his gasps becoming moans. Keith was vaguely aware that Brian’s hands were clenching, clutching the bedding, his feet flexing over and over again.


He slid his mouth up and down a few more times, keeping the suction from his mouth firm, hard and steady as he moved along the length of Brian’s cock, his tongue moving in random patterns around the head, up and over, under and down the member.


Without warning Brian tried to pull away, his hands trying to push him off, to move Keith away from his groin. Knowing what was happening he stayed where he was, catching the youngster’s hands, holding them and finishing what he had started. The cum flooded his mouth as Brian let out a groan that like nothing he’d heard and as wonderful a sound as he could hope to find. The young body beneath his went rigid, thrusting uncontrollably into Keith’s mouth, a dozen times or more, cumming hard.


Swallowing, licking up what he’d missed, he moved up to lie beside his new lover, feeling his body trembling, his breath coming in gasps, a sheen of sweat over his skin. “Bri? Are you alright?”


“…That was so—it was—I feel, I didn’t know about, I …” He gently kissed Keith’s cheek. “Thank you.” Another kiss. “Do you want me to…? Would it be alright if I…?”


“Do you really want to or do you think you owe me some kind of payback?” It was said quietly, but Brian knew he meant the question.


“Well…I want to. I just don’t know how.” He kissed Keith again. “Is that alright? You won’t get mad or anything?”


He was laughing. “Jesus, Brian, you want to give me a blow job and you’re worried that I won’t like it?—This shouldn’t be a problem.”


Even Brian was laughing, embarrassed, finally stopping, catching his breath, “Will you tell me what to do?”


Keith kissed him. “Let’s make this easy for you, OK?” They kissed again, tongues embracing before Keith pulled back, his voice calm, soft. “Start by working your way down, since you’re up here now.”


Brian did as he was told, kissing, sucking, and licking his way down the slender body that was so similar to his own. He noted some of the differences as he did what he hoped would please his lover—even the word made him thrill to some kind of pride. He—Brian Kinney—fourteen years old and he was making love with his boyfriend. He’d cum twice so far tonight, he’d gotten his first blowjob and he was trying to learn how to return the favor.


Keith chest was more developed, probably the result of both being three years older and having played high school sports for over three years now. His muscles were strong and taut. His skin was smooth, perfect. He had more body hair, a slight sprinkling was on his chest, but it was soft and light. Not at all objectionable.




He was down at Keith’s crotch; the hair there was soft, too. Somehow he thought that when the time came, when he was really doing what he was doing now—what he was about to do—that he’d be frightened or repulsed or that he’d just close his eyes and try to get it over quickly, but that wasn’t it at all.


He was turned on more than he’d ever been and he found that all he wanted was to make Keith feel good, to make him happy and to give him this—gift.


Tentatively he put his hand on Keith’s penis, amazed at how hard it was and that it felt just like his. A small part of his brain was proud that his was bigger, but he’d never say anything about that. Almost shyly he raised the tip so that he could get his mouth on it and was slightly surprised that it just tasted like skin, maybe slightly different, but not really all that much.


He could feel Keith tense under him, under his hands and knew that after the last twenty minutes or so, he wouldn’t be able to last very long. Brian had already cum twice, Keith not at all. He was also aware that Keith was purposely going easy on him. Hardly thrusting at all, trying not to give him more than he could handle, knowing that he was new at this, that this was his first time.


Brian had just the tip in his mouth, trying to be sure that his teeth didn’t graze anything g they shouldn’t. He remembered how good it had felt when Keith had licked his slit, so he did the same and heard the gasp of pleasure. Keith bucked further into his mouth, causing him to gag and his throat constricting with it and closing on Keith’s tip. That was what did it, putting him over and filling Brian’s mouth. Unprepared, he choked, trying desperately to swallow and not completely succeeding.


When Keith was finished, he moved back up, laying himself on the older boy’s chest as he caught his breath, listening to his pounding heart gradually slow down and wiping his mouth and chin where his mouth had over flowed.


He was embarrassed, but Keith’s reaction, a gentle laugh and a deep kiss reassured him.


“Was that alright?”


“You’re a natural.”




Keith kissed him again. “You’re going to get so good at this. You’re going to be the best lover—you’ll see.”


“You’ll teach me? I want to get good at it.”


Keith laughed again, but it was kind. “You’re going to be perfect. Men will come from all over to be with you.”


Brian was the one to lean in for the kiss this time. “But I just want you.”


“You have me. You have me for as long as you want, Bri. I told you. We’re together now.”


There was more kissing but finally, exhausted by the long day and the almost sleepless night, they both fell back asleep, spooned together.


*          *          *


Philip, Keith’s father was a doctor, a surgeon who specialized in pediatrics. He was currently researching an article he was writing for the AMA Journal on the treatment of common injuries caused by child abuse.


The night that Brian and Keith were consummating their relationship, he was in the records library of Children’s Hospital. For some reason the name ‘Kinney’ caught his eye and it took a few minutes before he remembered that was the name of Keith’s new friend, the one who had been over to the house the other night.


Brian. Yes, that was the boy’s name.


He opened the folder. It was thick, at least an inch or so, and stared at the reports.


1973- a year old infant was brought in with apparent severe shaking syndrome. He was treated and released. There was no serious injury. Parents stated he fell out of his crib.


1974- the two-year-old toddler was brought in with a dislocated shoulder. It was put back in position after x-rays. He was treated and released. Parents stated child fell out of his bed. Child services called. No action taken.


1975- Treated for a broken arm. Kept over night for observation then released Parents stated child fell off backyard swing.


1977- five-year-old child treated for three broken ribs. Treated and released. Parents claim child fell down stairs in home.


1980- eight-year-old child, multiple contusions and bruises. Child appeared defiant and angry. Treated and released.


1981- Broken ribs. Treated and released.


1982- Burns on hand. Treated and released. Parents stated child was playing with the stove.


1984- Multiple fractures to left clavicle. Parents stated Child fell off bike. Child unresponsive. Child services called. No action taken.


1985—last year—Child admitted with mild to moderate concussion. Parents claim it was incurred during a neighborhood football game. Child unresponsive, declined to answer questions. Child services called. No action taken.


Philip turned to some Polaroid’s of the injuries. In a couple of the shots he could see the kid’s face. Yes, no question, that was the boy who’d had dinner with them.


He had suspected that there was something about the boy that wasn’t right. He’d been well-mannered enough, polite enough and all that, but there was a wariness about him and a way he had of observing what was going on around him that had struck him at the time.


Now he knew what it was that it reminded him of. The boy reminded him of a trapped animal.


He picked up the phone, asking for the records departments of Allegheny General. Why, yes, they did have records for Kinney, Brian A, DOB 4/23/72. Would he like them messengered over? Certain, they’d be happy to. Could they just tell him what the main entries said? A pattern of admissions over the last dozen years or so. It looked like either a very accident-prone child or an abused one.


Yes, they’d send the report over first thing in the morning.


A call to Pittsburgh University Hospital yielded the same results. He would be willing to bet that if he tracked down the records of local urgent care centers, he’d find more.


It was a common pattern, parents would be afraid to bring a child to the same place too often so they’d move around to different hospitals, see different doctors.




Well, it seemed at Keith and the boy had hit it off pretty well, that might help. Now that he knew what the kid was dealing with, maybe he could find a way to help.




Across town Michael was lying in his small bed, hoping that Brian was OK. He knew that Keith was supposed to be a nice guy and all that, but—shit—Brian was still fourteen years old, even though he thought he tried to act older. Keith might get upset of he found out that Brian was gay, he might tell some of the other kids and then everything would be really hard. Brian might even get kicked off the soccer team.


Sure, Brian had hinted that He and Keith were seeing each other, but the guy was one of the big wheels of the school—if he was a fag everyone would know about it. Brian was just wishful thinking.


Brian was smart, though. He’d be careful. He knew how to be careful. When he got back from helping Keith out in Gettysburg, maybe they could go to a movie or something. Michael would warn Brian, not that he probably needed it, but still. You couldn’t be too careful.


Maybe if he warned him, Brian and he could really have a good talk, tell each other all about themselves and be like real brothers.


They’d see each other Monday in school. They could talk then.

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