Chapter 7

“When are you going to talk to Chris?”

“Luke, can’t you see Ethan and I are extremely busy.”

Ethan blinked as he stared at the chess board.

“How are you doing, Eth?”

“I made it to fifteen moves without him nailing me. Dad says that means I should be an expert by the time I’m fifteen.”

“Dad?” Luke glanced at Reid. “Does he want something?”

Reid huffed and shook his head. “We’re bonding over lousy hospital food and chess.”

“I would have brought you something from Al’s but I wanted to get here as fast as I could. With Grandmother flying back into town, cranky over Ethan’s accident, I wanted to make sure everyone at World Wide was prepared for the onslaught.”

Two moves later Reid declared, “Checkmate.”

“You nailed me again.” Ethan examined the board.

Chuckling, Luke rubbed Reid’s back. “Don’t feel bad, Ethan. He nails me every time.”

Smirking, Reid looked at his partner. “You bet I do. And when I get some time alone with you, I plan to do it again.”

“Gross! I’m not eight years old anymore. I know you’re not talking about chess.” Ethan grimaced. “Can we keep this conversation child-friendly? We are in the pediatrics ward.”

“He’s got a point.” Luke winked at Reid.

“Of course he’s got a point. I taught him to be a masterful debater.”

“Right, because your speaking skills have always won people over with their charm and reason.”

“I’m glad you see it my way.”

Gently ghosting his fingers over Reid’s cheek, Luke kissed him tenderly. “I always see things your way.”

“Hey guys. Sick kid in the bed. I can’t go anywhere so don’t make me watch you two get all mushy unless you want me to puke all over the chess set.”

Reid moved the chess board off the bed. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

“How long do I have to stay here?” To some Ethan may have seemed to whine, but Reid understood his son hated to be cooped up in bed and doted on by everyone who visited.

“What’s your rush?” Luke smiled at his brother. “At least you get out of school legitimately.”

“Luke, I may be getting out of school, but you can be sure they’ll be sending home piles of homework for me to do once my head can focus for more than thirty minutes at a time.”

“Don’t think about that right now.” Luke sat on the side of Ethan’s bed, mirroring Reid on the opposite side. “Besides, with the week off for Thanksgiving that’s coming up, Reid and I can help you catch up.”

“And what about this?” Ethan held up his damaged right arm, secured in a cast.

Before either Luke or Reid could answer the door slowly opened.

“Can we come in?”

Ethan’s eyes brightened up at the sight of Katie walking in with Jacob.

“Whoa, Jake, how did you get out of school? It’s only just after lunch time.”

Jacob lowered his head. Sometimes Reid forgot how much younger he was than Ethan until he saw them in the same room together. Three and half years can make a huge difference between children.

“Hi, Ethan. Jacob and I thought visiting you might be a bit more important than gym class this afternoon.”

Still not saying a word, Jacob sat in a chair in the corner of the private hospital room.

“So what’s happening at school? I bet the other kids are jealous as hell that I’m not going to be in school for like three or four whole weeks.”

Shrugging, Jacob remained silent.

“Well, if you’re not gonna talk I’m just gonna close my eyes for a few minutes. Is that okay, Luke? Reid said that whenever I feel tired I should just give in to it.”

“It’s fine buddy.” Luke looked at Jacob, his brow furrowed.

Reid glanced from Luke to Ethan to Jacob and finally rested his eyes on Katie.

Katie offered a half-smile. “Luke, Reid, why don’t we leave the boys alone for a minute while we step outside.”

“We’ll be right outside the door if you need us, kid.”

“Okay, Reid.” Ethan yawned, closing his eyes.

As soon as the door shut, Reid immediately faced Katie. “What’s wrong with Jacob? My little former roomie looks like crap. For a kid who’s usually borderline clinically hyperactive he’s sure not qualifying now.”

“No, Reid, he’s not. This past week his school work has been a disaster. His teachers claim all he does is stare off into space and he barely strings two words together at home.”

Luke laced his fingers with Reid’s and with the other hand gave Katie’s shoulder a squeeze. “What’s up with the little guy?”

“I think he heard Chris and me arguing.”

“About what?”

Looking off to the side, Katie tucked her hair behind her ear. “I was upset and concerned about Ethan and I blamed Chris for not dumping the older skateboard, even though it wasn’t that old.”

Reid’s eyes widened and he turned to Luke. “See, I told you.”

“But I was wrong. I knew Chris was trying to spare Jacob’s feelings and not throw away anything directly or indirectly related to Brad without first discussing it with Jacob. It’s such a delicate balance. Whenever Chris tries to discipline Jacob, he keeps popping back with, ‘You’re not my real father. He would have been nicer.’ It’s that or some other nonsense that we know he doesn’t really mean.”

“Pretty rough. I guess I’m lucky Ethan didn’t go through a phase like that.”

Luke leaned against Reid’s shoulder. “Maybe because he was lucky enough to know his father for a while, and he also knows our father wanted him to be with you if something should happen to him.”

“Maybe.” Reid hated when Holden or Lily’s death was brought to the forefront. Luke would probably never stop missing them, although as the years passed, it had become easier to control his feelings. Times like these, Reid wished he could take away all of Luke and Ethan’s pain. But while he was good at almost everything else, this was one thing he couldn’t help them with.

“Reid.” Katie got his attention once again. “Chris mentioned during our stupid argument that you blame him.”

Rolling his lips inward, Reid turned his head toward the ceiling, unwilling to look at either Luke or Katie.

“Please, Reid. We both know he never would have wanted anything like this to happen. Unfortunately Jacob overheard that two of the most important adults in his life accused his father of hurting his closest cousin and best buddy.”

“So you expect me to fix this?” Reid hated feeling obligated to speak with Chris, but it was getting more and more evident that he would have no choice but to hash it out with his colleague.

Luke faced Reid. “Do you really believe Chris would have ever left the old skateboard with Jacob if he thought anyone would use it?”

“Dr. Hughes has demonstrated poor judgment in the past. My guess is it’s a chronic condition.” Reid had no intention of letting Chris off the hook so easily, once again.

“Maybe so, but I doubt it.” Luke gazed into Reid’s eyes. “It’s hard to fight with a ghost, especially one like Brad’s. Everyone really cared about him.”

Katie sniffled as Reid and Luke continued to talk.

“Damn! I wished I’d known Brad.” Reid looked at Katie. “He really was the love of your life.”

Turning her back to Reid, Katie pulled a tissue from her purse.

“Reid?” Luke cupped his chin, encouraging him to look directly into his eyes.


“Not all of us are lucky enough to find, and then get to live out our lives with, our true soulmate. I’m one of those lucky ones.”

Reid leaned into Luke’s touch, a need he counted on every day -- more than air or water. “I’m pretty damn lucky too.”

“But Katie wasn’t as fortunate. She was able to create a new life with Chris, but it must be rough at times for Chris, knowing Brad will always be with them, even if he’s only a treasured memory.”

Having dried her eyes, Katie faced the two men. “Reid, please talk to Chris. Get this settled so we can all move forward. Maybe once you two have moved past your dicey history, my son can stop feeling guilty. He thinks he caused Ethan’s accident, spurred by Chris’ reactions to how Jacob treats him at times.”

Reid peered through the window into the room. Ethan was sleeping and Jacob was in the corner, staring at his cousin, tears running down his little face. Shit! “Both of you stay out here.”

As soon as he entered the room, Jacob swiped his sleeve across his eyes and cheeks.

“Hey, buddy.”

“Hi, Reid.”

“I’ve missed spending time with you.”

Jacob nodded, but remained silent.

“At least you have a father who loves you.”

The little boy shrugged, looking smaller than Reid remembered.

“Don’t you think he loves you?”

“He’s not my real father?”

“Whoa, hold the phone.”


“Sorry, old phrase. Sometimes I forget how young you are.”

Tilting his head, Jacob looked directly at Reid. “You lived with me after my real father died. Kind of like a second father.”

This kid really was feeling like he had lost everyone. Reid knew he had the power to begin helping him truly heal, and not physically.

“Mom told me you even fed me and changed my diaper a couple of times.”

“I managed to do that, but I was more like Uncle Reid.”

“Right. My dad’s dead.”

Biting his lip, Reid squatted in front of the chair Jacob was sitting in. “Your biological father is dead. That’s true. Although I know from everything I’ve ever heard about him, that the last thing he wanted to do was leave you and your mother.”

Jacob shrugged.

“But you’re one of those kids who gets a second chance. For starters, you have a terrific uncle.”

Pointing at Reid, the edges of Jacob’s mouth curled slightly upward. “You?”

“Yeah. Me.” Reid took a deep breath. “You also have an incredible father, who loves you more than anything in the world.”

Looking down, Jacob started to tug at the hem of his shirt.

“Chris Hughes is a good guy and he always wants to do what’s best for you.”

“But he should’ve told me the skateboard was dangerous.”

“He should have. You’re right. But he’s human and unfortunately, even with my brilliant skills, I can’t make a human perfect. It’s impossible. All humans make mistakes.”

“Ethan thinks you’re amazing.”

“Ethan thinks I’m amazing because when he argues with Luke I sometimes side with him... which by the way is a mistake I make. Just ask Luke.”


“Forget it, buddy.” Reid patted Jacob’s knee. “Just keep in mind that you’ve got a great dad who would do anything for you. He may not be your biological father, but he loves you just as much. I bet it hurts him when you make him feel like he doesn’t make the cut compared to me or Brad.”

“I bet you’re right.” Jacob sighed. “The truth is, I really do, you know, love him. I sometimes say things I don’t mean when we fight or when he tries to punish me.”

“See, there’s that human thing again. We all make mistakes.”

“I love you, Uncle Reid.” Jacob lunged forward to hug Reid, toppling them both backward onto the floor.

With a small chuckle they both sat up.

Katie walked in. Reid was convinced she and Luke had heard every word. In the past he might have been embarrassed but not this time.

Keeping her voice very soft, Katie focused on Jacob. “Come on, Jacob, we’d better let Ethan sleep. He needs lots of rest.”

“Okay, Mom, but can we visit him again tomorrow? I didn’t really talk today.”

“Would you like to talk with him tomorrow?”

Jacob nodded. “I want to tell him I’m sorry... about the accident.”

“He knows you’re sorry. I bet he’d love to talk with someone who’s not a grown up for once. I’m sure hospitals can be pretty boring.”

Waving good-bye, Jacob left the room. Katie gave a quick peck on the cheek to Luke and Reid and followed him out.

In less than ten seconds Ethan opened his eyes. “Reid?”

“Sorry, kid, did we wake you?”

“Not really, I was just resting.” He paused but it was obvious he had more to say. “Reid, you know I miss my first dad, but I think you’ve done okay in the dad department since then.”

“Thanks, Ethan. Good to know.” Reid was having trouble speaking around the lump forming in his throat.

“Can I give you some advice, son to dad?”

Reid’s eyes narrowed as he gazed at Luke and then at Ethan. “Sure, what words of wisdom do you have for me?”

“I know you’ve hinted at some big stuff that happened between you and Uncle Chris years ago. Maybe you should talk to him. Luke says talking things out is the civil way to solve problems. Clamming up or fighting doesn’t help anyone.” Ethan looked at his big brother. “Did I get that right?”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself.” Luke gently rubbed Ethan’s shoulder.

“Well, Reid?”

“Okay. I give in.” Reid pulled his phone out of his pocket and hit one of the pre-programmed numbers. “Chris, do you have a half hour to go get a coffee at Java?”


“Good. I’ll meet you in fifteen minutes.”

Luke took out the chess board to set it up. “Ethan and I will practice while you’re gone.”

Reid brushed his lips against Luke’s.

Luke sighed. “I miss our alone time.”

“Consider that some encouragement. It should buy us some time until we have more time back home.”

Grinning, Luke started setting up the chess pieces.


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