Chapter 8 – Brunch at Britin


After further reflection Brian realized that meeting with Melanie and Lindsay in any public venue in the Pittsburgh area might be risky. Not only did he want to protect his interests where the case was concerned but he didn’t want gossips mumbling and causing grief for all of them by having Brandon get wind of the meeting. In addition, Brian felt that it was important to have Justin participate in this luncheon, as he was also deeply involved.

At precisely 1:00 PM on Sunday afternoon the doorbell at Britin sounded.

Brian opened the door to a rather haggard looking Lindsay and a stone-faced Melanie.

“Alright, Kinney, against my better judgment as a parent and an attorney you got me here. This better be good.” Melanie brushed by Brian. Then she noticed Justin coming out of the dining room towards the front foyer. “Hi, Justin, I didn’t realize you’d be here as well. Is there anyone else ready to ambush me?”

Before Brian or Lindsay could respond, neither finding Melanie’s remarks at all appropriate, Justin touched Brian’s arm. “Mel, you’ve been invited to our home for a peaceful gathering of only the four of us. No one else is here and no has any intention of ambushing you, twisting your arm or pinning you to the wall.”

Lindsay looked towards her ex sadly. “We just want what’s best for Gus. That’s why we’re all here. Please Mel, try to stay calm…for Gus.”

Looking at Lindsay’s pleading eyes and hearing her words, Melanie’s entire stance relaxed. “Okay, I’d do just about anything for Gus.”

“Well ladies,” Brian smiled, feeling back in control of the situation, “please follow me to the dining room. I believe Justin has created a feast to rival Debbie’s, without the lasagna.”

Melanie laughed, “Thank God.”

The four sat down at one end of the rather large dining room table. It actually seated twelve, an appropriate size for the formal dining area at Britin.

Each person took a plate of food from the buffet that Justin had presented on the far wall of the room. They sat and ate, talking about a variety of family related issues. Finally after about fifteen minutes Brian began what he hoped would be a productive discussion.

“First, I’d like to make a toast to this lovely repast and to all the company at this table.”

All raised their glasses and chimed in, “Here, here.”

“If you don’t mind, I’d rather not spend the next hour babbling aimlessly,” Mel challenged.

“Please, Brian, just get down to it. Gus and JR are with Michael and Ben and I don’t want to leave them there all day.”

“Why not, Michael’s a good father?” Brian’s Michael defense kicked in.

Melanie smirked, “Because when both kids are together with one of their fathers they seem to get even more spoiled than when it’s one on one. I’d like to give the kids half a day to recover from their sugar highs.”

“Ah, I guess Sonny Boy should start following the no carbs after seven rule.”

“Brian, please continue,” Lindsay pleaded. She’d clearly been stressed over all this as her future hinged on Gus’ ultimate happiness.

“As I was saying, we are all family,” looking at Melanie, Brian added, “whether we like it or not.” Justin smiled at that, realizing that most real families have drama all the time. This just proved how much of a ‘real’ family they were.

“We all want what’s best for Gus and we all have lives that should be, and can be fulfilling.”

Mel chimed in, “Look, Linds, I know we’ve been apart now for over two years. Fuck, if I was honest with myself, we’ve been apart since before JR was born.” Mel took Lindsay’s hand and held it as Brian and Justin sat quietly holding hands under the table. “I know that you and I will never have a future as a couple. We want considerably different things in our lives and the two just don’t jive. But the one thing we’ve never lost focus on is the kids.” Then Melanie turned to Brian. “So what do you propose that’s best for Gus? My attorney has advised me not to contact you, but I think where children are concerned that’s bullshit.”

“Funny you should mention your lawyer. That’s exactly where I was heading next. I understand you’ve enlisted the services of Brandon Connelly.”

“Yes, he’s the best and he has a perfect record with any of his cases that have gone to trial, big or small. I know you’ve enlisted your shark, Gabriel. Boy, does he know how to manipulate and I won’t be manipulated…again.”

“That’s just what I was coming to. You are being manipulated, and at our son’s expense.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? This sounds more like fear or sour grapes to me. Are you afraid of what we’ll be able to bring before the court. Brandon, I mean Mr. Connelly, certainly thinks he can bury your chances of ever seeing Gus again.”

“Now, Ms. Marcus, in your heart of hearts, if you have one, do you think that’s best for Gus? Even more of a curiosity, how did you find this lawyer? Did you approach him through a reference or through a mutual colleague?”

“Actually, now that you mention it, he approached me when we were having lunch one day. I was sharing Lindsay’s proposal and when I brought up your name he seemed very concerned with the prospect of you having actual physical custody of Gus.” Melanie leaned into the table. She realized something was amiss with this entire scenario. “What are you trying to say, Brian?”

Justin looked at Brian and then at the two women sitting opposite him. “There’s a bit of history that Brian needs to share with you and then details of a very interesting lunch he had on Friday at Papagano’s.”

“Justin, do we really have to review Brian’s history with Brandon again?” Lindsay looked confused.

“What the fuck are you talking about? What history? Brandon already told me he was never one of your tricks.” Melanie’s voice had increased in intensity as her concern escalated.

“Brian, I’d like to clear away some of these dishes and make another pot of coffee. And to be perfectly honest, I don’t think I can listen to this again, so soon.” Justin leaned in and kissed Brian gently on the lips.

Brian pulled him in for a slightly longer kiss. “Only you, Sunshine, remember that.”

“I know.” Then Justin placed the dirty dishes and the perishables from the buffet on a platter and left the room.

Brian looked at his two guests. It was obvious he needed to just let them know everything without beating around the bush. “Lindsay, Melanie, please sit back and listen. It’s a story that only comes along once in a lifetime and it will end today.”

Brian proceeded to recount his initial history with Brandon, including his aborted collection of the ‘winnings’. Then he continued to describe in detail, using as many quotes as possible, the lunch experience he had just two days prior. By the time he finished, Lindsay was pale, and Melanie was clearly seething with anger. She stood up and turned towards the two. “That mother-fucking piece of shit!”

Justin returned upon hearing that booming utterance. He grinned slightly at Brian who simply responded, “Nice choice of words, someone else I know, who is quite intelligent, called me that a long time ago.”

Melanie started walking around the room with her hands on her hips. “I should have this guy disbarred. I knew somewhere deep down, that you could only be supportive of Gus. You’ve always been appropriate with him ever since I’ve been back from Canada. And if I’m fucking honest with myself, you and Justin have been positive influences on his development.” Then Mel slammed her fist on the far end of the table making Lindsay jump and Justin cringe.

“Well the first thing I’m going to do is fire that asshole.”

“Wait, Mel, I think you said something even more significant earlier and I’d like to pursue that.”

Justin looked at Brian. “What are you talking about? This is just what we were hoping for. We’re all on the same side again.”

“Justin, this guy is the ultimate sleaze. He was blackmailing me to fuck him in exchange for having continued access to my son. Don’t you think disbarring is the least we can work towards?”

Justin paled. “Oh God, Brian, hearing it all summed up like that just makes me want to puke.”

Lindsay looked up with reddened eyes. “It makes me sick too. But more than that, I want to get that fucking asshole and make him pay. He tried to destroy you and in turn destroy Gus’ future and mine.”

At this point Brian, Justin and Lindsay were awaiting word from Melanie. She was not a person to take lightly, especially when someone tried to screw her in her own profession. Melanie sat silently. She seemed to be looking at her hands but it was obvious that she was taking the time to think.

Finally, Lindsay touched Melanie’s shoulder. She startled at first but then raised her head and looked at her son’s three other parents.

“I want to nail that mother-fucker to the wall…by his dick.” Brian cringed but kept his snarky remarks to himself. No use fanning the flame when he had a feeling he was going to get his own needs met in the long run.

“First, Brian, I’d like you to arrange a meeting with Mr. Gabriel as soon as possible. I’ll bring one of my colleagues from my own practice with me to act as my representative to insure that no one can accuse you of coercing me into anything.

Have him reproduce the custodial agreement with Lindsay’s original proposal. The four of us will share custodial rights to Gus. I want it to stipulate that when Lindsay, or any of us for that matter, are out of town the remaining guardians and/or parents will share custody within a 60 mile radius of the Pittsburgh area. If one of us is to choose to take a vacation with Gus, it will be with the approval of the other local guardian. I’ll have our child custody attorney write up an agreement illustrating a fair and equitable arrangement and fax it to Mr. Gabriel for his approval before the meeting.

In the meantime, Brian, I want you to have another meeting with Brandon. Make him think that you are seriously considering his disgusting proposal. We have police connections with the wire equipment experts. They’ll wire you before your meeting. You get the picture.”

Justin looked alarmed. “Brian, that can’t be safe. I’m not sure I want you to do this.”

“Justin, do you want this guy to railroad anyone else, especially where kids are concerned?”

“No, but fuck, you better be in a public place…and you better fucking tell me where you are, because I’m going to be at the other end of the wire listening.”

Melanie walked over to Justin, “I won’t put Brian in any danger. Brandon Connelly is a blackmailer, but I don’t think he’s violent. Most blackmailers are cowards. Besides, not only will I be listening, but I’ll arrange for our usual police connection, you, Carl and a close friend of mine who’s a leader on the Pennsylvania Bar to listen in as well. If she’s not available, I’ll make sure to find out exactly what she needs to hear on the recording.”

Justin was still unconvinced. “I just don’t trust anything about this guy.”

“Justin, we’ll be listening close by in a remote van if that makes you feel better. Oh, and the police are always armed…just in case.”

Justin looked back and forth from Brian to Melanie. Then he sat next to Brian and put his arms around his neck as he asked him point-blank, “You want to do this, don’t you?”

“Sunshine, as Melanie so eloquently put it, I want to nail this mother-fucker to the wall…by his dick.”

Justin leaned in and kissed Brian fiercely, “Okay, but just remember, we’ll be close by.”

“I love you, Justin, and I love Gus. I’ll keep that forefront in my mind.”

“Fuck!” Everyone looked at Melanie, surprised by her exclamation. “I never thought I’d witness Brian Kinney being the ultimate husband and father. It’s a fucking miracle.”

Lindsay chastised, “Mel, it’s taken me a long time to understand that, but all you really have to do is take the time to honestly look at him.”

Brian looked at Melanie and Lindsay. “I prefer to think of it as the ever-changing kaleidoscope of life.” He smirked and then grabbed Justin to pull him in for another toe-curling kiss.

“Now, if you ladies wouldn’t mind, this has been a rather grueling experience. Why don’t you go and retrieve our kids before they end up riding on a permanent sugar high while I fuck this fabulously hot ass sitting next to me?”

Justin blushed and swatted Brian’s arm.

“Brian!” Lindsay practically squealed.

“Stop being such a prude, Lindsay. And Brian, I really don’t give a shit who you fuck, as long as it’s not me…or Brandon Connelly,” Melanie smirked.

“No chance of either scenario ever happening.”

On that note, Melanie and Lindsay left. Although each person hoped that their ultimate needs would be met, the next week would prove stressful until all was resolved.

After closing the door behind the munchers, Justin turned to Brian. “This fabulously hot, young ass is just dying to get fucked.”

“Well, Sunshine, I always aim to please,” Brian smirked.

“Don’t I know it!” And the two of them anxiously ran up the stairs and blocked out everything but each other.


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