The Movie

Chapter 4



Reid heard Luke utter the name of the person they hadn’t spoken about in years.

“How could you even think to include him in a movie supposedly focused on my parents?”

“Because it’s more about you, Luke. The whole film is about you.”

“And you think Brian was an important part of my life. I have news for you, Noah, he was only important because you made an issue of him at first. You challenged whether I knew he was hitting on me, and you believed him over me.”

“I should have taken your word for it, but I didn’t. Fortunately, we came out of that incident better than before.”

“Do you remember what led to the whole Brian fiasco in the first place?” Luke’s voice was surprisingly firm and steady.

Reid and Mark returned to the living room carrying coffee cups, each handing one to their partner. Reid was concerned about all that was being brought to the surface. “Luke, is it really necessary to bring up all these memories?”

“Ask Noah. He’s the one that won’t let the past rest. The problem is, with each incident, he plays down his involvement, or should I use the term culpability?” Luke glared at Noah once again, taking the mug Reid offered him, before returning to his seat on floor.

All four of them were now seated on the large rug that covered the expanse of the living room. Reid looked at the comfortable sofa and chairs, but had a feeling he shouldn’t bring up how ridiculous it was letting all those cushions go to waste.

Mark looked at his lover. “How much of this is really necessary for the film?”

“The network wanted it to be more focused on Luke than his parents. They thought he would be more of an interest grabber, a hot commodity for the viewers.”

“Noah, I love you, but I need to ask – are all these incidents that you keep trying to include in the movie; incidents, I should mention, that seem to focus on Luke, really about him? Or are they your backhanded ways of letting Luke see what he lost?”

“I love you, Mark.” Noah’s eyes narrowed. “I love only you. I’m not trying some strange way of reuniting with Luke.”

Reid huffed. “Like that would ever happen.”

Glaring at Reid, Noah continued. “The film needs to be completely honest and upfront -- including the part about the insinuation of the great Reid Oliver in our lives.”

Reid snorted. “I can’t wait to hear how that got colored by your vision, Mr. Director.”

“Noah!” Everyone’s attention returned to Luke. “Do you remember what the hell led up to Grandmother’s ex-husband hitting on me; how I ended up in such an insane situation?” It was obvious Luke wasn’t about to skip any part of the history Noah had incorporated in the movie.

Lowering his head, Noah stared into his coffee cup. Reid remembered hearing the story of the ultimate hypocrisy, coupled with the ultimate betrayal. It still disturbed Luke that he never actually did finish school, despite his significant successes in his career. Reid wondered if Ethan would ever throw that in their faces when times got tough and school got harder to deal with.

“You turned me in to the dean for rigging a stupid class election.”

“And you turned back to the bottle.”

“I take full credit and blame for that. But guess what, it was the only friend I thought I could trust at the time.”

“That’s not fair, Luke.”

“It’s not. The person I thought loved me more than anything destroyed my life on the basis of his opinion of what would be in my best interests. You’re a hypocrite, Noah. You lied to the government, and asked my entire family to go along with it, but you couldn’t keep a stupid school election between us.”

Mark stared at Noah. Reid wondered if this was the moment someone would walk out. He admired Mark for staying the course and listening to everything.

Placing his cup on a coaster on the coffee table, Mark looked at Noah. “Is that true? Did you lie for yourself, and ask others to lie for you, and then turn in the man you supposedly loved, a man who had already sacrificed so much for you, including almost losing his life?”

“It wasn’t like that. We were helping Ameera stay in the country. She was an important cause.”

“So was the reason I wanted to be class president. It may not have been a good single-issue platform to some, but I thought I was working for the greater good.”

Mark pinched the bridge of his nose. “How easy was it for you to betray your lover?”

“Don’t worry, Mark, we weren’t lovers yet?” Luke huffed. “I had to push him over that cliff too a couple of months later. He repeatedly rejected me until I almost thought I wasn’t desirable.”

At that point Reid could no longer remain silent. “You are the hottest, most desirable man I’ve ever met. Anything Noah was too naive to see, was his loss. Fu..., making love to you is one of the ongoing highlights of my life and I can promise I will never get tired of it or take you for granted.”

Luke chuckled. “You are so getting lucky tonight -- repeatedly.”

“Then my job here is done.”

Poking Reid in the ribs, Luke turned away from Noah and Mark and planted a big wet kiss on Reid’s lips.

When the two turned back to Noah and Mark, the tension between them was palpable.

Mark remained calm as he spoke. “Noah, it would help if you admitted realizing how one-sided and self-serving some of your actions were back then.”

“It’s hard.”

“It’s always hard to admit when you’re wrong, but it sounds like the version of Luke’s life you’re filming is out of balance. Don’t you think you need to rethink the directions you’re taking?”

Luke kissed Reid once more and then faced Noah. He lowered his voice, yet the intensity was still there. “Do you remember the final blow to our rocky relationship?”

Looking beyond Luke, Noah narrowed his eyes as he stared at Reid. “Dr. Reid Oliver.”

“No, Noah. It was before that. Once again, you denied what was plain to see. Mason Jarvis. He told me outright that he wanted you and would stop at nothing to get you once the term was over. When he was caught kissing you on film and you passed over my concerns I knew, somewhere deep inside, that I could never trust you. Your work, your viewpoint, would always be the only one that counted. I would never be taken seriously. I knew we could never work, but I just couldn’t face leaving a relationship I’d already given up so much of myself to... and for.”

Reid was surprised to see Noah stand and turn from the group. He wondered if he would be the one to run until he turned around and saw something he’d never seen before, a tear escape Noah Mayer’s eye. He quickly wiped it away, but allowed his emotions to remain transparent.

“You were right, Luke -- about Mason. He met up with me in L.A. He wanted to work on my second film out there. He told me how he felt. It was a huge compliment for about a month, until I woke up and realized he was using me. He slept with me to get a job, and then he slept with my producer to get a better one.”

He stopped speaking and no one else moved until Luke stood up and approached him. “Noah, are you okay?” It was just like Luke to still be worried about someone other than himself.

“He told me I was a fun distraction in Oakdale, and it made it even better because he could get a rise out of you. He loved the attention.” Noah huffed. “Here’s the clincher -- he had found out about the accident but decided not to visit thinking my career was over and that was all he was interested in anyway. He wanted a ride on my coat tails. I nearly lost my sight permanently, I threw you away, and I fell for his bullshit a second time, all for nothing.”

“I always knew you were more talented than he was. I also knew my writing was better than he gave me credit for, but he wanted you so he had to destroy my spirit to get to you.”

“I’ve apologized before, Luke, but I just need to say again how sorry I am.”

“First love isn’t usually smooth.”

“Ours couldn’t have gotten bumpier.” Noah looked at Luke. “I did love you in the best way I knew how back then.”

“The question is, have you learned to love better now, when it’s going to really count?”

Noah looked at Mark. He held out his hand and Mark took it, pulling Noah back down to sit with him. “I hope I’ve learned to love without judging. I’m pretty sure I have.”

Luke returned to his own spot. Reid immediately wrapped his arms around his partner’s waist.

“Mr. Mayer, my question is, can you really put Luke’s life on film without incorporating your own colored version of the story? Let’s face it, we all know I never made a move on Luke until you had long broken it off with him. Hell, you two hadn’t had sex in over half a year.”

“There’s a lot I need to think about.”

Mark pressed his lips against Noah’s. “I know you’ve already rethought some of your preconceived notions about sex.”

“Do tell, my esteemed Dr. Jenkins.” Reid’s eyes widened. It was about time he heard something he didn’t already know.

“I have no intention of sharing the details of our very hot and satisfying sex life with you.”

“I have no intention of listening to the gory details of the sex life of the newly domesticated Mark and Noah, but it’s this rethinking that has me intrigued.”

“Oh my God!” Luke actually pointed like a little kid. “Noah, you’re blushing.” Luke swung his head around to face Reid and looked like he’d just discovered the secret of eternal life. “Noah’s a bottom.” Luke started chuckling. “We really were so not right for each other in every way.”

“Luke,” Noah hissed.

“Noah, give it a rest. We’re all friends.” Luke took a deep breath. “And if you can figure out how to include some parts of my young adult life without making me look like a fool, I’ll approve it. But, Noah, there’s nothing wrong with letting someone love you. It’s one of the things I love most about sex with Reid.”

Reid rolled his eyes. “I think this conversation has gotten way out of hand.”

Mark stood up. “How about lunch? I’ll help you make some of those notorious sandwiches you love.”

“Sounds like the best thing I’ve heard all day.” Reid kissed Luke as he left for the kitchen. “Of course that promise of getting lucky later still tops the list.”

“I guarantee it will Dr. Oliver.” Luke grinned, his eyes lighting up for the first time in days.

“I’m counting on it Mr. Snyder.” Reid looked from Noah to Luke. “Now that we’ve survived this long overdue memory dump, I hope you two boys can play nice together.”

“No problem, Reid. Besides, we can compare notes about our hot tops.”

Reid smacked Luke playfully on the ass. “Just don’t divulge all our secrets. I like knowing we have the hottest sex in Oakdale.”

“Speak for yourself, Reid. You don’t have any idea what life is like with Mark.” A smile crept across Noah’s face.

“Nor do I want to know, Mr. Mayer. You two enjoy your girly chit-chat.”

As Reid turned away he was hit in the head by a throw pillow from the sofa. “Reid, I may have certain preferences in the bedroom, but that doesn’t mean I still don’t have a solid right cross.”

“Point taken, Noah. I’ll go make those sandwiches and I’ll try not to do anything to warrant you defending your boyfriend.”

The last thing Reid noticed was Luke and Noah sitting on opposite ends of the sofa, facing one another, with smiles on their faces. He hoped the anguish this movie was causing was behind them, but he still wasn’t convinced it would be smooth sailing, especially with a wedding in the works at the same time.


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