Chapter 4



The night wasn’t nearly as brutal as Brian thought it might be. Clearly this kid was one of those that actually slept through the night, wasn’t hungry 24/7 and didn’t have colic. Jessica only woke up once for a diaper change, which Brian courteously allowed Justin the privilege of taking care of, and a bottle that Brian warmed.

Considering all the options that could have happened this wasn’t too bad. If it turned out the kid had some times when she would get pissed off and yell a while he could cope with that too...for a week. Fuck, Justin had coped with his temper for all these years, the least he could do was put up with their charge for a few more days if she turned out to be less than pleasant once she got comfortable with them.

In the meantime, Brian would enjoy the “honeymoon” period and accept that Jessica was actually pleasant to be around and didn’t seem to rock the boat too much. Best of all, she was kind of cute to look at. It was hard to look at parents and tell them how adorable their ugly kids were, but sometimes he had to do that with clients when they shared family pictures. He was relieved to know that all the kids in their family were honestly nice looking...Gus, JR and now this little rugrat.

At 8:00 AM Justin brought Jessica down to the kitchen. It was obvious he wasn’t as comfortable being awakened during the night, despite the infrequency, as Brian was.

“Morning, Sunshine, you look like you’re still half asleep. Are babysitting duties interfering with your beauty sleep?” Brian snarked, as he poured Justin a cup of coffee and traded him the warm, wake-up serum for the baby.

“Fuck off. I’m not like you and you know it. I actually enjoy sleeping eight continuous hours through the night.” He took a sip of the coffee, and raised the cup slightly towards Brian. “Thank you. Sorry to be such a cranky queen.”

“You’re still a princess to me.” Brian smirked as he gave Justin a kiss and walked to the kitchen table with his little bundle. “And you my friend have kept your Uncle Justin up a bit longer than he likes. Maybe we can work on that sleeping through the night concept while your mother is playing nursemaid in Arizona.”

The baby looked up at Brian. She seemed to have a smile on her face, although Brian guessed it was probably just gas. This kid could really burp. She started cooing while Justin warmed a bottle and continued to sip his coffee, which was slowly serving its critical purpose.

“Hey, Justin.”

“Yeah,” he responded through a mild yawn.

“How does a woman who looks as dark, and might I add beautiful, as Daphne end up with a kid with blue eyes?”

“When you make deposits at a sperm bank you have to fill out a fucking long profile. It includes everything except the names of your grade school teachers. That way when someone is looking for a sample from an anonymous donor they know about the person and traits that their kid might get.”

“So I guess sports enthusiast wasn’t on your list.”

Justin snorted, “Not unless fucking is considered a sport, although it’s probably a lot more active than most sports -- at least the way we do it.”

“Now that’s my Sunshine, starting to wake up and snark with the best of them...and that would be me.”

“Of course.”

Justin handed the bottle to Brian, who began to feed the baby, while Justin assembled his own breakfast.

“So what should we do with her today?”

“I think an outing for lunch at the diner would benefit all of us.”

“How do you figure that?”

“Deb’s on today and Mikey’s at All the Rage so I’m sure he’ll meet the Professor for lunch and that’ll mean that to get some midday relief Mel will bring the kids there. Who knows -- Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum may show up with their better halves as well.”

“And this is all good because...”

“I guess the coffee hasn’t finished working its way into that beautiful blond head of yours. This is all good because then the rest of the group can coo and play with the kid for a while. I say we’ll probably get at least two hours break time out of the visit, not to mention I do want to make sure Gus sees our visitor before he returns to Britin on Sunday night.”

“I like how you think, Mr. Kinney. It’s clever with a hint of the devil thrown in for good measure.”

“Well I am going to hell, or so I’ve been told.”

“And I’ll be riding there right alongside you.” Having finished his breakfast Justin moved closer to Brian. He kissed him chastely at first but then began to explore his mouth with his tongue. The temperature began to slowly heat up until they heard a strange noise coming from Jessica who was still in Brian’s arms, having just finished her bottle.

“Shit, she puked.”

“Fuck, did you burp her after she finished the bottle?”

“No, Justin, someone distracted me with his lips and tongue. It was a toss up, burp a baby or kiss my husband. I chose the latter, but unfortunately that didn’t work too well, so would you get some wet towels and clean us up.”

Justin, knowing that he did contribute to the first, and what he hoped would be the last, baby puke mess did as asked. While he took the baby and cleaned her with a warm cloth he’d handed one to Brian so he could clean himself up.

“According to Daphne’s list she goes down for a morning nap right after the breakfast bottle.”

“Well then -- let’s put her in her crib and maybe you and I can have a morning nap too.” Brian raised one eyebrow as he spoke.

“I like the way you think. Since she’s young we can still get a lot of nap time in as long as we stick to her schedule.”

“I gather that means spontaneity is shot to hell.”

“Fuck spontaneity, at least we’ll get some time together. When Gus is with us we can’t be all that spontaneous either.”

“You have a point. Well let’s get this young lady to sleep.”

“When she wakes up we’ll bathe her in the little tub Daphne left with us and then we can go on our excursion.”

The two moved as fast as possible carrying the baby, and made their way to the bedroom. They put Jessica in her crib, rubbed her back for a few seconds and she was fast asleep. Obviously eating and puking are exhausting tasks for someone who’s only three months old.

Brian and Justin took full advantage of their nap time as well. Brian treated Justin to an intense, hard and fast fuck. When Justin yelled as Brian pounded into him from behind, they assumed he’d wake the baby but she continued to sleep peacefully despite the noise.

“I think you’ve developed a whole new meaning for white noise.”

“Shut up Brian. I’m just glad I didn’t wake her.” Justin and Brian walked towards the shower for one final round of action. “Maybe we should restrict our more active play to a room she’s not in and just bring the nursery monitor with us.”

“Now you’re thinking, Sunshine. Come on, let’s get in the shower, before we only leave ourselves enough time to get clean.”

“Right behind you, stud.”

“Not this morning, dear.” Justin smacked Brian’s ass as they entered the shower and shared delicious spunk and water shakes.


The drive to the diner was uneventful. While Brian drove, Justin sat in the back seat with Jessica who was strapped into her rear-facing car seat.

During the ride Daphne called and Justin filled her in on everything that was rated G and PG that had gone on since her departure the evening before.

Daphne insisted on having Justin put the phone to Jessica’s ear so she could talk to her, and then shared that it was a good thing she’d gone to Arizona. Her mother wasn’t caring for herself and had become extremely depressed.

She told Justin that the week ahead would be spent dragging her mother to a series of doctors’ appointments to make sure that everything was back on course before returning to Pittsburgh.

Daphne reiterated how grateful she was for Brian and Justin caring for Jessica and that she knew they were the only two she could trust with the baby. She particularly enjoyed the puking story. “Serves you both right for not paying attention.”

“Does it hurt her when that happens?”

“Not really. It’s her way of reminding you that burping is an important part of a feeding.”

“Yeah, well, Brian and I won’t forget that one too soon.”

Daphne just snickered and soon said her good-byes as she heard her mother calling from the next room.

The threesome arrived at The Liberty Diner just before noon to insure they’d get an open table, and with diaper bag, baby carrier and baby in tow they marched in, hoping for a little TLC on the side, while they enjoyed a nice, long lunch.


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