The Hospital

Part 8


“Hey.” Reid brushed Luke’s matted hair from his forehead so he could get a clear view of his eyes as they opened.


“Dr. Walker told me the surgery went perfectly.”

Luke licked his lips, his mouth and lips obviously still dry from the anesthetic, and in a hoarse voice asked. “Jack?”

It never ceased to amaze Reid. No matter what the situation Luke always found someone, other than himself, to worry about. “Jack’s fine. I’m sure Carly will have to keep him handcuffed to the bed, and not in a pleasant way, to ensure he gets the rest he needs.”

“Handcuffs. Sounds promising.” Luke grinned.

“Didn’t anyone ever tell you that after surgery you’re supposed to be weak and out of it? Instead you’re making sexual innuendos in full view of the recovery room team.”

“Must be the drugs talking.”

Rolling his eyes, Reid squeezed Luke’s hand. “I love you.”

Luke squeezed back. “I know. I remember what you said before they took me into the elevator.”

“I had a feeling you would.” Reid bit his lip. “I’ll never regret marrying you. You shouldn’t ever have a reason to doubt me.”

“Good.” Luke licked his lips again. “Water?”

“Not yet.” Reid stroked Luke’s hair. “Close your eyes and rest.”

“Don’t leave.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“Rest of patients?”

“That’s why we have a hospital full of covering physicians and I even have a Co-Chief of Staff. I’ve covered for him before, now it’s his turn.”

“Okay.” Luke’s grasp of Reid’s hand loosened and his body relaxed completely.

“There’s no way I’m leaving your side. Sleep well, Luke.” Reid leaned down as he held Luke’s hand. Pressing his lips to the back of Luke’s hand, Reid felt the warmth and comfort of knowing the end of this battle was nearly over. They’d know soon enough if the immuno-suppressants and anti-rejection medications were doing the job they were supposed to do. It was a good sign that Luke was able to talk for a few minutes.

The nurse came over, standing on the opposite side of Luke’s bed to where Reid was seated. “I’m going to take his vitals.”

“So, do your job. I’m not stopping you.”

The nurse lowered her head slightly. “I’ll need you to step back for a few moments, Dr. Oliver.”

When Reid reluctantly let Luke’s fingers slip free, he noticed, even in his anesthesia-induced sleep, his partner reached for him. Reid felt moisture edging over the rim of his lower lids and he quickly wiped it away. Everything was fine. Luke would be fine, but seeing him like this and knowing that, even in his sleep, Reid was who Luke wanted was an overwhelming feeling. How did he get so incredibly lucky?



After Luke woke up a second time the nurse brought him some ice chips to suck on. When he appeared to have no trouble with those, Dr. Walker visited the recovery room to examine her patient.

“My stitches are perfect as always. Mr. Snyder, this will be by far the least noticeable scar you have.”

It was comforting to listen to Dr. Walker praise her own work. He knew she wouldn’t be doing so if there was any chance of there being a risk of a negative outcome to the surgery. “Doctor, rejection possibilities?”

Leave it to Luke to ask the tough questions.

“I don’t expect there to be a problem. So far we haven’t seen any signs and we’ll continue to watch you round the clock while you’re in the hospital.”

“How long?”

Chuckling, Dr. Walker smiled at her bold patient. “Do you have an engagement you need to get to in the next week? If so, you’d better cancel because you’re not going home for several days.”

“No appointments.”

“Good to know, Mr. Snyder. Let’s keep it that way.” Dr. Walker faced Reid. “Dr. Oliver, as he becomes more comfortable I do not want him hosting business meetings in his hospital room.”

Smiling at Luke, Reid responded to the surgeon. “No chance of that doctor. Anyone who comes to Luke’s room will have to get by me first.”

“Wise decision.”

“That’s why they made me Chief of Staff. I know how to make the wise choices.”

Dr. Walker laughed. “Well, I’ll see you up in your room, Mr. Snyder. You no longer need to remain in recovery. And pay attention to your partner here, as well as my instructions. You need a great deal of rest. I don’t want to deal with Dr. Oliver’s wrath if you get so much as a paper cut.”

“Me, neither.” Luke reached for Reid’s hand and they laced their fingers as the orderlies and nurses prepared the bed for transfer to a room.



Three days later Reid awoke with a start. He heard yelling and sat bolt upright in the bed he had ordered be moved into the hospital room he shared with Luke. Glancing toward Luke, he watched his partner’s arms flailing.

Untangling himself from his blanket, Reid jumped out of bed and stood at Luke’s side. He began to stroke Luke’s matted hair and could see, as he did so, his partner’s color even out and his body begin to once again completely relax.

Reid continued to comb his fingers through Luke’s locks, not noticing when he woke.

“Mmm, feels good.”

“I’m glad. Are you okay? Any pain?”

“Not really. Am I due for more meds?”

“No. It’s just that--” Reid stopped talking, not wanting to alarm Luke.

It appeared that Luke would fall back to sleep when his eyes widened. “Oh my God. I had a nightmare.”

“You remember?”

“I didn’t at first, but I do now.”

“Tell me.” Reid wasn’t sure what Luke would reveal but it was important he be able to continue resting as much as possible.

“Damian and several of his psycho relatives came in the room and--” Luke’s voice trailed off and his eyelids squeezed shut.

“Luke, it’s okay. They’re not here. It’s just me. What happened?”

“They were choking me, demanding I return Grimaldi Shipping and the money from its profits.”

“That is pretty intense.”

“I wish I wasn’t related to them. I still can’t believe my mother married him.”

“As I recall, you told me he was a charmer, and your mother was young when she married Damian.”

“Yeah, but even she admitted it was a mistake. She always loved my dad but they were both stubborn.”

“Oh, so it comes from both sides of the family.” Reid smiled and was glad to hear Luke chuckle. “How are you feeling, physically?”

“Better than I expected. Still sore. Dr. Walker seems more and more confident in this new kidney being a keeper.”

“I know.” Reid took a deep breath and slid carefully onto the bed with Luke. “There’s something I need to tell you. Something that came up right after your surgery so I didn’t want to bother you with it until now.”

Luke curled into Reid’s body, resting his head on Reid’s chest. “You can tell me anything.” Luke yawned.

“It can wait until morning.”

“No, I’m awake now, and curious. What’s up? You’re sounding mysterious -- not an adjective I’d normally use to describe you.”

Nodding, Reid knew he had to tell Luke about the test results that were completed and in a sealed envelope on his desk. Dr. Walker had a copy as she was the ordering physician, but she left it to Reid to deal with the decision as to when to tell Luke. She told Reid her copy would only be opened if Luke showed signs of rejecting the kidney.

“We did lots of blood work on you.”

“No surprise there; I felt like a pincushion, or a voodoo doll.” Luke huffed.

“There was one test Dr. Walker wanted to run, but she asked my permission as you were still under when it was proposed. She also drew blood from Ethan. He thinks it’s because I was panicking and needed to make sure he was healthy.”

Luke’s body tensed against Reid’s. “What the hell were you testing for?”

“Dr. Walker doesn’t believe in coincidences. She thought Jack’s work up and yours seemed suspiciously similar.”

Reid propped himself up in a near sitting position. Despite the darkness of the room, he could see Luke staring directly at him, his brow furrowed. “What was she testing for?” His tone of voice was now agitated and Reid knew he had to speak up, for Luke’s health and mental well-being.

“She thinks you may be a Snyder. I think you know I don’t mean solely by adoption.”

“Are you saying my mom had an affair with my dad while she was married to Damian?”

“This is Oakdale. Stranger things have been known to happen.”

“Are you sure Ethan doesn’t suspect why his blood was drawn?”

“I’m positive. If I hadn’t been able to fabricate a good enough excuse, I wouldn’t have let it happen. By the way, I owe him several iTunes downloads.”

Scrubbing his hand through his hair, Luke blinked. “Oh God! Who knows about this? If Damian finds out--”

Anticipating his concern, Reid cut Luke off. “He’ll never find out. The blood work results will go in a confidential file that the nurse’s can’t get to.”

“Who else knows?”

“Only Mark and Noah.”

Closing his eyes, Luke rested his head, once again, over Reid’s heart. “Good. They won’t say a word. Noah knows exactly what can happen when the Grimaldis are angry. Mark’s as ethical as you are -- he won’t ever blab.”

“No, they’ll both keep quiet.”

“When do I find out?”

“I can go pick up the envelope now. It’s in my office.”

Luke nodded. “Please.” He sighed. “Do you know what this would mean?”

Not wanting to make any inaccurate or inappropriate remarks, Reid remained silent waiting for Luke to continue.

“Being a Snyder means everything to me, but I always felt one step removed because of Damian. I’d be related to all my brothers and sisters by blood, even the older ones.”

Reid felt drops of moisture on the T-shirt he was wearing to sleep in, but he didn’t move.

“I’ve always envied all of them. Holden was their dad and no one ever questioned that. With me, there was always this invisible wall looming between us.” Luke tilted his head upward. Reid could see Luke’s shiny eyes and tear streaked cheeks. “Please go get the envelope.”

“Okay.” Slipping out from beneath Luke, Reid made sure his partner was in a comfortable position. Standing by the bedside, he kissed Luke. “Whatever the results, Holden always thought of you as his son, no differently than he thought of any of his children.”

“I know, but I always felt different.”

“Don’t get your hopes up.”

“Just get the results. I need to know -- now.”

Reid left the room and ran to his office. Lifting the envelope off his desk he wasted no time and tore it open. He read the results as he walked back to Luke’s room.


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