The Gus Diaries


Part 25

The Prom

Last night was the most unbelievable night of my life. Jeff and I had an amazing time at his prom. We danced with each other and with all our friends and…wait a minute…I’m getting way ahead of myself. That was just the finale. I better go back a bit if I want to make sure to record this as the special memory that it is.

About four days ago my new suit, whoops, I mean my new tux was delivered. I can’t believe I own my own fucking tux. My Dad is so wild. I can’t believe he bought me an Armani tux. Anyway, it was delivered and Dad insisted that I try it on right away in case we had to get some of the alterations tweaked before Saturday night. Personally I think he’s way too picky but as MJ taught me, this wasn’t a battle worth picking.

When I put it on, Dad had me come into his huge-ass closet in the master bedroom. He and MJ each have their own walk-in closet. MJ’s has about half of what Dad’s has, but even weirder, Dad has a three-way mirror in his closet.

“Well, Sonny Boy, what do you think?”

“Hey, you know what?”


“I look pretty damn hot in this thing.”

“And why shouldn’t you, you’re a Kinney man and we are fucking hot.” Dad smiled.

I admired myself in the mirror for another minute or so…yes, I can be as shallow as Dad about my appearance…I guess. Especially if I look good and know that Jeff will be with me.

“You look great. Now take it off before MJ sees it. You want to give everyone a big thrill on Saturday night, don’t you? Besides, the longer you keep it on, the more risk you take of getting a wrinkle.”

First I rolled my eyes, but then I felt myself blush knowing that Dad was right. I was really looking forward to making an entrance. Jeff was coming to pick me up in the limo he rented for the night and I couldn’t wait to see his face when I came down the stairs and entered the living room.

I took off the tux and Dad insisted on hanging it up himself. It was hilarious watching him fuss with every crease and seam to insure that it would hang perfectly for the next three days.

“I’ll keep it in my closet since yours always looks like a tornado went through.”

“Dad, it’s my tux.”

“And you want to look as good in it on Saturday as you did today. Am I right?”

I nodded, giving in to the inevitable. Clearly the tux wasn’t mine until after the prom.

After a long day at the gallery, MJ had spent quite a bit of time at his home studio. When he finished for the day he showered and we all prepared a light supper. I like these quiet nights with just my dads sometimes.

Don’t get me wrong, spending time with Jeff is the best, but when he’s working late or has a major test to study for I kind of like the peace and quiet of being at home. I wouldn’t tell any of my friends at school. All of them think their parents are boring. But mine really aren’t, they’re cool and fun to be with. I know Jeff understands, but I don’t think any of my other friends would, so I just keep that to myself.

We were eating peacefully when MJ spoke up, “So Brian, how many people are we having for the big unveiling of our prom boy?”

I looked at MJ and my eyes must have looked like they were going to pop out of my head, because he laughed when he saw my expression. “What do you mean, how many? I thought it was just you guys and my moms?”

“Gus, do you think your father would let you go out as the hot resurrection of the Kinney youth without an audience,” he smirked.

I turned to Dad and glared. “Well, Dad, who else is coming?”

Dad put on this half grin and MJ had this sort of cat-who-swallowed-the-canary look on his face. “Let me think, Sonny Boy, just our closest family.”

I looked at Dad knowing that he was purposely being vague. “Closest family as in my moms, Jenny and Grandma Jen and Tucker?”

“Yes, they’ll be here.”

“Brian, tell him the whole story before he queens out.”

“Only a queen would know when that’s about to happen,” Dad retorted, but MJ just snorted and rolled his eyes. I almost thought he’d come back with, ‘It takes one to know one,’ but he refrained from regressing to pre-adolescence.

“Dad, ‘fess up.”

“Alright, I might have mentioned to Deb that you were going to the prom with Jeff and she might have insisted on coming out here and cooking dinner for all of us so we could see you off properly.”

“Listen, Dad, I want a list of names…now.” I was getting more anxious by the minute.

“Since your father is clearly going to blame this on Grandma Debbie, let me just run through the list of those who’ll be seeing you and Jeff off on your big night.” MJ put up his hand and started counting on his fingers. I was wondering if when he reached ten he’d strip off his socks and go on to his toes.

My patience had all but gotten lost watching their amusement at the prospect of this impromptu family gathering to gawk at Jeff and me. Although I have to admit that it was kind of nice that everyone would come all the way here just to wish me a good evening and see me dressed up.

“Okay, MJ, fire away.”

“As you guessed, there’s your moms and sister, Grandmas Jen and Debbie with Tucker and Grandpa Carl, then I think Michael and Ben will be joining us with Ted and Blake and Emmett and Drew.”

“What, no Hunter?” I deadpanned.

“No, I think he’s going out that night and, let me see, how did he put it…he didn’t need to go all the way to West fucking Virginia to see his jock cousin dressed like a penguin—he’d look at the pictures when your father e-mailed them to everyone.”

“Oh, well, that’s a relief. We wouldn’t want too big a crowd.”

“Sonny Boy, I noted that MJ left out one minor detail.”

Now I was just plain curious. “What now?”

“Emmett insists on acting as your dresser with me as a silent observer, so I don’t get you too agitated.”

“Actually, Dad, that’s the best news I’ve heard all evening. Uncle Em is really into fashion. I think it’ll be fun to have him coach me through getting ready.”

“Oh shit, Sunshine, he’s looking forward to having Emmett Honeycutt dress him. Please tell me my son is NOT a nelly queen.”

“Relax, Brian, your son isn’t a nelly queen; he just knows when he’s about to be pampered and amused at the same time.”

Dad calling me a queen, now that’s the laugh of the century.



The next day I got off work at five and I wasn’t supposed to join Jeff for dinner at the diner until 6:30. I decided to walk over to Kinnetik and say hi to Dad and see if I could get a little more homework done. I was trying to get ahead as much as possible knowing that once Saturday afternoon arrived, I wouldn’t touch my books until I was back at school on Monday.

It was always amusing walking into Kinnetik. Dad never changed the façade so it was like walking into a bath house at fourteen years old, which is kind of cool.

“Hey, Gus, how’s it going?”

“Hi, Uncle Ted, everything’s cool. How are you?”

“Busy, busy, busy. Your father tells me you may be seeking my expert tutelage in math. I’m always here when you need me.” There’s a nightmare I’d like to avoid.

“Thanks, but I got an ‘A’ on my last test, so the extra lessons may not be necessary.”

“Oh, well, okay, that’s great. But if the tide changes I’ll make myself available.”

“Uncle Ted, is that because you think you owe it to my dad ‘cause he’s your boss?”

“Actually Gus, it’s because whether your father will admit it or not we love each other as very close friends and by association I love you as, well, a nephew.”

I blushed a little, especially knowing how boring Uncle Ted can be so I’ve avoided him regularly. “You know what; I guess I love you too.”

Ted smiled and gripped his pile of paperwork tighter. “Well, Gus, gotta go, we’re pretty busy today.” Ted walked off but I noted his smile as he left me.

As I approached Dad’s office I noticed that the door was closed. “Hi, Cynthia.”

“Hi, Gus, what a nice surprise. What brings you here?”

“I figured if Dad wasn’t too busy with a client I’d say hi and do some homework at his conference table before I go to dinner at the diner.”

“With your boyfriend?”

“Yes, Cynthia, with my boyfriend.” You know for a guy who always had a reputation of never talking about personal shit, my dad’s clearly been on a spree lately.

“Why don’t you go right in, Gus.” Cynthia waved with her hand like a model on a game show.

“It looks like Dad’s in a meeting. His door is closed.”

“No problem, I’m sure he’ll welcome your visit, as will his guest.” I gave Cynthia my newly mastered eyebrow raise and she had the nerve to laugh. “You are definitely your father’s son.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” And I immediately opened the door to Dad’s office to avoid giving her the last word on that one. Cynthia’s really nice and totally keeps my dad in line at work. What a difference between her style and Uncle Ted’s.

I entered and was surprised to see my mom in the office with Dad. “Hi, Sonny Boy, what brings you here to this neck of the Liberty Avenue woods?”

“Hi, sweetheart,” Mom jumped in, and immediately stood up and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek.

“Hi, Mom, Dad, I just figured I’d stop by and get some homework done before I had to get over to the diner and meet Jeff.”

“Mem and I are so proud of how well you’re doing in school.”

“Thanks, Mom. What are you doing here?” I wondered looking at both of them.

“Well, Sonny Boy, believe it or not I’m still friends with your mother and we do talk once in a while.”

“About me?”

“Sometimes, but not always. Sometimes you don’t even come up in the conversation.” I’m not sure why, but that actually bothered me. Talk about taking my ego down a peg.
“However, today we were talking about what time your mothers and sister should join us on Saturday.”

“Oh, okay.” Then I thought a moment, “You know, there’s been a question I’ve been meaning to ask you two, but I never wanted to do it when MJ’s around.”

That got Dad’s attention, “Has something happened between you and Justin?” He stood up and walked around his desk towards me.

“No, Dad, it’s just that I don’t want to upset MJ. He’s been through so much recently and if I’m not mistaken most of it has to do with his fucked up prom.”

“Gus, language.” I rolled my eyes at Mom.

“Linds, the littlest sibling isn’t here right now. Let him speak freely.” Mom blushed and sat back down in the chair in front of Dad’s desk.

Dad looked at me and nodded so I continued, “So what was your prom like, and yours Mom?”

Dad looked at me and walked over to the sofa in his office. He patted the cushion next to him, indicating that I should join him. I sat on the opposite end of the sofa so I could see both Mom and Dad without turning my head too often, as Mom turned and drew her chair closer to the sofa.

“I can see why you wouldn’t want to bring that up in front of Justin, and I’m glad you’ve become enough of a man to realize his needs before your own. I’m really proud of you, Sonny Boy.”

“So, Dad, what about your prom?”

“There’s not much to say. Michael and I wanted to hang out together at the prom so we asked two girls who were friends to go with us.”

“Did the girls know you were gay?”

“No, Gus. Michael and I each knew the other was gay, and while I would never deny it, we didn’t have any specific opportunity to actually come out nor were we outed while in school.”

“You dated girls in high school?” I was kind of surprised by what I was learning.

“I dated a bit, but I mostly kept to myself and when school was dismissed, and after school sports weren’t in session, I was either alone in my room or hanging out at Mikey’s house. The world is getting more and more accepting, but back then it was definitely NOT a welcome place for homosexuals.”

“Did you at least have fun at the prom?”

“It was okay, but hardly memorable. We had fun, we hung out, we drank too much and we danced with our dates and that was it. Not much more to the story.” I nodded, noting that Dad started getting this faraway look in his eyes. I realized he was probably thinking about the next prom he went to, MJ’s, so I quickly moved on to Mom.

“So, Mom, what about you?” Dad leaned over and patted his hand gently on my knee. I could tell it was his way of thanking me for not pushing any more.

“Well, honey, I was a cheerleader in school.” Somehow that didn’t surprise me, but since this is my Mom I respectfully kept my mouth shut. “The cheerleaders all went to the prom with a variety of different star athletes in the school. I went with Jake Duncan.”

“What sport did he play?”

“He was the center on the basketball team.” I nodded so she continued, “My parents loved him and actually hoped we’d continue dating in college. But by then I knew that I spent more and more time looking at my fellow female classmates. My parents couldn’t handle the truth so it was a long time before I told them I was a lesbian.”

“Bi, Lindsay, bi.”

Mom huffed. “Yes, Brian, bi, but that’s not what I told them when I fell in love with Rebecca Tucci in college.”

“So was the prom memorable?”

“You know what, Gus, I really had a wonderful time at my prom and I felt like a princess, but somehow I knew that this was NOT my choice of prince. He was more like a frog that wouldn’t magically change when I wanted him to. I may have had my moments with a couple of men in my life that I was truly attracted to,” then she glanced at Dad, although she thought I didn’t notice, “and enamored with, but that wasn’t until later. The one thing I know for sure is that the person I love most and am happy making a life with is Mem.”

“I get it. It seems like both of you would rather have gone to your proms with someone that, let’s say, appealed to you more.”

“Fuckin’ right about that, Sonny Boy.” Dad laughed.

“So why didn’t you agree to go with MJ to his prom from the moment he asked.” I realized I may have crossed a line but it just flew out of my mouth.

Dad moved closer to me on the sofa and put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed, “Because I didn’t want him to stand out and be made fun of or harassed, despite the fact that he didn’t care. I also knew that our age difference was still thought of as significant back then. It seems to have disappeared as the years have passed.”

“You loved him then didn’t you, Dad?” Somehow I knew the answer but I wasn’t sure I’d ever get another chance like this to confirm what I thought.

I noticed a tear running down Mom’s face. I wasn’t sure if it was for Dad or MJ or herself at that moment. “Oh, Gus, don’t pressure your father to answer that. He may not be a hundred percent sure of the answer.” I nodded and thought the conversation was over.

“No.” Mom and I looked at Dad. “I most definitely loved Justin, that’s why I ultimately decided to go to his prom. I may have been thirty, but rather than regretting it, a good friend woke me up and let me see that I had a possibility to really live so I went to the prom to give love a chance and feel it for the first time…and it kicked the life out of me.”

I just stared at Dad, and Mom dabbed her face with a tissue. “It took a long time, but I was somehow able to recapture the confidence to try again as the years went on and admit to loving again.”

I moved even closer to Dad and gave him a big hug, “I’m glad you did. I couldn’t imagine life without MJ.”

“Me neither, Gus, me neither.”

I gave Mom a kiss goodbye as she left Dad’s office and then I settled at the conference table to study for 45 minutes, although my mind was NOT on my work.



Dinner at the diner was fun, as usual. Jeff and I were picking out who we thought were bottoms or tops, as a whole bunch of guys were coming and going all through dinner. We laughed at some of our guesses, labeling some of the biggest, bulkiest bears as nelly bottoms. Then I remembered Uncle Emmett.

“Guess what?”

“What?” Jeff started to chuckle.

“Hey, what’s so funny?”

“Relax, Newbie, you look so…I don’t know…cute, when you have something you’re dying to tell me, whether it’s really important or not.”

“I am not cute!” Jeff had the nerve to just smirk.

I got over my irritation quickly and continued, “Anyway, my Uncle Em is going to come over and help me get dressed Saturday night.”

I should have known what the next words out of Jeff’s mouth would be. “Is Drew going to be there?”

“You know I’d get fucking jealous, if he wasn’t solidly with Emmett and way too old for you.”

Jeff started laughing even louder, “Cool it. Just remember I know what’s plastered all over your locker.” He dangled the key that was hanging around his neck and smiled as I felt myself turn bright red. “I’ve seen your altar to Ashton Kutcher and Justin Timberlake. It’s the same thing for me with Drew Boyd.”

Jeff put his arm around my shoulders and we started to kiss until we heard a bellowing voice. “Hey you two, if you can’t get a room at least wait until Saturday. We don’t give the customers free shows with every meal.”

Gotta love Grandma Deb – no one can ruin a romantic moment like her. Although the diner is definitely not my choice for any major romantic moments.

“Sorry, Grandma. See you Saturday,” I yelled, as we got our stuff together and prepared to leave.

“No problem, Grandpa and me will be there with bells on.”



Yesterday afternoon was so incredible. The entire family showed up by about 5:30 PM. The prom was due to start at 8:00 PM and would include a buffet supper so Jeff and I weren’t going to be home for dinner. According to Grandma’s cooking schedule the lasagna would be ready promptly at 8:00 so we’d all be eating together in spirit. What a kooky mind.

As soon as Uncle Emmett arrived he grabbed my arm and dragged me upstairs. Dad mentioned he’d be up in a few minutes and to take out the tux and show it to Emmett.

When we were alone, I finally asked Uncle Em a question I’d been thinking about for the previous few days. “Uncle Em, why is everyone here?”

“Why, honey, to share in the excitement of this special moment in your life.” Then I saw him bite his lip slightly and I knew there was more to it.

“Come on, this is Jeff’s prom, not mine, what gives?” I stood looking at him as he held the garment bag with the tux in it.

“Look, sweetie, we all remember way too vividly the last prom attended by anyone in this family.”

“What about Hunter’s?”

“His school let him down in many ways and he wanted nothing to do with their celebrations.”

“Oh shit.” I started pacing.

“Gus, honey, don’t let on to your fathers that you know. I’m not sure if they’ve really fully accepted the real meaning behind our invasion. They just know that tonight they won’t be alone since we all barged in with our usual brazen attitudes, like the cavalry charging in to protect those in need.”

“Thank you, Uncle Emmett. Let everyone know, if you get the chance, how much this means to me.”

“If I don’t get the chance it’ll be just between us boys.” I nodded and started to get dressed.

“My goodness, Brian really went all out! I love the sharp look of the elegant button at the collar. It eliminates the need for a cheesy bow tie.”

“Dad really knows clothes.”

“Possibly even better than moi.” We both laughed out loud as Dad finally appeared at the entrance to the master bedroom.

Then it suddenly dawned on me. “Oh shit!”

Emmett looked at me. “What’s the matter, baby, you look fabulous?”

“Dad, we got one of these fancy shirts, but we forgot to buy cufflinks.”

Emmett looked at Dad, seemingly confused. “Brian Kinney forgetting an important touch like that doesn’t fit the picture.”

“Well, Emmett, maybe we’ve known each other too long.”

“And too well, what’s up your sleeve?”

Dad walked over to his nightstand and opened the drawer. He pulled out a small box and handed it to me. “I had these delivered to Kinnetik so you wouldn’t see them before tonight. These are yours to be used by you proudly, for as long as you want them.”

I slowly opened the box. I nearly fainted, and was briefly rendered speechless, when I saw two beautiful black onyx cufflinks. Each had a very small diamond chip in the upper right hand corner and initials GTK etched in the stone. As I turned them over I noticed that the setting, which I assumed was silver (but should have known better) was white gold.

“Well Sonny Boy, do you like them?” Dad tilted his head slightly to the side.

“Holy shit, Dad, these are amazing.” I ran up to him to give him a huge hug and a kiss.

“Now, now, Gus, you don’t want to get wrinkled,” Uncle Em choked out, and I nodded and pulled away noticing my dad quickly wipe his eyes. “Here, let me help you get those on correctly. Nice touch, Brian, you never cease to amaze me.”

“Just help my kid finish getting ready. His hot date is waiting and looks a bit anxious.”

I went to look in the three-way mirror in Dad’s closet and he came up behind me. “Gus, I think since you don’t have a typical bow tie this might just finish the ensemble perfectly.”

I saw Emmett standing behind us in the mirror as Dad handed me a long, flat box. I opened it to discover a beautiful, white silk scarf. Dad looked at Emmett and Emmett nodded. “Yes, Brian, you’ve thought of everything, haven’t you.”

“So have you and the boys.”

“Yes, I do believe we all have, haven’t we? You know, Brian, it’s nice to have friends and family who do things together…even if it’s because we all have long memories.” I saw something unsaid pass between those two and knew I might never really understand. But it was clear they really cared for each other and there was a lot more to their friendship than meets the eye.

Emmett took the scarf and draped it around my collar. It looked amazing. I really did look fucking hot. I just hoped that Jeff would agree.

“Okay, kiddies, it’s time for the big reveal. Brian, you head downstairs and sit by your hot little hubby and I’ll take care of the intros.”

Dad rolled his eyes but did as Uncle Emmett told him.



Uncle Emmett insisted on walking down first. When he got to the bottom of the stairs he clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention.

“Attention, attention, everyone. Let me introduce you to the hottest and handsomest basketball star I know, our very own grown up Gus.”

I took my cue and walked the rest of the way down and into the front living room.

Everyone had all kinds of flattering things to say, from Grandma Deb’s, “What a hunk!” to Mem’s, “Our little baby’s not so fucking little anymore.” But the person I focused in on the most was Jeff.

“Hey, Gus,” he used my name. “You look so fucking, well…” then he whispered in my ear, “beautiful.” I must have smiled so big that a few members of the family laughed. Jeff handed me a white rose boutonnière and I did the same for him.

We had a little trouble pinning them on correctly so Grandma Jen and Mom helped us out.

Jenny added her two cents. “Wow, you really do look hot…and that’s just too gross to think about where a brother is concerned. I’ll just focus on Jeff and fantasize.”

Mem and Michael both yelled, “JR,” really loud while everyone else was laughing. She may be eleven but she really knows how to play an audience and get attention.

I kept wondering why my dads hadn’t said anything. Then when I looked at them, Dad was holding MJ really tight. MJ’s head was burrowed into the crook of Dad’s neck and shoulder. I couldn’t believe he’d really cry from that much emotion, so I was confused.

I walked over and as I got close enough I heard MJ saying, “It can’t be. No fucking way, not now. How?”

“I guess that fucking shrink was right, we just did it wrong.”

“Oh God, Brian, it’s not everything but it’s more than ever before. Real flashes not just wishes and hopes from stories told by other people.”

“Justin, Gus is here,” Dad whispered in MJ’s ear.

He picked up his head and looked at me through reddened eyes.

I thought I’d brought back some horrible memories or thoughts. “I’m sorry, MJ, I shouldn’t have made such a big fucking deal out of this.”

“No, Gus, no.” MJ hugged me. “You’ve given so much more than you’ll ever know. And I have a feeling your Dad had a lot to do with it. Thank you for saying, ‘Yes,’ to Jeff. You can’t imagine the doors you’ve opened.”

MJ looked at Dad who was obviously trying to stay composed, although not too successfully. “It started when we were shopping in New York but tonight I’m sure. Some things that have been locked away for nearly fourteen years are breaking free.”

I couldn’t believe what was happening, “You remember your prom.” I was so excited.

“Not all of it, but much more than ever before…and you did it. Thank you, Gus.”

I helped. I really helped. Me and Dad and all his obsessive shopping helped. I looked around and realized that everyone in the room was silent and staring, a few tears were falling, particularly from Grandmas Jen and Deb.

Finally Uncle Ben broke the group trance. “Well kids, if you plan to get to the prom before everyone else eats all the food you’d better get going.”

Jeff grabbed my hand. “Come on Newbie, we’re off.” Then Jeff walked over to Dad, “Thanks for everything, Mr. Kinney. I promise to call, like we agreed, as soon as we get back in the limo and start heading here later tonight.”

“Thank you. Just never let my son out of your sight for a minute. I’m trusting you with more than you can imagine.”

“I think I get it, sir.”

“Good, well then, get going and get my money’s worth out of that tux.”

“Bye, Dad, MJ. You’re the best.” I hugged and kissed them both, then did the same with my moms.

Then I looked at my whole family. “You know I bet this is going to be the best night of my life.”

MJ shivered, closed his eyes and whispered, “Oh shit.” But he seemed really happy, even if he was pretty shook up.

As we were about to close the door behind us I heard Grandma Deb yell, “Oh fuck, I forgot to lower the heat on the God damned lasagna, get out of my way before it becomes a fuckin’ brick.”

Jeff and I just laughed as the chauffeur opened the limo door and we got in.



I was right--the prom was the best night of my life. When Jeff and I came home, Dad and MJ were waiting. Everyone else had left after Jeff had called to say we were on our way home.

It was weird; my dads seemed to constantly touch each other. It was like they were getting to know each other all over again. I know MJ remembered some stuff, but I wondered why all these years later it would mean so much. Someday, I’ll have to find out what happened before MJ was bashed and why he and Dad are acting, well, kind of like me and Jeff.

It’s a good thing I’m a good researcher. I have a feeling there’s a deeper story and I’m going to find out what it is, no matter how long it takes. But I still won’t ask Dad or MJ. I don’t think they’re ready for any of my questions.

I handed Dad the scarf and MJ took it. “Thank you, Gus, we’ll take care of this for you.”

“Thanks. Besides, I think it’s more Dad’s style than mine.”

MJ smiled, “You may have something there. Goodnight, boys.”

“Goodnight to both of you.”

“Hey, Newbie,” Jeff said as we entered my room. “With everything that happened tonight and the whole big deal your family made about my Junior Prom, what do you think they’ll do next year for the Senior Prom?”

“That depends,” I smirked.

“On what?”

“On whether I’ll be going with you.”

Jeff pushed me down on the bed and gave me a huge toe-curling kiss then propped himself up on one arm. “You asshole.”

“Like father, like son.”

We both laughed until, well, other things started to come up, if you know what I mean.

Yes, it was definitely the best night of my life…so far.


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