The Gus Diaries

Part 103

Not Marci

I was glad to leave last Monday behind. Finding out Jenny was actually going steady... with a boy... was more than I wanted to deal with. At least Dad came around to straighten us all out -- so to speak.

It was pretty funny as I think back. I knew she’d start dating at some point but I guess I never thought it would happen before she was in high school, like me. I must be what they call a late-bloomer. Personally, I figure it was because I had no idea whether to date guys or girls, so I didn’t bother with either.

When we went over to Uncle Michael’s for dinner that night, Jenny told Uncle Ben all about the boyfriend. He was his usual calm, even-tempered self. It made me feel pretty embarrassed about how I’d overreacted... until after dinner when Uncle Ben went into the kitchen to wash the dishes.

We’d cleared the table and Uncle Michael asked Dad, Pop, Jenny and me to wait in the living room and relax. As we were leaving the dining room I spotted a couple of glasses left behind.

“I’ll bring these into the kitchen.”

Pop smiled. “Okay, Gus. I’ll help your dad relax.”

Dad raised his eyebrow. “Now that’s an offer I can’t refuse.”

“Asshole.” Pop chuckled and poked Dad in the ribs. “That kind of relaxation will have to wait until we get home.”

“Shot down again.” Dad pressed his tongue to the side of his cheek.

I rolled my eyes and picked up the glasses.

As I neared the kitchen, I stopped short. It sounded like my uncles were arguing and I didn’t want to bust in on them.

“Ben, would you calm down.”

“Michael, I’m calm -- completely calm.”

Uncle Michael snorted. “Yeah, I can see that. I thought you were planning to clean the casserole dish, not burrow a hole through it with the scouring brush.”

“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. I’m just getting it clean.”

“JR will be fine. It’s her first boyfriend. As Brian said--”

Uncle Ben slammed the dish down in the sink. “I don’t give a shit what Brian said. We are her parents -- not Brian. We are the ones who have to watch her extra closely now.”

“For what? They were only kissing.” Uncle Michael started rubbing Uncle Ben’s arm and then kissed one of his bulky biceps.

“Kissing leads to... well, you know.” Uncle Ben took a deep breath. “Michael, we need to talk to her about safe sex -- now, before it’s too late.”

“Ben, I know where you’re coming from and I agree. But I don’t think there’s any rush and I’d like to talk to Mel first -- before we broach the subject.”

Uncle Michael started kneading Uncle Ben’s shoulders.

It was obvious Uncle Ben was finally relaxing. He rolled his shoulders and leaned into Uncle Michael’s touch. “You’re right. It’s just that I don’t want anyone else in our family to--”

His voice trailed off, but it didn’t take a high school degree to figure out where he was heading.

“I know. I love you for wanting to protect us all.” Uncle Michael stood on his tiptoes and kissed Uncle Ben deeply.


“Hey, Gus, what’s up? You’re fathers getting impatient?”

I laughed. “Maybe a little -- and I do have some homework to finish. Here are two more glasses that were left on the table.”

I’m not sure if they realized I’d seen or heard more than the kiss and there was no need to bring it up. It was good to know just how much Jenny’s dads were going to watch out for her.



A couple of days later at school I finally got Marci to meet me for lunch. It was an Indian Summer kind of day and I wanted to sit outside while we still could.

“So why’d you want to meet up. Something up with you and your college hottie?” She was pretty curt with me -- not the chatterbox I’m used to.

“Who pissed on your parade?” I couldn’t believe I said that!

Marci started laughing. “You’ve been hanging around the diner with your grandmother lately, haven’t you?”

I shrugged. “Maybe.” Of the all the fucked up phrases I picked up from Grandma Deb I had to utter that one. “It doesn’t matter where I got the stupid phrase... what matters is why you’ve been behaving like... well, like you’re PMS’ing all the time.”

“Okay Gus, you have to stop reading my magazines when you come over. Women can be in a bad mood without having PMS!”

“Shhh, sorry. I got that theory from Dad. He always says that about Mem.”

“Well, from what you’ve told me the two of them are a special case. I have no interest in throwing verbal jabs at you constantly. And, no, I’m not PMS’ing. I’m just--”

Her voice trailed off and she took a bite of her sandwich.

“Marci, what aren’t you telling me?”

“It’s probably nothing. I’m just overreacting.” She took another bite. “Aren’t you going to eat your lunch? We have to go back to class soon.”

I started eating, even though I’d lost my appetite just watching her body language and listening to her avoid my questions.

“Look, I know we haven’t been friends forever but I think we’re pretty fucking close. You do know you can tell me anything and I won’t go broadcasting it all over school.”

“You mean like some of my fellow cheerleaders.”

“Yeah, and the gossip columnist on the school paper.” I put down my lunch and rubbed her back.

Her face was so sad and I saw a few tears escape her eyes. She wiped them away quickly, before I had the chance.

“Tell me.”

She nodded. “Okay. It’s Steve.”

I remained silent. Up till now both of us were happily dating our college hotties, as she put it. Somehow I had a feeling that might change.

“He wanted to join this damn fraternity. It was one that a lot of the football players belong to.”

So far I wasn’t sure where this was leading so I kept my mouth shut, that way I couldn’t put my foot in it.

“They have this night, during their pledging period where they all party the night away -- getting totally drunk off their goddamn asses.”

Now that was language I didn’t often hear coming from Marci.

“Anyway, they bring in all these sluts who want to fuck around with football stars and...”

“Oh shit.” It was barely a whisper, but I know she heard. “But it’s not really cheating -- especially if he didn’t really know what he was doing.” I couldn’t believe I was pleading Steve’s case, but I know how much he loves Marci, even if he is dumber than a rock and not good enough for her.

Marci glared at me. “I know he wasn’t cheating.” Now she was getting angry. “I could deal with that bullshit and move on.”

I was totally lost. What had her so angry?

“We were together all last weekend before he told me what happened.”

“He probably didn’t want to ruin your weekend.”

“Gus, you idiot -- he told me at the end of the weekend after...”

“I’m sorry, Marci, you lost me.”

She turned away, looking off into the distance. “He told me after one of our condoms broke.”

“So you think you might be pregnant? Shit!”

“No asshole, I use the pill too. I have no intention of having a kid until I’m ready.”

“Then what’s wrong.”

“Those fucking football jerks... Steve doesn’t remember using condoms with those whores!”

It finally clicked. “Holy shit!”

Marci was crying now and all I could think to do was take her in my arms and hold her as she let it all out.

I offered the only option that made any sense at the time. “We need to see my uncle.”

“What can your comic book geek uncle do for me?”

“Not him, his husband.”

“The college professor?” She started wiping her eyes and I handed her a tissue so she could blow her nose.

“Yeah, him. I don’t go around advertising this, but he’s positive.”

It took her a second to understand my meaning. Her eyes widened and she nodded again as the tears overflowed again.

“He’ll know what to do.”

Through her tears and hiccups she managed to get out, “I hope so.”

All I could think was, me too. Something like this couldn’t happen to Marci -- not my Marci!


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