New Addition


Chapter 3






“If you two would please take a seat next to Molly, we can get started.”  Dr. Reynolds sat on a tall stool on the opposite side of the examination table, next to her patient.  “I normally have my PA’s run these tests, but as a favor to you, Dr. Oliver-Snyder, I’m giving up my time for this one.”


“Duly noted, Dr. Reynolds.”  Reid wasn’t sure if he should reprimand her in her next report or give her the highest evaluation stats available.  Watching Luke smile in anticipation of the moment he figured the latter would be the most likely.


“Molly, if you’re ready, we’ll get started.”


“I’m fine, Doctor, but I have a feeling the dads may need Xanax before this little viewing is complete.”


“Then it’s a good thing we’re in a hospital with an extensive pharmacy.”


Reid watched as his director of obstetrics began to run the test.  As the probe ran over the gel on Molly’s abdomen the wide angle view appeared on the screen.


Luke leaned close to Reid and held his hand when Dr. Reynolds stilled the probe and made some adjustments on the ultrasound’s panel.  Soon a loud rhythmic sound filled the air.


“That, my friends, is the strong heartbeat of baby number one.”


Tilting his head, brow furrowed, Luke asked, “Can you point to baby one on the screen?”


Using one of her fingers, the doctor carefully illustrated the outline of the still very small baby.  She pointed to the head, body, and feet, speaking in terms that, as laymen, Molly and Luke could both understand, without talking down to them as if they were children.  It was a skill Reid still had trouble with, but had worked on, with Luke’s help, over the years.  Yep, Dr. Reynolds would definitely be getting a good evaluation.


“Now we’ll move on to baby number two.”  She moved the probe over Molly’s belly for a few more seconds.  Reid became a little concerned when she couldn’t find the heartbeat as quickly as he would have expected, but then the sweet sound of their second child filled the room.  “There we go.”


The doctor paused, pointing to the second baby, as the three stared at the screen. 


“Reid, is the second baby doing what I think he or she is doing?”


Looking closely, Reid huffed.  “I knew at least one of our kids would be an expert at sucking.”


Luke swatted Reid’s arm and Molly chuckled.  Reid noted the doctor didn’t react, remaining professional, she continued to watch the screen.  He assumed she’d probably heard all those crass jokes a million times before.


“I can’t believe we got to see one of the babies sucking his or her thumb.”


The doctor took some measurements of the twins for the pre-natal file.  When she was finished with her medical responsibilities she looked at Reid.  “I’m going to print a couple of pictures for you two to take home.  Molly, would you like a set too?”


“No, doctor, I’ll be fine watching them grow up once they’re out.”  Molly looked at Reid.  “I think Dr. Reynolds is pretty sure about the sexes of the babies.  I don’t want to know, unless you do.”


Reid’s thoughts raced through all the practical reasons to know the babies’ genders; names would be easier to select, room decor for Luke who was well into designing the perfect nursery, and clothing purchases.  Reid gazed at Luke.  The excitement of having a baby, two babies, was more than Reid ever thought he’d have in his life.  He wanted to enjoy every stage of the experience, including the surprise at the birth.  “I only want to know if you do, Luke.”


“No thank you, Dr. Reynolds.  I want to be completely surprised.”


“Very well.”  The doctor handed Luke and Reid a set of prints.  There was one picture of each baby and then a screen capture of the two together.  “I spoke to Molly before you arrived.  The babies are developing right on schedule.  I’ve calendared the c-section for ten weeks from now if she doesn’t go into labor on her own.  We want to make sure everything goes perfectly and Molly’s quite petite.  No reason to stress her body, or the twins.”


“But everything’s okay, isn’t it, Doctor?”  Luke was a bundle of excitement and nerves all wrapped into one.  Reid wasn’t sure he was much better off.


“Everything is fine, Mr. Oliver-Snyder.  There’s no reason to expect any complications, but it’s better to err on the side of caution when we have control of the situation.”


Nodding, Luke gripped Reid’s hand tightly.  Leaning toward Luke, Reid kissed his cheek and whispered, “Everything looks great; they look great.  Relax.”


Luke glared at Reid.  “Relax!  Because you kept this amazing secret, I now have a limited time to reorganize the nursery, not to mention buying a second of every piece of furniture and reading as much as possible on the best way to raise twins.  And on top of all that, we have to tell Ethan.”


Reid knew there would be some sort of retribution for his decision to keep Luke in the dark until all chance of complications seemed out of the picture.  It seemed now that Luke had seen the babies, and knew they were healthy, the backlash was about to begin.


After Molly cleaned the gel off her belly, and the ultrasound machine was turned off, Dr. Reynolds left the three alone.


Helping her sit up, Luke looked at the woman carrying their babies.  “I can’t begin to tell you how much we appreciate everything you’re doing for us.”


“Luke, stop fussing.  I’ve told you and Reid about a thousand times that I’m happy to do it.  Abigail thinks it’s a riot that I’m carrying her future nieces or nephews.”


“Will she be visiting soon?”


“I think she plans to fly out here when the babies are born.  Now that she actually has a man in her life, she’s much happier than ever and she’d rather not leave him any sooner than is necessary.”


“When the kids come along she can bring the new beau to Oakdale with her.”  Reid smiled, feeling rather magnanimous after the successful viewing of his children.


“Thank you, but I’m not sure she thinks he’s ready to meet the entire family all at once.”


“If you remember, Luke dragged me out to meet the family at your non-wedding.  We hadn’t been together very long.”




“Luke, she knows she didn’t get married that day, and she knows I was there.”


Rolling his eyes, Luke squeezed Molly’s shoulder.  “I’m sorry about Reid.  He can be--”


“Honest.  It’s one of the reasons I like him, Luke.  Don’t sell the combination of love, care, and honesty short.  It’s a package few of us find in our men.”  Molly hopped off the examination table and straightened her shirt.  “I’m going to take off now.  I’ll see you both soon.”


Reid was about to say something, but Molly interrupted.  “I promise to continue eating right and taking my vitamins.  You’re becoming quite the nagging mother hen, Doctor.  You’d better watch out, or you’ll lose your evil edge.”


Luke laughed out loud and Reid simply nodded as she left the room.


Turning to Luke, Reid brushed his fingers over his partner’s cheek.  “You’re really not mad that I didn’t tell you?”


“I would have been if something had been wrong, but I don’t think you would have kept me in the dark if it had been.  I know you have this crazy need to protect me from I don’t know what, so as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone, particularly our family, I can handle it.”  Luke pressed his lips to Reid’s.  When he parted he held up the pictures in his hand.  “We’re going to have two beautiful children soon.”


“Two beautiful children who scream at two in the morning.”


“Well, then I guess once we feed and change them, and get them back to sleep, we’ll have to figure out something to do to entertain each other.”  Luke winked.


“Are you trying to seduce me, Mr. Oliver-Snyder?”


“Yes I am, Doctor.  Is it working?”


“Let’s go to my office.  We need a sofa and some privacy -- now!”


Taking their first baby pictures with them, Reid and Luke left Dr. Reynolds‘ office holding hands.  They made it up the stairs and to Reid’s office in record time.


As they ran past Reid’s assistant, he instructed over his shoulder, “Don’t disturb us or you’re fired.”


He heard her laugh out loud as she tried to choke out, “Yes, Doctor.”





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