Rules of the Heart

Chapter 7



Justin’s steps were a little slower once they entered the corridor leading into the room. The smell was more pervasive and mingled with the moans and grunts of the men inside. The blond’s stomach churned nervously and his cock hardened. Brian put his hand on the back of Justin’s neck as they stepped through the second door. The blond relaxed for a moment, reassured by the older man’s touch, before his eyes widened and his heart slammed into his throat as he focused on the mass of writhing bodies around the room.

The walls were lined with men in clumps of two or three in various stages of sucking and fucking. There were even larger groups gathered around a sofa or table where one man was being fucked, sucked, kissed, and licked. One corner had dividers sticking out where one man inserted his dick through a hole and another sucked him off. It appeared if you weren’t already engaged, you mingled in the center and tried to hook up with someone, either another single or one of the groups already going at it.

While Justin was getting his bearings and taking it all in, Brian steered them a few steps to the left, away from the door, so they could watch, and be watched, unimpeded. Brian alternately kept track of where Justin’s attention was focused, and who was focusing on them. Finally, he leaned over and whispered, "Had enough yet?"

Justin’s head swiveled, shocked blue eyes locking on his. "No, we just came in!"

Brian grinned wolfishly. "Relax, Sunshine, I was kidding." He moved behind the younger man, hands sliding over his bare arms, face lowered to behind his ear. It wasn’t a possessive maneuver, or to display of them as a pair. Brian was offering the blond to those who watched. "See anything you like?"

Justin nodded slightly. Brian saw he was still watching the pairs along the wall. "Justin, do you see anyone you want to suck you off?"

"Oh," the teen gasped softly. He was watching others do it, but he couldn’t imagine doing it himself. Have sex in front of all these men? He knew that was why he was here, but now that he was… "Um, I--"

"Go on, walk around a little and look them over. Slow. Let them see you too."

Justin felt a thrill course through his body when he thought about them looking at him. He took a step forward to start a turn around the room when his eyes fell on a man a few feet over in the corner. He was tall and heavily muscled, his black hair buzzed short, and his eyes were quickly undressing the blond. Justin felt a cold finger of fear touch his neck and he stepped back toward Brian. "Is that guy, Sap, here?" he asked nervously.

Brian followed his gaze and saw who he was staring at. It wasn’t Sap, but the kid had good instincts. That guy liked blond’s who liked pain. "Do you think he’s hot?" Brian asked.

Justin nodded hesitantly. "I guess, but he looks…rough."

"He is," Brian replied. "Listen to your gut. If you don’t like a guy, don’t let him talk you into anything."

"So, that’s Sap?"

"No, Sap’s an ugly fuck and so are his friends, that’s your first clue. They get twinks by offering them jobs, like dancing here at the club or being ‘window dressing’ at private parties, or giving them free drinks and drugs and promising more if they get together later." Brian could see Justin was growing increasingly agitated and would probably bolt in a moment if he didn’t do something. He lightly ran his hand down the teen’s bare spine, feeling him automatically shiver in response. "Don’t let that scare you off."

"I-I’m not," Justin stammered, his mind clouded again from Brian’s touch.

"Just be careful. Always be careful."

"I will."

"Good, I want you safe and around for a long time…"

Justin’s heart skipped a beat.

"…because Lindsay would fucking kill me if I let anything happen to you."

Justin nodded. Right, of course. But the painful disappointment was again muddied by the man’s hand snaking around his waist and stroking his belly.

Brian felt the boy tremble again, but he knew this time, it was from renewed lust. He pushed aside a stray memory of feeling Justin quivering beneath him when they fucked the night before and nipped the teen’s ear to get his attention. "See that guy by the pillar to the right? He’s been watching you since we came in. Do you want him?"

Justin looked where he directed and saw a short stocky man with black curly hair. Yeah, the man was looking at him, but he seemed to be assessing Brian just as much and that made him feel a little inadequate—and jealous. The blond shook his head.

But next to curly, Justin saw a tall brunet like Brian, only slightly broader in the chest and shoulders and his hair was longer. Justin wondered if it would feel like Brian’s as he locked eyes with the trick. He felt a tingle in his groin when the man’s gaze didn’t waver from him. "That one," Justin breathed softly. There was an open space against the wall halfway between them and he moved to it, still staring at the other man, before Brian could even respond.

The older man stuck close behind Justin, refusing to admit it meant something that Justin picked a man similar to himself. Instead, he was intrigued by the possibility of watching his likeness fuck the blond. If he couldn’t have him a second time himself, he hoped this would alleviate the goddamn itch he’d suddenly developed for the kid again.

Although Justin was an obvious bottom, Brian didn’t want him to be a push over. As the trick moved toward them, Brian murmured, "Always stay in control. Make him suck you off before you let him fuck you."

Justin glanced at him, a little alarmed. "He can’t…" Brian could see the color rush the teen’s cheeks even in the dim light. "I’m too sore from last night," the boy grudgingly admitted. "I don’t think I can."

Brian felt a twinge in his chest for not thinking of that before. Christ, he’d fucked the kid’s ass raw his first time, of course he wasn’t going to be up to it again for a few days. Keeping the slight pang of guilt from showing on his face, he arrogantly replied, "Then your dick should be about to fall off too."

Justin chuffed a little laugh. "I think it is, but between still feeling your dick in my ass and this ring in my tit, I must’ve jerked off a hundred times today. I need to come again, but I want more. I want him to suck me off until I pass out, or my dick finally DOES fall off."

"I can do that," the trick offered with a leer as he joined them and heard the last statement. He leaned forward to kiss Justin, but Brian put a hand up and pushed him back. The trick looked pissed for a moment, but Justin started undoing his pants and brought the other man’s attention back to himself.

If Justin had any reservations about undressing in front of the others, they flew out the window when he saw the trick eagerly lick his lips. He put his hand on the man’s shoulder and guided him to his knees, the way Brian had done it to him the first time. Not forceful, but persistent. He saw the trick’s eyes dart to Brian again as he kneeled and Justin brushed his thumb over the man’s mouth. "Ignore him, he just wants to watch." He only had a moment to shoot Brian a cheeky grin before he felt the trick’s tongue swirl around the head of his dick. "Oh!"



Emmett was relieved to realize Michael hadn’t noticed them yet as he cut through the crowd. He decided the best defense was a good offense and moved into Michael’s line of sight to cut the other man off before he could go searching for Brian.

"I thought you were dancing," Michael said curtly.

"Waiting for Tony, he wants a quickie on his break," the other man replied. It wasn’t a lie, just that Tony’s break wasn’t for another hour.

Michael started to open his mouth again, but closed it.

Emmett sighed. "No, I don’t know where Brian is." Again, not a lie. He didn’t know where Brian was exactly. They could be in a corner, on the sofa, out back in the alley… "Have you tried the bathroom? Or Kevin? Brian’s going through his E pretty quick, he could be looking for more." Hey, he could be, if he lost interest in the mass of writhing men in backroom, one blond in particular. And what luck! "Isn’t that Kevin over there?" Emmett asked as he pointed to the bar on the left. "Maybe he’s seen him."

"Maybe," Michael grumped as he followed the dealer.

Emmett said of quick prayer of thanks and hustled himself to the bathroom. All that water had suddenly run right through him. And since he’d already dismissed Michael, he didn’t notice Kevin pointing to the backroom, indicating to Michael he’d just seen Brian go in.



Brian glanced down and saw the tricks’s mouth slowly envelop the swollen tip of Justin’s cock and the blond’s hand flew up to grip his arm.

"Jesus," the blond hissed as his eyes rolled back.

"Enjoy," Brian purred in his ear as he pulled away.

Justin’s head snapped up, watching the other man move over to the pillar a few feet away and lean against it. Assured Brian hadn’t left him, he groaned and dug his fingers into the trick’s hair as the man took the entire shaft into his mouth. He glanced down at him, watching for a moment as the dark head bobbed over his cock before he looked back at Brian.

The older man had opened his pants and had a trick of his own sucking him off. As if feeling the blue eyes on him, Brian looked up and their gazes locked together. The two men stared at each other as they both wished they were with the other, but would never admit it out loud. They never took their eyes off one another until a voice was heard saying, "Hey, Todd, how’s it going?"

Justin saw Brian scowl and his hazel eyes shifted to the left. The blond followed his gaze and saw Michael standing a few feet away, scanning the room. Michael saw Justin at the same time and the teen willed himself not to look at Brian and give him away. He focused his attention back on the trick, letting himself be carried closer to the edge by the talented mouth swallowing his dick. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Michael skirt the other side of the room and then turn around and leave. He hadn’t seen Brian because the other man was hidden behind the pole and Justin assumed by Michael’s sneer in his direction that Michael found his presence so annoying he’d scurried out as fast as he could. Once the coast was clear, Justin glanced back at Brian, who was still watching him. Had he been the whole time? The realization that once again he had Brian’s attention when Michael wanted it made the blond suddenly come with a stifled cry as he bit his tongue to keep from shouting Brian’s name.

Knees trembling as he gasped for breath, Justin was grateful when the trick stood and helped him steady himself. Looking up at the man, Justin felt the disappointment slice through him again when he saw the dark chocolate eyes that weren’t Brian’s. For a moment, he almost believed and he wanted that illusion back for just a little bit longer as he reached up for a kiss.

The trick hesitated, questioning the sudden allowance.

"That’s his rule, not mine," Justin murmured before closing his eyes. He felt the other man’s soft lips meet his and he pretended it was Brian.

Brian watched the blond open his mouth and tease the trick’s tongue out with is own. The trick lifted Justin off his feet, wrapping his arms around the thin waist and crushing him closer. Justin’s hands plunged into the man’s auburn hair as he devoured his mouth. Brian knew Justin could taste himself on the other man when the teen started sucking on the trick’s tongue with eager greedy gulps and he came hard.

A few staccato grunts where the only indication Brian erupted in the trick’s mouth, but they were loud enough for Justin to hear and he tore himself away from the other man to watch Brian come. He loved watching the man’s face as the pleasure washed over him. His heart slammed in his chest when he saw Brian’s eyes still on him as he rode out the waves of his orgasm before finally succumbing and letting them snap shut at the end as he struggled for breath.

Once he pulled himself together again, Brian pushed the trick away, he jerked himself off while blowing Brian anyway, and went back to Justin. He had a dangerous glint in his eye and Justin thought he’d done something wrong, until Brian pulled him out of the other man’s arms.

"What about me?" the trick huffed, his eyes pleading with Justin to choose him. Unfortunately, he didn’t know he’d lost long before the game had even started.

"It’s past the boy’s bedtime," Brian replied gruffly.

Justin would’ve been mortified at being treated like a child if he wasn’t thrilled by Brian’s display of… possession? Jealousy? He told himself not to read into it, Brian was just afraid to leave him alone because of Lindsay and Emmett, but he couldn’t help the warm glow that spread through is belly when Brian wrapped his arm around his shoulder and pulled him toward the exit. Although, he did feel bad about abandoning the trick after he’d gotten a blow job. "Brian, I can’t just leave him like that."

"Sure you can," Brian said coldly. "There’s plenty of others around." He nodded to the guy who just blew him. "He’s decent."

Justin shot the other guy an apologetic look, but the trick had already figured out the score and was zeroing in on someone else. No wonder Brian didn’t feel guilty. Jesus. He didn’t think he could be that blasé about it all the time.

As they emerged from the backroom, Brian suddenly let go of him and abruptly headed for the stairs to the second level without a word or a backward glance. Justin stood alone stunned for a moment, then mentally chided himself for thinking it would be any different. He knew the rules, so why did he keep thinking he was any different from all the other tricks Brian had? He was just lucky he got a little extra courtesy because of his friends.



"Well?" Emmett asked cautiously when Justin found him at the bar. Michael had already gone on a rant about seeing ‘the tramp twink’ in the backroom, but Emmett had been surprised and worried Brian wasn’t with him. He’d peeked in himself to make sure Justin was okay and the boy seemed to be enjoying the hottie checking his tonsils so he left him alone. No one likes their parents spying on them.

Justin glanced at Michael who just turned his back, obviously in a worse mood because he still hadn’t found Brian.

"It was fine," the blond responded flatly.

"Just fine?" Emmett pressed. "What about the guy you went in with?"

Justin shot him a look. "He was fine. Really."

Emmett took the hint and let it drop for the time being. Luckily, that wouldn’t have to be long because Michael suddenly perked up. "There’s Brian!" He rushed to his boyfriend and Emmett and Justin watched him go. They saw Brian sway through the crowd, hooking his arm around Michael’s shoulders as he tumbled forward. Michael slipped an arm around his waist and nudged him upright before steering them to the door.

"Is he alright?" Justin asked worriedly.

"Define ‘alright’," Emmett retorted.

"He looks--"

"High as the space shuttle?" his friend finished for him.

"Yeah, what the hell--"

Emmett looked at him sharply. "Honestly? I think he gets fucked out of his mind so he either passes out before or blacks out after going home with Michael. Standard operating procedure about 3 nights a week."

The thought of Brian and Michael together made Justin’s stomach roll. He quickly looked away so Emmett wouldn’t see his face as he tried to cover up his feelings. "How about a drink?"

"Sure, baby. Let’s go to the diner and have some coffee, then you can tell me what’s going on."

"Nothing, Em. And I meant a beer."

"You’re not even legal so you aren’t getting a beer if I don’t buy you one," the other man told him gently. "Come on, you need to talk about it whether you know it or not."

Justin rested his head on the bar, a heavy sigh rushing out of his lungs as if the world were weighing him down.

Emmett fought hard not to laugh at his drama princess performance. He’d been one himself not so long ago.

"I’m totally fucked," Justin moaned.

Emmett patted him on the back. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, he’s got it just as bad."

Justin squinted at him. "What?"

"Honey, I’ve known Brian for longer than I care to admit, and you have got his shit all shaken up."

"I do?" Justin asked skeptically.

Emmett nodded. He knew he should feel bad for plotting the demise of his friends’ relationship, but it just wasn’t right for either of them. And he knew what he was about to do wasn’t fair to Justin either. He was just an eighteen year old boy who had a crush on a thirty year old man. How likely was that to work out? But something in his gut told him Justin was the breath of fresh air they’d been waiting for over the past year and he was willing to let the chips fall where they may if Justin was. Emmett pulled Justin up and handed him his shirt as they walked toward the door. "Now what are you going to do about it?" he challenged.


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