Rules of the Heart

Chapter 6


Justin anxiously approached Emmett and Michael when he saw them waiting outside the club. They hadn’t noticed him yet and he contemplated just going home. However, that wasn’t a much better idea since Daphne had her boyfriend over because he said he was going out. He sighed heavily as he wondered if sharing an apartment with Daphne was such a good idea. They’d only been there a few weeks and they were already having ‘scheduling’ conflicts. He just hoped it got easier when school started because it was too late to get into the dorms and moving back in with his mother was NOT an option.

"Princess!" Emmett cried when he saw Justin coming up the street. "I’m so happy to see you!"

Justin laughed as Emmett squeezed him. "It’s only been a few hours."

"But so much can happen in a just a few short hours," Emmett declared, looking Justin over. He loved the tight blue tee the boy was wearing, it brought out the sparkle in his eyes. But then he noticed something else. "Like that piercing, baby! Doesn’t that just look divine," he purred as he carefully smoothed his hand over Justin’s chest to make the outline of the little ring more noticeable.

"It’s about time," Michael grumbled and Emmett and Justin looked at him as Brian joined them.

Justin held his breath when Brian saw him. The older man’s eyes narrowed slightly, then flicked over at Emmett and back to Emmett’s hand, still on Justin’s chest. He stared at the nipple ring for a beat, then started pushing his way into the club.

"See, nothing to worry about," Emmett whispered as they followed.

Once inside, they found an open space at the end of the bar and ordered drinks. "So, what made you do it," Emmett asked, indicating the piercing again while Brian and Michael engaged in their own conversation.

Justin glanced at Brian and turned his back a little, leaning closer to Emmett. "When I got home this afternoon, my friend, Daphne, announced today was the day she was going to get her tattoo. She’s wanted it forever but was afraid to get it done while she lived at home. And today is her three month anniversary with her boyfriend, Rick, so she wanted to surprise him. But of course, I had to go with her, so while we were there I just decided to do it. I don’t know why, it just suddenly seemed like a good idea." He grinned, lowering his voice a little. "Besides, I figured it couldn’t hurt any worse than last night."

Emmett glanced over to Brian and back. He thought he saw the man flinch a moment ago, but it was probably his imagination. "Well, I agree it was a good idea. It’s hot."

"Do you have one?" Justin asked.

"Oh, heavens, no. I would just faint!"

Justin giggled at Emmett’s horrified face. "It’s not that bad, it’s kind of a good pain, if you know what I mean."

Emmett saw the gleam in Justin’s eye and swallowed hard. He hadn’t for one second given Justin a serious sexual thought, but if the kid kept looking that damn tempting… "Uh, let’s go dance." Hoping to just lose himself on the dance floor for a few minutes, he grabbed the blond’s hand and started into the crowd, but Justin stood firm.

"What’s that?" the blond asked, peering over Brian’s shoulder as the man held a vial under his nose and inhaled.

"None of your fucking business," Michael scowled, reaching for the vial.

"Want some?" Brian asked, holding the vial out to Justin instead.

The blond didn’t take it. "What is it?" he asked again, frowning slightly. He’d seen others taking drugs before, he wasn’t completely naïve, and he wasn’t entirely surprised Brian did too, although he’d never seen the man do it before.

"Poppers," Emmett told him.

"Briiiaan," Michael whined.

Brian still held his arm out, eyebrow raised expectantly.

Justin stared hard at Emmett. "Do you use drugs too?"

Emmett was a little surprised by his bluntness, but he could tell by Justin’s tone, he wasn’t being accusatory, just curious.

"Sometimes," he admitted.

Justin looked back at Brian. "I shouldn’t."

"Good answer, Sunshine, just say no," the older man mocked as he handed the vial to his pouting boyfriend.

Justin tried not to let his words sting. "I’d hate to have an allergic reaction and ruin everyone’s night," he explained lamely. "I’ve spent more than enough time at the emergency room because I accidentally took something I shouldn’t have. I can’t even take Tylenol."

Brian snorted. "No one’s allergic to Tylenol." But Justin’s face was so earnest he knew the kid was telling the truth. Jesus Christ.

"Let’s dance," Justin said to Emmett. He needed to get away from Brian before he said something else stupid. "I’ve seen you dancing before and I know you’re the best here."

"I knew we were going to get along just fabulously," Emmett gushed. "And I’m sure you know how to shake that booty. Let’s show the rest of them how it’s done."

"Wait," Brian said, as he dug in his shirt pocket. He pulled out a little tablet and bit it in half. "Here," he offered the other half to the blond, "it won’t hurt you." When Justin didn’t take it, he put it up to his lips, silently insisting.

Justin knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t resist the hazel eyes boring into him. For a split second, he saw the man who’d whispered sweet promises the night before and he opened his mouth, capturing the tablet with his tongue and swallowing it.

Ignoring how his cock twitched when Justin’s tongue grazed his fingers, Brian gave the teen a gentle shove. "Now you boys go play." He gave Emmett a stern look that said ‘watch him’, and turned back to the bar.

Emmett’s own face gave nothing away as he and Justin threaded their way onto the dance floor, but mentally he was mulling over what had just happened. He’d never seen Brian treat anyone with such kid gloves, except for maybe Michael when he’d get in over his head. But certainly not a virtual stranger and former trick.

"What did he give me?" Justin asked.

"E. It’s nothing, it just enhances everything a little."


Emmett saw the boy’s eyes slide shut as he started swaying his hips to the music, he could tell the blond was already feeling the effects, and he shook his arm to get his attention again. "Justin, promise me you will never take anything from anyone except Brian or I, okay?"

Justin opened his eyes and focused on his friend. Something wasn’t right. "Em, what’s wrong? I’m okay, really."

Emmett hoped Teddy didn’t mind him telling his story, it was for a good cause. "I may still take a little E occasionally myself, but I used to have a problem with Crystal. You know what that is right?"

Justin shook his head. He’d heard of it, but he didn’t know anything about it.

"Well, trust me, it’s bad shit. Technically, it’s all bad, but Crystal is this crowd’s worst nightmare. Besides my history, my friend, Ted, who you haven’t met yet, had one night with a little crystal freak and he almost overdosed. I don’t want that to happen to you. Understand?"

The blond nodded, a little overwhelmed. "I promise. I won’t ever take anything from anyone else."




After half a dozen songs, Emmett decided to get them some water while Justin continued to dance. They both knew the boy wouldn’t be lacking a partner for long and Emmett wanted to sit back and watch Brian’s reaction to his new protégé. He settled back at the bar, a sour-faced Michael standing there by himself.

"What’d you have to bring him for?" Michael griped, obviously talking about Justin.

Emmett ignored him. "Where’s Brian?"

Michael glared at him as he chugged his beer. Emmett knew perfectly well where Brian was. Hell everyone knew Brian was in the backroom. Finishing the bottle, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and signaled for another. "Where are you going?" he asked as Emmett walked away again.

"Justin needs to drink this," Emmett replied flatly, holding up the water bottle. It was a stupid question considering they all knew to stay hydrated.

"What about me?"

"Come dance with us."

"I don’t want to dance."

Emmett shrugged. "Suit yourself."

"Emmett," Michael huffed, slamming his beer bottle on the bar.

"Michael," Emmett parroted just as harshly. "I’m sorry Teddy isn’t here to hold up the bar with you while you mope until Brian to comes back, but that’s not my job. For once, there’s someone here who isn’t a big stick in the mud, and I’m having a good time."

"You just met him! I’m your friend and I need you," Michael insisted.

Emmett blinked at him. "That guilt shit only works with Brian," he snapped before he could curb his anger.

Michael looked like he’d just been slapped. "I—I don’t…that’s not true," he stammered.

Emmett sighed, his weariness of the whole mess finally showing. "Whatever gets you through the night, Michael." Without waiting for a response, he headed back to the dance floor.

He bounced to the beat as he tried to locate his partner, but he didn’t see the blond where he’d left him. Scanning around, he still didn’t see the blond head and he felt a little tingle of fear at the base of his spine. Pushing it aside, he was sure the boy just went to the bathroom, he headed that way and finally saw Justin. The younger man was pinned against the wall, a few feet from the entrance to the backroom, as a tall red-headed man continued to paw at his crotch. Although Justin didn’t seem to be distressed, it was obvious he wasn’t interested in the other man’s advances.

"There you are, baby," Emmett exclaimed as he rushed over. "You better get back to the bar before Tony notices you’re missing. He’s busy, but not THAT busy."

Tony was the bouncer who filled in as a bartender occasionally and sometimes fucked Emmett. If you looked up ‘Beefy Brutal Top’ in the gay boys’ handbook, you would see Tony’s picture and Emmett knew his fuck buddy would have no problem being Justin’s angry boyfriend for the night if he asked. But it didn’t look like it would come to that. Just the mention of his name was having the desired effect and the trick backed off, slinking back to the dance floor—on the farthest side away from the main bar.

Emmett watched him disappear into the crowd and turned back to the younger man. He saw Justin’s previous bravado slip away as the blond nervously leaned against the wall, shaking like a leaf. "Oh, Princess, you’re okay," the older man soothed as he wrapped his arms around the trembling shoulders and hugged his friend.

Justin nodded weakly. "Thanks, Em."

It broke the older man’s heart to hear the quiver in Justin’s voice and his anger flared up again. "What happened? Did he hurt you? Just say the word, baby, and Tony will rip that fucker a new asshole."

Justin pulled back, squeezing Emmett’s hand. He didn’t doubt Tony could do just that, Emmett had introduced them earlier, but he didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. Now that it was over, he was just more embarrassed than anything else. "That’s not necessary. He didn’t do anything except try to drag me in the backroom. And I couldn’t get him to let go. He seemed nice enough when we were dancing, but I didn’t want to go back there with him because I’ve never been in there. I don’t know what it’s like or what he was going to do."

Emmett nodded in agreement. "That’s no place for a hot little thing like you without the proper tour guide. Those animals would just love to get their hands on you and you’d never find your way out."

"Out of where?" Brian asked as he suddenly appeared.

Justin noticed he was a little disheveled and there was a light sheen of perspiration on his skin, the dampness curling the hair against his forehead. The stench of sweat and sex followed him out of the dark den he’d just emerged from and Justin’s cock swelled.

"The backroom," Emmett replied, ignoring Justin’s mortified whimper as he slumped against the wall again.

Justin wished the floor would just swallow him before Emmett told Brian the whole story. He’d never be able to look at Brian again.

Brian glanced at Justin, then back at Emmett. He knew he should just walk away, what the kid did was none of his business. He’d had him, and that was the end of it. Brian didn’t care if the blond hung around as long as he wasn’t underfoot. But against his better judgment he asked, "So?"

Emmett glared at him. "So, I told him NO. He’s not going in there."

Justin stared at him in confusion and Emmett winked.

Brian rolled his eyes. "He’s eighteen, for fuck’s sake, and you’re not his mother."

Emmett went in for the kill. "Fine, you tell Lindsay you thought it was okay for him to be in the backroom after he’s been taken advantage of by someone like the Sap."

"Who’s the Sap?" Justin asked automatically. Emmett gave him a slight nod and Justin suddenly realized what his friend was up to. But why?

"Never mind," Brian growled, rubbing his temple. Christ, Lindsay would have his balls. "Just stay out of there."

"Hey, I thought I was supposed to be the best homosexual I can be. How am I supposed to do that if you don’t tell me what the fuck’s going on?"

"Gary Sapherstein runs the club," Emmett told him, "and he’s been accused of being…less than gentlemanly with some of the twinks he picks up."

"What do you mean?" Justin asked, paling considerably because he could guess.

"He means stay the fuck away from him and any of his friends and you’ll be fine," Brian snapped.

"Okay, then I’ll just find someone to take me back," the blond said defiantly. He glared at the two men for effect. "If you won’t show me, I’ll go find that guy I was dancing with. He seemed nice."

Emmett sighed exasperatedly. "Baby, you don’t know who he is. Come on, let’s just go dance."

"I want to see it, it’s all anyone ever talks about," Justin insisted. He locked eyes with Brian, licking his dry lips. "It sounds hot."

Brian felt his groin tighten. The kid was hot. And he had balls.

Emmett saw Brian’s eyes darken and he knew they had him right where they wanted him. "Alright, I’ll walk you through, but that’s it," he huffed.


"The fuck you will," Brian shot back. "It’s not a tour of the White House, Martha. You suck and fuck your way through or you don’t bother." He turned to Justin, his hazel eyes challenging. "You up for it, Sunshine?"

Justin nodded eagerly and took a step toward the doorway.

"Hold up," Brian ordered, grabbing the back of his shirt. He pulled out another hit of E and split it with the blond again, then ordered him to drink the water Emmett handed him. When he was finished, Brian pulled Justin’s shirt over his head and handed it to Emmett. "That’s better," the older man said huskily as he ran his hand over the teen’s pale chest. The gold nipple ring glimmered under the flashing lights from the dance floor. Brian fought the urge to touch it-- to lick it and hear the boy moan--and gestured to the backroom. "Have at it."

"Brian--" Emmett hissed. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all. He was always doing that—sticking his nose in where it didn’t belong. He definitely knew there was something more brewing between Brian and Justin after seeing the way they just looked at each other, but what had started out as a little fun, a little experiment to see how many sparks flew, was about to turn seriously ugly as Michael approached.

But Brian wasn’t paying attention because he was focused on the impatient blond a few feet away.

"Are you coming?" Justin asked excitedly.

Brian smirked. "Right behind you," he replied, following closely as he tossed over his shoulder to Emmett, "Quit being such a mother hen, I’ll keep an eye on your little chick."

"It’s not your eyes I’m worried about," Emmett muttered as they disappeared together.


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