Rules of the Heart

Chapter 4


When Justin left the building, Lindsay was just getting Gus into his car seat. The blond tried to get past her while she was distracted, but she saw him out of the corner of her eye.

"Justin, I’ll give you a ride home."

"No, thanks, I was going to stop somewhere to eat," he replied.

"Perfect, we were just going to the Liberty Diner. Have you ever been there?"

Justin shook his head.

"Then you’re in for a treat. Come on."

Realizing there was no getting away from her, he silently slid into the passenger seat.

Lindsay got in beside him, but turned to face him instead of starting the car. "It’s none of my business so I’m not going to lecture you, but as your friend I just want to say be careful around Brian." She’d seen the look in Justin’s eye when he was watching Brian.

Justin shook his head. "It’s not what you think, I--"

"He can be very charming when he wants something, but you have different ideas of--"

"Lindsay," Justin said a little harsher, "Thank you for your concern, but I’m fine. We both wanted to fu—sleep together last night and we did. It was great, but I have no illusions about Brian Kinney. I know who he is, that’s why I went home with him. That’s it, end of story."

She watched him for a moment, seeming to weigh his words, then finally nodded. She was still worried he wanted more from Brian than he was letting on, but she also knew he was more mature than most boy’s his age. She knew he’d see the futility in trying to corral Brian, unlike Michael. "Okay, but if you want to talk about anything, just say so okay?"

"Can I ask why you had a kid with him?"

Lindsay smiled as she started the car. "Brian and I have been friends since college…" she started as she pulled away from the curb.


"So, that’s it, it turned out he loves Gus more than anyone could’ve imagined. Except me," she concluded as she pulled up to the diner. "I always knew he’d be a great father, he just needed to trust himself."

Justin’s mind was reeling with all the information he’d just heard regarding Brian’s own fucked up childhood, experimentation with hetero sex, and clashing with Melanie for parental rights.

"Sweetie, you okay?" Lindsay asked as she waited on the sidewalk with Gus.

Justin nodded, pulling his thoughts back to the present as he climbed out of the car. "I was just thinking about how lucky Gus is to have a dad who will love him no matter what."

Lindsay put her arm around the teen and squeezed his shoulder. She knew he was thinking about his own dad. When Justin had been outed in school because he was caught making out with another boy, his dad rejected him. Luckily, his mom stood by him and divorced the asshole, but it didn’t change the fact that he felt guilty about breaking up his family.

"Have you talked to him?" she asked.

Justin shook his head, absently stroking Gus’ cheek. "Not since I decided to go to PIFA instead of Dartmouth. That ruined any chance I had of ever getting back in his good graces." Justin pushed back the pain that threatened to well up again. He knew he’d disappointed his parents, but after watching Chris reject who he was and become a miserable shell of himself after they were discovered, he couldn’t do it. He refused to live a lie. He knew his mom understood that, even if she still wished he’d pretend just to make things easier for himself, but his dad just couldn’t accept it.

In an uncharacteristic display of anger, "Lindsay whispered, "fuck him," out of the corner of her mouth while covering Gus’ ear.

Justin snorted a little laugh at his prim friend’s foul mouth and kissed her cheek. "I’m starved," he suddenly gushed, holding the diner door open for her.

As they looked around for a free table, a flamboyant man jumped up and waved to them. "Yoohoo, hon, over here!"

Lindsay turned to her companion. "Do you mind eating with my friend, Emmett? Did you meet him at the exhibit?"

Justin took in the man’s bright ensemble and wild demeanor, then shook his head. "I think I would’ve remembered."

The woman laughed. "You’re right." She led him to the table. "Emmett Honeycutt, this is Justin Taylor. He’s one of the artists in my painting class and he starts at PIFA next week."

"Ooh, an artiste," Emmett cooed. "Sit down right here, baby," he commanded as he patted the seat next to him, "and tell me all about yourself."

Justin sat down and shrugged. "That’s pretty much it, I guess."

"Nonsense," Emmett disagreed. "Everyone has a better story than that. For starters, how did you happen into the magical kingdom of OZ? I haven’t seen you before."

As Emmett grilled his latest victim, Lindsay flagged the waitress down for a booster seat, and Sheba sauntered past.

"Well, well, Sunshine, I see you made it out of the lion’s den alive!"

Justin blushed as Emmett’s eyes widened. "Do tell!"

"This divine Princess spent the night with none other than King Kinney," Sheba informed everyone within earshot. "Ain’t that right?"

Justin became even redder as he felt every pair of eyes in the place burn into him. He nodded slightly, wishing the floor would open up and swallow him.

"I didn’t think Brian was into chicken," Emmett replied smugly, "but there’s only so much prime beef in the world."

"Em!" Lindsay scolded.

"I’m just kidding," he retorted, patting Justin’s arm to take the sting from his words. "But you have to admit it’s an interesting development. You know how he prides himself on complete separation between his business and private life so what’s gonna happen when--"

"What do you mean business?" Justin squeaked.

"Just a figure of speech, Sunshine."

"Please don’t call me that," the teen moaned. That memory was forever sullied now.

"Okay, Princess, I just meant Brian fucks 24/7 so the backroom is more his office than that stuffy old building downtown. Anyway," he looked at Lindsay, eyes dancing, "can I tell him?"

"He already knows," she replied. "Where do you think I found Justin this morning?"

"Oh, pooh!" the man pouted. "Well what did he do?" At least he could get some second hand gossip.

"Nothing," she told him, watching Justin slip lower and lower in his seat. "Where’s Teddy," she asked, trying to change the subject.

"He went to New York."

"Oh…Is he going to see Mel?"

Emmett stared at her hard. "That’s why he went."

Justin was happy to not be the center of attention anymore as Sheba moved on and the others went back to their meals. His own head was now ping-ponging back and forth between Lindsay and Emmett as he watched their faces closely.

"How is she?" Lindsay asked.

"Why don’t you ask her yourself?"

"I can’t," Lindsay sighed miserably.

"Well, we decided we’re not getting in the middle anymore, so if you want answers, you know where to find her." Signaling that discussion was over, Emmett turned back to Justin. "So--"

"Here we go, one big boost for my big boy," the red-haired waitress cackled as she dropped the seat next to Lindsay. Justin was glad for another reprieve until she turned on him and clasped his jaw. "Who do we have here?"

Lindsay made the introductions and Debbie patted his cheek warmly. "Welcome, Sunshine."

"He doesn’t like that," Emmett told her and her face clouded over.

"Why the fuck not," she bellowed, "it’s perfect."

Justin cringed a little. "It’s fine, thank you."

She smiled again and nodded. "Now what’ll you have?"



Several hours later, Lindsay had taken Gus home for his nap, but Justin and Emmett were still sitting in the booth. Emmett was regaling his new friend with stories about Hazelhurst and Justin was enthralled. Neither man noticed the figure approaching until he was next to their table.

"What are you doing here?" Michael asked.

"Just talking to--" Emmett started.

"I meant him," Michael snapped, glaring at the blond.

"Michael!" Debbie slapped him upside the head. "I know I taught you better manners."

"Ma," he whined. "First he’s at Brian’s, now he’s here. I just want to know why he’s suddenly everywhere."

"That’s hardly everywhere," Debbie countered, "he’s Lindsay’s friend so she brought him in for breakfast."

"What were you doing at Brian’s?" he demanded.

"She wanted him to go to breakfast too," Justin replied. It wasn’t exactly a lie. He felt Emmett’s eyes on him, but thankfully, the other man didn’t say anything.

Instead, Emmett asked Michael to join them for lunch.

"You just had breakfast," Michael retorted.

"Hours ago," Emmett said. "And the morning just passed right by while I was talking to Justin."

Michael scowled. "I have to get back to the store," he grumbled and went to the counter to pick up his order.

Emmett waited until he was out of hearing range to shake his finger at Justin. "No keeping secrets from Auntie Em, baby. What’s really going on with you and Brian?"

Justin glanced at Michael who was still glaring at him and leaned closer to the other man. "I’ll tell you on one condition."

"What’s that?" Emmett asked excitedly.

"You tell me about Brian and Michael."

Emmett’s eyes flickered for a moment, his demeanor suddenly more reserved. "What do you mean?" he asked hesitantly. "You’ve met them, they’re…" he searched for a word that wouldn’t make him nauseous.

"They’re not like any couple I’ve ever met," Justin cut in and he knew he was onto something when Emmett’s eyes darted to Michael and back.

"Princess, we should--"

"I mean, why does Michael insist on calling Brian his boyfriend, when Brian insists he’s not? I’ve seen them together and Michael’s all over Brian while Brian looks like he can’t stand to be touched. And what’s with the bogus rules?"

Emmett watched Michael huff out of the diner, shooting one last angry look at them both. Emmett was sure he couldn’t hear them, but something definitely was brewing. Well, in for a penny, out for a pound. "Okay, baby, you got a deal."

Justin waved to Debbie for another soda before he leaned back into the booth and got comfortable. He figured they were still going to be there a while. "Good. You start."


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