Rules of the Heart

Chapter 2


Justin couldn’t believe his ears. He’d been dreaming about this night all summer.

The man in the jeep, the god Justin had been fantasizing about since the first time he’d seen him coming out Babylon’s backroom a few months ago, got in his car and leaned over to open the passenger door.

Not needing any further invitation, Justin pushed off from the lamp he’d been leaning on and started to cross the sidewalk.

"Not so fast, Sunshine," another man said, grabbing the blond’s arm. Justin looked up, startled, and was surprised to see one of the performers from club. Sheba had changed into a tangerine leotard, but still wore his tiara.

Brian rounded the hood of the jeep and glared at the intruder. "Fuck off," he growled.

The transvestite ignored him. "You don’t know what kind of trouble a tasty twink can get into with a tiger like that," he told Justin. "He’s gonna eat you alive."

"Thank you, M-ma’am," Justin replied politely, squirming a bit from the long nails digging into his arm under the thin jacket, "but I know all about Brian Kinney."

Brian smirked at the blond, impatiently tapping his fingers against the frame of the open passenger door. "So are you coming or going?" he leered.

Sheba tightened his grip. "Sunshine, don’t--"

"I’m going with him," Justin replied with all the strength he could muster, even though he was shaking violently.

The transvestite looked into the warm blue depths of the boy’s eyes and his heart broke for the kid as he let him go. He knew it was a mistake, but some things just had to be learned by experience.

Justin smiled at his sudden protector to reassure him and took a wobbly step forward. Taking a deep breath, he steadied himself and walked confidently to the man who was waiting for him. His stomach flipped over when he locked eyes with Brian and saw the lust so evident in the hazel pools. Bolstered by the fact that he put that look in the man’s eye, he grinned. "I’m Just--"

"I don’t care," Brian snapped, brusquely cutting the blond off before giving him a little shove into the jeep and shutting the door behind him.

Justin blushed deeply, realizing he’d already made his first mistake. Brian Kinney had rules with tricks, and the first one was no names. Which he thought was kind of silly since everyone knew who Brian Kinney was, but that didn’t seem to matter to the older man. What did matter was Brian wouldn’t take him seriously if he acted like a kid. He mentally reminded himself of the other rules so he wouldn’t screw up again.

No repeats. He knew this was a one shot deal and he was fine with that. He just didn’t want to start college next week still a virgin. Okay, technically he wasn’t a virgin because he’d slept with his best friend Daphne after prom, but they both knew he was queer so it didn’t really mean anything except as a favor to her. She didn’t want her first time to be with someone she didn’t know or trust so he’d helped her out, which was why she’d hung out with him all summer on Liberty Avenue after he’d set his sights on Brian Kinney. If he was going to do it, he wanted the first time to be with the best to make sure it was done right.

No sleepovers. If you were lucky enough to go home with Brian, as he obviously (finally!) was, once the man was finished with you, you left immediately. Justin quickly counted the cash he had left in his wallet to make sure he had enough for cab fare home later.

No kissing. Justin really didn’t understand that one because he just knew Brian would be a great kisser. Maybe the older man didn’t like kissing. That was a shame, because he did. Justin had kissed a few boys in school and he liked it a lot.

When Brian sat down beside him and started the engine, Justin couldn’t help looking at the man’s luscious red mouth. He felt a deep twinge of regret that he would never taste it, but he also knew there were so many other things they could do so he decided it wasn’t a big deal.



Justin clenched his fists in the sheets as Brian’s tongue plunged deeper into his hole. He rocked his hips back and forth, fucking himself on the speared appendage. Brian Kinney may not kiss on the mouth, but he didn’t hesitate to put his tongue ANYWHERE else!

Brian could tell the boy was close to coming and reluctantly pulled away. He could eat that ass all night, but they had other things to do.

"That concludes Rimming 101," Brian murmured before giving in and swiping his tongue over the twitching pucker one last time.

"Is it time for another test?" Justin giggled breathlessly as he rolled onto his back and found himself face to face with Brian who sprawled over him again. Justin was thinking about the blow job he’d given Brian earlier in the shower. The older man had called it a ‘placement exam’ to see how skilled he was and he’d passed with flying colors. Justin knew he would, he’d had plenty of practice at that with the quarterback in the equipment room last fall, but the pleasure of having Brian tongue fuck his ass had been a complete shock and he wanted to return the favor. He never imagined that was something he would do, but now his mouth was watering just thinking about it.

Brian saw Justin eagerly lick his lips and he struggled not to groan out loud. He remembered that mouth on his dick and he knew the kid would be just as adept at rimming. For someone with minimal experience, the boy was a natural. And he had balls. A few hour ago, Brian suspected the blond was going to bolt out of fear, especially when Brian had pegged him as a virgin, but instead the twink held his head high, admitted he was looking for his first fuck, and boldly asked Brian to do it. Any lingering doubts Brian still had, ineptitude made his dick soft, were quickly dispelled when the younger man stripped off his clothes and bravely walked up the stairs to the bedroom. One look at that perfect lily-white ass and Brian had to have it.

The older man contemplated the blond’s request, felt his dick stir at the thought of the boy’s tongue in his ass, and glanced at the clock. It was almost dawn and they hadn’t even gotten to the fucking yet. "Maybe later," he replied, almost regretfully—except he didn’t do regrets.

He rolled to his side and pulled Justin with him, chuckling as the boy gasped when their cocks rubbed side by side. Brian tried not to think about how well they fit together, the blond head nestled against his shoulder, focusing instead on the task at hand as he reached for the lube. "Pull your leg up, around my waist," he directed as he slicked his fingers. "Good boy," Brian praised when he felt the blond wrap around him. He ran his lubed fingers along the exposed crack, brushing lightly over the opening. "Now this is the advanced course. Just relax and you’ll do fine."


Brian slapped at the phone ringing beside the bed. He squinted against the sunlight streaming in the windows and tried to focus on the clock. Who the fuck was calling—

The body beside him moaned and buried its head deeper under the pillow. Brian glared at the other man, wondering why the fuck a trick was still in his bed, until he saw the blond hair sticking out. The phone suddenly forgotten, he swept the sheet aside and let his eyes roam over the delicious bubble butt he’d had the pleasure of breaking in the night before. He’d used every trick in the book to give the boy a night he’d never forget and the kid couldn’t get enough. The blond was an attentive student and a quick study. But perhaps a quick review was needed to make sure the boy remembered his lessons. Practice makes perfect after all.



Finally, the phone stopped ringing and Justin could hear the answering machine relaying Brian’s message from some other corner in the loft. Then he felt the bed shift and he was pressed into the mattress. The younger man recognized Brian’s weight, heat flooding his groin as memories of the night before washed over him. The pillow was removed from his head and Brian’s breath was hot on his neck.

"Rise and shine," the older man whispered huskily.

"Brian," the boy sighed as the older man kneaded his tender ass. He couldn’t believe how sore he was, but it was totally worth it. "Fuck me," he suddenly moaned despite himself.

Brian was reaching for a condom when another man’s voice cut through the air after the answering machine beeped.

"Brian, it’s definitely Saturday now so get your ass out of bed and meet me at the diner. I want to have breakfast with my boyfriend before I open the store."

Justin stiffened and pushed Brian away. "You have a boyfriend?" he asked incredulously.

The older man flopped on his back, an unfamiliar pang of regret—or whatever it was—in his chest when he saw the blond’s blue eyes chill considerably. However, he was Brian Kinney for fuck sake so it was nobody’s fucking business. His tongue was quick to lash out, but he stopped as the blond shook his head, forcing a more congenial face.

Having just remembered it wasn’t his place to ask, Justin knew the rules before he’d come home with the older man, he tried to brush it off. The small ray of hope that had warmed his heart the night before when Brian let him stay was quickly snuffed out. He obviously wasn’t anything special like he’d hoped for a brief moment. Someone else held that distinction. And he was a lucky man. "I mean, how do you do it?" Justin covered quickly, his studious demeanor returning. "Doesn’t he mind you fucking other guys?"

Although the kid had overstayed his welcome and Brian meant to tell him to fuck off and get out, he instead replied, "We’re not boyfriends. I don’t do boyfriends."

Justin’s brow furrowed. "But he said--"

"That’s his label, not mine. We’re queer which means there’s no such thing as living happily ever after, or marching down the aisle in matching Vera Wangs, no matter what anyone else says. You’ll be better off than some people I know not hanging onto that shit. Remember it’s just fucking and you’ll get the maximum of pleasure with the minimum of bullshit."

Justin opened his mouth to argue, but thought better of it. He could tell by the way Brian suddenly got up and went to the bathroom that the discussion was closed and he knew better than to push. He wanted the best night of his life to end on good terms so he could cherish every moment and that meant leaving on his own, not being thrown out. "I um…I guess I should go then," he said to the empty room as he got up to gather his clothes. "Maybe I’ll see you around some time."

Brian poked his head out of the bathroom and raised an eyebrow. "Don’t you think you should take a shower first?" The older man figured what the hell, he was still hard, and the kid was still there.



After two more rounds in the shower, they finally stumbled out of the bathroom and collapsed on the bed. But before they fell asleep again like before, that was Brian’s only excuse for letting the boy stay although he’d never admit he was glad he did, he swatted the blond’s ass. "Time to go, Sunshine, I got places to be later."

Justin felt a slight stab in his gut when he thought about Brian meeting his ‘boyfriend’, but quickly pushed it away. So what if he was, it was him Brian just spent the last hour fucking while the other guy was waiting. Obviously, he was more important to the older man for the time being and he couldn’t help but smile—a bright sunshine smile. That’s what Brian had said last night in a rare moment of affection. He’d said Sheba aptly named him, which Justin knew was a huge compliment and totally unheard of from a man who didn’t give a shit what your name was.

"What are you smiling at?" Brian asked, returning it despite himself.

Justin tried to shrug nonchalantly, but his smile widened. "Just thinking about what a great time I had." He leaned over and kissed Brian’s jaw. "Thanks to you."

"Just doing my part for the community. I would hate to think of all that raw talent going to waste," Brian smirked. Forcing himself to pull away before he initiated anything else, the older man stood and pulled the blond up with him. He reached over and grabbed the boy’s underwear, kneeling so he could step into them.

Justin laughed a little at how silly it seemed, he was perfectly capable of dressing himself, but he couldn’t deny how fucking hot it was either. He ran his fingers through the damp hair at the nape of Brian’s neck as he steadied himself. Feeling Brian’s hands brush over his calves, then thighs, as his breath puffed softly against his belly, was making the blond’s knees weak all over again.

And that’s how they were found when the loft door suddenly slid open, a distraught, "Brian!" ringing through the otherwise quiet loft at the sight of them naked in the bedroom.


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