Rules of the Heart

Chapter 11



"Justin, would you like more wine?" Lindsay asked as the teen set his empty glass on the end table.

"No, if I’m no longer needed since Gus is in bed, I’ll be leaving," the young man replied tightly.

He’d had enough of this bullshit. After he’d followed Brian the night before, Melanie’s demeanor toward him had cooled considerably. He knew she didn’t know him very well, but she had made it perfectly clear where she thought he belonged all night—in the nursery with Gus. He wasn’t any more welcome among their friends than Brian. All evening she only referred to him as the babysitter. The only reason Justin put up with it was because everyone else thought he was so sweet to be looking after the boy while the women enjoyed themselves. No one stopped talking about what a great help he’d been to Lindsay while Melanie was ‘away’ and the teen could tell it was burning Melanie’s ass.

Lindsay put her hand on his arm. "You know you’re welcome to stay," she said lamely.

"No, thanks. Congratulations, Linds, I hope you’re happy." He saw the woman frown, but didn’t feel bad about it.



"Mother Mary, give it a rest," Emmett hissed. Michael had done nothing but complain about Brian missing Comic-con all evening. "He missed the girls’ party, but you don’t see them crying about it."

"Absolutely not," Melanie snarked as she came up behind them, overhearing Emmett’s last statement. "I didn’t want the fucker here anyway."

"But he’s your friend," Michael cried in astonishment. "He should be here with us."

"Why," the woman sniffed. "So he can fuck every guy, gay, straight, or undecided in the place? These are my co-workers, and my neighbors, and my friends. I don’t need him embarrassing me."

Emmett looked around as some of the other guests turned their heads at her loud declaration. "No, you’re doing a good enough job yourself," he whispered back.

Before she could reply, Justin tried to sneak past to the door. "Baby, where you going?" Emmett asked.

"I thought I’d go to Babylon for a while, see what’s up tonight," the blond replied tensely.

"Don’t you mean who?" Michael sneered.

"What’s that supposed to mean?" Emmett demanded.

"You know what he means," Melanie huffed. "He’s a real protégé, isn’t he? Following in the grand master’s footsteps." She’d spent enough time listening to Lindsay lament how the boys were being a bad influence on the younger man. And after she’d seen him chase after Brian last night, she knew he was nothing but another lap dog like Michael.

"But he’ll never be like Brian. And he’ll never GET Brian. I know that’s what you really want," Michael taunted, bolstered by the sudden support he’d never gotten from anyone else, especially not Emmett or his mom. They thought ‘Sunshine’ was perfect. "I see the way you look at him and it’s pathetic. Why don’t you go home where you belong?"

"He belongs here," Debbie shouted as she slapped her son on the back of the head, joining the growing crowd gravitating toward the fight they sensed brewing in the doorway. "What kind of shit thing is that to say?"

"Ma-aa," the man whined. "He doesn’t belong here, he’s just a kid. And he’s always bothering Brian."

"Funny," Deb mused, "I’ve hardly seen them say two words to each other, and I’ve never heard them say one word about each other. I think you’re just jealous you’re not the baby anymore," the woman cooed as she pinched Justin’s cheek and winked.

"Although he’s certainly acting like one," Vic added over his sister’s shoulder. "It’s not anyone else’s fault that Brian’s not here and you’re horny. Go get laid for fuck’s sake if that’s what you need, you know he is."

"Hell, I’m sure you can find him in the backroom right now," Melanie said helpfully.

"Or the baths," Ted threw in, not wanting to be left out.

"That’s not true!" Justin cried angrily before he could stop himself. He knew it wasn’t his place to tell Brian’s business, but he couldn’t take it anymore. Luckily, before he could say anything else and make it worse, Emmett cut in.

"Michael told us Brian’s on a business trip."

"That’s a crock of shit," Melanie snorted.

"How would you know?" Justin glowered. "You didn’t even ASK why he couldn’t come, you just started yelling at him!" He turned on Michael. "And you! All you’ve done is fucking bitch that you spent $100 on those lame passes when he’s offered to give you a hundred times that to buy that comic store."

"How did--"

"How dare--"

"I. HAVE. EARS." The teen shouted. "You act like I don’t exist, but I can still hear you when you’re talking right in front of me!"

"Justin," Lindsay tried to calm him, "no one is--"

"You’re just as bad," Justin snapped. "You didn’t stop her when she told him she didn’t want him here. YOU told him you’d tell Gus he was getting his dick sucked instead."

There was an audible gasp as the guests stared at the blushing woman. "I didn’t say that!"

"That’s enough," Melanie hollered. She was beyond caring what anyone else thought. She didn’t know why she assumed everything would be better if Brian wasn’t there. There was always someone stupid enough to buy his shit and make a scene on his behalf. Usually it was Michael. Or Lindsay. She couldn’t believe he had another minion now. It was like he was gathering the hellhounds to torment her. "Michael’s obviously right," she said, glaring coldly at Justin, "you may want Brian to fuck you, but he’ll just fuck you over."

"No he won’t," the boy cried hotly. "Because I don’t treat him like you do!"

"Justin," Emmett warned, the sudden alarm evident in his voice. He’d been carried away with his own anger for the moment, but he wouldn’t let the teen go on any longer. He put his arm around the blond, willing him to stop before it was too late, as he turned to their friends. "I think it’s natural for him to be a little defensive about Gus’ relationship with his dad," he smoothly lied off the cuff. "We all know what it’s like to have parents who don’t accept us, but Princess here hasn’t had time to become the devil-may-care gay gays we are yet."

"Oh, Sunshine," Debbie lamented as she pulled him into a tight hug. Over the past month, they’d all heard about his forced coming out in school and his dad’s rejection leading to the divorce.

"So you’re saying he looks up to Brian as a father?" Melanie asked in surprise. "Just another fucking twisted kink for him I suppose," she scoffed.

"Melanie," Lindsay berated sharply, finally finding her voice again.

"Well," Emmett sighed. "This has been FUN, but I think it’s time to call it a night," he camped as he tried to pry Debbie’s arms from the dazed teen. "Uh, Teddy, Vic, little help here…"



"Isn’t this better?" Emmett happily crowed as they hit the dance floor at Babylon.

Justin nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! Thanks again, Em, I don’t know what--"

Emmett tapped his fingers over the blond’s mouth. "Shush now. What’s done is done. No harm, really, I think it livened the party up anyway. Besides, as much as I wanted them back together, I didn’t realize Mel still has some serious control issues," he tsked. "I know she doesn’t like Brian, and she had good reason in the past, but a lot has changed and she won’t even try to understand. I can’t wait to see what happens when Brian gets back! He’s going to go through the roof when he hears about New York!"

Justin rolled his eyes. He knew Emmett wasn’t the biggest Brian Kinney fan around, it was just a case of the lesser of two evils at the moment. He disliked Michael’s behavior more than Brian’s for the time being, but it was evident he was always on the lookout for new things to stir up and dish out trouble and that made the blond less than happy with his friend sometimes. He knew that was just the group dynamic and always had been long before he came along, but he didn’t have to like it. But that was the least of his problems right now. First, he had to tell Brian about the fight at the party, especially before Michael did. Then if the other man ever spoke to him again, they’d tackle the other shit.

Justin felt his phone vibrate and pulled it out of his pocket, struggling to see the display in the dim light. "It’s Brian," he gushed in shock.

"Ooh, calling to wish you sweet dreams, or maybe tell you a bedtime story?" Emmett teased.

"Hello?" Justin shouted, hoping he could hear over the noise.

"Sunshine, where the fuck are you?"

"Babylon, I--"

"Go out--"

"I can’t hear you, wait--"


"I’m almost outside…" Justin pushed through the side door and stepped into the alley. "That’s better," he gasped, out of breath from struggling through the crowd.

"Definitely," Brian smirked at the breathless boy in front of him as he snapped his phone shut.



"Brian?" Michael said as he saw the jeep pass by.

"You’re not gonna start that again," Ted groaned. After Emmett and Justin left, the party wound down pretty quickly. Debbie and Vic stayed to help the girls clean up and asked Ted to take Michael out for a drink to take his mind off Brian for a while. Ted knew Emmett and Justin were at Babylon so he suggested Woody’s.

They had just parked on the street between the two bars when Michael thought he saw Brian’s car. "Brian’s back," Michael told him and pointed down the street. "Why didn’t he call me?" He started jogging down the street and followed the jeep down the alley behind the dance club.

"It’s Friday," Ted called after him, but he knew Michael would never learn. He followed behind, deciding to join Emmett and Justin inside.



"What are you doing here?" the blond asked excitedly as he threw himself at the older man. Then, suddenly remembering where they were he froze, just inches away, and glanced around nervously.

"Fuck it," Brian growled, pulling Justin to him and kissing him hard on the mouth.

The teen reluctantly pushed him back. "Wait, I need to tell you--" he panted.

"I know," Brian said.

"About the party?"

The older man nodded against the boy’s neck as he nipped his earlobe. "I called Lindsay to see if Gus was still up. She was bawling about Melanie and a fight, but I had to call Vic to get a rational explanation. He told me you were here."

Justin’s happiness that Brian came looking for him was abruptly squelched as he clutched the older man’s arm fearfully. "Brian, I didn’t mean to--"

"You didn’t do anything wrong," Brian assured him.


"I don’t want to talk about the merry munchers. I want to celebrate."

"What? What do you want—oh, you got it? You got it! Oh, my god!" Justin bounced excitedly. "I’m so proud of you! I knew you would!" He punctuated each statement with a sound kiss until Brian held him still and there was only kissing instead of talking. Much better.


The startled couple looked over and saw Michael glaring at them from a few yards away.

"Shit," Brian muttered as Justin froze.

"You asshole!" Michael screeched as he charged at them.

"Get in the car," Brian ordered the blond, quickly pulling the door open.

Justin stumbled as he and Brian collided trying to get around each other.

Michael angrily kicked the door shut again. Brian was not going to leave with that shit! He whirled on Brian and saw the other man’s face contort into a horrified mask he’d never seen before.

Then Justin screamed.


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