These stories are grouped with the original story first and its sequel(s) underneath. So the new stories will be at the bottom of the list.
All Series are complete except for Domestic Bliss.
Written for the Quoin Orange Challenge. Brian has worked in a Quoin in Ireland since he was 14 - can he find love at 30?
Continuation of Druid - a few months later.
New Oct. 5th 2010
Brian and Justin have not yet met. Brian is 29 and Justin is 17, but I have played around with timelines from the show. This is my first attempt at a mystery.
Sequel to Blinded. Because Gale seems to have changed a lot since his accident, I wondered what would happen to Brian after his crack on the head in Blinded. This story deals with that scenario. Written for Rory who bid on a story for the Help-Haiti project.
New Apr. 15th 2010
Brian has not yet met Justin. He has other problems to deal with.
This is a continuation of "Close to Home", the story where Brian is confined to a wheelchair.
This is a continuation of "Close to Home II", the story where Brian is confined to a wheelchair.
This is a continuation of "Close to Home III", the story where Brian is confined to a wheelchair.
New Nov. 27th 2008
Justin is far from home after being accepted to PIFA and is rather scared. Like a little mouse he is running from life, his fears, and the soon to be met big bad cat by the name of Brian.
Justin is a timid art student from Cape Cod. The big, bad cat named Brian Kinney hunted down his mouse. Now that he has him, what is he going to do with him?
Brian has to battle his demons after the Rage bash, and decide if he is ready to change.
Brian and Justin are back together, but their problems are far from over.
Justin and Brian explore the joys and problems of a committed relationship.
Brian and Justin continue their "Committed" relationship in a new home.
New July 4th
Justin meets a friend he has only known through the internet.
Brian finally comes up with a plan.
Through a series of strange events, Brian ends up running for public office.
Many things happen during Brian's term in office.
Gus is kidnapped.
Brian decides he wants his parental rights back where Gus is concerned. Sequel to "Kidnapped".
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