On The Hunt
TUESDAY – 4:30pm
“You all know the honor that has been bestowed upon you. I’m sure you will bring credit to your profession. As Guides you will perform an invaluable service to your Sentinels.”
Instructor Peter Linahan paused to look at the twenty Guides who sat in the classroom facing him. “You are most fortunate to live in today’s society. Years ago, Guides were literally hunted by Sentinels. Today, you are chosen according to the most stringent scientific methods.” He paused again. “You know your duty. You will submit to the Sentinels who officially choose you in the Ceremony tomorrow.” He nodded once at them. “Dismissed.”
Linahan silently watched as the Guides respectfully bowed their heads to him, then rose and walked out of the room. He nodded in satisfaction to himself. The rumors of discontent within the ranks of the Guides were just that…rumors. They would do their duty.
The Guides quietly walked back to the area that had been assigned to them. Dorm style rooms branched off from the common room where they ate their meals. Some of the Guides returned to their rooms while others sat at the center table. It wouldn’t be long until their final meal was brought to them.
Two of the Guides sat where they could watch the hallway. Seeing no one in the hallway, one of them turned his head and nodded to the group at the tables then returned his attention to the hallway. His companion leaned forward as though talking to him.
At the center table, the Guides leaned closer. “Are we sure about this?” one of the Guides hesitantly asked.
“You don’t have to join us, Phebe,” a tall lean young woman reminded her. She tapped her forefinger on the table. “We’ve all seen the Sentinels picked out for us. Personally, I’d prefer to slit my throat before being bonded with him. Or slit his.”
“Rhiane!” the oldest Guide gently remonstrated.
“But what if we don’t find our true Sentinels or they don’t find us?” Phebe worriedly continued. “We know our ‘true’ Sentinel may not even be in Cascade.”
“This will either work within 24 hours or it won’t. They won’t bring us breakfast in the morning so there's no way they'll know we’re gone until almost time to bring us to the Ceremony.” The quiet words came from the young man sitting at the end of the table. He slowly looked at the others. “Once these tags are neutralized, the Council won’t have a way to track us. The Trackers will be blind, deaf, and dumb. Only Sentinels will be able to ‘feel’ us. They’ll be drawn to their ‘true’ match.” His blue eyes blazed, echoing the quiet passion in his voice.
“And if one of us isn’t chosen?” Phebe quickly wiped a tear from her eye.
“Blair’s right.” Rhiane reached across the table and patted Phebe’s arm. “Do you really want to be matched with that obnoxious little bastard they’ve chosen for you?” When the younger girl shook her head, Rhiane sat back and looked at Blair Sandburg.
“Anyone who isn’t found within 24 hours will make their way to the rendezvous point,” Blair quietly reminded them. His voice lowered even further. “You will be protected. This…obscenity ends now. We’re not just freeing the Guides…we’re also freeing the Sentinels.” He didn’t realize the rest of the Guides had returned to the common room.
“So says the Shaman,” Rhiane quietly intoned.
“So says the Shaman,” the others quietly repeated.
“So says the Shaman,” Blair firmly spoke.
The members of the Council of Cascade were not only politicians. Medical doctors, sociologists, and mental health professionals were also prominent members. Public recoil of the primitive way that Sentinels and Guides chose each other had provided the necessary support to institute another method of creating Sentinel/Guide pairs. The Council met once a year and studied the medical, psychological, and personal backgrounds of each new Sentinel and Guide. So it was that relatively few individuals determined which Sentinel was paired with each Guide.
It was also these individuals who determined that since Guides were necessary to bring Sentinels out of zones, they could not be allowed to be the leader of the pairs. So Sentinels were given that role which some enforced through their physical size and strength. It had been determined that any Guide could bring any Sentinel out of a zone. Guides who had been closely matched with their Sentinels could bring them out more easily. However, it was accepted that it was the Guide’s fault if the Sentinel was not released quickly and easily from a zone.
But power corrupts people. And those in charge of matching Sentinels and Guides soon realized the power they wielded. Those with good intentions were convinced the methods used were in the best interests of all concerned. Those with less than good intentions were more interested in the power and wealth they amassed. Wealth that came from those who claimed to be Sentinels paying to have someone at their beck and call. Power that came from providing so-called Guides to those who were no better than slavers.
But it wasn’t only the Guides who were discontented….
TUESDAY – 8:15 pm
William Ellison didn’t dismiss those who flaunted their wealth and power. Most of them were as wealthy as they boasted. A few were as powerful as they boasted. However, those who put themselves into the public limelight were more vulnerable than those who were both wealthy and powerful yet preferred to remain in the shadows. William Ellison didn’t like being vulnerable so his wealth and power were discretely used when and how William dictated.
He eyed his eldest son who sat at the opposite end of the dining room table calmly finishing the last piece of their housekeeper’s blueberry pie. Without a proper Guide, his son was vulnerable which meant that he was vulnerable.
Jim Ellison sighed in contentment and pushed the plate to one side. He briefly smiled at his father. “Sally’s cooking just keeps getting better.”
William grunted in acknowledgement. “Hopefully, she’ll have one more person to feed when this is over.”
Jim shrugged. “Or one less.” He held up his hand when his father began to speak. “Sorry, Dad. I know you don’t like to hear that kind of talk, but it’s the truth. You know my senses are too strong to continue without a Guide.”
William nodded. “But what are the odds that you’ll find your…true Guide?”
“You don’t believe in true matches?”
William shrugged. “It doesn’t matter what I believe, son. Does it?”
“I suppose not,” Jim admitted. “But you’re supporting this…me.”
“Of course. But, for the sake of argument, if you don’t find your true Guide in this group, can’t you accept the one that was chosen?” William curiously asked.
Jim shook his head. “I’m sure Rhiane is a lovely person. But she’s not my true Guide. We’d kill each other within a week…or less.”
“It’s been a long time since a Hunt, Jimmy.”
Jim nodded. “One thing that people have forgotten. Only true Sentinels and Guides will be able to participate in the Hunt. Only they will be able to feel the urge and attraction.”
William sighed. “Can you trust this person who’s the contact with the Guides?”
Jim suddenly grinned, a glint of mischief in his blue eyes. “I certainly hope so. He’s your younger son.”
TUESDAY – 11:47pm
“I’ve hacked into their video security system for the rear door and internal cameras. They won’t see a thing. You’re good to go.” The man sitting in one of the nearby dark vans covered the microphone at his mouth and slowly took a deep breath. ‘Some much for deciding never to tilt at windmills again.’ he cynically chided himself, then silently chuckled. 'Chancellor Edwards would have a heart attack if she could see me now…her 'poor crippled teacher.'
A dark-clad figure took a deep breath then opened the service entrance door of the Guide training facility. When no alarm sounded, he sent a silent prayer flying towards the heavens and quickly entered. Following the map loaded into his small cell phone, he walked the corridors until he came to the Guides’ dormitory.
He was startled when a young curly-haired man stepped into view. The man stared at him for a few moments then smiled. “Hello.”
The simple greeting cut the tension and the intruder smiled in return. He pulled out a small object from his pocket. “Let’s get started. We need to get everyone’s tags decoded and get all of you out of here. There are vans out back waiting for us.” As the Guides gathered around him, his smile widened. “We’ve got a nice diversion going on out front, but it won’t last forever.”
Outside the front of the building, one car had swerved into the path of the other. Both drivers stomped on the brakes causing the cars to fishtail and tires to squeal in protest.
The guards in front of the Guide facility watched through the chain-link fence as a dark-haired woman jumped out of one car and ran to the other.
“Bastard! Son-of-a-bitch cheating bastard!”
One of the guards grinned at the other as the driver of the second car quickly exited the vehicle. “Uh-oh. Somebody just got busted.”
“Laura! What are…” The man’s words ended in a surprise yelp as Laura’s hand smacked his face hard enough to send him reeling backwards.
“Is this the whore? You’re spending your money on her?”
“Who are you calling a whore, you bitch?!” The woman from the second car got out and angrily stared across the hood of the car at Laura.
“Central Security, we have an altercation at the front gate,” one of the guards reported into his radio.
“What type of altercation?” The guard manning the security cameras stared at the monitor covering the front of the building.
“Nothing to do with us,” the guard replied. “Looks like a domestic disturbance.”
“Let me know if it turns violent, and I’ll notify the police.” Giving the other monitors a cursory glance, he continued watching the monitor for the front gate.
“You should’ve been taking care of him like a real woman!”
Laura shrieked and launched herself at her mocking rival.
“Laura! Gina! Stop!” The man desperately tried to keep the battling women apart.
The guards in front of the building relaxed and watched the show.
WEDNESDAY – 7:30am
Capt. Simon Banks of Cascade’s Major Crimes division wasn’t in a happy mood. While he had nothing against Sentinels and Guides, he hated the way Guides were relegated to second-class citizens. For that reason, he hated being at these so-called ‘Choosings’. Rarely, did both Sentinel and Guide look happy with the process. But the Commissioner had ordered him to attend. Something about possible trouble although it was ‘no more than rumors’, as the Commissioner had assured him.
Simon glanced around the room, casually looking at the Council members. He dismissed the politicians, there for the photo opportunity and to drum up votes for the next election. He more carefully scrutinized the Sentinel and Guide representatives. Normally they didn’t mingle with the Sentinels until after the Choosing ceremony. More than a few of them, however, were moving among the Sentinels, speaking quietly to them.
‘No more than rumor? I think the Commissioner is whistling in the dark. And my neck’s on the line here!’
He spotted one Sentinel and carefully walked through the crowd towards him. Jim Ellison had been assigned to the Vice department before his senses came fully online. Since then, he’d been on administrative leave pending the acquisition of a Guide. Simon’s counterpart in the Bomb Squad, Joel Taggart, had confidentially told Simon that a blow-up between the Vice Captain, Keith Edmonds, and Ellison was inevitable. Edmonds had a reputation as a man who didn’t care what risks the men and women under his command ran as long as the job got done. Ellison cared too much about the risks. Simon has privately ear-marked Ellison as someone he wanted in Major Crimes once this Guide business was completed.
“Captain Banks.”
Simon wasn’t surprised that Ellison addressed him just before the Sentinel turned to greet him.
“Ellison.” Simon briefly nodded. “Haven’t been to one of these things for a long time.”
Jim barely smiled. “You sound disapproving, sir.”
“I am,” Simon bluntly replied. “I may be an outsider in this thing, but it seems like there’s too much politics involved.”
Jim studied the other man closely then casually glanced around the room. “I should remind you that a lot of people just heard that.”
Simon shrugged. “That’s their problem.” He saw something in Ellison’s eyes when the other man turned back to him that he was sure Ellison intended him to see. “And I especially don’t like him.” He looked over Ellison’s shoulder to the doorway where a man and woman had just entered.
The man in question looked around, then quickly walked to where the members of the Council were talking.
“Garret Kincaid,” Jim acknowledged. “A…Sentinel.”
Simon blinked at the deliberate hesitation in Ellison’s speech. “So he says,” Simon grunted. “Personally, I always thought a Sentinel was more than a few heightened senses and a greedy desire for power.” He saw the look of astonishment on the faces of the Council members as Kincaid spoke to them. One of the Council members glanced at Jim. Simon recognized him as William Ellison, Jim’s father.
“With respect, Captain, you’re correct,” Jim leaned forward to whisper in Simon’s ear. “I hope we can count on you to help remedy that situation.” Before Simon could reply, Jim looked at a group of Sentinels and nodded at them. Then, as a group, they walked towards the Council members.
Simon casually followed. One of the Sentinels gave him a warning look then backed off when Jim motioned for Simon to step closer.
“This is ridiculous, Col. Kincaid! How did this happen?” Evan Brooke, the Director of the Guide facility, demanded.
“I’m investigating now, sir. I assure you my men will leave no stone unturned to…”
“What happened?” Jim interrupted. “Why is there a delay in bringing out the Guides?”
“Nothing serious, Sentinel Ellison,” Brooke smoothly answered. “Unfortunately, some of the Guides have come down with food poisoning. The Choosing will be necessarily rescheduled.”
Jim leaned closer to the man. “You should never lie to a Sentinel,” he warned. “Now, what’s the truth?”
“The truth is that the Guides have disappeared,” William Ellison explained. “Although I suppose ‘escape’ is a better word.”
Jim glanced at a fuming Kincaid. “So much for your security.”
“I warned the Council that someone was stirring up the Guides, and there would be trouble,” Kincaid defended himself.
Kincaid’s guide, Maria Ramirez, nodded. Her dark eyes stared at Brooke. “Sentinel Kincaid warned the Council more than once," she confirmed.
“And those warnings were investigated and dismissed as rumors!” Brooke snapped in return.
“Seems those rumors were more than rumors, weren’t they?” Jim remarked. He turned to Kincaid. “How did the Guides get out? The security system was working when we were admitted.”
“That’s under investigation,” Kincaid angrily replied. “The guards who were on duty last night are confined and will be questioned.”
“But not by you.” Jim turned to Simon. “Captain Banks, I believe this comes under your jurisdiction.”
“Like hell!” Kincaid shouted.
Jim looked beyond Simon to the Mayor of Cascade and silently waited.
“Col. Kincaid is responsible for security here at the Guide facility,” Mayor Dennis Conrad admitted.
“Security that has been breached,” William spoke up. “As a senior member of the Council, Mayor, I insist that the police department assist in the investigation if not lead it.”
“That’s insulting!” Chancellor Katherine Edwards irritably dismissed. “Col. Kincaid has…”
“Has allowed the Guides to simply walk out,” Jim interrupted. “Or are you suggesting that Star Trek is a reality and Scotty beamed them up to the Enterprise?”
Before Chancellor Edwards could reply, William added, “If one of your teachers was accused of falsifying grades, would you allow that teacher to investigate himself, madam?” He shook his head. “I don’t think you would.” William looked at the Mayor. “There are Sentinels here from Spokane, Seattle, and Tacoma. Here for the Choosing. Do you want them to return to their cities with this story? I’m sure the Governor would be interested as well.”
Conrad looked around and saw that the real power brokers of Cascade were standing close to William, indicating their support. More than a few of the Sentinels were standing behind Jim Ellison, supporting their spokesman. “What do you suggest, Captain?”
“We’ll put out an APB on the Guides…”
“No!” Jim interrupted. “The Sentinels will find the Guides!”
“Dear God! You’re talking about a Hunt!” Brooke gasped.
“That’s barbaric!” Chancellor Edwards sneered.
“It’s what we should have done all along.” Jim stared down at the University Chancellor until she backed off.
“You can’t do that!” Kincaid seethed.
“It’s not against the law,” Jim pointed out. “So, yes, we can.”
“Captain Banks, you have to stop this!” Brooke demanded.
Simon rubbed his jaw. “Ellison’s right. The Hunts were never outlawed.” He glanced at the Mayor. “I need to see the records of the Guides and Sentinels. I need to know what I’m dealing with.”
Conrad hesitated. A shrewd politician, he’d already figured out where the power lay in this situation. “I agree. But there has to be some structure to this Hunt. I won’t have these Sentinels breaking into homes or assaulting people.”
Jim coldly smiled. “I think you’ll find that most of the Guides who have passed through this facility weren’t here by their choice.” He stared at Brooke and Kincaid. “Sentinels know who we are. A lot of people who have been classified as Sentinels bought that title…and bought people who were told they were Guides.”
“Dear God…no…” Conrad stared at Brooke in horror.
Jim glanced at the Mayor, a little surprised by the genuine astonishment in the man’s voice. Then the man’s astonishment gave way to anger.
“Captain Banks, you will take over this investigation, effective immediately,” Conrad firmly ordered. “All employees and Directors of the Guide facility are confined to this building pending questioning.” He glanced at Simon. “How soon can you have officers here?”
Without replying, Simon pulled out his cell phone and dialed.
“You have no reason to keep me here,” Kincaid snarled. He whirled around only to be stopped by two pairs of Sentinels and Guides. One of the Sentinels took Kincaid’s gun from his holster while the other began to frisk him for other weapons. When he was done, Kincaid grabbed Maria, holding her arm in a brutal grasp. “She stays with me,” he hissed.
Jim walked to the center of the room. “If you’re a true Sentinel without a true Guide, you have been feeling unsettled for a long time,” he loudly announced. “No matter how much the Guide with you has helped, something has always been a little off.”
More than a few of the Sentinels frowned then slowly nodded in agreement.
“This isn’t the fault of your Guides no matter what they told you!” Angrily, Jim pointed at Brooke and Edwards. “Your Guides were unhappy and you knew it but couldn’t figure out why. If you haven’t felt this, either you and your Guide are truly matched or one of you isn’t a true Sentinel or a true Guide.”
“How do we know?”
Jim looked at the older man standing close to Mayor Conrad. A younger woman stood at his side, looking as though she wanted to cry.
“You know. Inside you know.”
They all looked towards the open doorway where a young curly-haired man stood with a taller man at his side.
“Steven,” William whispered in surprise. He’d hoped his younger son wouldn’t
openly show his involvement. Then he saw the expression on the face of
Kincaid's guide and frowned. The woman was staring at Steven as though seeing a
“My name is Blair Sandburg. I am a Guide and a Shaman.” Blair briefly smiled. His eyes caught Jim’s and widened. “A true Sentinel will know his or her true Guide. And vice versa.”
“This is ridiculous!” Chancellor Edwards hissed. "You're nothing but a has-been student!"
Blair walked towards her. “You have such a corrupt soul,” he pronounced. “How many people have suffered because of your greed? Your arrogance? Your ego?”
“How dare you!” Edwards drew back her hand to slap Blair’s face only to find Jim had quickly crossed the room and pulled her away.
“My Guide!” Jim shouted. “Mine!”
“My Sentinel!” Blair replied. “Mine!”
Simon stared at the younger man. “I’m assuming you’re behind the mystery of the missing Guides?”
Blair half-smiled. “Partially. We escaped last night. The tags were decoded and rendered useless.”
Simon turned to Conrad. “Mayor, will you call the Governor? Ask for
independent consultants to be sent to Cascade to evaluate the testing methods of
Sentinels and Guides? We need to know who is genuinely a Sentinel and who is
“The Governor will never listen to you,” Brooke sneered.
“He’ll listen to me,” William coldly smiled. “I’ve known him since we were kids. And he’s godfather to my younger son.”
Simon grunted. “So how does this Hunt work?”
Jim raised his voice. “If you are feeling an urge to go elsewhere, to look for your true Guide, leave now. Search for your Guide. Honor your Guide. Do not demand or do harm to anyone who tries to protect your Guide.”
“Your Guide will feel the same urge and desire to be with you,” Blair spoke up. “Sentinels, if your Guide chooses another Sentinel, don’t interfere. If you are a true Sentinel, your true Guide awaits you.”
There was silence for a moment, then Maria jerked away from Kincaid and ran to Steven Ellison…who held out his arms to her.
“Get back here!” Kincaid roared.
“No!” Maria screamed even as Steven sheltered her in his arms. “I’m not a
Guide! I’ve never been able to do what a Guide should!” She stared at Kincaid
over her shoulder. “And you’re no Sentinel!” she angrily spat. “And you’ll
never touch me again!”
“Miss, are you saying that Garret Kincaid abused you?” Simon asked, walking towards Kincaid.
“That’s a lie!” Kincaid screamed. “She’s a Guide! Mine to do with as I please!”
Maria nodded, tears running down her cheeks. “Yes! He did! I’ll testify against him!”
“Good enough,” Simon muttered. He pulled out his handcuffs and snapped them around Kincaid’s wrists. He glanced at the two Sentinel and Guide pairs. “Can you watch him until my men arrive?”
One of the pairs glanced at each other and grinned. “We’re truly matched, Captain.” The Sentinel spoke for the both of them. “We’ll stay here.”
The other Sentinel hesitated then nodded. “As soon as your men arrive, I need to go.” He regretfully looked down at the younger man at his side. “I’m sorry, Chris.”
The younger man shrugged. “Hey, who knows? Maybe someone will come for me.”
But his voice and expression showed he didn’t believe it.
“Garret Kincaid, you’re under arrest for assault. More charges will be determined.” Simon began reading the protesting man his rights.
“Mayor, let’s find a phone and office,” William suggested. He watched as Sentinels and Guides began leaving the building.
Conrad nodded and walked out of the room. William hesitated, then walked
towards his younger son. “Steven,” he gently spoke.
Steven raised his head. “Dad, this is Maria Ramirez.” He turned his head to
stare into Maria’s dark eyes. “She was taken away to become a Guide.” He
gently kissed her lips. “I love her.”
“Well, now I understand your involvement,” William chuckled. “Miss Ramirez, I look forward to getting to know you better.” He patted Steven’s arm, not sure that either of them were aware of anything else. He glanced over his shoulder and saw his older son staring down at his Guide. He shook his head and left the room. “Somebody’s got to do some work to clean up this mess,” he muttered.
Jim suddenly grinned.
“What?” Blair asked, matching his Sentinel’s grin.
“My dad.” Jim shrugged. “Time was he and I couldn’t stand to be in the same room with each other. Now…well, I won’t say that we understand each other…but we can work together.”
“Family’s important.” Blair peeked around Jim to where Steven and Maria were still wrapped up in each other’s arms. “Looks like you’ll have a sister-in-law pretty soon.”
Jim grunted. He reached out a forefinger and gently pushed Blair’s head back so the younger man was staring up at him. “Much better.”
“Is it?” Blair chuckled. “You know we have work to do.”
Jim nodded. “Lots of work.”
“People are going to be disappointed…angry…confused…”
Blair’s blue eyes twinkled. “Are you always this optimistic?”
Jim gently wrapped his arms around Blair. “For the first time in my life, I feel complete,” he slowly explained. “The dark emptiness inside me is gone. I feel…happy…content.”
Blair blinked back tears. “Yeah, I know what you mean,” he whispered.
Jim leaned down and gently kissed Blair’s lips. Both men felt a spark shoot through them and shivered.
“Hey, bro…get a room,” Steven gently teased.
“Hey, bro…mind your own business,” Jim teasingly replied.
Then he kissed his Guide again.
January 2012
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