October 31, 2052

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.  And welcome to  tonight's live broadcast of The Haunted Northwest.  I'm your host, Colista Brasseur.  Tonight, we're in Cascade, Washington.  Often called The Most Dangerous City in America, Cascade has seen it all.  Terrorists, stolen nerve gas, high level corruption, and even jewel thieves who were former circus acrobats.  So it comes as no surprise that Cascade has witnessed various paranormal activities.  Tonight, we'll concentrate on one building in particular.  852 Prospect.  Stay with us.  We'll be back after this important message."

"A commercial break?!"

"Take it easy, Chief."

"What kind of Mickey Mouse operation is this?  Do they really expect paranormal phenomena to wait because they cut to a commercial?!"


"Oh, please.  Don't give me that long-suffering look.  Everyone in this building is either a Sentinel or Guide in training.  So let's put a spotlight on the building!  Let's get everyone's attention!"

"No one is here except the television crew and us.  Everyone's gone."

"Well, they're gone now, yeah...but what about if somebody else starts nosing around?"

"Then we'll make sure they turn their attention elsewhere."


"Welcome, back.  With me is our resident medium, Jacob Longbow, as well as some longtime members of our staff.  With us tonight are Charlotte Carter and Jeremy Trent.  Jeremy, you've done some preliminary investigation into Cascade.  Why this building?"


"Well, Colista, as you know during the seismic upheavals in the Pacific Northwest in 2017, Cascade was hit with what the locals call the Triple Threat.  Earthquake, flood, and volcano.  Much of the city was either destroyed or severely damaged.  However, this building came through relatively unscathed.  The city also suffered a series of devastating fires in this specific area during the summer of 2035 as a result of a serial arsonist.  Yet, this building again remained unharmed."

"And what could be the reason for this remarkable lucky streak?"

"Well, an urban legend claims this protection is due to the spirits of two individuals who once made 852 Prospect their home.  Detective James Ellison and Dr. Blair Sandburg  were last reported seen during the heavy spring rains of April 2013 when they disappeared in the Cascade National Forest while saving two busloads of elementary school children from drowning."

"Charlotte, you attended Rainier University where Dr. Sandburg taught.  What can you tell us about him?"

"Dr. Sandburg was a highly respected anthropologist who also had the gift of teaching.  His specialty was primitive tribes and their religions or belief systems.  I spoke with Dr. Felicia Goodman who was one of Dr. Sandburg’s closest protégés.”


“WHAT?!  Says who?”


“Dr. Felicia Goodman?”






“Dr. Goodman praised Dr. Sandburg’s ground-breaking work, but admitted that he began to concentrate upon obscure legends and religious beliefs.  He attracted a number of followers not only from within the anthropological community.  A great many of his followers came from various walks of life.”


“Charlotte, could we call these followers devotees or even acolytes?”


“That’s entirely possible, Colista.  Dr. Goodman wouldn’t come right out and admit it, but it’s possible Dr. Sandburg initiated a cult following.”


“And that could be why this building has experienced paranormal phenomena.  We’ll take a break now.  Stay with us.”


“What.  Did.  She.  Say?”


“Followers.  Devotees.  Acolytes.  Cult Following.  Paranormal Phenomena.  You know, I told you that Goodman woman was trouble.”


“For God’s sake!  I was old enough to be her uncle!”


“Father, Chief.  Maybe even grandfather.”


“And this is how she repays me!  I see I’m going to have to pay Felicia a little visit.  Let me see, oh yeah!  She’s got all those African death masks!  I can do a lot with them.”




“Don’t give me that look, man.  Don’t even.”


“Welcome back.  I understand from Dean in our studio that we have a caller on the line who may be able to shed some light on our search.  Caller, please tell us who you are.”


“My name is Daryl Banks.”


“And I understand that you knew Dr. Sandburg?”


“And Detective Ellison.  I met them when I was just a kid.  My father was one of their closest friends.  And they were my friends.  There’s no way Blair was putting together any cult.  And anyone who says differently either didn’t know Blair or is trying to trash his reputation in order to better her own!”


“Way to go, Daryl!”


“He sounds a lot like Simon, doesn’t he?”


“I understand your loyalty to Dr. Sandburg, Mr. Banks.  But isn’t it possible that Dr. Sandburg’s interest in primitive religious beliefs became an obsession?”


“Blair’s interests were more involved than just primitive religious beliefs, as you call them.  He was passionate about many things.  Individual rights and freedoms.  The environment.  Politics.  Music.”


“He sounds like a remarkable man.  Can you tell us anything about paranormal activity in this building?”


“I’ve been in that building many times during my life.  I never saw or heard anything that couldn’t be explained.  It’s an old building.”


“Thank you, Mr. Banks.  Jeremy, what do you make of this?”


“Well, it’s obvious that Mr. Banks was a close friend of Dr. Sandburg.  I’m sure he wouldn’t want anything negative to be alleged.”


“We should point out that the owner of the building, Donald Wilkenson, has given us permission to investigate.  The residents of the first-floor businesses and the upper-floor condominiums, however, were not in favor of this.  We understand that, as a protest, they have all left the building and won’t be back until tomorrow morning.  We will respect the wishes and privacy of those individuals.  However, one condominium is undergoing renovations and is currently unoccupied.  So we have permission to examine that specific residence.  It’s apartment 307.”


“And we’re in luck, Colista.  That was the residence of Ellison and Sandburg.”


“Oh…they lived together, Jeremy?  I didn’t know that.”


“I wonder if she’s a natural blonde?”


“Forget that.  If you’re going to pay a visit to Goodman, I think I’ll pay a visit to Wilkenson.”


“Our regular viewers will quickly recognize our final two team members who’ve returned after a brief absence.  Let’s welcome back Charlie Barber and Duke.  Charlie, it’s good to hear that Texas accent of yours again.  How was your trip home?”


“It was a good’n.  Momma’s doin’ good after her surgery.  She sends her best.”


“And we wish her all the best with her recovery.  And how’s Duke?”


“Just a-rarin’ to go.  He’s half blood-hound, you know.  I think he might even be sensin’ somethin’ from out here.”


“Uh-oh.  We may have a problem, man.  Animals can sense things that humans can’t.”


“I wouldn’t worry about that, Chief.  In fact, I’m counting on it.”


“Huh?....Oh, man, don’t hurt the dog!  It’s not his fault that he’s here!”


“I think you’re right, Charlie.  What is it, Duke?  What do you see?”


“He’s barkin’ at the door.  Jeremy, can ya open it?”


“Sure, we’ve got the keys.”




“Ladies and gentlemen, this is incredible!  Duke has gone from barking aggressively to pulling Charlie down the street!  They’re about a half-block away, and it doesn’t seem like Charlie’s going to get Duke to come back.  Do you think we’ll be able to have the benefit of Duke’s services, Jacob?”


“From the way he’s growling at Charlie’s efforts to get him back, I’d say not, Colista.”


“Dog meets Jag and Wolf.  Dog beats a hasty retreat.”




“What!?  They’re territorial animals.  You’ve said it yourself.  And I still think we should sic ‘em on the two-legged beasts.”


“Oh sure.  Let’s have people looking into reports of a black jaguar and grey wolf in the vicinity!  Especially with the way they both were baring their teeth!...And don’t either of you look at me like that!”


“Extra steak for dinner tonight, guys.”


“They’re spirit animals.  They don’t eat…Hey, what was that for?”


“What?  I can’t kiss you because I want to?”


“I love you too, man.”


“So if you and I can kiss, why can’t the spirit animals eat?”




“I understand from Dean that we have another caller…a Stacy Ellison.  Ms. Ellison, are you there?”


“Yes, I am.”


“Are you related to Detective James Ellison who used to live here?”


“He was my grandfather’s older brother.  I remember Uncle Jim and Uncle Blair very well and remember visiting them in #307.”


“Did you ever experience any paranormal activity while there?”

“No.  And Donald Wilkenson doesn’t believe it in either.”


“Then why has he given us permission to investigate?”


“Mr. Trent, I’m in the process of negotiating to purchase that building from Mr. Wilkenson.  He feels it’s worth more than I do.  Of course, if the public were to express interest in the building, he might consider that it would have even more value.  You do the math.”


“Ms. Ellison, it’s confirmed that Detective Ellison had no children.  Do you know if Dr. Sandburg had any?....Ms. Ellison?”


“As far as any personal information regarding either Detective Ellison or Dr. Sandburg is concerned, it’s precisely that.  Personal.  And I’m not at liberty to discuss that, Ms. Brasseur.”


“Do you have any idea why Charlie would react the way he did?”




“Let’s just say, Mr. Longbow, that I consider most animals to be smarter than most people.  Good night.”


“How fascinating.”


“Yes, Colista.  I’m especially intrigued by her answer as to whether there are any descendants of either Detective Ellison or Dr. Sandburg.”


“Why is that important, Jeremy?”


“I think I can answer that, Colista.  It’s possible that if there are descendants, they might better be able to communicate with the spirits of either Ellison or Sandburg if they are the ones who are haunting this building.  It opens up a whole new line of investigation.”


“Thank you, Jacob.  We’ll take another break.  And when we return.  #307.  What’s in there?  Or more importantly, who’s in there?  Stay with us.”


“Good girl.  Stacy deflected some of their interest.”


“How much do you want to bet that next week’s issue of the tabloids will have the mothers of our love children?  I hope mine’s still pretty.”


“Two words, Chief.  Table leg.”


“Still, that sort of publicity won’t help these people.  Wonder which of us will have the most children?”


“Depends on whether you want quality or quantity.”




“Welcome back.  We’ve just stepped inside #307 of 852 Prospect.  To give our viewers some perspective, there’s a kitchen/dining area, living room, bathroom, and small bedroom on this level.  On the upper level is a larger bedroom.  And I imagine there’s quite a view from the balcony, wouldn’t you agree, Charlotte?”


“Absolutely.  Unfortunately, because of the renovations, we’re unable to go out there.”


“Jacob, are you sensing anything?”


“It’s very remarkable, Colista!  I’m sensing many…layers.  Many spirits at time were here.  No…no…they returned.  There’s something that draws them here.”




“Easy, Chief.”


“Can you get any names, Jacob?”


“Two of them are very bad…malevolent.  Oh…Colista, there’s been violence here!  But these spirits didn’t remain.  It’s just that they were so very strong in life.  They came here to finish what they’d started.  But they couldn’t remain.”


“Why is that?”


“The presence of a very strong spirit…honorable and strong.  They couldn’t stand up against him.”


“Can you get any sort of time frame for these spirits?”


“Oh, I’m getting nineteen…ninety….sometime in the late 1990’s, I’d say.  It’s hard to pinpoint it, Jeremy, because of these layers.”


Ohmigod!  Something just touched my hair!  Charlotte, did you do that?”


“No, Colista.  I haven’t moved.”


“I just felt such a presence of peace and love…and, oh…yes!  Mischief!”


“MOM!  You promised!”


“Naomi, not now.  Please.”


“Spirits, we mean you no harm.  If you wish to move on, we will help you.  Are there any spirits who wish to speak with us?”


“Mom, don’t you dare!”


“Naomi, don’t you have some other place to haunt?  OWW!  What was that for?”


“That’s my mom, man.  Watch it!”


“We’ll take a short break and set up for the evening.  We’ll keep attempting to contact the spirits who allegedly protect this building.”


“Hey, Chief, you think Naomi would take the jag and wolf for a while?”


“Probably.   Why?”


“I just thought this would be the perfect time for us to get away for a while and have a little personal quality time.”


“Two words, Ellison.  Table leg.”


“So you’re not interested?”


“I never said that.  Mom…”




Early the next morning….


“Hopefully, Colista, we’ll get something worth watching after we edit the film.”


“Somehow I don’t think so, Jeremy.  We just couldn’t make any contact here.”


“I’m sorry.  From all the stories, I was sure we’d contact someone.”


“That's okay, Charlotte.  Sometimes we find an active spot and sometimes we don’t.  But I thought we’d have something after Duke reacted the way he did.  Are you coming, Jacob?”


“In a moment.  I’ll meet you at the car.”


“I don’t like this.  Why isn’t he leaving?”


“Guess we’ll find out, Chief.  By the way, you better wipe that grin off your face before your mother sees it.”


“Hmmpfff.  She’s seen worse…and better, I might add.”


“I am Jacob Longbow grandson of John Longbow who was the grandson of Spotted Elk.  Sometimes you must shine a light in order to keep the shadows from being exposed.  I wish you well.”


“Jacob?  Are you coming?”


“On my way, Colista.”


“Well, that was interesting.”


“Maybe we had an ally we didn’t recognize.”


“I hope so, man.  I hope that’s the end of this nonsense.  What about you?”


“I hope that Stacy is able to buy this building soon.  She’ll be able to keep things private here.


“Well, I’m still going to pay a visit to Felicia.  I wouldn’t want my ‘closest protégé’ to feel like she’s being ignored.”


“And I’m going to pay a visit to Wilkenson.  Maybe rattle his cage a little.  Most importantly, though…”




“Just how long until Naomi comes back?”


“Who knows, man?  How about we live dangerously for a change?”



November 2005


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