"Guys, I appreciate you picking up Sandburg for me at the University."  Detective Jim Ellison irritably rubbed his jaw.  "I can't believe that Assistant D.A. is insisting on a conference at 4:30 on a Friday afternoon."

"Woman has no social life." Det. Henri Brown commented, shaking his head in sympathy.  When Ellison snorted in agreement, he grinned.  "No, actually it's the truth.  Word is her significant other broke up with her.  The man couldn't stand coming in a distant third to her ambitions and her job."

"How do you know these things?" Jim leaned back in his chair.

Det. Brian Rafe chuckled.  "Jim, didn't you know that Henri here has contacts everywhere?"  He lightly punched his partner on the arm.  "Besides, he's a huge gossip himself."

Henri scowled at the younger man.  "You're just jealous 'cause I know stuff and you don't."

Rafe rolled his eyes.  "So how long is Sandburg's car in the shop this time?"

"That, Rafe, is something known only to God and the mechanic," Jim sighed.  "Considering how much he puts into repairs to keep that piece of junk on the road…"

"Speaking of pieces of junk," Henri softly muttered.

All three men turned to watch Assistant D.A. Chloe McFadden walk across the bullpen and into Simon's office without knocking.

"So is poker still on tonight at the loft or should we just take Sandburg to the Captain’s?" Rafe asked with a sigh.

"Oh, we’ll have poker at the loft tonight," Jim promised.  "The Captain's not leaving until I do."





"I'm really sorry, Janine, but I'm just stretched way too thin as it is," Blair Sandburg waved his hands in apology.  "Between my own work here, classes, and the time I need with the PD…"  He sighed.  "I wish I could help on your thesis project.  It sounds absolutely fascinating."

Janine Winters ruefully smiled.  "I understand.  It's just that your assistance would really help.  You're way more organized that I am."

Blair's blue eyes flickered around his office.  "You sure about that?" he teased.  "Look, how about I give you the results of the study I did with a Barbary Ape and the effects of violent television?  It'll give you a good starting point and maybe some ideas on how our society glorifies violence on a very basic level."  He got to his feet and walked to a nearby filing cabinet.  "I know I have a copy somewhere of the issue where that paper was published…"

Janine silently took a deep breath.  "While you're looking for it, want some fresh coffee?"

"Yeah, sure.  My ride'll be here shortly but I can always drink more coffee."

By the time Janine had returned, Blair had found the article he'd written about Larry the Ape and copied it for her.  As he handed it to her, he again apologized.  "I wish I could help more, Janine."

"I understand," Janine smiled.  "Here's your coffee."  Taking the papers from Blair, she quietly left his office.

Blair shook his head, sat down behind his desk and reached for the hot cup of coffee.




"Hey, Hairboy!  Time blow this place!" Henri laughed as he opened the door to Blair's office.

"Henri!  Just the guy I need to talk to!"  Blair jumped up from behind his desk and ran to grab the detective by his arm.

"What's up?"  Henri looked over his shoulder in confusion only to see his partner shrug and close the door behind them.

"You're a man of the world!  You've got experience!"


"What attracts you in a man?"

"Say what?!"

Blair blinked twice.  "Henri, there's no need to shout.  I'm right here."  He perched on the edge of his desk, absently shoving the half-empty coffee cup to one side.  "C'mon.  Don't hold out on me."

"Sandburg, I'm not attracted to men," Henri answered.

"Oh."  Blair's head dropped forward in disappointment.  Then he saw Rafe.  "Rafe!  You're a man of the world!  You've got experience!"  He hopped up from the desk and rushed towards the other man.

Rafe cleared his throat.  "Why, thank you, Sandburg.  Not many people discern that."

"I'm a professional observer," Blair proudly pointed out.  "That's my job, man."

"And you do it very well," Rafe judiciously nodded.  He watched as Henri prowled around Blair's desk suspiciously peering at everything he saw.  "In fact, I heard Captain Banks say just the other day that there's nobody quite like you."

"Really?  Simon said that?  About me?"

Despite himself, Rafe smiled at the pleased look on Blair's face.  "Yes.  In fact, he said it loudly so everyone could hear it."


Henri stared into the coffee cup on Blair's desk and frowned at the oily film floating on the top of the liquid.  "Hey, Hairboy, what're you drinking here?"

"Hmmm?"  Blair glanced over his shoulder.  "Oh, just some coffee.  Janine brought it to me."

"Looks like you need a refill."  Henri gingerly picked it up.  "I'll do that while you talk with Rafe about his…experience."

Blair nodded his head so fast that he resembled a bobble-head toy.

Henri ignored the dirty look from his partner as he went in search of Janine and her coffee.




"Oh, dear Lord.”  Capt. Joel Taggart sighed and rubbed his forehead.  He unconsciously gripped the telephone receiver.

"The doctor said Sandburg’d be okay.  It's a mild drug that lowers his inhibitions," Henri explained.  "He’ll have a hangover tomorrow and a bad case of embarrassment.  He's asking all the men he's come in contact with what attracts them about other men."  Despite himself, he snickered. 

"Oh, dear Lord," Joel repeated.  "You're taking him to the loft?"

"Yeah.  I've also got an APB out of Janine Winters," Henri explained.  "Blair said she gave him the coffee."

Joel glanced at the closed door of Simon's office.  "From the noises coming from Simon's office, I figure that meeting's going to break up pretty soon….one way or another."

"Good.  You get to tell Ellison."

Before Joel could reply, Henri disconnected the call.  Joel glared at the receiver and muttered, "Coward."

Sighing to himself, and wondering for the hundredth time just how and why things happened to Sandburg, Joel tried to concentrate on his work.

Half an hour later, the door to Simon's office was thrown open.  Jim stalked out, his face clearly showing his irritation.  He stopped at his desk and began shutting down his computer.

Simon escorted the Assistant D.A. to the elevator then returned, shaking his head.  "God help us.  She's going to screw up the Dennison case for sure."

Jim glared at Simon.  "Captain, can't you do something?  Talk to the D.A.?"

"The D.A.'s out for another two weeks taking care of wrapping up his father's estate and getting his mother settled," Simon recalled.  "But I've got a meeting with the Commissioner on Monday morning.  I'll bring this up and see if the two of us can't create a plan of action to present to the D.A. as soon as he gets back.  Luckily, this case isn't going to trial for a couple of months."  He rubbed his hands together.  "Let's get out of here before anything else happens."

"It already has," Joel regretfully spoke.

"Aw, no.  What?" Jim sighed.

"Brown called…"

"What happened to Sandburg?  Is he okay?  Where are they?  Cascade General?"

Joel held up his hands.  "Easy, Jim.  Let me explain."

Simon crossed his arms across his chest.

Jim's eyes narrowed.  "What needs to be explained?"

"Brown and Rafe are taking Blair to the loft," Joel explained.  "They did make a slight detour to Cascade General, though.  Seems somebody slipped Blair a drug into his coffee."


Jim and Joel both looked at Simon in surprise.

"Who the hell did that to him?" Simon demanded.

"Blair told them who gave him the coffee, and Henri has an APB out on her," Joel continued.  "He said he would've gone after her himself but…well, Rafe needed some help with Blair."

Jim closed his eyes.  "How goofy is he acting?"




"So you're saying that the stronger the woman the more interesting she is to you?  Well, that's all very well for you, Rafe, but it doesn't help me at all!"

Jim's eyebrows rose at the sound of Blair’s indignant voice.  Opening the door to the loft, he saw his partner sitting on the couch and Rafe's relieved expression as the younger detective saw them enter. 

"Oh, look, Sandburg.  Ellison's here."

"Jim!"  Blair's head whipped around as he joyfully smiled.  He jumped to his feet and ran across the floor, flinging his arms around his partner.

Jim automatically grabbed Blair and decided to ignore Henri's snicker from the kitchen.

"You're home!"

"Yeah, just like I planned," Jim nodded.

Blair earnestly looked up at the older man.  "Jim, I don't mean to complain or anything but you gotta do something about Rafe and Henri.  They won't tell me!"

"Tell you what?"

"Aren't we supposed to be playing poker?" Rafe quickly interrupted.

"Rafe!  This is important!  How am I supposed to know…"

"Chief!" Jim got Blair's attention.  "How about we forget the research and just relax?  Okay?  I'll help you with whatever it is later or something."  He ignored Henri's second snicker from the kitchen.

Blair blinked twice.  "Really?  You'll help?  You promise?"

"Cross my heart, Chief," Jim promised as he released Blair.  "You feeling okay?"

"Well…yeah."  Blair scratched his head.  "Henri and Rafe insisted that I go to the hospital.  Looks like Janine slipped me something in my coffee."  He shook his head.  "Can't imagine why she'd do that.  But I feel fine so…JOEL!  I didn't see you!  I'm sorry!"  Blair hurled himself against Joel, enveloping him in a big hug.  "Forgive me?"

Joel smiled and patted Blair's back.  "That's quite all right, Blair.  You were anxious to see Jim."

Blair immediately whirled around.  "Jim!  You're home!"

Jim closed his eyes as his exuberant partner again slammed into him.  He heard Henri snicker once more from the kitchen and silently wondered what Rafe would think about having a new partner.




“So this Janine person doped Blair because he was too busy to help her?” Joel shook his head in confusion.

“Apparently she thought that if word got out to the P.D. that Blair was using drugs, the P.D. wouldn’t allow him around which would free up his time to help her,” Henri explained as he took another drink of beer.

“And she’s a doctoral candidate?” Jim snorted.

“Barely.”  Rafe tossed some corn chips into his mouth and chewed.  “From what Suzanne Tanaki said, she’s received her last extension and what she’s turned in previously pretty much had her Committee in hysterical laughter.”  He shook his head.  “Definitely not the brightest bulb in the pack.”

"Well, at least Sandburg's not cleaning me out tonight," Simon sighed as he shuffled the deck of cards.  He eyed the young anthropologist who was sitting across from him, his head lowered to where his chin touched his chest. 

Joel lowered his own head as he stared at the younger man.  "His eyes are closed.  Do you think he's asleep?" he muttered.

Henri shrugged.  He knew they were all remembering the two previous occasions when they'd tried to get Blair to go to bed only to have the younger man fervently, and loudly, declare that would be impossible since Mars was in Pisces with Saturn and Mercury forming an opposite.  "Maybe we should just leave him here."  When Jim glared at him, he added, "If he's asleep, we might wake him up by moving him.  Do we really want that?"

Jim wearily shook his head.  "Let's play a few more hands.  When you leave, I'll get him to bed."


Blair's eyes flew open and he jumped to his feet, causing his chair to fall noisily to the floor.  Stomping his feet in a rhythmic pattern, he danced towards the steps leading to Jim's bedroom.  "HOO-AHH!  HOO-AHH!  HOO-AHH!"  As he charged up the steps towards Jim's room, he sang, "Oh-dee-doh-dee-doh-dee-doh-ai-yi-yi-yi…"

"Jim?  Why is Sandburg singing the theme to 'Survivor'?" Rafe quietly asked.

"Sandburg watches 'Survivor'?" Simon demanded.

"We both do."  Jim watched in bemusement as Blair's blue plaid shirt sailed over the railing and floated down to land on the yellow chair in the living room.  "We like to heckle the contestants."  Wincing at the sound of Sandburg, stomping his feet, Jim yelled, "Sandburg!  Knock it off up there!"

"But, Jim, it's the traditional dance of the Apache to celebrate their victory over a worthy opponent!"

"I don't care if it's the…"  Jim stopped, took a deep breath, and lowered his voice.  "Chief, cut it out.  It's almost midnight."


"Not in Fiji."

"Let's call it a night, gentlemen," Simon declared, getting to his feet.  "Jim, you need any help?"

"That's okay, I'll get him settled down once everybody's gone."  Jim also got to his feet, smiling in silent thanks as the other men quickly straightened the kitchen. 

"Hope Blair's doing better tomorrow," Joel said as he opened the door to leave.

"I just hope he doesn't remember whatever research I promised to help him with," Jim muttered.

"Uh…about that…"  Henri glanced at Rafe who shrugged. 

"What about it?" Jim grumbled.

"It's about what men find attractive in other men."  Henri snickered one more time then quickly ducked past both Rafe and Joel.

Simon sympathetically smiled at Jim.  "Call me if you need help."

"That won't be necessary, sir.  I remember how to apply a choke hold."

Simon was halfway to his car before he asked himself just what part of Sandburg's anatomy Jim would put in a chokehold.




"Strangers in the niiight exchanging glannnces….Jim, how come we've never exchanged glances?"

Jim grinned as he walked up the steps to his bedroom.  "We have, Sandburg.  You just never noticed."

"Now, Jim.  I'm a professionally trained observer.  I would have noticed if we'd exchanged glances." 

"Is that a fact?"  Jim crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall.  He studied the younger man who sat, half undressed, in the middle of his bed.

"It is."  Blair firmly nodded his head.  "And you know what else is a fact?  Rafe and Henri were mean to me!  They wouldn't help with my research!  And I don't understand it!  I'm a nice guy!  I help people!  I mean, if I knew where Xena Warrior Princess lived, I'd find her and introduce her to Rafe!"

"And I'm sure he'd appreciate it," Jim nodded.  He waited until Blair looked at him again.

"Jim?  Are we exchanging glances now?"

"Yep," Jim slowly nodded. 

“Are we enjoying it?”

“Yep,” Jim assured him.  "However, you're still flying a little high so why don't we continue this conversation tomorrow?"


Jim lazily smiled.  "Promise.  Now, lay down and get some sleep."

"In your bed?  Really?"  Blair quickly smiled then narrowed his eyes.  "And just where will you be sleeping, may I ask?"

"You may ask."  Jim tried hard not to laugh.  "I'll be right beside you unless you hog the middle of the bed.  If that happens, I'll just roll you onto the floor and sleep in the bed all by myself."

"YOU WOULDN'T!"  Blair's eyes widened in shock.

Jim loudly chuckled as he started back down the steps.  "I'm going to make sure everything's locked up.  Get under the covers and get some sleep, Sandburg."

"Tells me he'll roll me into the floor then expects me to just go to sleep?  Huh!  I'll go to sleep all right…with one eye open,"  Blair muttered as he slid down onto the bed and pulled the sheet over him.  "Exchanging glances, my ass…prob'ly won't help with my research either."

Jim shook his head as Blair continued to mutter even as his breathing slowed and he began to fall asleep.  "Oh, there will be research, my little guppy."  He turned the volume on the phone and answering machine to their lowest settings.  "Lots and lots of research."


June 2009

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