to: ''
from: ''
date: 1-11-02 8:32 am
subject: Game
Jim, pay attention to the rules. There will be an accurate accounting tonight.
Jim tells Blair to wait in the truck. Jim owes Blair 1 kiss.
Simon has cigar in his hand. Jim owes Blair 1 hug (easy one).
Jim actually calls Blair by his first name. Jim owes Blair 2 hugs.
Blair gets hit on the head. Jim owes Blair one hour of cuddling.
See ya this afternoon.
to: ''
from: ''
date: 1-11-02 8:57 am
RE: Game
Sandburg. I always note the rules. Listen up:
Blair actually waits in the truck when ordered. Blair owes Jim 2 kisses.
Simon puts cigar in mouth. Blair owes Jim 1 hug (I get an easy one, too).
Blair calls Simon "Captain" or "Sir". Blair owes Jim 1 kiss.
Jim gets hit on the head. Blair owes Jim 2 hours of cuddling (I'm more sensitive).
What time are you getting here?
to: ''
from: ''
date: 1-11-02 9:13 am
RE: Who's The Sensitive One?
I know you note the rules, Ellison. Your rules, that is.
Jim/Simon scoff at Blair's academic explanations. Jim owes Blair 2 kisses.
Simon yells at anyone. Jim owes Blair hugs equal to the number of times Simon shouts.
Jim tries to break all land speed records chasing perps. Jim owes Blair 1 very long hug.
Jim calls anyone else but Blair "Chief". Jim sleeps on the couch ALONE.
I should be done here by noon. Wanna have a nookie-nookie lunch?
to: ''
from: ''
date: 1-11-02 9:31 am
RE: Higher Education
Nookie-nookie? Glad to see all those years of higher education are paying off, Darwin.
Blair keeps eyes open during car chase. Blair owes Jim one tongue-bath.
Simon calls Blair by his first name. Blair owes Jim two hugs.
Blair's academic explanation actually contributes. Blair owes Jim blow-job
Blair calls Jim "Ellison". Blair owes Jim one full body massage. (You're already in debt.)
I'm clearing up paperwork today. Should be able to take a break at noon. And you're my only Chief, Chief.
to: ''
from: ''
date: 1-11-02 9:42 am
My academic explanation actually contributes??!! That hurts, man. And you're also raising the stakes, aren't you? And we really shouldn't be using Simon.
from: ''
to: ''
date: 1-11-02 10:01 am
RE: You're mad?
You didn't take that comment seriously, did you? You know better. And for your information, I've always played for high stakes where you're concerned.
to: ''
from: ''
date: 1-11-02 10:35 am
RE: Answer me
This silence is really childish, Sandburg.
to: ''
from: ''
date: 1-11-02 11:15 am
RE: Sorry
Sorry, Jim. Chancellor Edwards and Professor Hudgins stopped in to twist my arm to teach another class. Seems the TA for the Anthro 207 class had to drop out for personal reasons. And, yes, I DID agree to take it. Please save the lecture about over-extending myself, okay? I take so much time off I really can't afford to say 'no' when I'm asked to do something like this.
Anyway, they were leaving when the fire alarm went off. Turns out it was a false alarm. Some idiot freshman wanted to get out of class without skipping. The idiot part comes that he pulled the fire alarm in front of a security guard. (Moron)
Yes, I took that comment seriously. I shouldn't have (sorry). Guess I forgot to look for the smiley face that should have gone with the comment (hint hint hint).
to: ''
from: ''
date: 1-11-01 11:18 am
RE: No Lecture But A Suggestion
Can we at least discuss how to better utilize your time so you don't feel so obligated to take whatever extra crap the University wants to dump on you?
Blair has a bandage on him. Blair owes Jim explanation and a cuddle.
Blair obfuscates. Blair owes Jim two kisses for each obfuscation.
Blair proposes test. Blair owes Jim a back massage for each test.
It starts raining. Blair owes Jim a Wonderburger.
to: ''
from: ''
date: 1-11-02 11:30 am
RE: Can't Blame You For Trying
Can we have that talk while snuggled down on the couch in front of the fire? Is it me or is the temperature dropping?
It starts raining. Ellison abstains from Wonderburger.
Ellison grumbles about test. Ellison owes Blair 2 massages per grumble.
Ellison clenches his jaw about anything. Ellison owes Blair one hour necking session on couch.
Ellison drops his gun. Ellison owes Blair 2 blow jobs for each drop. (You gotta be more careful!)
Almost done here. See ya soon!
to: ''
from: ''
date: 1-11-01 11:48 am
Don't go anywhere, Sandburg. Trust me.
from: ''
to: ''
date: 1-11-02 11:51 am
Of course I trust you. You realize, of course, the longer I stay the better the chance I'll be given something more to do. (Just joking!)
from: ''
to: ''
date: 1-11-02 11:59 am
RE: Meet Me At Home
Paperwork's done & Simon has given us the rest of the day plus the weekend off. Meet me at home NOW, Sandburg. Time to count the scores and pay up.
to: ''
from: ''
date: 1-11-02 12:01 pm
(no message)
to: ''
from: ''
date: 1-11-02 12:03 pm
RE: Out Of Office Reply
I am out of the office until Monday, Jan. 14th. Please contact one of the following for immediate assistance.
Jim Ellison
January 2002
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