Ro's  FanFiction

Individual Stories

What if...

September 11th had affected the Gang.

My Beloved Wife

Lindsay passes away leaving Mel alone to face life without her while the others watch.

Please Stay

Justin coping with Brian's move to New York for 2 years


48 Hours Till

It's 48 hours till war is declaired.  How the boys react.


Sick Day

Brian learns that he's not the only grump and pain in the ass when it comes to being sick.

New!  Oct. 28th

Unexpected Series  

Brian must learn to live with Justin as a father.

The Friendship Series

Justin and Michael begin to understand each others relationships with Brian and each other.

Ro's Challenge

This was a challenge that Ro issued.  Though it's been answered the stories are still worth reading.

Role Playing Lists

Queer as Folk

New Jan. 21st!

Follow the daily lives of the boys & girls of Liberty Avenue as they go through their daily routines, struggling with the hardships life throws at them. Stay awhile & enjoy but you must be willing to play, no lurking.


Harry Potter

An adult Harry Potter game set after Harry graduates Hogwarts.


Star Wars

This is an adult RPG for the Star Wars movies 1-3. Since this is fantasy Darth Maul, & Yoda are still alive & Anikan was not burned by the lava, the armor is just for fear factor.


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