A Matter of Trust

Chapter 6



The next few weeks flew by while Justin prepared for the book release. He had some major deadlines to complete and with the added publicity of his meet and greet at the gallery, his life had gotten pretty hectic. His original plan of relaxing once he was back in Pittsburgh was shot to hell, but he was enjoying every minute of it. It gave him a lot less time to think about the situation between him and Brian. They hadn’t spoken since the night Justin had almost given up on them, but Justin hadn’t missed making a phone call since then. It was hard to find things to say in a voicemail, but he always managed to find something to talk about. He just hoped that Brian would come to his senses soon so they could work things out.

He was working diligently at his desk on Friday morning when Daphne came in with a letter for him.

“Hey Jus, this just came priority mail for you,” she said as she handed him the letter.

“Thanks Daph,” Justin replied as he looked at the letter curiously. There was no return address so he had no idea who it was from.

“Aren’t you going to open it?” Daphne finally asked.

“Oh, yeah,” Justin laughed as he tore open the envelope and pulled out a small piece of paper. As he read the message, he couldn’t help the smile that broke out on his face.

“Well? What does it say?”

“It says that I have a date tonight.”

Daphne took the note out of Justin’s hand and read it aloud.

“Meet me tonight at eight at 1249 Wilshire Blvd. What is 1249 Wilshire Blvd?” she asked in confusion.

“I’m not sure, but that’s Brian’s handwriting so who cares? He’s finally ready to see me.” Justin was beaming as he jumped up and grabbed Daphne, spinning her around in excitement. “This is it, Daph. This is my chance to fix things. Oh my God, what am I going to wear?”

“What?” Daphne asked as she was firmly put back down on her feet. “What do you mean what are you going to wear? It’s not like it’s your first date. You guys were practically living together.”

“Yeah, but that was Justin the starving artist. I didn’t have to put a lot of thought into cargos and t-shirts. Now I can finally be myself. Shit…I have to go shopping,” Justin said as he quickly began cleaning up the mess of papers he had scattered around his desk.

“Jeez, what a drama queen,” Daphne said with a chuckle. “I’ll clean this up. You get out of here and go get ready for your man.”

“Thanks Daph,” Justin said as he kissed her cheek and ran from the room, the sound of Daphne’s laughter ringing in his ears.

By the time Justin turned down Wilshire Blvd he was a jumble of nerves. He looked around until he found 1249 and pulled into the long, winding driveway. Even though he read everything he could find about the man during their separation, he was still surprised to see the place Brian called home. It was a long way from the loft. He parked the car and sat there for a moment, trying to calm his rapidly beating heart, before getting out and making his way to the door. He rang the doorbell and waited patiently until it finally opened and he caught his first glimpse of Brian in months.

“Hey,” Brian said softly as he came face to face with Justin.

“Wow, I forgot how beautiful you were,” Justin replied nervously.

For some reason, Justin’s words caused Brian to blush, probably because he was thinking the same thing. “Come in.” Brian stepped aside to allow Justin room to enter then shut the door behind him.

Justin walked inside and looked around, taking in the décor as he went. From what he was seeing, Brian had impeccable taste, although that didn’t surprise him. The loft had been tastefully decorated, despite the difference in atmosphere. Brian led him into the living room and offered him a drink.

“Yeah, I’ll have whatever you’re having,” Justin replied as he walked over to the fireplace and looked at the painting above it. “So you did buy it?”

“Of course I did. I went back to the gallery as soon as you dropped me off. I told you I loved it,” Brian smiled as he handed Justin his drink.

“Yeah, and I told you that it was too expensive,” Justin laughed at the memory before sobering quickly as he was reminded of why they were there. “Brian, I’m really sorry about…”

“Shhh,” Brian said as he placed a finger on Justin’s lips. “Let’s wait until after dinner to talk about that.”

Justin readily agreed, wanting to enjoy the evening as much as possible before bringing up the situation that tore them apart.

The two men began talking about all the things that they never shared before, and came to realize that they had a lot in common. They even found out that they had mutual acquaintances and were amazed that their paths had never crossed before.

Dinner was a relaxing event. Brian had hired a caterer to prepare a meal fit for a king, and Justin enjoyed every bite of it. By the time they retired back in the living room, they were both ready to talk about the past and what their future might hold.

“I guess we better clear the air,” Brian said as he took a seat across from Justin.

“Look Brian, I don’t want to make excuses for what I did, but I had my reasons. When I first saw you in Babylon that night, you literally took my breath away. I was so drawn to you, more than I’ve ever been drawn to anyone before. I couldn’t get you out of my mind. When we ran into each other again at the coffee house, I knew that I had to find a way to see you again. I wanted to be honest with you, but from past experiences I learned not to trust people with my background. I had too many men try to get at my bank account by pretending to be interested in me. I’m sure you know what that’s like,” Justin paused, waiting for Brian’s response.

“Yeah, I have an idea,” he replied.

“I had no idea who you were and I just really wanted to have a chance to get to know you, so when you asked me if I was an artist, I just jumped at the opportunity to be just a regular person. I didn’t know I would fall for you so quickly. Of course once I realized how important you were to me, it was too late. I wanted to tell you so many times. After that first weekend I trusted you completely, but I didn’t want to lose you by admitting I lied. My mother and Daphne warned me from the beginning, but how do you tell the man you love that you’d been lying from the first meeting? I told myself that what we had was strong enough to survive the truth, but I was just so scared of losing you.”

“I understand what you were doing. The day in the coffee house, I would’ve told you the truth, but when you said you were a starving artist…well, let me just say that I once dated a struggling actor and found him going through my financial records. That’s why I have the loft. It makes it easier when tricks don’t know you’re worth millions. I never blatantly lied before; I just let everyone make their own assumptions by what they saw. It never mattered much because until you, I’d pretty much given up on finding anyone who meant anything to me. The night that your mother was in the accident, I was about to tell you the truth because I hated lying to you, but you rushed out and wouldn’t let me go with you,” Brian told him.

Justin laughed. “Yeah, that’s because she was driving my Lexus because I was using her Camry. I knew that once we got to the hospital the truth would come out and that wasn’t the way I wanted you to find out.”

“I wondered about your choice of vehicles while I was gone,” Brian chuckled.

“Please, at least you had the loft. I had to rent a small apartment, paying an extra thousand for a month to month lease and Old Navy made a fortune on me while we were together.”

They laughed together over the ridiculousness of the situation for a moment before Justin realized that he needed to find out exactly where they were going to go from there.

“We really screwed up, huh?”

“Yeah, we did,” Brian agreed.

“Brian, I promise you that if you give us another chance, I’ll never lie to you again. You will have 100% complete honesty from me. I won’t even plan a surprise for you for fear of having to keep a secret,” Justin assured him.

“I don’t think you have to go quite that far. Besides, I love surprises…or most of them, anyway,” Brian laughed. “But I’m warning you, any lying and you will be severely punished.”

“You’ve got my word. No more lies,” Justin stated firmly. “Are we okay now?”

“Yeah…we’re good. I was so mad at you when I left, but after the first few days without you I knew that I’d come back. I missed you too much to stay away.”

“Well, you could’ve told me that. I was going crazy here wondering if I’d ever see you again,” Justin replied.

“Sorry, but I just needed to get my head together.”

“You don’t have to apologize, just don’t ever leave me like that again,” Justin said, his voice growing think with emotion.

“Come here,” Brian said softly, holding out his arms, which Justin immediately jumped into.

Justin climbed on Brian’s lap, kissing him deeply as his hands began fumbling with the buttons on Brian’s shirt. After so much time apart, he needed the feel of Brian’s flesh almost as much as he needed his next breath. As soon as he had the offending garment off, Brian stood up, taking Justin with him, and walked over to the fireplace before setting him down. He left the blond standing there for a minute while he pulled a few large pillows from the couch and dropped them down on the floor. He then began to make quick work of removing Justin’s clothes, along with the rest of his own. He nodded to the spot on the floor and Justin grabbed his hand, pulling them both down so that they were sprawled together in front of the fire.

“God, you are beautiful,” Brian murmured as he started placing soft kisses on Justin’s face and neck, slowly working his way down his perfect body.

“I missed you so much,” Justin whispered as the sensations Brian was causing began to drive him crazy. He gasped when he felt feather light kisses on his stomach, hips, and thighs, waiting for the moment when they would reach his aching cock.

Brian was taking his time, enjoying the taste and smell of Justin as he made his way over every inch of his body. It was a moment that Brian had been dreaming about ever since he left Pittsburgh and he wanted it to be perfect. By the time he finally reached his goal, licking the small drop of pre-cum from Justin’s slit, before wrapping his mouth around the engorged member, Justin was moaning and squirming beneath him. A part of him wanted to just dive in and satisfy both their needs, but another part of him wanted to linger…savor the moment for as long as he could. He grabbed the back of Justin’s thighs, pushing them up to give him better access, and allowed Justin’s cock to slip from his mouth. He stole a glance at the blond, who seemed oblivious to his surrounding in the heat of the moment, before using his tongue to lightly lick the exposed hole, causing Justin to jerk at the touch.

“Brian, please…” Justin moaned his body on fire from Brian’s touch.

Brian smiled slightly at Justin’s pleading tone before returning his attention to the task at hand. He kissed, licked, and nibbled all around Justin’s hole, listening to the incoherent mumbling that the blond was offering, and knew that as much as he was enjoying himself, he needed to speed things along. It had been far too long since he was inside Justin, and he didn’t want to wait another moment. Placing one final kiss on his mark, Brian released Justin’s legs and reached for the condoms and lube he had placed under the chair for that very moment.

Justin felt Brian release him and opened his eyes to see the older man pulling supplies from under a nearby chair. He smiled in anticipation, ready to move things along and feel Brian enter him for the first time in months. When he felt the coldness touch his warm entrance, he bucked his hips and prepared for the intrusion that he knew was coming. It felt so good to finally be right where he wanted to be, and Justin couldn’t stop the tears that escaped and started trailing down his face.

Brian looked at Justin and mistook the tears, for tears of pain. “Am I hurting you?”

“No, never…I just…I’m so sorry for hurting you. We lost so much time because I…”

“Don’t,” Brian said gently. “Don’t think about it anymore. It’s in the past.”

“Make love to me, Brian. Make me forget about all those months without you,” Justin whispered.

No more words were said as Brian quickly prepared Justin before entering him, losing himself in the heat. Their union was hard and fast, but loving and tender at the same time and when they reached their climax together, calling out each other’s names, it was a moment neither one of them would forget.

Brian stayed inside Justin for as long as he could before pulling out and disposing of the condom. He grabbed a throw blanket off the couch and snuggled up alongside Justin as they drifted off to sleep in front of the fire.

Four weeks later…

Brian and Justin were lounging by the fire, naked and in each other’s arms, when they were startled by the sound of Cynthia’s voice coming from behind them.

“Don’t you two ever get enough? And put some damn clothes on.”

Brian sighed at the unwelcome intrusion. “There’s no such thing as enough, and what the fuck are you doing here? I thought I gave you the week off?”

“You did, but I left my jacket here the other day and wanted to wear it tonight. Daphne and I are going to New York to see a show, remember?” she explained as she threw them a blanket to cover up with and sat down.

“How could I forget fag hag’s night out?” Brian teased, although secretly he was pleased that the two women hit it off so quickly. Cynthia even introduced Daphne to a friend of hers and so far it had been a match made in heaven. The six of them had spent quite a few evenings going out to dinner, and Brian and Justin had even dragged the other two couples to Babylon a few times.

“Oh knock it off, you know you love us,” Cynthia giggled. “So what do you two have planned for the week?”

“You mean besides fucking?” Brian replied with a smirk.

“Brian,” Justin said as he slapped him playfully on the arm before turning his attention to Cynthia. “We have an appointment with a realtor tomorrow so we can list one of the houses. We just have to decide which one to get rid of. Now that my mother has agreed to let me buy her a place of her own there’s no reason for us to have two houses.”

“I still can’t believe you managed to tame Brian Kinney. Are you sure you haven’t put some kind of magic spell on him?” Cynthia teased.

“It’s all in the wand,” Brian said, grabbing Justin’s cock under the blanket teasingly.

“Okay, on that note I’ll just go upstairs and get my jacket, leaving you both to your wicked ways,” Cynthia laughed as she got up and walked away.

“You’re evil,” Justin said, kissing Brian softly.

“But you love me anyway,” Brian replied.

“Yeah I do, more than you will ever know,” Justin said, his voice turning serious.

“Well, why don’t you use that wand of yours to show me just how much?” Brian asked.

“It’ll be my pleasure.”

Cynthia was on her way back downstairs when she heard the playful banter between the two men and smiled to herself. Brian Kinney had finally met his match, and she couldn’t be happier.

The End

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