Right Next Door

Chapter 9



Brian was sitting out on his deck with his laptop wide open, trying desperately to concentrate on his writing, with little luck. How could he focus on writing when his mind kept drifting back to the night before and the blond he had in his bed? The sex had been good. Hell, the sex had been better than ever. It was the emotions behind it that had him out of sorts. Having no experience in dealing with feelings, Brian was confused by everything that happened between him and Justin, but he had enough common sense to realize that what was happening between them was more than just fucking. That thought alone should scare him. He even wanted to be scared, but for some strange reason, he wasn’t. It didn’t make any sense, but what he shared with Justin brought a feeling of peace that he’d never felt before. Maybe after more than thirty years, he was finally losing his mind. He chuckled at the thought just as the sound of laughter rang in his ears. He looked up to see Justin, the twins, and Mo running around in the yard next door. It didn’t matter, though. He had too much work to do, to think about anything except for the characters in his book. He needed to focus his attention on that and nothing else. And he tried. He really did, but he couldn’t take his eyes off the scene before him.

Sighing in frustration, he shut down his computer and closed the lid before making his way over to where all the fun was.

“Hey Brian, did you come over to play with us?” Jared called as he spotted Brian making his way into their yard.

Brian looked over and made eye contact with Justin before responding. “I can’t very well sit next door and work while you have all the fun, can I?” he said with a smirk.

Justin thought back to the night before and smiled. “Everyone deserves to kick back and have some fun now and then,” he said, giving Brian a look that spoke volumes to both of them.

The next few hours were spent in the yard with Brian and Justin throwing around a ball while Jared, Hailey, and Mocha chased it around with excitement. Brian couldn’t remember the last time he had such a carefree day. Unfortunately, the fun came to an end when Molly appeared, calling for the children to go inside and wash up for dinner.

“You’re welcome to join us, Brian,” she offered with a smile.

“Sorry Blue Eyes, I have some work I need to get done,” he replied. “Maybe some other time.”

Molly didn’t let her disappointment show. “You’re always welcome,” she told him before turning to Justin. “I’ll see you inside.”

Once Molly was gone, Brian looked over at Justin and smiled. “I guess she’s not too mad at you for not calling last night.”

“Not anymore. In fact, she seemed to forget all her anger once she learned where I was. She questioned me on what happened between us last night,” Justin replied, feeling a slight blush cover his cheeks.

“What did you tell her?” Brian asked curiously. He wasn’t sure he liked the idea of Molly knowing he slept with her brother.

“I told her that I didn’t have my house key and that you were gracious enough to let me stay with you.”

“And she believed you?”

“I doubt it, but it was easier than telling her anything. The last thing I want is to have her interfering with our relationship.” As soon as the words were out of Justin’s mouth, he regretted them. “I don’t mean relationship. It’s not like we have a relationship or anything. I meant our friendship. Well…not friendship…I just meant…”

“Relax Justin, I know what you meant,” Brian said, laughing at Justin’s discomfort. “Well, I’d better get home and get back to work. I’m already way behind in my plans for the day.”

“I’m sorry about that. We didn’t mean to keep you from your work.”

“You didn’t. I was having fun. I wouldn’t have stayed so long if I wasn’t,” Brian assured him.

“Okay…then I guess I’ll…uh…see you around,” Justin stammered.

“Yeah, I’ll see you later.”

Brian was half way to his own yard when he turned back around, smiling when he realized that Justin was watching him walk away with an obvious hunger in his eyes.

“Hey, since we slept so late this morning, chances are I’ll be up kind of late tonight.” Brian laughed at the confused on Justin’s face. “You know, in case you wanted to stop over later or something.”

Realization dawned on Justin and he broke out into a huge smile. “Maybe I will,” he replied, knowing there was no maybe about it. He’d definitely be making his way next door as soon as everyone in the house was asleep.

It was just after eleven when Molly got Stephanie down and she was exhausted. She’d been up and down most of the night worrying about where Justin was and couldn’t wait to crawl into bed. She wanted to be angry with him for making her worry, but finding out that he spent the night with Brian defused any anger she might have had. She could tell that the two of them were drawn to each other and she’d been waiting for one of them to do something about it. After all that Justin had done for her, she just wanted him to be happy and she was sure Brian could do that for him. She smiled when she thought about the excuse Justin gave her for staying next door. She knew for a fact it was a lie. Justin’s house key was on his keychain, right along with his car key. She saw it when she drove him into town to get his car. If he had one, he had the other, and he obviously had his car key since he went to the club right from work. She wouldn’t push, though. She’d just have to be patient and wait until the two stubborn men worked things out between them before she told Justin how happy she was for him.

She walked down the hall and found Justin hard at work in his studio. It looked different now that most of his stuff was across town in his office, but she knew pushing him to get his own space was the right thing to do. It was time for her to begin standing on her own two feet and let her brother find a life of his own. She’d never be able to thank him for all he’d done for her after Steven’s death, but she needed to be strong now and take control of the life she and the children needed to have.

“Is she asleep?” Justin asked, pulling Molly from her thoughts.

“Yeah, she’s out like a light. Now I’m off to bed, too. I’m exhausted.”

Justin saw the signs of exhaustion on Molly’s face and felt guilty for not calling her the night before. “I’m really sorry I worried you last night.”

“That’s okay, Jus. And you don’t have to check in with me every time you want to stay out at night. You’re a grown man and able to make your own decisions. I was just worried. It’s the mother in me,” she teased, laughing until it turned into a yawn. “I’d better go before I fall sleep on my feet. See you in the morning.”

“Goodnight Mol,” Justin said as he watched his sister walk away. He waited until he heard her bedroom door close before beginning to clean up the mess he made. He had a date that he didn’t want to miss.

Twenty minutes later, Molly was grinning in her bed when she heard the front door close. It had been hard for her to stay awake, but something told her that she would want to be up when Justin left. It was the only proof she had that she was right in her assessment of the night before. Justin spending the night at Brian’s had nothing to do with a missing door key. The smile stayed on her face as she drifted off to sleep.



“So, tell me again why you turned her down,” Justin said, trying to understand what Brian had just told him. They were lying in bed after an exhausting session of love making and Brian had told him about Lindsay’s request for sperm. It had been four weeks since their first night together and although no one knew about their involvement, Justin had been sneaking over to Brian’s house almost every night since then. Neither one of them had been able to put a label on their relationship, but there was no doubt in either one of their minds that they had moved well past being neighborly.

“I told you, I just don’t want a kid. I don’t even like kids,” Brian explained, wondering what had possessed him to open up to Justin in the first place. He found that he’d been doing it a lot in the last month, which surprised him.

“That’s bullshit. Look how good you are with Jared and Hailey? And Stephanie has you wrapped around her finger and she’s only a couple of months old. If you really don’t want a kid, then fine. But don’t use the excuse that you don’t like kids. I know you better than that,” Justin replied.

“You just don’t understand,” Brian sighed.

Justin sat up and looked Brian in the eyes. “No, I don’t, but I’m trying to. Look Brian, it’s obvious that you aren’t as against being a father as you claim or we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Why don’t you tell me what you’re really worried about?” Justin waited as the minutes ticked by for a reply and just when he thought he wasn’t going to get one, Brian muttered something under his breath that Justin couldn’t understand. “What was that?”

“I said Jack fucking Kinney,” Brian said clearly. “He’s one of the reasons I refuse to have a kid.”

“Jack Kinney? Your father? What does he have to do with this? I thought he was dead.”

“He is, but his memory lives on. I didn’t have the childhood you did, alright? I didn’t have a father who taught me how to play catch or was proud of the grades I got. All I had was an old man who drank way too much and took out every frustration he had on his son. I didn’t have a single picture of my high school years taken without some sort of bruise marring my features. He was an asshole and I won’t let myself carry on that tradition.” Brian abruptly got out of bed and walked over to the window, staring out at the dark night.

Justin stayed on the bed for a minute as he thought about what Brian had just revealed. He remembered Emmett telling him that he’d had a rough childhood, but hearing the older man admit how hard it was pulled at Justin’s heartstrings. How could anyone treat a child so horribly? When it was obvious that Brian was lost in memories of the past, Justin got up and went over to him, offering unspoken comfort as he wrapped his arms around him from behind.

“Brian, I’m sorry you had to go through that, and I know that sometimes history repeats itself, but I know it wouldn’t in this instance. You’re not your father. You would never lay a hand on your child, no matter what the reason. Your anger at what happened to you is still too fresh in your mind. If there’s even the slightest chance that having a son or daughter is something you want, you have to take the opportunity you’ve been given. Not everyone gay man has that opportunity. I’d give anything to be a father, but I’ve already faced the fact that it’s probably not in the cards for me. Don’t throw away the chance to be a dad. Not because of someone like Jack Kinney.”

“Shouldn’t you be leaving?” Brian mumbled without turning around. He needed time alone to think about what Justin said.

Justin sighed, but refused to let himself be hurt over Brian’s dismissal. He knew he’d given the man a lot to think about and was willing to give him the space he needed. “I guess so. It’s getting late.”

Justin gathered up his clothes and went into the bathroom, washing up before he got dressed. Once he was done, he went back in the bedroom and stared at Brian’s silhouette for a moment, still standing by the window, before slipping on his shoes. He knew he needed to say something before he left.

“I didn’t mean to push,” he said softly, wondering if he managed to mess things up between them. “I’d just hate to see you miss out on something that could be so wonderful because you think you shouldn’t have it. I’ll set the alarm and lock the door on my way out. I’m…sorry. I’ll just…see you…um…later.” Justin was half way out the door when he heard Brian’s soft voice call out to him.

“Justin…I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

Justin smiled to himself as he left the house he was becoming very comfortable in. Brian may be upset by all that he heard, but he apparently wasn’t ready to end their affair. That was what really mattered most.

Molly had just settled Stephanie down after her middle of the night feeding when she heard the front door open and close. She sighed as she hurried to her bedroom so that Justin wouldn’t see her. She’d been playing dumb for the last month, pretending she didn’t know about his sneaking off every night to Brian’s house. She couldn’t figure out why he was so insistent on keeping their budding relationship a secret. It was obvious every time Brian came over to see the baby that he and Justin had grown closer. It frustrated her that she couldn’t say anything and she’d been wracking her brain trying to come up with a way to bring it out in the open. There had been so many nights when she considered waiting downstairs for him to return, but she didn’t like the thought of catching him like a thief in the night. There had to be some other way. As she lay in bed, trying to fall back to sleep, a plan started formulating in her brain. It would take some time, but if the circumstances were right, she just might be able to make Brian and Justin come clean about their relationship once and for all.

Brian was once again in hell. Molly had come to him the night before and asked him if she could use his house to have a birthday party for Justin. She claimed it be too hard to surprise him at their house considering he’d be underfoot while she tried to get everything ready. She was right, of course, but that didn’t mean that Brian had to be happy about it. The last thing he wanted was Emmett lurking about again as he organized the gathering. The barbeque had been bad enough. But unfortunately he couldn’t say no when it came to any of his neighbors and he found himself readily agreeing to play the perfect host. The guest list wasn’t going to be too big, mainly just family and a few close friends. Molly mentioned having some people from Chicago flying in for the affair. Of course she also made sure to have Emmett invite Debbie and Lindsay, which led to Michael and Ben, and with Emmett doing the planning, it was a natural assumption that Ted would be joining them. How had his life become so intertwined with Justin’s? Not that he minded all that much. Things between them had been good, better than good even, but Brian had chalked that up to their mutual agreement to keep their relationship between them. That and their refusal to acknowledge the fact that they were, indeed in a relationship, kept the pressure off. Spending Justin’s birthday in a room full of people was going to be a tough task. It was hard enough keeping their hands to themselves when Brian went next door to visit Molly and the kids. But he’d just have to suck it up and find a way to keep his control and hope that once the guests all left, Justin would have some time to slip away for a private celebration, just the two of them.

Molly waited until Justin left for Babylon on the Friday before the party to make one final phone call. Caleb answered on the first ring.

“I’ve been waiting to hear from you, Mol. Is everything ready to go?”

“Everything is all set. Mom and Dad are taking Justin out for dinner and then to some opening for a new artist in a gallery downtown. They should be gone long enough for everyone to get to Brian’s house. He arranged for a shuttle service to bring everyone from a parking garage across town to the house. I didn’t think about how complicated this was going to be. Luckily Brian was the one who realized that Justin would know something was up if he came home and found cars lining the street. I guess that’s the downfall of being the only two houses on the block. I’ll be picking you up from the airport as soon as I can. I shouldn’t get there much past the time you land.”

“Sounds good. I can’t wait to see you again. And those kids of yours must be getting so big,” Caleb replied, thinking about the twins he fell in love with a few years back. They’d been about two when he had flown to Pittsburgh with Justin for a visit. He and Justin had spent two weeks staying with Molly and Steven, and it was very easy for him to grow attached to the children. Since then he hadn’t seen them, but talked to them on the phone a couple of times a year. He knew he was almost as excited to see them as he was to see Justin. He really missed his friend since his move back to Pittsburgh. “I hardly recognized them in the last pictures you sent.”

“I know. I can’t believe they’re going to be six soon. And Stephanie is just so darling. I know I’m biased, but she really is the best baby in the world. She looks just like her father,” Molly said tenderly. “I’m so glad Steven was able to give me one final gift before being taken from me.”

“Me too, sweetheart. I really am terribly sorry about Steven. He was a good man and loved you dearly. Neither one of you deserved to have his life end so suddenly. I admire the way you picked yourself up and carried on. I don’t know if I could’ve done it if I was in your shoes,” Caleb admitted.

“It was the hardest thing I ever had to go through, but I have three really good reasons to go on, you know?”

“Yeah, I know,” he agreed. “Okay, enough of that emotional crap. Now about this plan of yours...”

“Are you sure you can handle it? I know there was a time when you were hoping that something would develop between you and Justin.”

“Old news, babe. Now all I want is for Justin to be happy and if you think this is the way to handle the situation, I’m all for it,” Caleb assured her. “Are you sure it will work?”

“I’m almost positive. You should see the two of them when other people are around. They try so hard to be cautious so that no one finds out, but it’s so obvious that there is something between them. I’ve been patient for as long as possible, but enough is enough already. I’m afraid that hiding their relationship is just going to end up causing it to fall apart. They’ve been sneaking around for over a month and it’s got to be taking a toll on them. I know it’s driving me nuts,” she laughed.

“And you’re sure that this Brian is worthy of Justin?” he asked seriously.

“Listen to you…worthy of Justin,” Molly giggled. “I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t think Brian was perfect for Justin. I had my doubts about the type of person he was when we first met, but after all that he’s done for our family; my doubts were put to rest. I mean, my God Caleb, he delivered my daughter. There aren’t that many men out there that would stick around for something like that.”

“That’s true. I would’ve put you out on the front porch and turned up the radio so I didn’t have to listen to your screams,” Caleb teased.

“Oh you would not.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Caleb replied. “But I probably wouldn’t have been much help while I was hiding in the closet.”

“I thought your days of hiding in the closet were over?”

“Depends on the circumstances,” he laughed.

“Anyway, trust me when I tell you that Brian and Justin belong together. I’m just not sure if they realize it yet. This party is just a good way to make them see what’s right in front of them. I really appreciate your help with this.”

“You know I’d do anything for Justin,” Caleb told her, meaning his words with every fiber of his being. Justin was the best friend he ever had and knowing that he would be happy if the party turned out the way Molly was hoping, eased his guilt over tricking him. “Well, I guess we’re all set then. I’ll give you a call once my plane lands and let you know I’ve arrived. Then we’ll work our magic and hope that the end result is exactly what we’re looking for.”

“It has to be, Caleb. If this plan of mine backfires and ruins whatever is going on between Brian and Justin, I’ll never forgive myself,” Molly said, feeling her confidence slipping slightly.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’m a very determined person and I don’t like to lose. We’ll make this work, one way or another. See you tomorrow.”

Molly hung up the phone and let out a sigh. Caleb was right. They’d find a way to make it work. They just had to.

End of part 9

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