Right Next Door

Chapter 3



By the time the Saturday arrived, Brian was completely stressed out. Emmett had been by almost every day to check on space and drop off decorations, and the trouble twins had been making daily appearances. He’d given up on them staying in their own yard. It was obvious that Justin and his wife had no control over them. They deserved to be locked in a closet somewhere. Or maybe just chained up in the yard so they couldn’t disturb anyone.

After his morning work out, Brian took his shower and then straightened up a bit, not that anything was out of place, to get ready for the party. Emmett arrived early and started setting up the yard, insisting that Brian relax inside. He’d promised to do all the work and didn’t want Brian lifting a finger to help. Brian was more than happy to stay in the house and let Emmett do everything. Shortly before noon, Brian went out back to check on things and was surprised to see the twins keeping Emmett company. He wasn’t sure why he was surprised, since hanging out in his yard was their favorite pastime, be he was.

“What are you two rug rats doing here?” Brian snarled as he walked over to the trio.

“They’re keeping me company,” Emmett replied in their defense.

“Yeah, we’re keeping Em company,” Hailey echoed.

“He says we can come over for a hot dog once everyone gets here,” Jared told Brian, oblivious to Brian’s angry glare.

“Well, he lied. I told you both before that it’s a grown up party and only grown ups are invited.” He still couldn’t believe he agreed to hamburgers and hot dogs being served. Who the fuck still ate hamburgers and hot dogs? Where they twelve?

“Brian, let the little ones join us for a bit. They promised to be gone before the sun goes down, right guys?” Emmett asked them, smiling when they nodded their heads enthusiastically in agreement. “See? Besides, this way they won’t be trying to sneak over here later, after it starts getting dark.”

Brian quickly understood what Emmett was implying. It would be better if they were there earlier, before the heavy drinking began and everyone started letting their hair down. Of course it would be even better if they just stayed at home, but Brian somehow doubted it would be that easy.

“Fine, you can come over here for a little while, but you’re not staying long. And for the future, it’s rude to invite yourself to a party,” Brian said.

“It’s also rude to have a party and not invite your neighbors.” That comment came from Jared, causing Emmett to bark out his laughter.

“Why do I bother?” Brian sighed hopelessly.

“I don’t know how you can say no to two such cuties,” Emmett smiled.

“Saying no is easy. It’s getting them to listen that’s impossible. I’m running out to the liquor store. Do we need anything else?”

“No, I think we’ve got everything under control. Michael and Ben are bringing a couple of cases of beer, along with Blake and Ted. Steve is bringing a few bottles of the hard stuff, and Troy is providing the…” Emmett looked over at the kids and then back at Brian. “Well, you know.”

“Alright, I’ll be back in a little while. Try losing your shadows before I get back.”

Emmett laughed as he watched Brian walk away. He’d been witness to Brian and the children all week long and found it humorous to watch the two kids sneak into Brian’s hardened heart. It was obvious to anyone other than Brian how attached he was becoming to them.

“Uh oh…I think we’d better go,” Jared said, pulling Emmett from his thoughts. He glanced over to the house next door and saw a blond haired man heading their way. A very gorgeous man.

“Alright you two,” Justin called as he approached his niece and nephew. “What were you told?”

“But Uncle Jus, we were helping Emmett get ready for the barbeque,” Hailey explained.

“Yeah, he said we could come over for hot dogs after everyone got here,” Jared piped in.

Emmett could see the confusion of the man’s face and decided to step in. “Hello there. My name’s Emmett. I’m a friend of Brian’s.”

“Lucky you,” Justin retorted. “I hope the kids haven’t been bothering you. I’ve been trying to get them to stay in our yard, but they don’t like to listen.” He glared at the children to get his point across.

“Oh, they’ve been darling. And such a big help, too. I don’t know how I would’ve been able to do everything I need to do without them,” Emmett replied, smiling at the kids before looking back at the neighbor. “So, you’re their uncle?”

“Yeah, I’m Justin. These two handfuls are my sister’s children. They’re living with me for awhile,” Justin explained.

“Yeah, our daddy died,” Hailey offered quietly.

Emmett’s heart leapt in his throat at the little girl’s words. “Oh dear, how horrible for you all. I was under the impression from Brian that it was you, your wife, and your children.”

“He made a couple of comments about my children, but I didn’t bother correcting him. We’re not exactly friends or anything so I don’t really care what he thinks. Steven and Molly had just sold their house and were getting ready to move overseas when the accident happened. She was devastated and didn’t really have anywhere to go so I came back to Pittsburgh, bought this place, and had them move in with me.” Justin briefly wondered why he was offering a complete stranger so much personal information, but shrugged it off. The man seemed friendly enough. The complete opposite of his grouchy and irritable neighbor.

“Wow, a real knight in shining armor. So, no wife and kids of your own then?”

“Hardly,” Justin chuckled. “I’m gay.”

“Really? That’s very interesting. Not into the club scene I take it? Because I know I would’ve remembered seeing you around.”

“I’ve been living in Chicago for quite a few years. I haven’t been on the scene around here since my very early days. Now, with Molly being pregnant, I don’t get out much,” Justin explained. He continued to stand there for another fifteen minutes, sharing a good deal of his life with Emmett, instantly bonding and feeling as if they’d been friends for years.

“Well, when you’re ready to jump back into the scene, just give me a yell. I can just imagine the mouths that will be dropping all over Babylon when you walk through the door,” Emmett laughed.

“We’ll see,” Justin laughed along with him. He finally remembered that Molly was waiting for him and glanced at his watch. “I’d better get these two out of your hair. It was nice meeting you, Emmett.”

“You’re going to come back and join the party with them, right?”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Justin replied. “Brian pretty much hates me and he’s definitely not on my list of favorite people either.”

“Oh hogwash!” Emmett exclaimed. “Let me explain Brian to you. He tries to come across as an asshole, but he’s really a pussycat.” Emmett sighed at Justin’s knowing look. “Okay, maybe not a pussycat, but he’s a real good guy. He’s honest, loyal, and would do anything for his friends. There are worse people in the world to know. I’m sure he’s given you a hard time since he’s been back, but that’s just his way. He’ll warm up to you eventually. Now why don’t you all come on back around two? I promise you’ll have fun.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Come on, Uncle Jus. We told Brian we’d be here. He’ll be sad if we don’t show up,” Hailey said.

“I doubt that, but I said I’d think about it. Now you two go get in the house. Your mother isn’t feeling too well, and needs your help,” Justin said to the kids before turning back to Emmett. “Thanks for the invitation. Maybe we’ll see you later.”

Emmett watched the trio walk away with a smile on his face. Brian sure had his hands full with his new neighbors. Someone who looked like Justin had to attract Brian’s attention. He couldn’t wait to see the fireworks between them.



By two o’clock Brian’s back yard was filled with people and the sights and smells of a traditional barbeque. Debbie had taken over as soon as she arrived, claiming the grill as her own and directing Carl to her side as her assistant. After working for so many years at the diner, she couldn’t help her instinct to serve people. Melanie and Lindsay were there, much to Brian’s surprise, but the chill Lindsay was setting off told Brian that she was still mad about his refusal to donate sperm.

Ignoring the angry glares from Mel, Brian went over to the bar that Emmett had rented and asked Steve for a shot of something strong.

“Sure thing, Boss,” Steve replied with a smile as he poured Brian a drink.

“Steve, if I check the inventory at the club, there won’t be a few things missing, will there?”

“No way. I bought everything out of my own pocket. At wholesale, of course. I placed an order with our distributor the other day and had it delivered with a separate invoice. You know I’d never take anything from the club, Brian. That’s why you kept me on after firing all of Sap’s flunkies.”

“Just checking. Cheers.” Brian downed his drink and then looked around just in time to see the twins making their way over to his yard again. This time though, they weren’t alone. Justin was trailing behind them looking a little nervous.

“Who is that?” Steve asked from behind Brian, his eyes planted on the blond vision before him.

“My new neighbor,” Brian replied before pushing himself away from the bar and approaching his new guests. “Hey Mutt and Jeff,” he teased, looking down at the kids.

“Brian, we’re not Mutt and Jeff. We’re Hailey and Jared,” Hailey said in exasperation. It was obvious that this wasn’t the first time Brian had called them something other than their names. “We came for our hot dogs. Are they cooked yet?”

“I’m not sure. See that red head over there?” he asked, pointed over to Debbie. “You’ll have to ask her. She’s the one in charge of the cooking.”

“Okay,” Hailey said as she grabbed her brother’s hand and made a beeline for the grill, leaving Brian and Justin behind.

“You know, you didn’t have to invite them over. You could’ve just told them no,” Justin said to Brian as soon as the kids were out of ear shot.

“Have you tried to tell them no? I don’t think they understand the concept of the word,” Brian laughed.

“Oh, they understand the concept alright. They’re great at saying no, just not hearing it. Anyway, I’ll get them out of here as soon as I can so you and your friends can have some peace.”

Before Brian could comment, he saw Lindsay making her way towards them.

“Justin, is that you?” she exclaimed as she got closer. “Oh my God, it is you?”

“Lindsay Peterson, I can’t believe you’re here?” Justin seemed as excited as Lindsay was as he embraced the woman in a big hug. “Shit, I haven’t seen you in what, almost ten years?”

“At least. You had just graduated from high school and were getting ready for college the last time I saw you. What have you been up to? Are you taking the art world by storm?”

“Hardly. I got my degree in architecture and design. The only real art I do these days is for my own collection,” Justin replied. “You know how persuasive my dad can be. He talked me into keeping my art as a hobby and using my talent to make money.”

“How are you’re mom and dad doing? And that little sister of yours? She was such a sweetie if I remember correctly.”

“They’re good. My sister’s all grown up now. She’s twenty seven.”

“Oh don’t say that. It just makes me old,” Lindsay laughed. “You look good, though.”

“So do you.”

Brian stood back and watched the interaction between the two in confusion, remaining silent for as long as he could. “You two know each other?”

Lindsay looked at him and rolled her eyes. “What gave us away?” she teased. “Justin was a big hit in the GLC’s first amateur art show. You would’ve met him too, if you bothered showing up like you promised.”

“Something came up,” Brian replied automatically, barely remembering Lindsay’s early days at the GLC.

“It always does,” Lindsay mumbled before turning to Justin. “What a small world. How do you two know each other?”

“We don’t really,” Justin said. “I just moved in next door. I’m only here because of Hailey and Jared. Brian here seems to be unable to say no to a couple of five year olds. Speaking of which, I’d better go check on them and make sure they’re not causing any trouble. I’ll be back in a bit.”

As soon as Justin was gone, Lindsay turned to Brian with a smile. “I can’t believe Justin Taylor is your new neighbor. How weird is that?”

“What was he doing at the GLC?”

“He used to come in there a lot in those days. He was scared to come out to his parents back then so he came to the center to talk to people about their experiences. Luckily for him, they took the news great. He continued to come in and help out whenever he could up until he moved away for college. Not everyone hates the GLC Brian.” Lindsay explained.

“But he’s married. Those are his kids and his wife is pregnant again.”

“Those aren’t his children,” Emmett said as he joined in on the conversation. “They’re his niece and nephew and it’s his sister that’s pregnant. The poor dear lost her husband in a car accident months ago. Justin moved back to Pittsburgh and took them in. Isn’t that sweet?”

“How horrible. Poor Molly, I can’t imagine how awful it must be for her. Having to handle two children on her own with one on the way. Good thing she has Justin to help her,” Lindsay said as her eyes teared up.

“Wait a minute,” Brian barked, interrupting Lindsay and Emmett. “How do you know all this?”

“How do you think? Justin told me earlier when he came to get the children. He’s a cutie and such a sweetheart. He said he doesn’t really get out much because he’s worried about his sister being out here alone. She had some trouble in her last pregnancy and ended up in bed for the last three months. I told him that once he’s ready, I’ll take him out for a night on the town.”

“You got all that out of him when he came to pick up the kids?” Before Brian could continue, the sound of Debbie’s voice ringing across the yard pulled his attention from Lindsay and Emmett to Justin.

“Sunshine! What’re you doing here?”

“Debbie, shit, I almost didn’t recognize you,” Justin said as he allowed himself to be taken into one of the older woman’s famous hugs. “How are you?”

“I’m great, Sweetie. How’re you? I didn’t realize you knew Brian, although I shouldn’t be surprised. He knows every hot stud in the area. Let me look at you.” Debbie held Justin at arms length while she eyed him up and down. “Fuck, you’ve sure gotten to be a real looker, not that you weren’t before. Where the hell have you been?”

“I’ve been living in Chicago. I just moved back a few months ago. How are things with you? How’s your son? I may not have ever met him, but the way you used to talk about it, I felt like we were old friends.”

“He’s great. That’s him, over there with his hunky boyfriend,” Debbie replied as she pointed over to Michael. “Let me introduce you. Michael, get your ass over here!”

Justin smiled warmly at Debbie, struck by so many memories of his former life. During his last couple of years in Pittsburgh, it was a ritual of his to stop at the diner for lunch anytime he was at the GLC. Debbie embraced him during their first meeting and kept an eye on him after that. She was almost like a second mother to him and he’d forgotten how much he cared for her. He vowed to make sure he didn’t lose contact with her again. Her son, a dark-haired man with a warm smile appeared moments later.

“Michael, this is Justin. He and I go way back,” she said, beaming with joy. “Justin, this is Michael. He owns a comic book store down on Liberty. That’s his partner Ben over there.”

“Professor Bruckner?”

“You know Ben?” Debbie asked.

“Not well. When I was in my senior year, I toyed with the idea of going to Carnegie Mellon. I went on a tour of the facilities and he was one of the faculty advisors. I was fascinated by him because I heard he was an openly gay professor. We talked a bit about the school and what it had to offer. I’m actually surprised that I even remember his name,” Justin explained with a chuckle.

“Wow, what a small world,” Debbie said. “So tell me what you’ve been up to.”

“I’ve been living in Chicago, working as a freelance architect the last few years. I just moved back to help out my sister. Her husband was killed in a car accident about eight months ago. Those two darling children are my niece and nephew,” Justin told her as he gazed lovingly at Hailey and Jared, who were sitting at a table off to the side eating their hot dogs.

“Oh, what a couple of dolls. And so well mannered, too. Michael’s 34 and his manners aren’t that good,” Debbie laughed.

“Ma!” Michael exclaimed, obviously put out by his mother’s joke. “I’d better get back to Ben. It was nice meeting you, Justin. Next time you’re down my way, stop in the store. We can do lunch or something.”

“Thanks Michael. I’ll do that,” Justin promised.

Debbie waited until Michael was gone before turning her attention back to Justin. “That’s a shame about your brother-in-law. How’s your sister doing?”

“She’s doing a little better now. It turns out that she got pregnant right before Steven died so she hasn’t had an easy time, but she’s hanging in there.”

Their conversation was interrupted by an older man who came up behind Debbie and grabbed her by the waist. “Hey, I thought you were helping me man the grill.”

“Oh honey, I’m sorry,” Debbie said as she turned in his arms and kissed him quickly. “I just ran into an old friend. Carl, this is Justin. Justin, this is my significant other, Carl Horvath. He’s a detective with Pittsburgh’s finest.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Carl,” Justin said as he shook Carl’s hand.

“You too, Justin. Why don’t you take my beautiful woman over to a table and have a seat. I’ll bring you two a burger. I think I can handle things for awhile so you two can talk.”

“Thanks dear. Come on, Justin. Let’s go check on the kids and we can catch up.”

Justin followed Debbie over to where the kids were just finishing up their food, oblivious to the hazel eyes that were watching him. He had them clean up their mess before running off to play, happy that he’d have a few moments alone with Debbie.

Brian was fuming. His plan was to have a barbeque so that he could make his neighbor feel uncomfortable around gay people while hiding himself in the closet and he was the one who was feeling put out. Not only was Justin openly gay, but he apparently felt right at home with everyone and had some kind of connection with Debbie and Lindsay. The day wasn’t turning out anything like he had thought it would. Hearing someone calling his name, Brian pulled himself from his thoughts just as the terrible twosome ran up to him.

“Brian, how come you’re not eating a hot dog? Debbie and Carl make them real good,” Jared said as he came to a halt in front of Brian.

“I don’t eat hot dogs,” Brian replied quickly.

“How come?” Hailey asked, surprised that anyone would refuse to eat hot dogs. They were her favorite.

“Because they’re bad for you.”

“How come?”

“Because they’re filled with crap that isn’t good for you.”

“Then why do you have them?”

“Because other people like them.”

“If they’re bad for you, then why do the hot dog people make them?”

“Because they want your money.”

“But I don’t have any money.”

“Why am I having this conversation?” Brian asked himself before looking down at Hailey and Jared. “Look, why don’t you two go swim or something?”

“Because we have to wait an hour after eating or we’ll get cramps. Didn’t your mommy ever teach you that?” Jared asked.

“No, she was too busy regretting the day I was born,” Brian mumbled. “Okay, how about if you both go play in your own yard. I’m sure you’ll have more fun on your swing set than standing around here with a bunch of grown-ups.”

“That’s okay, we’re having fun here,” Hailey replied.

“I’m never getting rid of you two, am I?” Brian sighed in resignation.

“Nope. Now come on. Michael said he’d tell us all about Captain Astro. He said he’s way cooler than Superman,” Jared said as he grabbed Brian’s hand and pulled him across the yard, Hailey trailing close behind them.

“Did I just see what I think I saw?” Lindsay asked Emmett, her eyes glued to Brian and the kids.

“I couldn’t believe it either until I saw it with my own two eyes last week. I do believe our own Mr. Kinney is smitten by those two. Amazing, isn’t it?”

“Amazing…and possibly just what I need,” Lindsay said as the wheels in her brain started turning. “Having Justin Taylor back in town might just be what I need to talk Brian into giving me the baby I want.”

“You go girl,” Emmett laughed. “With the way he fell for those two, I’d say Brian isn’t as opposed to kids as he claims.”

End of part 3


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