Meant To Be

Chapter 4


When Justin walked into Babylon, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Nothing he had ever experienced in his seventeen years prepared him for this. The music was pulsating, with half naked men dancing, kissing, and groping each other everywhere. The dancing floor was filled to capacity, the bar surrounded by men, all waiting to get their next drink. Justin suddenly felt like a little boy. He was beginning to think he was in over his head. Before he had a chance to react, he felt himself being pulled onto the dance floor by Michael. In a matter of minutes, he was lost to the beat of the music, surprised to find himself enjoying the experience.

Brian stood by the bar, watching Mikey dance with his blond. His thoughts were filled with images of him and Justin out on the dance floor. He could see them in the middle of all those hot bodies, so lost in each other that no one else mattered. Stopping his mind from any further thoughts, he made his way to the back room, hoping to find a good blow job to get his mind off Justin. As Brian made his way through the crowd, he couldn’t help but once again think about how the boy affected him. He knew he needed to do something to put the whole mess out of his mind once and for all. When he reached the back and looked around, he realized that he wouldn’t be finding what he was looking for. The one that he wanted was on the dance floor, bumping and grinding with someone else. Now, even angrier then before, he left the backroom and headed back to the bar. Michael caught up with him there.

“Hey, wanna dance?” Michael asked, trying to pull him out on the floor.

“Where’s your boyfriend?” Brian questioned.

“He’s taking a break over by the bar. I think it’s a little too much for him. Come on, dance with me.” Michael whined.

“I don’t feel like it. Go dance with Ted and Emmett. Maybe you could teach them a thing or two.” He replied.

“Alright. Could you go check on Justin for me? I don’t want him to feel left out.” Michael stated before heading in the direction of the guys.

‘Shit’ Brian thought to himself. That was the last thing he wanted to do. As he made his way over to the blond, his heart started racing and he mentally kicked himself once again at the reactions the boy caused. He needed to get over it already. Justin was with Mikey, and Brian needed to be happy for his best friend. “Hey, how’s it going?” He asked, hoping the boy didn’t notice how nervous he was.

“Oh...uh...hey.” Justin stammered.

“Can I buy you a drink?” Brian asked, not waiting for an answer and ordering two beers. As he handed one to Justin, their fingers touched in the brief exchange, causing a jolt of electricity to course through Brian’s body. ‘This is not good’ he thought.

“Thanks.” Justin said, as he took the beer, still feeling the heat from where Brian’s hand had brushed his. He knew he was in trouble the minute Brian walked into Woody’s. If anything, he was more drawn to the older man then he was that morning. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt Michael. He had agreed that they would get to know each other, and he felt guilty for the feeling he had towards his best friend. He looked up and realized that Brian was talking to him. “I’m sorry. What did you say?” he managed to spit out.

“I asked if this was all too much for you. Sometimes it can be a little intense in here.” Brian chuckled by the confused look on his face.

“Yeah, it seems a little intense, but it’s not that bad. I guess, I’m just not used to all this. Michael seems to be enjoying himself.” Justin said, reminding himself that Michael was still in the room.

“So, tell me, how old are you?” Brian asked, wanting to keep up a conversation with him.

“I’m almost eighteen.” Justin replied, wishing he was able to carry on a somewhat intelligent conversation.

“A little young to be picking up guys on Liberty, aren’t you?” Brian chuckled.

Justin was hurt by Brian’s comment. He didn’t want the older man to see him as a child. Before he had a chance to respond, Michael appeared at his side. Justin was thankful for the interruption.

“Hey, you ready to get back out on the dance floor?” Michael asked, still moving to the beat of the music.

“Actually, I think I’m going to get going. I have to get up early tomorrow to go job hunting. My parents won’t buy me a car until I have a job.” Justinblurted out before realizing how childish it sounded.

“Oh, okay…I guess I’ll go get the guys and we can give you a ride home.” Michael spoke with a touch of disappointment in his voice.

“No, that’s okay. You guys stay here and have a good time. I’ll walk home.” Justin said, not wanting to make them leave early because of him. Besides, he could use the time to gather his thoughts.

“I don’t want you to walk home alone. I’m sure the guys won’t mind.” He said, glancing over at his friends.

“I’ll give him a ride.” Brian stated, surprising himself by the offer. ‘What the fuck was that?’ He thought to himself.

“Um…that’s okay, really. I’ll be fine.” Justin said weakly. The last thing he wanted was to be alone with Brian. He couldn’t even hold a conversation with him in a crowded club, what would he say to him in a car.

“It’s no big deal. I have to leave anyway. I still have some work at home waiting for me.” He lied. What was happening here? He made it a point to always be honest, and here he was, lying to his best friend to be alone with his boyfriend.

“I thought you said you finished up early?” Michael questioned.

‘Take it to Mikey to remember something like that,’ Brian sighed to himself. This was why he never lied. “I had a few new ideas come to me earlier, so I want to get home and try them out.”

“Okay, well thanks for taking him home. I’ll call you tomorrow.” Michael leaned in to give his friend a quick kiss before turning to his boyfriend. “You know, my mom is looking for a new busboy at the diner. Why don’t you go see her tomorrow? I’m sure she’d hire you.”

“Thanks, I will.” Justin felt uneasy having Brian standing so close to them.

“I’ll call you tomorrow.” Michael promised, pulling Justin into his arms for a kiss.

Justin could feel Brian’s eyes watching the exchange, and pulled back from Michael, uncomfortable with the older man watching them. “Okay, have fun.” Justin replied, walking away.

“See ya, Mikey.” Brian called over his shoulder, following the boy out of the club.

Once they were settled into the jeep, Justin gave Brian directions to his house and they were on their way, both lost in thought. The tension in the small confines of the jeep was enormous. Their short drive was done in silence. Neither one of them sure of what to say.

As Brian pulled up in front of Justin’s house, he felt sadness wash over him that he couldn’t explain. When Justin turned to thank him for the ride, Brian lost what control he had pulling Justin to him for a kiss. It was meant to be quick and friendly, but once their lips touched, they were overcome with the passion they felt for each other.

Justin felt the warmth of Brian’s lips on his and let out a moan from the intensity of his feelings. He parted his lips slightly and was rewarded with the feel of Brian’s tongue forcing its way into his mouth. He had never experienced anything like this kiss before, and never wanted it to end. All thoughts of Michael were forced from his mind as the kiss deepened in a mixture of need and desire. Justin felt like he was floating on air, never wanting to come back down.

Brian continued his assault on Justin’s mouth, lost in a passion he had never felt before. He was about to take things further when he remembered Mikey. What the fuck was he doing? Mikey seemed to really like this kid, and here he was, pawing him the first chance he got. Some friend he was. Brian pulled back, trying to catch his breath. “Fuck!” He exclaimed.

“Shit, I’m sorry. That shouldn’t have happened.” Justin said, guiltily.

“Sorry’s bullshit. Look, let’s just forget that this happened. You’re with Mikey and I don’t want him to get hurt.” Brian said with more confidence then he felt. The boy had been in his thoughts since he first looked into those blue eyes that morning, how was he going to forget about the passion they had experienced? Well, he had to find a way. Mikey was his best friend and he would never do anything to hurt him. Even if that meant depriving himself of the one person that made him feel the way Justin did. ‘What was it with this kid?’ Brian thought, wondering where all these feelings were coming from in the first place.

Justin was hurt by the way Brian was so quick to forget about what had just happened., but he refused to let it show. “You’re right. Let’s forget this ever happened. I don’t want Michael getting hurt either. Thanks for the ride!” Justin jumped out of the jeep before Brian could see the tears that were threatening to fall. He didn’t want the man to see the effect he had on him. He heard the jeep pull away as he went inside. Once he reached his room, he stripped down to his underwear and climbed into bed. He let silent tears fall. He wanted this man more than life itself. He knew now that Brian felt something for him, but what? As he drifted off to sleep, his thoughts were filled with images of Brian Kinney.

Brian entered the loft twenty minutes later, still cursing himself for what he felt for Justin. He knew he needed to do something fast before things got out of control. Booting up his computer, Brian made reservations with Liberty Air. There was a potential client based in Chicago that he wanted to pitch to, so he thought that now would be the perfect time. A little distance was just what he needed to put the twink out of his mind. After booking his flight for the morning, he emailed Ryder to fill him in on his plans, and then he emailed Cynthia as well. He fell into bed an hour later, happy to have a plan in place. By the time he got back to the Pitts, Justin would be out of his system and he could go back to being the selfish bastard that he always was. As he drifted off to sleep, his thoughts were consumed with the blond across town.

End of part 4

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