Coming Out

Chapter 5


It only took Brian a few minutes to realize where they were headed. He had been to the Taylor residence enough to recognize area; he just wasn’t sure what Justin had planned. Why would they be going to his house now, when Brian was looking like he had gotten into a bar fight. The black eye visible even in the darkness of the car. The last thing he wanted was to have Justin’s parents see him like this.

“Justin, where are we going?” he asked already knowing the answer.

“Look Brian, I am not letting you go back to that house. You mean too much to me to allow you to live in that kind of situation. I’ll talk to my mom. She’ll know what to do. Trust me, okay?” he answered.

He still couldn’t believe what he had witnessed earlier. Even though Brian had told him how bad things were at home, he never mentioned physical abuse. If he had, Justin would have found a way to put a stop to it sooner. He may just be a dumb kid, but he was smart enough to know that it was wrong for fathers to do what Jack had done to Brian. Now all he had to do was to hope that his mother could come up with a plan to keep Brian safe.

“I do trust you Justin, but it’s not your problem. I’ve been putting up with Jack’s shit for my entire life. I only have one more year to go till I can walk out that door and never look back. I don’t want to do anything that will jeopardize my chances to make my getaway. You don’t seem to understand that by going to the authorities, I could be throwing away my chances of having it all,” Brian argued.

Justin pulled the car to a screeching halt on the side of the road before turning to Brian with tears in his eyes. “No! You don’t understand. I love you damn it and I am not going to let that sick bastard use you as his punching bag anymore. I will not let him hurt you again!” he yelled, not even realizing the admission he had made.

Brian heard everything loud and clear. “You love me?” he whispered.

He could feel his heart racing at the words Justin had so casually thrown in his face. In the weeks they had spent together, Brian could feel himself falling in love with the blond, but he didn’t realize that Justin felt the same way. Somehow everything looked better now that he knew he had Justin’s love to carry him through. As much as it scared Brian to think of loving someone like that, he knew it was right. That somehow they would find a way to get through this together.

“Shit…I mean…” Justin voiced trailed off as he tried to find a way to take back the words he let out in anger.

He knew almost from the beginning that he was falling in love with Brian, but he didn’t want to seem too eager. He wanted to wait to see how things progressed before declaring his love for the boy. ‘Well Taylor, you really messed things up this time didn’t you?’ he thought to himself. He took a deep breath in the silence that filled the car before trying to salvage what was left of their relationship.

“Okay, yes I love you. But don’t go getting all freaked out or anything. I don’t expect you to say it back. I’m sorry I blurted it out like that. I just want you safe. Brian, I was so scared back at your house. I stood there watching your father hurt you like that and I couldn’t do anything to stop him. I knew right then and there that I would not let it happen again. I’m not sure…” he words cut off by Brian’s lips finding his in a warm and gentle kiss. All thoughts of Jack Kinney were lost.

Brian could feel the heat of Justin’s lips on his own and it caused a tightening in his groin. He only meant to place a soft kiss on Justin’s lips to stop him from talking but once again their passion took on a life of its own. The need to feel Justin was too much to bear and before Brian knew what was happening, he found his hand on the boy’s crotch. The feel of the hard cock underneath the fabric caused him to moan out loud sending a signal to Justin and he opened his mouth. Once Justin’s lips parted, Brian took advantage of the access and thrust his tongue deep inside. While his tongue explored the warm hollow of Justin’s mouth, he continued to stroke the boys erection, feeling it jump at the contact. Knowing he had to put a stop to the turn of events for numerous reasons, one of which being that they were in the middle of a busy street with no shelter, he was about to pull away when he felt Justin’s hand reach for his own throbbing member. That touch sent a jolt of heat to his cock causing pre cum to leak out and form a damp spot on the front of his pants. He pulled back from the kiss, trying to slow his breathing.

“Justin, we have to stop this now before I throw you into the back seat and have my way with you,” Brian chuckled, trying to diffuse the situation. They both sat back in their seats, getting their breathing under control. Brian recovered first. “Justin, we have to stop getting carried away like that. I know we’re still taking it slow, but for some reason you seems to weaken my willpower to the point where I don’t know if I am going to be able to pull away before we make love,” Brian admitted.

Justin didn’t know what to say. He knew they should take things slow, but every time they were together all Justin could think about was how much he wanted to give himself to Brian. Those thoughts kept him awake at night, thinking about what it would be like to feel Brian’s naked body next to his; to feel Brian’s cock enter the place where no one had been before. As much as the thought of his first time scared him, he knew it was what he wanted. He wanted it with Brian. His thoughts were interrupted when Brian took his hand in his.

“Justin, I love you too. You make me feel things I never thought I’d feel. Growing up with Jack and Joan made me think that love is bullshit. You changed that for me, and I’ll always be thankful for that. It would be so easy to throw you in the back seat and fuck you, but that’s not what I want. When we finally make love I want it to be special. I want there to be no doubt that it’s what we both want. I want it to be something we both remember for the rest of our lives,” Brian said, feeling his emotions with every word.

“Wow. That was the nicest thing I have ever heard. Just promise me one thing? If the need gets to be too much, if you have to…um…that is, before you find someone else…” his voice trailed off as he tried to find away to say what was on his mind.

“There is no one else,” Brian answered before placing a light kiss on Justin’s lips. “Now let’s go see what your mom thinks. I’m not going to promise anything, but maybe there is something we could do.”

When they into the Taylor kitchen ten minutes later, Jennifer was horrified by what she saw. “Oh my God, what happened? I thought you were going to Brian’s for dinner?” she asked walking over to take a better look at the black eye Brian had.

Justin took a deep breath before answering. He didn’t want to embarrass Brian, but knew he had to tell his mom what happened. “We did. That’s where Brian got the black eye,” Justin answered, looking at Brian to gage his reaction. “Mom, that’s why we’re here. We have to help Brian. We can’t let him go back to that place. He’s not safe there,” he tried swallowing the lump forming in his throat at the seriousness of his statement.

Jennifer was shocked by what her son just said. “You mean your father did this to you?” she asked directing her question at Brian. She saw pain flicker in his eyes and knew she had to do something for him. Justin was right; she had to keep him safe. Even though she had only met Brian a few weeks earlier, she knew he was a bright and talented boy. She was glad that Justin had him for a friend. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts she was startled when Brian spoke.

“It’s okay, Mrs. Taylor. It’s not that big a deal. My father likes to drink a little too much. I told Justin not to worry about it. I’m used to it,” he voice was void of emotion.

“You mean he’s done this before? How long has this been going on, Brian. I want the truth,” she asked.

“Oh I don’t know, since about the time I could walk?” he chuckled trying to make light of the situation. He didn’t look up from his hands, knowing what he would see in her face. He didn’t want her pity. He didn’t want anyone’s pity.

“Well we have to call the Police. What he’s been doing is wrong and he can’t get away with it,” Jennifer said, her anger evident in her voice.

Justin saw the look of fear in Brian’s eyes and knew he had to stop his mother from calling the Police. “Mom, you can’t do that. They’ll take Brian away. He’ll lose his job, and the scholarship he’s been working so hard to get. It’ll ruin everything he’s been working so hard for. Please Mom, there has to be something else we can do,” Justin cried, feeling tears burn his eyes. He’d used all the reasons that Brian had given him for not wanting the authorities to be notified, but left out the most important one. If Brian was taken away, Justin may never see him again. He didn’t think he could handle that. Justin couldn’t lose him, he just couldn’t.

“Honey, calm down. I know you’re just trying to help, but I think the best thing to do is to call someone who is trained in these types of things. I don’t know what else to do. He can’t go back there, and he’s too young to live on his own even if he wanted to,” Jennifer replied wishing she could do more.

“Look, like I said, it’s really no big deal. I should’ve known better then to have someone over. I just need to make sure I stay out of his way. It’s only for one more year anyway. Thanks for trying to help, but this is my problem and I’ll handle it. I better get going. I’ll talk to you later Justin. Bye Mrs. Taylor.” Brian headed towards the door.

“Brian, you can’t go back there. You can’t. He’s just going to hurt you again,” Justin cried. Then he turned around and pleaded with his mother. “Mom, do something. We can’t just let him leave.”

“Brian, Justin’s right. You can’t go back there. You can stay here tonight and in the morning we’ll try to figure out what to do next. But you better call your mother and let her know you’re okay. She’s probably worried about you,” she said.

“I doubt that Mrs. Taylor. She knows what goes on and she’s never even tried to stop him. She just tells me that I should try not to make him mad. Fuck her, too!” he saw the look of horror cross her face and realized what he had said. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that. It just kind of slipped out,” he confessed.

“That’s okay sweetie. I understand. Now why don’t you boys head upstairs and get ready for bed. It’s been a long night. Maybe things will look better in the morning,” she smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

“Okay, good night Mom. Thanks,” Justin replied kissing his mother’s cheek before heading upstairs.

Brian waited until Justin was out of site before walking over and giving Jennifer a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks, Mrs. Taylor. No one has ever cared about me before. It feels pretty good,” he said before disappearing upstairs.

Jennifer stood there wondering what kind of people the Kinney’s were that they could hurt their own son like that. When Craig got home from his business dinner she would talk to him and see if he had any ideas as to what to do about Brian. In the mean time she thought about the concern Justin had for his friend. He was obviously upset about what had happened, but there was something else. The look on his face was not a look of a concerned friend. It was something more, and that thought terrified her. She glanced up as if to see what was going on upstairs and prayed she was wrong about what she was thinking.

End of part 5

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