6 Weeks

Chapter 6

Justin watched anxiously as the cab pulled up outside his house. After paying the driver and grabbing his bags, Justin made his way through the front door running into his mother as she rushed to greet him.

“Justin, I’m so glad you’re home,” she said as she hugged him tightly.

Justin let her hug him, slightly thrown by her excitement. It wasn’t as if he just returned from back packing around Europe. He was in rehab for Christ’s sake. “Hey, is Molly here?”

“No, she went to a friend’s house for dinner and won’t be home until later. Here, let me help you get your things upstairs,” Jennifer said, reaching for his bags.

“That’s okay, I can manage,” Justin replied, heading towards his room.

“Oh…okay. Are you hungry?”

“No, I just want to be alone for awhile,” Justin mumbled.

Jennifer watched him go, willing herself to give him some space. He’d been through so much in the last year. She just hoped that he’d be okay in time.

Justin walked through his bedroom door, his eyes immediately finding the corner where Molly’s accident happened. Memories raced through his mind; images that he’d been trying to ignore for the last six weeks, and Justin shook his head to rid himself of them as he dropped his bags on his bed. He began unpacking, hoping that by keeping busy he wouldn’t have to think about things. Once the bags were unpacked and put away, Justin threw himself on the bed and stared at the ceiling, wondering what was next. He had no job, no school and nothing that required getting out of bed each morning. He talked to Chuck about it before he left and was advised to start planning his future, but that advice didn’t help him at the moment. Sighing in disgust, Justin rolled over and eventually fell asleep only to be woken up by his mother a short time later.

“Honey,” Jennifer said as she gently nudged Justin’s sleeping form. “It’s almost dinner time. Why don’t you get washed up and meet me downstairs.”

“Mom,” Justin groaned. “I’m not hungry. Can’t you just leave me alone?”

“Justin, you’ve been gone for six weeks. Can’t you spend a little time with your own mother?”

“Christ!” Justin exclaimed, suddenly irritated with his mother’s nagging. “I was in fucking rehab. It’s not like I was on vacation. Do you want me to tell you all about it? About the nightmares and the withdrawal? About waking up in a cold sweat, puking my guts up and praying to die? Is that what you want to hear?”

“Justin,” Jennifer gasped in horror.

“Please, just leave me alone,” Justin pleaded.

“Justin I know this isn’t easy for you, but it’s time to try to put this family back together again. I’ll leave you alone for now, but Molly’s going to be home soon. She’s anxious to see you again so I hope you will refrain from having an outburst in front of her.”

Fear coursed through him at the mention of Molly and suddenly Justin needed to get away. Jumping up and grabbing his sneakers, he ignored the strange looks his mother was giving him.

“Where are you going?” she asked as she watched Justin grab his jacket.

“I…uh…have to get out of here. I have some things I have to take care of,” he explained, noticing the pained look on her face. “Not those kinds of things, Mom. I’ve been clean for six weeks. I’m not about to fall off the wagon on my first day out. I’m not sure when I’ll be back.” Justin reached for his backpack and hurried out of the house without looking back.

After walking around for hours, Justin still had no idea where he was going. He walked the streets, wishing there was someone he could talk to, someone who would understand what he was going through. He thought of calling Daphne, but since his stay in rehab things between them had changed and he didn’t feel as comfortable with her as he used to be. There was really only one person he felt he could talk to that would understand. Noticing how late it was, Justin was sure that Molly was home by then. He wasn’t ready to face her just yet. He didn’t want to see the look of fear that might be in her eyes. Fear that her brother could hurt her again, the way that he had six weeks earlier. Making up his mind, he pulled Brian’s address out of his bag thankful that he’d been able to sneak the information off Chuck’s desk and began making his way towards the one person who might actually understand him.

As he entered the building, he saw the stairwell and slowly started walking up the steps, trying to decide what to say to the older man. Once he was outside the door he took a deep breath before knocking. When no one answered, Justin sighed disappointedly and tried to decide what to do next. Nothing came to mind so he sat down in front of the door waiting for Brian to come home, fighting the fatigue that was threatening to over take him.

Brian was exhausted when he got back home and all he wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep until noon. Talking about his feelings was tiresome and uncomfortable so trips to AA always ended in both a sense of relief and one of vulnerability. His desire though was thwarted when he reached the top of the stairs and focused in on the sleeping man curled up in front of his door. He practically dropped his keys in shock at the sudden appearance of his rehab companion. He was so engrossed with the drama of seeing Justin and Damon together that he had completely forgotten Justin was scheduled to be released today. Why wasn’t the boy at home making nice with his mother and little sister? At least from the peaceful look on his face, Justin appeared to be clean and Brian was grateful for that. Mask firmly in place, Brian reached down to shake Justin awake.

“Hey Justin, come on and wake up. What are you doing here? It’s time for you to go home.”

Justin mumbled in his sleep and rolled onto his other side, completely oblivious to the hand on his shoulder. Brian raised his voice a bit, shaking Justin more forcefully.

“Justin, wake up. You need to go home.”

Justin’s eyes blinked open, taking a few moments to adjust to the light in the stairwell.

“Brian?” he asked softly.

“Yeah Sunshine, who else? Were you planning on sleeping in front of some stranger’s door instead?” Brian asked with a sigh.

“No, I forgot for a second where I was. Are you just getting home now?” Justin asked, glancing down at his watch.

Brian nodded his head.

“So where were you?”

“None of your business,” Brian snapped.

“Jesus Bri, I’m not trying to start anything with you. I was just a little worried because it’s so late and most places open at this hour are filled with people getting drunk or high,” Justin explained.

“And you assumed I was one of them,” Brian stated coldly.

“No, that’s not it at all. I’ve been out less than a day and already I’m a fucking mess. I can only imagine what you’ve been going through this past week. Obviously it was hard enough that you felt the need to return to Pleasant Valley. I just don’t understand why you didn’t come in and say hello to me. It doesn’t make any sense.”

“I don’t want to talk about it. You should probably go home. I’m sure your mommy’s worried.”

Justin shook his head adamantly.

“I can’t go home. Molly will be there by now. I’m not ready to see her. You’re the only one that could possibly understand why.”

“Why don’t you go call Damon?” Brian suggested, his voice had a slight edge to it.

“But Damon doesn’t know me like you do. He’s my friend but that’s all he is. You were there when I was strung out and needed comfort. I have no idea what you think you saw at Pleasant Valley but I haven’t been intimate with anyone since you left a week ago. I came here tonight because there was nowhere else I felt safe and no one else who could possibly understand what I’m feeling. No one but you,” Justin practically whispered. The fight seemed to have left his body all at once, leaving him worn out and emotionally drained.

Brian noticed the change and although he believed Justin’s story, he was too exhausted himself to fully deal with it. Not knowing what else to do, Brian opened his arms which were immediately filled with a trembling blonde boy. He lightly stroked the hair at the nape of his neck and whispered nonsense words that he would deny to his dying day. They held each other for a long time, neither saying a word and just enjoying the closeness they both missed so desperately. When Justin pulled back, Brian could see the confusion in his eyes and knew there was no way he could turn him away.

“Justin, why don’t you stay here tonight,” Brian said, grabbing a hold of the blonde’s arm as he tried to walk by, “on the couch.”

“The couch?” Justin asked, confused.

“I’ve had a rough night and I just need a little sleep, which I will never get with you in my bed. So let’s get some much needed rest tonight and tomorrow we can talk more before I bring you home,” Brian explained.

“I told you, I can’t face her,” Justin insisted.

“Yes, you can and I’ll be there just in case,” Brian reassured him, lightly stroking Justin’s cheek with the palm of his hand.

“You’d do that for me?”

“To get you out of my loft, hell yeah,” Brian said to lighten the mood. Justin smiled slightly and moved over to sit on the couch. Brian grabbed a couple of blankets and a pillow from a nearby closet and placed at the other end. He was about to head into his bedroom, when Brian couldn’t resist leaning down to tenderly kiss Justin’s lips good night. The kiss only lasted a few seconds but it was enough to give both men something to dream about and Justin drifted off to sleep, thoughts of Molly finally leaving his mind for the first time all day.

The next morning Brian was up and showered before Justin had even opened his eyes. Brian almost laughed remembering the pure exhaustion he had felt after his first day out of Pleasant Valley as well. The boy resembled an angel curled up on his side, his hand clutching the pillow. And suddenly all of the anger and fear of betrayal didn’t seem that important anymore. Things had gotten rough and Justin had come to him, just like Brian had done a few days before. It had to mean something. Justin needed him and all of the questions about Damon would have to wait.

When Justin woke up he seemed to sense the change in Brian and decided to go with the flow. He figured if Brian wanted to talk about Damon than he would. Until then Justin had to focus on his own problems which were a lot more real then Brian’s petty jealousy.

Justin sat in the jeep staring out the window as he thought about what he was going to say to his sister. Of all the people he’d hurt through his addiction, the one that he was most sorry about was Molly. She was just a kid and looked up to her older brother for guidance through the years. He had let her down so many times in the last year and hoped that he’d be able to make it all up to her.

“Are you alright?” Brian asked, noticing how quiet Justin had become.

Justin jumped slightly at Brian’s voice. “What? On yeah, I’m fine. I’m just thinking about things.”

“Justin, you can’t change the past. It’s over now and there’s no going back. All you can do is make sure that history doesn’t repeat itself. You need to put it all behind you and move on. Once you do that, everyone around you will too. Including Molly,” Brian assured him, placing a comforting hand on Justin’s thigh.

“I know...I just hate what I did to her. She’s an innocent little girl and I hurt her because I was too fucked up to think straight. I…” Justin’s voice trailed off when he saw Brian glaring at him out of the corner of his eye. “Okay, you’re right. It’s time to look forward, not back.”

“Exactly. Now where the hell am I supposed to turn?” Brian asked, effectively changing the subject.

Once Brian parked the jeep outside Justin’s house, they climbed out and slowly made their way inside.

“Mom, I’m home,” Justin called out as he closed the door behind them.

“Honey, where have you been? I’ve been worried sick. I thought…” Jennifer stopped her questions as soon as she noticed the older man standing with Justin.

“Mom, this is Brian. We met in rehab. Brian, this is my mother, Jennifer Taylor,” Justin said as he made the introductions.

“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Taylor,” Brian said as he offered his hand.

“Uh…you too, Brian. Justin, may I talk to you in the kitchen please?” Jennifer said before walking away, giving Justin no other choice but to follow.

“I’ll be right back, Brian. Have a seat.” Justin left Brian in the living room and joined his mother in the kitchen. “What’s up?”

“What’s up? Why don’t you tell me? You disappear on your first night home without even telling me where you’re going. Then when you finally do show up, it’s with a man almost twice your age,” Jennifer replied angrily.

“Twice my age? Mother, he’s only like twelve years older than me if that, but I’m sure he’d love to hear your version. What’s the big deal? We met in rehab and really hit it off. He helped me out a lot in the beginning. I don’t know how I would’ve made it without him,” Justin explained.

“Well, then I’m glad you had him, but you’re not in rehab anymore. Do you really think it’s wise to be around someone like that?”

“Someone like what, Mother? An addict? In case you’ve forgotten, I’m an addict, too. Brian and I are friends and you’re just going to have to accept it. Now I came home to see Molly. Is she up in her room?” Justin asked, refusing to discuss Brian any further.

“Yes she is, but…” Jennifer’s voice trailed off as Justin left the kitchen.

Brian saw Justin walk back in the room and stood up quickly. “Is everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine. She just tends to forget that I’m an adult,” Justin explained before calling upstairs. “Molly, I’m home.”

Justin saw Molly walking down the stairs a few moments later and hated the uncertainty he saw in her eyes. She paused several times as she made her way toward him.

“Hey Mol, how’re you doing? Did you miss me?”

“Uh…yeah. Mom said that you were here last night but then left again,” she replied quietly.

“Yeah, sorry about that. I spent the night with a friend. Would you like to meet him?” seeing her nod her head, Justin held out his hand and waited until she grasped it before leading her over to Brian. “Molly, this is Brian.”

“Hi Molly, it’s good to meet you. Justin has told me a lot about you,” Brian said softly, noticing the apprehension in her.

“He did?”

“Yes he did. You were all he could talk about most of the time,” Brian assured her.

“He was gone a long time. I didn’t know if he was going to come back.”

“Of course I was coming back,” Justin said. “I wouldn’t go away and not come back to see my favorite sister.”

“I wasn’t sure. I know that Mom was mad when I got hurt. I thought that maybe you were mad at me for getting you in trouble. I didn’t mean to,” she almost whispered.

“Molly, it wasn’t your fault. I got myself into trouble. It had nothing to do with you. I’m sorry that you got hurt because of me. You know I would never do anything to hurt you on purpose, don’t you?”

Molly nodded her head as her eyes watered up and her bottom lip quivered. The sight made Justin want to cry. He felt horrible for the change in her and hated that he caused it.

“I’ll be right back. I have to run to the bathroom,” Justin said as he left the room. He just needed a few minutes by himself.

Once he locked himself in the bathroom, he looked at himself in the mirror and tried to push away the self-hatred he felt over what he had done. A year ago if Justin had been gone for six weeks, Molly would have thrown herself into his arms the moment she saw him again. Now all she could do was watch him through worried eyes and Justin hated it. He splashed some cool water on his face and pulled himself together before going back to join the others. Before stepping into the living room, he heard Brian and Molly talking and hung back, listening to their conversation.

“So Justin is all better now?” he heard Molly ask.

“Yes, he was sick for a little while but he’s all better now,” Brian assured her.

“I heard my mom say that he wasn’t the same Justin that he used to be. Does that mean he’s different? Cause I liked the old Justin.”

“I don’t think she meant it quite like that.” Brian laughed at Molly’s innocence. “Justin is the same person he always was. He’s just even better now because he’s not sick anymore. He’s still the same brother that loves you and wants to be there for you. You have nothing to worry about anymore. He’s going to be just fine, I promise.”

“Mom was really upset when I got hurt. I told her on the way to the hospital that it wasn’t his fault, but she wouldn’t listen to me. I thought that she sent him away because of me and I didn’t want that. I don’t want him to go away cause I miss him when he’s not here. He’s not going to go away again, is he?”

Before Brian had time to respond, Justin walked back into the living room and made his presence known. “No Molly, I’m not going away again. Everything’s going to be okay now.”

Molly turned towards her brother and threw herself into his arms. “I’m glad you’re still the same Justin, only better. I love you, Justin.”

“I love you too, Mol,” Justin replied, holding his sister tight. He glanced at Brian mouthing thank you to the other man, finally feeling as if everything was going to be okay.

After that, Molly seemed to be her old self again and the three of them sat around laughing while Molly replayed the events of the last six weeks. She joking blamed Justin for leaving her to do his chores and told Brian some of the silly things Justin used to do. Brian enjoyed listening to the easy banter between the siblings, comparing it to the hostility that he and Claire shared. Eventually their fun was halted when Jennifer appeared in the doorway.

“Is anyone hungry? I could make something to eat,” she asked, focusing on her children and not the man who showed up with Justin.

“No thanks Mom. Brian and I are going out to get something to eat,” Justin said before returning his attention to Molly. “I’ll be back later. Are you going to be here? We can watch a movie if you want.”

“My choice?” she asked.

“Anything you want,” Justin promised.

“I’ll be here,” Molly replied excitedly.

Justin hugged his sister once more before making his way towards the door. He turned to see Molly hugging Brian and smiled at her words.

“Will you come back and see me again?”

Brian was surprised by Molly’s question and glanced at Justin for help. Seeing Justin beaming at him as he nodded his head, Brian turned his attention back to the little girl in front of him. “I think that can be arranged.”

“Yeah!” Molly cheered, her smile matching her brothers.

“I’ll see you soon, Munchkin,” Brian said, placing a kiss on Molly’s cheek.

Once Brian and Justin were in the jeep, heading towards the diner, Justin couldn’t help but tease Brian.

“You’re just an old softy.”

“Hey, who are you calling old?” Brian asked in mock anger.

Justin laughed at Brian’s expression, but sobered quickly. “Thanks for talking to Molly. I really appreciate it. I had no idea what to say to make her understand. You helped to take away her fear.”

“How much did you hear?”

“Enough to know that you’re an old softy,” Justin giggled.

“Twat,” Brian replied with affection “And I’ll have you know there’s not a soft bone in this body.”

Justin reached over and grabbed Brian’s crotch for inspection. “I’ve felt it harder.”

“Well keep touching it and see what happens. I just don’t want to hear you complaining when you’re in the back seat with your heels over your head and your stomach growling,” Brian teased.

Justin pulled his hand away quickly. “Oh no, you promised me food.”

“Then keep your hands to yourself little boy,” Brian warned.

For the rest of the ride, Justin kept his hands to himself, although it wasn’t easy. Brian’s threat of the back seat sounded like heaven to him, but he wasn’t going to push it. He and Brian were having a nice day and Justin had a feeling that a quick fuck would cause Brian to shut down again and that wasn’t a part of Justin’s plan.

They had agreed on the Liberty Diner once Brian had checked his watch and figured there was a very slim chance of running into any of the gang this late in the afternoon. Mikey had mentioned Deb was mostly working mornings and the dinner shift. So he was shocked when they entered the diner and his eyes immediately locked with Mikey’s across the room.

“Brian, I’ve been worried sick about you!” Michael exclaimed, jumping up from his table to give him a hug. Ben sat back and watched to see how Brian would react to the assault. Brian reluctantly returned the embrace, awkwardly patting Michael’s back a couple of times before gently pushing him away. Michael was disappointed by the shun but that changed to confusion when he caught sight of the young man standing next to his best friend.

“Justin, right?” Michael asked and received a nod in return, “I remember you from Pleasant Valley. I didn’t realize you lived around here. That’s pretty convenient for you and Brian.”

“Good to see you again Michael. You’re right, I was definitely lucky to find someone that I could talk to and spend time with outside of rehab. It’s an experience that only those people who lived through it could really understand,” Justin replied.

“I think that’s often the case with people who go through traumatic life altering experiences together. It bonds them in a way that can be long lasting and very therapeutic in healing the broken soul,” Ben suggested, standing up from the table. Justin looked over at him confused.

“Sorry, I haven’t introduced myself yet. I’m Ben, Michael’s partner. You must be Justin, Brian’s friend from Pleasant Valley. Michael told me all about meeting you when he went to visit Brian. I think all of us were a little amazed to hear that Brian had actually been talking to another person outside of the bedroom,” Ben chuckled.

“All of us?” Brian asked Michael, daggers shooting out of his eyes. Michael’s eyes were downcast as he shifted his weight back and forth between his two feet.

“I had to tell them something after you ran out of the loft the other day. They were worried that you might be shutting everybody out and I wanted them to know that you had at least one person you were talking to. I mentioned meeting Justin and then Lindsay had met him too so she added her own bit information as well. I really didn’t think you’d be seeing him again so there was no harm in telling anyone,” Michael explained.

“Well you were wrong. Now if you’ll excuse us we’d like to order some lunch to go,” Brian replied.

“I thought we were staying?” Justin asked.

“Change of plans. Now take a look at the menu so we can order and get out of here.”

Brian’s voice was firm, which caused Justin to jump into action. Quickly scanning down the menu he gave his order to the first waitress he saw. Brian didn’t even bother looking at the menu, requesting his usual once Justin had finished speaking. There was a tense silence as the four men stood not far from the front door. Ben was the first to break the stand still.

“So Justin do you go to school?”

“Yeah, actually I’ll be starting at PIFA next semester. I had my enrollment deferred so I could deal with some personal issues. I’m an artist.”

“That’s great, PIFA is the perfect school for that. I’m sure Brian’s told you that Lindsay is an artist as well.”

“No, he hasn’t really told me much about her,” Justin replied, knowing that was a person Brian wasn’t particularly fond of at the moment. He glanced over at Brian, noting the grim expression on his face. Just when they thought the situation couldn’t get more uncomfortable, a booming voice called out from the back of the diner.

“Brian, there you are you little shit. What the hell happened to you last week?”

Brian visibly tensed and plastered a fake smile on his face before turning to face Debbie.

“I wasn’t in the mood to get interrogated in my own home so excuse me for leaving to get some privacy,” Brian stated.

“Well what did you expect? You fucking disappear for six weeks and we have to find out from Michael where you went. Then you finally get your ass home and shut us out all over again.”

“I had my reasons and you should respect my privacy.”

“Tough fucking shit. We’re a family and you tell your family when you’re in need of help. I don’t expect any less from you,” Debbie pushed.

“Maybe he doesn’t have to live up to your expectations. The only ones that should matter are his own. So back off and give him a little space while he tries to reclaim his life,” Justin said insistently. The forceful young man took Debbie aback. Looking him up and down she couldn’t help but notice how fucking adorable the kid was, even when he was being a rude little shit.

“Who the fuck are you?” she asked.

“That’s Justin,” Michael informed her.

“Oh yes, Lindsay’s description was right on. You don’t understand, it’s only because we love him so fucking much.”

“Then you should respect his wishes more and support him, not smother him,” Justin said.

“Don’t bother Justin, you can’t teach a dog new tricks,” Brian quipped, actually touched by Justin’s need to protect him.

“All right Kid, I’ll bite. How about I back off now if Brian comes by for dinner tomorrow night?” Debbie addressed Justin.

“You got a deal,” Justin replied swiftly. Brian immediately grabbed him by the arm, shaking his head in response. Justin lowered his voice so only Brian could hear him.

“Come on, this way you’ll be prepared instead of blindsided. I’ll even come with you.”

“You will?” Brian asked.

“Of course, you did it for me,” Justin said sweetly, lightly brushing their fingertips together. Brian couldn’t help but smile back.

“Fine, we’ll be there. Make sure there’s an extra chair for Justin,” Brian said casually as he turned back to the others and reached out to grab the take out bags. Dropping the cash on the counter, Brian said his quick good-byes and rushed out of the diner, Justin in tow.

Debbie watched them go and let out a loud laugh when the door clanged shut behind them.

“I really like that kid. He’s a hoot! Definitely a keeper,” Debbie chuckled and got back to work. Ben and Michael didn’t know what to think.

By the time Brian and Justin walked into Debbie’s the next day everyone was already there. Brian made the introductions and Justin couldn’t help but notice the questioning looks that he was receiving. Justin was especially surprised at how happy Debbie was to see him. He figured after their little confrontation at the diner the woman would want nothing to do with him. Quite the opposite happened. She was constantly hugging him in a death grip and squeezing his cheeks like he was five. Lindsay, on the other hand, was quiet and kept her distance. Maybe she was expecting Justin to take her head off again like he did at Pleasant Valley. Everyone else seemed to be more in awe of him than anything else. He was beginning to suspect Brian Kinney rarely brought company to family dinner.

On his way back from the bathroom Justin noticed a kid sitting off to the side, lost in his own little world and wondered if he had met him somewhere before. He seemed very familiar. Before Justin had time to react, dinner was served and everyone headed to the table. Once the plates were filled, Brian asked the question that had been plaguing him since they arrived.

“Who’s the kid?”

“Oh that’s right. You haven’t heard. That’s Hunter; Ben and I are his foster parents. Hunter, sit up straight. This is Brian and Justin,” Michael said, beaming at the boy.

“Yeah, I know. I do have ears, you know,” Hunter replied sarcastically.

Brian smirked at the chip on the boy’s shoulder before turning back to Michael. “Jeez, I leave you alone for six weeks and you end up with a kid,” he teased.

“Yeah, well Hunter was in some…uh…trouble and didn’t have anywhere to go so Ben and I took him in. He’s a good kid,” Michael said.

“Ben and Michael, Ma and Pa. Who would have thought,” Brian laughed.

“Now don’t you start picking on them. I think what they’re doing is great. It shows responsibility and maturity; something that I was beginning to think Michael would never have,” Debbie said sincerely.

“Thanks a lot, Ma,” Michael whined

“Well Michael, there is more to life than Captain Astro,” she replied.

“Leave him alone, Sis. His love for comics is a real money maker if the shop sales are anything to go by,” Vic pointed out in Michael’s defense.

“As his accountant,” Ted began. “I have to say that sales have almost doubled since Buzzy retired. Who would have thought that Little Michael could turn out to be such a good business man?”

“All those years at the Big Q are finally paying off,” Brian joked.

“Alright you guys, stop picking on Michael. He’s not only a good business man, but a good foster Dad and a great partner,” Ben said, putting him arm around Michael in support.

“Thank you Ben,” Michael said as he kissed his partner.

“I just call them like I see them.”

“Christ, all this lesbian shit is making me ill,” Brian said dramatically.

“Brian!” Lindsay and Mel exclaimed in simultaneously.

Brian just laughed as he continued to eat, actually enjoying the family gathering with Justin by his side.

Justin listened to the conversation between all of them, all the while wondering if Hunter was who Justin was beginning to suspect him to be. Once he heard the name he saw the resemblance and began to think it was more than coincidence. Deciding that he needed to know, Justin waited until dinner was over and Hunter went out back before quietly slipping away to follow him.

“Jimmy?” Justin asked as he approached the boy.

Hunter turned around in shock. “How do you know my name?”

“I’m a friend of Damon’s,” Justin explained. “He’s been very worried about you.”

“Fuck that! He wasn’t worried about me when we were living together so he shouldn’t bother now. Tell him I said to fuck off!” Hunter replied angrily.

Justin sighed, saddened by the anger that Jimmy had for his brother. When he realized who Hunter was, Justin had hoped to be able to help Damon out by reuniting the brothers. “Yeah, I’ll make sure to pass that information along to him once he’s out of rehab,” Justin mumbled as he walked back towards the house.

“He’s in rehab?” Hunter asked quietly. “Why? I mean, what happened?”

“That’s his story to tell. Why don’t you call him and ask him yourself?” Justin suggested.

“I…don’t know.”

“Look Jimmy,” Justin started.

“Its Hunter now,” Hunter spat.

“Right, Hunter. That’s what Damon said he used to call you. Look, Damon has a lot of issues he’s dealing with right now. One of them is feeling guilty about your disappearance. He’s worried sick about you; wondering if you’re still alive. I know that everything can’t be fixed overnight, but one phone call wouldn’t hurt. If things don’t work out, then all you wasted was a few minutes of your time,” Justin reasoned.

“I’ll think about it,” Hunter replied softly.

“That’s all I ask,” Justin said.

Neither one of them noticed Brian standing off in the shadows.

Hunter was just turning to walk back into the house, when he noticed Brian standing directly behind them.

“Jesus, you scared me,” Hunter exclaimed, backing up a bit.

“I was just wondering where the two of you had disappeared to.”

“We have a friend in common,” Justin said simply.

“So I heard, care to tell me what Damon has to do with anything?” Brian asked in annoyance.

Hunter could sense the tension radiating off Brian and thought it best to excuse himself from the situation. With a mumbled good-bye to Brian and a promise to Justin to talk at another time, he went back into the house. Justin watched him go, waiting until the door closed behind him before directing his attention to Brian.

“Do you want to get going soon because I think we’ve both had some long days. It might be nice to go back to the loft now and get reacquainted,” Justin hinted suggestively, hoping Brian would let the prior conversation drop. Luck was not on his side.

“How about you tell me a little more about your little friend Damon first? Like what the hell Mikey and Ben’s little foundling has to do with him and why you care so much?”

“Brian, why don’t you just drop it? I promised Damon I wouldn’t tell anyone about his past and I intend to keep my word. He’s not even here so why is this bothering you so much?” Justin asked in exasperation.

“Because you’ve only been out of rehab for three days and he’s already become the topic du jour at the dinner table.”

“We’re not even at the dinner table. Hunter and I were having a private conversation before you interrupted. I swear to you that it’s nothing to worry about. It doesn’t affect you or our association with one another. Damon’s a friend that, believe it or not, is worse off than both of us combined.”

“How do you expect me to trust you if you won’t tell me what’s going on?” Brian asked in a huff. Justin reached out to touch his arm but Brian was already backing away. Before he could utter another word, Brian opened the door and hurried into the house. Justin trailed behind, but wasn’t quick enough to catch him. By the time Justin had joined the others in the living room, Brian had already grabbed his coat and disappeared out the front door.

“Shit!” Justin shouted in aggravation, drawing the attention of everyone else in the room. Justin turned to look at everyone, slightly embarrassed by his outburst.

“Sorry, we just had a bit of a disagreement,” He explained quietly.

“Sure you did. That asshole can fly off the handle at the drop of a hat so don’t you worry about it Sweetheart. Just give him some time to cool down and he’ll be back to his normal surly self. In the meantime, I could give you a ride home if you want,” Deb suggested.

“It’s so like him to just take off and leave someone high and dry,” Melanie snorted.

“Probably on his way to getting his dick sucked as we speak,” Ted said.

“Or maybe he’ll stop off at Woody’s first for a few drinks,” Emmett added.

“Justin, how about we drop you off since we’ll be heading out soon anyways. It shouldn’t be too much of a problem,” Hunter piped in, looking questioningly over at his two guardians.

“Of course, it’s not a problem at all,” Michael confirmed.

The voices hardly registered with Justin who was too busy looking for his coat in the large closet. Once he had found it, Justin could finally focus on what everyone was talking about.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” he asked Hunter.

“I just thought you might need a ride home and Michael said it was all right so anytime time you want to go…” Hunter replied.

“Thanks Hunter, but I’m all set,” Justin answered and then directed his gaze to the rest of the room, “thank you everyone for a wonderful evening and I’m sorry to cut it short but I’ve really got to run.”

Justin was almost to the door, when Michael called out to him.

“But how will you get home?”

“Brian,” Justin stated simply.

“But he’s already long gone by now,” Michael explained.

Justin smiled back in response and was out the door without another word. He buttoned his coat and walked to the car that was still sitting out front. Brian sat in the driver’s seat, his forehead resting on the steering wheel. Justin quietly opened the passenger side door and sat down, waiting for Brian to speak. Brian took a few more moments and lifted his head.

“How did you know I’d still be here?” Brian asked.

“Where else would you go? Your sobriety means too much to you to risk it by going to a bar or club alone. And whether you want to admit it or not you do care about me, so I can’t imagine you just leaving me here.”

“I think there is a house full of people that would disagree with you on that one.”

“There’s also a house full of people that weren’t there when you were struggling for survival and learning to live a new way. I was there. I know you in a way that no one else does and that’s part of the reason why we can depend on each other, even when we disagree. You just have to let me in a little more,” Justin pleaded.

Brian stared into Justin’s eyes, reading the truth in them. He still couldn’t get control over his feelings about Damon but it was his problem to work through. Justin didn’t owe him anything and maybe there wasn’t anything going on between them anyways. He had to believe that before it consumed him. Brian nodded his head in agreement and started the engine.

“Let’s go back to the loft. You’re not expected at home tonight, are you?” Brian asked.

“Nope, I’m all yours.”

Brian couldn’t suppress the smile that crossed his lips at that statement. Pulling away from the curb, he realized tonight might be salvaged after all.

Meanwhile, several faces pressed up against the window watching the car leave. Everyone had expected Justin to walk back in and take up Michael’s offer of a ride home. They were in complete shock that not only was Brian waiting outside but also Justin had known he would be.

“I’ll be damned, the kid was right,” Deb proclaimed.

“What do you think is really going on between those two?” Lindsay asked.

“Don’t know, but he seems to be the only one that can get close to Brian nowadays. I wish it was me but thank god he has someone,” Michael commented.

“He just needs some time to adjust to everyone. Brian will be back to his old self soon enough,” Deb responded.

“Or maybe he’ll be someone completely new and we’ll be the ones that have to adjust. Brian’s a different person now and that’s not such a bad thing. Rehab might have been the best thing to ever happen to Brian, not only is he sober but now he has Justin in his life too,” Lindsay stated.

Everyone was silent as they thought about what Lindsay had just said and what it meant for their fucked up little family.

End of part 6


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