to our site which is dedicated to our favorite fandoms. This
site started in 2002 as a FanFic site for one fandom but after a couple of years we
realized that we enjoyed other fandoms from tv, movies, books, comics, and
some from our own imaginations. It was decided at that
time to expand into
other areas which have grabbed our fancy. Our site contains some stories
that have explicit sex of both same sex and opposite sex pairings. All
stories are properly marked so that no one will unknowingly read a type of
story that they don't want to read. If these fandoms and pairings have
captivated you as much as they have us, then welcome to our site.
If you're under 18, please be honest and come
back when you are.
Our Fandoms So Far
Queer As Folk
Stargate/Stargate Atlantis
Various Comics/Anime/Manga
Star Trek - Various
Battlestar Galactica
Invisible Man
The O.C.
Harry Potter
The Faculty
Lord of the Rings
Dante's Cove
The Black Stallion
X Files
Gorgeous Carat
Final Fantasy
Yami No Matsuei
Original Works
The miscellaneous fandom page contains fandoms for which we only have a couple of stories. Once a fandom has more then 3 stories, it will receive its own link.
This is a general disclaimer for the whole site. None of us own or even claim to own the characters in any of the fandoms, only those in our original stories. We make no money off of this or from this. We do this strictly for the fun and enjoyment that it gives. All the stories are put here with the permission and help of the authors. Please do not take stories without specific permission. Each author also helps in the design of their pages. If any pictures are used without permission, we do apologize as so many of us here have the photos in our files and have forgotten where we got them. Please let us know and we will give credit where credit is due as we mean no disrespect to you. If you would like us to add a link, please send an email with the URL and we will add it to our list.
A Big Thank You to Margaret and Gayle for the design and administration of the site and letting us park here. Special thanks go out to Susan, Danny and Sabina for doing many of the wonderful pictures here. Thanks also go out to Elliot and Dale for the use of their pictures.
If you have any problems with the site, please contact Margaret or Gayle