
Chapter Twenty-Three


Two hours later, Ezra smiled as he collected his winnings from the two agents. "Wow, where did you learn to play poker so well?" asked Agent Julia Sanders.

"I've been playing since I was old enough to hold a deck of cards. It was one of the first things my mother ever taught me," Ezra replied.

If only his mother could see him now, he mused. Battered and bruised, hiding from criminals in a 'safe-house'. It was more of a cabin, really, set deep in the woods. It was isolated, he owned it and the land that it sat on for three miles. It was one of the first things he had bought with the inheritance that had been left to him by his grandfather.

Maude was in Paris, France, and Ezra doubted that she knew what was going on. They hadn't been in touch for a year, ever since he had told her that he was in love with a man. And, to add insult to injury, he had informed her that it was Chris Larabee. His mother and Chris had hated each other with a passion, ever since Chris had found out the kind of childhood Ezra had had. And, when he had informed Maude what he thought of her "mothering skills", the war was on.

But, between Chris and Maude, Chris would win hands down, every time. 'Or, he would've,' Ezra thought.

"Ezra, are you still with us?" asked Agent Harry Mullard.

Ezra gave his head a slight shake, and said, "Uh? Oh, yes, I am. I was just thinking about a few things." After a slight pause, he added, "If you two will excuse me, I think I will retire to my room and lie down for a bit." Nodding his head to both agents, he was gone before either of them could say anything.



Ezra had re-emerged from his room around two that afternoon, enjoying a lunch with the two agents. They had all three talked, watched some television, debated the pros and cons of different foods. Even though he was in hiding, Ezra had actually enjoyed the day.

"Well, Agents Harrison and Milter should be here any time," said Agent Mullard.

Ezra nodded just as there was a knock on the door. Both agents drew their Glocks and Agent Sanders approached the door and looked out the little peephole. "It's Harrison and Milter," she replied as she and Mullard put away their guns, and Sanders opened the door.

As the two agents filed in, Mullard and Sanders grabbed their coats and Mullard said, "We'll see you in the morning, Ezra. 'Night."

"Goodnight," he replied.

"How are you doing?" Agent Neil Harrison asked.

Ezra put on his 'poker face' and replied, "Pretty good. You?"

"Can't complain," replied Harrison.

"Same here," said Agent Luke Milter.

"Listen, we have some news on Mary. She has pleaded no contest and she will be sentenced next week. Your team mates are still working on the Mounds case and are still trying to find you," said Agent Milter.

Ezra sighed, "I figured as much." He was glad that Mary was going to be sentenced, he just wished that he would be able to be there.

"What about Mary's son Billy?" he asked. He'd always had a soft spot for children.

"Mister and Mrs Travis sued and won permanent custody of him this morning," replied Agent Milter.

Ezra nodded, "Good."

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