Tempt and Taunt Me Drabbles



Justin danced with one eye on the door. As soon as he saw Brian enter Babylon, he closed his eyes and began moving with complete abandon. The song changed to something with a slower beat, and Justin rolled his hips to the music. He raised his arms above his head, pulling his shirt up to let an inch or two of skin show.

When he opened his eyes, Brian was watching from the bar. Justin licked his lips and winked. Brian’s answering smirk told him Brian recognized the game for what it was. But that wouldn’t stop him from playing.



Michael watched Ben and Hunter on the basketball court, marveling at how much they looked like any other father and son enjoying a friendly competition. Not sure who was winning, he yelled encouragement to both of them.

Then Ben took his shirt off, and Michael fell silent. Ben leapt up to steal the ball, and Michael stared, transfixed by the way his muscles flexed and bunched. He yearned to lick the drop of sweat that glistened near Ben’s nipple. Michael hoped like hell Hunter had plans for after the game because he and Ben were going to be very busy.



Brian was the sexist person Justin had ever met, maybe not the best looking, but definitely the sexiest. Stretched out on the couch, wearing nothing but a pair of unbuttoned jeans, he was an artist’s dream.

But Justin didn’t reach for his sketchpad. He wanted to touch. Justin imagined sliding his hand under those jeans, tangling his fingers in the dark hairs peeking out of the open fly. He wanted to taste. Brian’s skin would be warm and taste of sandalwood from his recent shower. Justin didn’t want to draw, he wanted to feel. Brian never knew what hit him.



“Enjoying your bath?” Melanie asked as she opened the bathroom door.

“Very much.” Lindsay stretch slowly, arching her back just enough to let her breasts rise out of the water, her pale skin flushed pink from the heat of the water. “There’s nothing like being surrounded by all this warm, slick water.”

Then she threw one leg onto the ledge of the tub, and Melanie’s eyes followed the bubbles as they slid down her calf and dissolved in a pool near her foot. Melanie dropped the towels she’d been carrying and hastily stripped off her clothes before joining her wife.




His name was a quiet warning, and though he groaned in frustration as his body trembled on the edge of orgasm, Justin dropped his hand before it reached his cock.

“Good boy.” Brian rewarded Justin by pushing the dildo in another inch.

So close. Justin knew if he pushed back the tiniest bit, the dildo would finally hit his prostate, but he held still.

“I promise it will be worth it.” Brian’s breath ghosted over Justin’s cock as he removed the dildo. Before Justin could react, Brian thrust the dildo back in and sucked Justin’s cock into his mouth.


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