Take Care, My Love


Author's Notes:  This was supposed to be part of the Hair Challenge at [info]qaf_drabbles, but it was never going to fit into 100 words. So short it's hardly worth posting, but it's a miracle I managed this much.

I took the title from George Michael's "You Have Been Loved." I adore that song.




Justin entered the loft quietly, not wanting to wake Brian if he was sleeping. He’d checked in with Ted after class and knew Brian hadn’t returned to Kinnetik after his treatment.

Justin swore softly when he found the bed empty. There was only one other place Brian could be. He felt a momentary flare of relief when he opened the bathroom door and heard the shower running, but it faded immediately when he saw Brian sitting on the shower floor, shoulder braced against the wall for support.

The bathroom was clean, but the towels spread out on the floor by the toilet and the stale smell lingering in the air told Justin Brian had been in here a while. Justin stripped quickly but took the time to pick the towels up off the floor and put them in the hamper along with his clothes. He set out new towels, refolding them twice, before he forced himself to stop stalling and stepped into the shower.

“Out,” Brian snapped without opening his eyes.

Justin winced at the rough sound of Brian’s voice, knew it only got that way when his throat was raw from throwing up. But he didn’t say anything, just closed the door and adjusted the water temperature to warm it back up.

“I don’t want. . .”

“Me here. I know,” Justin finished for him, his own voice harsh. He sat down behind Brian, felt him stiffen. Justin bit his lip then rested his forehead against the back of Brian’s head and began again, more softly. “Just let me, okay.”

Let me what he didn’t know. There were a hundred things he wanted to do, to say, but Brian couldn’t bear them, and right now, neither could Justin. They sat in silence, water beating down on them, Brian not fighting him, but still tense and unyielding beneath his hands when Justin touched him.

Finally, Justin pulled back a little and reached for the shampoo. Brian’s hair hadn’t fallen out, wasn’t going to, but still Justin braced himself for the possibility when he began to wash. But it felt good, strong and beautiful, sliding between his fingers. He stopped worrying and let himself enjoy touching Brian; he took his time, massaging Brian’s scalp, running his fingers through his hair again and again.

Brian gradually relaxed, letting Justin take more and more of his weight. When Justin stopped, Brian sighed and let his head fall back until it rested on Justin’s shoulder. The water hit his face so he turned just enough to tuck his face into the curve of Justin’s neck. Justin pulled him closer, felt the words Brian whispered against his skin.

He stroked Brian’s hair, watching as the water rinsed away the shampoo, letting it wash away his own whispered thank you’s.

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