Opposites Drabbles


Life and Death

Vic had been dying for years. Even when he wasn’t at death’s door, he was waiting for the next cold, the first sarcoma, yet another sign that death was near. From the moment he got his diagnosis, Vic felt death near him.

Then he met Rodney, and for the first time in years, a man touched him with genuine desire. Vic had forgotten what it felt like to be loved, to make love. Rodney made him feel young and attractive, made him feel alive. When he was with Rodney, Vic was so focused on living that he forgot about death.

Joy and Despair

When Michael left him in search of news and coffee, Brian, grateful for the moment alone, closed his eyes and rested his head against the wall. Images from the night before immediately flooded his mind. Justin taking his hand. The promise in Justin’s eyes when he stripped Brian of his jacket. His smile, his fucking beautiful smile, when they said goodbye. The happiness in his voice when he told Brian it was the best night of his life.

“Mine too,” Brain whispered into the empty hallway. When he opened his eyes, all he saw was the blood on his hands.

Fear and Safety

Every time Lindsay closed her eyes, she saw it. The confusion, the terror and people spilled out of Babylon. She could smell the smoke in the air if she breathed too deeply, could hear the screams if she listened hard enough. How could this have happened?

Lindsay knew if she thought about it too much, the fear would paralyze her. So she focused on the sound of Gus and JR’s steady breathing and the weight of Mel’s hand in hers. The people she loved above all others were in this bed with her, and they were safe. Finally, she slept.

Light and Darkness

Ted knew his life was descending into darkness, but he couldn’t stop it. The deeper he fell, the more Crystal lured him down to even lower depths. He needed the darkness, the peace and oblivion it brought. In the dark, he could hide from the mess of his life and pretend he was still in control.

Despite everything, Emmett still loved him. Ted could see it his eyes and in his smile, even when it was forced. Emmett’s love was a bright light in the darkness of his life, and more and more Ted found himself turning away from it.

Black and White

Brian stood in the doorway of his bedroom, admiring the sight before him. He’d turned all the lights off so the only illumination came from above the bed. Justin seemed to glow in the blue light, his skin taking on an almost alabaster luminousness. Sprawled naked across the bed, he opened his eyes when Brian stepped into the room.

“I thought you were just going to look all night.”

“I still might,” Brian teased. But then he joined Justin on the bed, getting in one last long look before Justin pounced.

The black silk sheets had been a brilliant idea.


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