Sinking Ship



“Brian,” Ted began, but Brian held up a hand to stop him.

The reports were clear. It was bad enough reading about Kinnetik’s likely demise; Brian couldn’t stomach Ted explaining it in excruciating detail. And there were other things to attend to, like Ted’s career. Brian’s inattention may have led to this mess, but he would salvage what he could. “Theodore, I spoke to Leo Brown, and he has a comparable position for you at Brown Athletics if you want it.”

“No way. If we go down, we go down fighting, together.”

“Well then, batten down the hatches, Matey.”




Smooth Sailing


Author's Note: Sequel to Sinking Ship written for [info]vl_redreign who wanted Ted to fix it!


* * *

“Brian, I don’t know what to say.”

“A gold watch seemed so cliché,” Brian shrugged, striving for nonchalance.

The premium box seats for Pittsburgh’s Opera Season cost him nothing but money, but securing luxury hotel accommodations and tickets for opening night at The Met proved more difficult. Five years after Kinnetik’s near demise, Brian again had the connections to do it.

They’d made big sacrifices-selling Britin, Justin leaving New York to become Kinnetik’s art department, Ted working essentially for free, Blake filling in where he could. Yet, Ted never once lost faith.

Brian met his eyes, “And you deserve it.”

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