How Indiscreet

Note: There's thing thing going around livejournal where people post the first lines from songs and if you see one that you like you write a drabble based on it. While I found on in burnitbackward's journal that called to me, but it got a bit out of hand. Most I read were a paragraph or two, but mine ended up being quite a bit longer. It's inbetaed since it was supposed to be a quick little thing.

"I saw you last night, my, my, how indiscreet" (Andrew Bird's Bowl of Fire -- How Indiscreet)


Hunter looked up when the bell over the door rang. His heart dropped when he saw Brian walk in. He didn't want to deal with Brian today; there was no way he could even look at him. Not after last night.

He'd wanted Brian from the first time he saw him. Wanted him desperately, even when he wasn't sure if he was gay. He would have had him too if he could have pried him away from that stupid blond kid. Justin or Sunshine, how gay of a nickname was that? And, god was he fucking clueless. He seemed to think he was in some kind of relationship with Brian. Guys like Brian didn't have relationships; everyone knew that.

What really killed Hunter was how fucking smug he was. Nothing bothered him. He ignored all the guys, Hunter included, who threw themselves at Brian. He didn't even care when Brian disappeared into the bathroom with some hot guy behind him. Justin would just continue on like it didn't happen so fucking sure that Brian would be going home with him. Even when Brian wasn't around he was smug. Hunter heard people try and explain things to him. They'd tell him all about Brian's conquests and how Brian would never settle down (which really meant he'd never settle for Justin). But he'd ignore them and sit there with that dumb smile on his face like he knew something no one else did.

Justin didn't know shit. Hunter knew all about Brian. He'd been fucked by guys like him before. Not often because they usually went through agencies instead of settling for what they could find on the street. But once in a great while he'd gotten lucky. They were the ones who understood fucking was just that fucking. It was about feeling good and was nothing to be ashamed or secretive about. And feelings were never ever involved. They were the only ones who insisted on condoms and actually used lube. And for the brief time he was with them, Hunter could pretend it wasn't always about pain and humiliation. Hunter never wanted a relationship with Brian; he just wanted one night to remind him.

Hunter never missed a chance to remind Justin of how little he meant to Brian. He made sure he knew Brian had way better options than him. Justin seemed vaguely amused by this which pissed Hunter off, but he knew he was right. They weren't even living together for Christ's sake. If Brian ever did want a relationship it wouldn't be with someone like Justin. He was too young and demanding. And from what Hunter had heard, he already caused Brian a shitload of trouble.

It always gave Hunter a little thrill to hear about Brian's conquests. He listen to Michael tell Ben how many times Brian visited the backroom or Ted talk about the client that got a private tour of the executive washroom. If Justin didn't irritate him so much he'd feel sorry for him. Too stupid to see what was so obvious to Hunter. He was nothing more than Brian's backup fuck. He'd said as much to Ben one day who only laughed and asked if he was sure he wasn't related to Michael in some way. If he wasn't already used to only understanding half of what Ben said he might have tried to figure out what that meant.

And then Justin did the most colossally stupid thing possible. He left for California. While everyone else was blubbering at his goodbye party, Hunter resisted the urge to shout "Out of sight out of mind" to him. It's not like Brian would be sitting around waiting for him to come back. He had already forgotten about him if his unmentioned absence at the party was any indication. Hunter had taken every opportunity to throw himself at Brian during the gloriously Justin free months. Unfortunately he'd had fewer chances than expected.

He'd heard Ted bragging about Kinnetik's new west coast clients so he knew Michael was telling the truth when he said Brian's sudden and frequent trips to L.A. were for business. Hunter knew all about body language. He learned to read it quickly in his previous line of work. He only had a few seconds to size up a trick. He needed to know if he was looking at a nervous first timer, a talker who wanted to tell him about how his wife didn't understand him, or a silent, no eye contact quickie. Depending on how much he needed the money, he needed to decide if he was willing to risk the bruises he knew a client mark him with or if he was willing to be left bleeding. Hunter may have given up that life, but he still knew how to read people. And the glow Brian returned with was from the sun and hours spent on nude beaches. The pinched look that always preceded his trips was due to stress. None of it had anything to do with Justin.

Hunter shook his head in disappointment as he watched Brian flip through the comics on the new display. It was bad enough he and Justin appeared to pick up right where they left off when Justin came back, but last night was the last straw. Personally, Hunter thought the thirty previous "Welcome Home Justin" events had been more than enough. He had only been gone for six months. The banner at the diner, the night at Woody's Hunter had been able to attend, the night at Babylon he hadn't, the painfully civilized lunch at his mother's he'd heard Brian bitch about, and the invitation to speak to one of Ben's classes were way more than he deserved. But Debbie insisted on having a fucking family dinner for her Sunshine, and attendance had been mandatory.

Hunter endured hours of stories about all the famous people Justin had met, and Emmett trying to convince Brian to throw a housewarming party now that Justin was officially living with him. Eventually everyone moved to the living room where too much food and wine lulled most conversations to a halt. Justin laid down on the couch with Brian more or less sprawled out on top of him. Brian had just leered at everyone and pressed harder against Justin when Michael and Ted called for them to get a room. Hunter settled on the floor leaning up against the side of the couch. Brian couldn't see him and must not have realized Hunter could hear him. At least that was the only explanation he could come up with for what happened next.

"Take me home and fuck me," he heard Brian whisper to Justin.

"Hmm?" was all Justin said.

"You heard me. Take me home and fuck me."

"How do you want it? Hard and fast so you come screaming my name or slow and deep so you still feel me in you tomorrow?" Justin sounded like he was half asleep. Hunter didn't know how he could be so relaxed. As horrified as he was by the very idea of Justin fucking Brian, he was hard as hell just from the sound of Brian's voice.

"It's still early, how `bout both starting with hard and fast?" If this conversation went on much longer, Hunter was going to come in his pants right there on the floor.

"Kay," Justin still sounded tired. It was a ridiculous amount of time later that Hunter heard sounds of movement from the couch.

"Hey Deb, we're going. Thanks for dinner. I'll see you tomorrow." Justin was so pathetic still working in the diner.

Of course Debbie wanted to hug and kiss both of them and load them down with leftovers. Twenty minutes later, they were just making their way to the door. Justin was an idiot for not dragging Brian home the minute he mentioned fucking. If he'd ever been the slightest bit serious, he had to have changed his mind by now.

Before they could make it out, Hunter heard Emmett's hopeful voice from across the room, "Babylon?"

It was Justin who answered, "Not tonight. Brian has an early meeting, and he needs his beauty sleep."

"Since when does Brian Kinney need sleep? Can't get it up any more Bri?" Ted teased.

Hunter couldn't believe it when Brian smiled and said, "Don't need to Theodore. Justin's doing the work tonight."

Hunter's jaw dropped and he felt his face turning red. It was one thing to whisper about these things, but to admit them out loud! He glanced around the room expecting to see similar reactions, but no one else seemed shocked. Emmett just laughed and Ted muttered something about the benefits of youth. Debbie yelled, "You go Sunshine," from the kitchen. Ben and Michael just waved as Brian and Justin finally left arms wrapped around each other. But the look in their eyes told Hunter he's be sleeping with headphones on again.

The clatter of Brian's sunglasses as they hit the counter brought Hunter back to the present. "So where are all the responsible adults hiding?"

"Michael's not here," he mumbled without looking up.

"Well then I guess it's up to you to entertain me," Brian replied in his normal jokingly suggestive tone.

Normally Hunter would jump all over a remark like that. He never passed up a chance to proposition Brian since he never knew if he might get lucky, and Brian would forget he was practically Michael's son. But today, he couldn't even face him. "I'm busy," he said trying to look like he actually knew what the papers in front of him said.

"Yeah right," Brian snorted. "What bug crawled up your ass?"

"None, but that's not what I heard about you," Hunter shot back looking at Brian for the first time. Seeing the relaxed and satisfied look on his face, he wished he hadn't.

"Thanks for reminding me. Justin should be home from work by now. Tell Mikey I'll catch him later, much later." With a smirk and a wave, Brian left the store. Hunter buried his face in his hands and wished desperately that he'd never see Brian or Justin again.

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