Gusmas Drabbles


The Weight of Gratitude
Prompt: Thankful


Brian stroked Justin’s hair, a quiet “thank you” falling from his lips.

“Did you just thank me for blowing you?” Justin asked, barely lifting his head from where it rested on Brian’s thigh.

Brian froze, the floor suddenly cold and hard beneath his back. He wanted to make a joke, but he couldn’t. Not after Justin said yes, and he realized, finally, how much he wanted this, how much it meant to him. But he’d already laid himself as bare as he could.

Then Justin smiled, his eyes filled with warmth and understanding. “You can thank me by fucking me.”


 Staying in Place
Prompt: Rapid deceleration


Michael slammed on the brakes, bringing Ted’s car to a sudden halt at the entrance to the alley. “Get in,” he yelled when Hunter approached the window.

“I’m working.” The enticing smile vanished from Hunter’s face.

“Get in the fucking car.” Michael threw a twenty at him.

“I thought you’d never ask,” Hunter sneered.

“Shut the fuck up and listen. You’re done hustling. You have a family now. I don’t care if you think we’re too strict or you want to impress Brian by picking up killers. No more fucking tricks. Got it?”

Hunter slumped down in the seat. “Yeah.”


Deja Vu
Prompt: 1st Pictute Prompt-fall woods


“Why are we going to Grandma’s next month for Thanksgiving when today is Thanksgiving?” Gus asked.

“Because we live in Canada, and we celebrate Thanksgiving today. Grandma and your fathers live in America, and their Thanksgiving is in November.” Lindsay watched JR running ahead, kicking at the few leaves that had fallen, and realized thinking about Thanksgiving in Pittsburgh no longer made her sad or homesick.

Lindsay squeezed Melanie’s hand and shared a smile with her wife. They had so much to be thankful for.

“Grandma’s Thanksgiving is better because I get to miss school,” Gus declared before joining JR.



All I Want is You
Prompt: Restless

Notes: Title taken from U2


Brian paced the length of the room, resisting the urge to check his appearance again. His tie was perfect, every hair was in place. He looked amazing, and he knew it.

The door opened behind him, and he turned, expecting to see Michael ready to escort him or Gus with one last question. Instead, Justin stood in the doorway, his tux different than the one they’d picked years ago, but he was just as beautiful; his smile stilling Brian’s steps, his thoughts, his breath.

“Second thoughts?” Justin teased while holding out his hand.

Brian laced their fingers together, “Not one.”



Lies We Tell Ourselves
Prompt: The Last Time


Brian gave Justin’s nipple ring a sharp tug, laughing when Justin gasped and began rocking his hips faster. Brian tugged the ring again, but it was his turn to gasp when Justin’s clenched his ass hard around his cock.

Not ready to relinquish control, Brian slowed his thrusts until he was barely moving. Justin protested, but Brian held him still with a hand on his hip. They weren’t doing this again, and Brian intended to take his time. One last fuck then Justin was going back home to Mommy and Daddy permanently. Brian planned to enjoy every second of it.


Learning the Ropes
Prompt: The truth hurts


Justin slid into the booth, giving Brian a quick kiss before reaching over to steal his coffee.

“Hey!” he protested when Brian slapped his hand away.

“Ignore him,” Emmett said. “He’s pissed because the new waiter called him ‘Sir.’”

“Really?” Justin laughed, twisting around until he spotted him, looking so young and so obviously scared that his heart dropped. “Poor thing, I’ll talk to him later. He’ll make way better tips if he flatters the older guys.”

“Who are you calling older!” Brian’s eyebrow shot up. “And your tips weren’t for fucking flattery.”

“Who said you were my best tipper.”


Plaid or Herringbone
Prompt: You are like hurricane


Blake found Ted sprawled on the couch, arm flung over his eyes. “Everything ok?”

“Emmett was here.” Ted uncovered his eyes. “To go over the reception details again.”

“Didn’t we finalize those last week?” Blake asked, pulling Ted’s feet into his lap once Ted lifted them enough for him to sit.

“We did, but Emmett showed up with flip charts and powerpoints and swatches,” Ted shuddered. “I’m still not sure if they were for napkins, centerpieces, or an unfortunate tie I doubt either of us agreed to.”

Blake squeezed Ted’s foot and laughed. “I guess that explains the glitter.”


To Watch You Go Down
Prompt: Ice

Notes: Title take from U2's "So Cruel"

Brian slammed the loft door, closing his eyes to block out the look on Justin’s face. He waited until he heard Justin’s footsteps fade away to bang his fist on the door in frustration.

Justin had come to him, on his own, and all Brian had wanted to do was tell him he was proud of him, to kiss him until his smile changed from accomplishment to desire. But he didn’t have that right anymore.

Brian straightened up and walked away from the door, already feeling the layer of ice forming around his heart. He hoped it was thick enough.


Prompt: 2nd Picture Prompt-Airport


Justin’s face lit up when he exited the tunnel and saw Brian waiting at the gate. He kissed him enthusiastically, not caring that they were blocking the way for the other passengers.

“How did you get past security?” Justin asked.

“I’m a passenger, not a visitor.” Brian waved two boarding passes in front of Justin’s face, but didn’t let him read them. “Let’s go, our gate is on the other side of the airport, and you still need to check in.”

“Wait,” Justin stopped. “What about my bag?”

“Mikey’s got it. You won’t be needing all those clothes,” Brian teased.


A Not So Spontaneous Proposal
Prompt: I dare you


“Go on, I dare you,” Gus urged JR, at five she was so easy to tease.

JR ran down the stairs, almost tripping over her nightgown, before stopping in front of Justin. “Will you marry me?” she asked in a rush.

Justin’s face turned red. “Ummm?” he started, but JR was already gone.

“You should consider it,” Debbie said once everyone stopped laughing. “She’ll be ready before Brian gets off his ass and asks again.”

“Hey, that’s my daughter you’re trying to marry off!” Michael protested.

Brian winked up at Gus and turned the ring box over in his pocket.


In Darkness
Prompt: Outside


Ted stopped Emmett halfway to the bar. “Go ahead and order for me. I’ll meet you in a minute.” Ted nodded toward the restroom.

Emmett smiled and kissed his check before continuing to the bar. Ted walked toward the bathrooms until he was sure Emmett wasn’t watching; then he changed direction and snuck out the side door.

It was freezing out, but at least it wasn’t snowing. Ted ignored the cold and searched the alley for the nearest dealer. He just needed a quick hit to get through the night. If he scored quickly enough, Emmett wouldn’t even miss him.


The Good Towels
Prompt: Picture Prompt 3-Towels


Brian walked into the bathroom and found Justin, naked and dripping on the floor, searching the closet. “What are you doing?

“Looking for towels.”

Brian stared pointedly at the towels hanging neatly on the towel rack. “Something wrong with those?”

“Not the company towels, the everyday ones,” Justin explained as though it were obvious.

Brain grabbed a towel off the rack and threw it at Justin. This kid was going to be the death of him. “Do you really think I have the type of company that expects special towels? Now dry your ass off so I can fuck it.”


From Your Lips
Prompt: Wine


“Are you trying to get me drunk?” Lindsay giggled as Melanie refilled her wine glass.

“What do you think?”

“I think the kids are both at sleepovers so we are all alone, and that makes me a sure thing.”

Melanie watched Lindsay’s eyes sparkle in the candlelight and imagined her sprawled in their bed, naked and sated, after Melanie had touched and kissed every inch of her body.

Grabbing the bottle and their glasses, Melanie blew out the candles before kissing Lindsay deeply and whispering, “When we kiss, I love to taste the wine from your mouth and your tongue.”


A New Perspective
Prompt: Picture Prompt 4-City


Brian stood at the penthouse window, staring down at the city. It looked different from here, bigger, not the Pitts he’d spent most of his life despising.

Justin came up behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist and resting his head against Brian’s back. “We could have stayed at the loft.”

Remembering how it looked, empty of their belongings, Brian shook his head. He turned, leading Justin back into the suite. “Unpacking and getting the house ready before Christmas is going to be enough of a pain in the ass. I want to fuck you in a bed tonight.”


Making Peace
Prompt: Books


Michael had never been much of a reader. He’d even given up his library card once he realized they didn’t carry comic books.

Ben filled their house with books. They overflowed from bookshelves, covering tables, and ending up in their bed. At first, they’d intimidated him. He’d try to read them, afraid if he couldn’t understand what Ben loved about his books, he was missing something important about Ben.

Now books meant home and nights curled up on the couch with Ben, watching movies and marveling at how sexy Ben looked in his glasses, lost in what he was reading.


Fashion Week
Prompt: Lost in the city


Justin paced his apartment and tried Brian’s cell again. Voicemail again. He’d confirmed that Brian’s plane landed almost four hours ago, and since Brian had texted him during the flight, he knew Brian had arrived safely. But after trying to reach him for hours, he was starting to worry.

On his approximately nine hundredth attempt, the call went through.

“Hey, hold a minute.”

Before he could say anything, Justin heard Brian’s now muffled voice. “Throw in those last two ties as well.”

“Where the fuck are you?” Justin shouted.

“Armani’s new line debuted this week.”

Justin hung up the phone.


The American Dream
Prompt: Out from under


“We did it!” Michael shouted, throwing his arms around Ben as soon as he walked in the door.

“We did what?” Ben asked, catching his husband in his arms and swinging him around.

“Look,” Michael said when Ben set him down. He waved a stack of papers in the air. “The deed came today. The house is officially ours! No more mortgage, we own it free and clear.”

They’d sent the last check in a month ago when the bonus for Ben’s most recent book came, but seeing their names together on the deed, “Wow,” Ben smiled. “We did it.”


Taken Literally
Prompt: Bite Me


“Bite me.”

Unwilling to be dragged into another round of pointless bickering, Justin leaned over and bit down sharply on Brian’s earlobe.

“What the fuck!”

Smiling, Justin shrugged.

Brian narrowed his eyes thoughtfully then lazily lifted one brow. “Bite me,” he said again.

Justin straddled Brian’s lap then tugged Brian’s bottom lip between his teeth before releasing it and kissing away the mark.

“Bite me,” Brian repeated, his voice husky.

Justin bit down gently on the sensitive skin at the base of Brian’s neck. Brian shifted beneath him, letting Justin feel how hard he was.

This was gonna be fun.


Prompt: Don't see me short

Notes: Inspired by Space or as I call it, Justin's Art Gallery


Justin stared at the open, empty space that used to be Bob’s Porn Emporium and buried his face in his hands. Without the dildos, blow-up dolls and racks of dirty magazines, the building was huge.

“What the fuck was I thinking?”

Brian didn’t say a word, just stood by patiently waiting.

Suddenly, Justin could see it. He began pacing, picturing the empty space filled with paintings, sculptures, artist media. He, they, could do this.

Turning to Brian, a huge smile on his face, he laughed as Brian swept him into an embrace, barely catching Brian’s whispered “Congratulations,” before they kissed.


Only Skin Deep
Prompt: Like father, like son



Justin paused on his way out the door to find an old woman staring at him.

“It’s Great Aunt Linda, do you remember me?”

“Of course.” Justin flashed his biggest, fakest smile. He hadn’t spoken to his father’s aunt in years. She’d sent him a get well card after the bashing, filled with brochures on therapists who promised to make him straight.

“You have your father’s eyes and bone structure. Craig is such a handsome man.”

“He’s also a homophobic prick.”

Linda straightened up, pursing her lips. “I see you have your mother’s mouth,” she said before turning away.


Small Packages
Prompt: 5th Picture Prompt-bow


Brian rarely gave traditional gifts. He’d casually hand Justin boxes filled with clothes he’d picked up while shopping for a new wardrobe or leave the keys to a new car in the bed, knowing Justin wouldn’t discover them until hours after he’d returned to Pittsburgh.

When Justin found the elaborately wrapped gift sitting next to his coffee cup, he stared at it nervously.

“You ever going to open that?” Brian finally prodded him.

Justin carefully untied the bow and pulled apart the paper. His eyes lit up when he saw the simple business card, elegant script announcing: Kinnetik New York.


A Place at the Table
Prompt: Table


At the diner, Debbie always made sure the tables were cleared immediately. Dirty tables meant fewer customers and smaller tips. Debbie would never get rich waiting tables so she had to make the most of what she had.

Debbie never rushed meals at home. There was always time for one more glass of wine or another helping of ziti. Even after the leftovers were packed away and most of the dishes were soaking in the sink, she kept everyone at the table, sharing stories and laughing. With no clock to punch, Debbie could linger, savoring every moment with her family.


In His Name
Prompt: Forgotten


Emmett refused to attend the dedication of Schickel Field with Drew. He couldn’t stand there and listen to strangers talk about what a pillar of the community George had been while making him sound like an institution rather than a person.

The articles leading up to the event infuriated Emmett. Nothing more than dry recountings of George’s business accomplishments that told little about the man beyond his impressive bank balance, surrounding photos of an unsmiling man behind a huge desk.

Emmett preferred to remember George laughing, dancing at Babylon. When he pictured George, he was smiling, eyes filled with love.


Happiness Earned
Prompt: Picture Prompt 6-chalet


Ted readjusted the blanket and rested his head on Blake’s shoulder. They returned to the ski lodge for their anniversary; this time staying in a private chalet, sharing the fireplace only with each other.

“Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve this,” Ted said quietly.

“Most nights I go to bed convinced I’ll wake up on a cold, dirty floor, shaking and desperate for my next fix,” Blake convinced. “Instead, every day I wake up with you, happy and loved. I may not deserve it, but I’m grateful.”

“Me too,” Ted agreed before pulling Blake closer for a kiss.


Stand Your Ground
Prompt: Unexpected surprise


Carl was enjoying a nice hot bath, a secret indulgence only Debbie knew about, when he heard the scream. He jumped from the tub without thinking and ran down the stairs only to find Michael and Debbie hugging.

Michael quickly covered his eyes while Carl tried to hide, well, everything.

“I heard you scream,” Carl tried to defend himself while Debbie howled with laughter.

“And how were you planning to protect me?” she teased, looking him up and down. “Besides, Michael was just telling me he and Ben have finally been approved as adoptive parents. I was excited not scared.”


Mamma's Boy
Prompt: Hanukkah


Gus was a handsome boy, popular and charming. Girls started calling him long before he hit puberty, and JR’s friends all had crushes on him.

In high school, Gus was too focused on sports and his friends to bother with dating. But once he started university, there seemed to be a different girl each week, never anyone serious.

Melanie never said anything, but she worried he was too much like Brian. She didn’t want him to miss out on love.

His third year at university, he asked if he could bring someone home for Hanukkah, and Melanie could stopped worrying.


Prompt: Solstice


Emmett carefully spread his papers out on the table. “Which one is the perfect Solstice party menu?” he asked.

“Call the munchers,” Brian said dismissively. “Isn’t Solstice a lesbian holiday?”

“No, it’s the moon thing,” Michael corrected. “You know where the people in robes dance in a circle.”

“You’re both wrong,” Ted jumped in. “Solstice is Wiccan. I’m pretty sure there is incense and chanting.”

Brian leaned across Michael to glare at Ted. “Sounds a lot like a lesbian holiday to me.”

Emmett sighed in defeat and took out his phone. “Lindsay! Just the person I wanted to talk to.”


In the Morning Light
Prompt: Sunshine


Justin drank his coffee and stared out the kitchen window. Brian wouldn’t be up for a while, and he should be in his studio, painting. But the view had caught his attention, and now he couldn’t look away.

It was beautiful, perfect and almost unreal. Snow covered the open expanse of lawn, and ice hung from the trees and bushes, all of it pristine and white, glistening and sparkling in the winter sunlight.

A country manor with a pool, stables and a tennis court. Maybe it started as a joke or an act of desperation, but now it was home.


Stepping In
Prompt: Whatever you want


Brian loved his son. But he had to admit it was easy to swoop in with presents and an open checkbook. To be the one who could break the rules and say “whatever you want” and mean it. Every visit was an occasion, and Brian loved the spotlight.

But when Gus’s world threatened to fall apart, he needed an anchor, someone to be there and mean that. So Brian held him and tried to follow the example Lindsay and Melanie had set. And he prayed as hard as Gus did that they’d be back soon to do the heavy lifting.


Prompt: Christmas Eve


“I’m not going to Midnight Mass this year,” Debbie said quietly. “Carl’s not Catholic, and it doesn’t feel right, not anymore.”

“The list of things the Church and I don’t agree on keeps getting longer. And I sit in the pew holding my tongue, and you know how bad I am at that,” Debbie laughed weakly.

“The Church is beautiful, but it’s lonely and cold. I don’t feel God there.” Debbie wiped her eyes. “I feel God here, with you. So I guess this is my church now.”

Debbie set the poinsettia in front of the headstone. “Merry Christmas, Vic.”


Stroke of Midnight
Prompt: Christmas Day


Brian’s hands rested on Justin’s hips, keeping him close as they swayed with the music. He trailed kisses along his neck when Justin tilted his head back. Justin threaded his fingers through his hair and guided Brian’s mouth to his for a deep kiss.

The lights went out, plunging Babylon into darkness for just a moment before coming back on, red and green now, instead of blue and white. Snowflake confetti fell from the sky, and a throaty voice yelled, “Ho ho ho,” over the speakers.

“Merry fucking Christmas,” Brian whispered into Justin’s ear before leading him to the backroom.


Prompt: Kwanzaa


“This is my Hanukkah list, my Christmas list for Santa, and my Kwanzaa list.”

“Kwanzaa?” Melanie and Lindsay looked at each other and shrugged.

“Honey, we don’t celebrate Kwanzaa,” Lindsay explained gently.

“I think we should. We always celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas; it’s not fair to keep skipping Kwanzaa,” Gus said earnestly.

“Gus, you don’t get presents for Kwanzaa,” Melanie clarified.

“Oh, never mind then.” Gus’s shoulders dropped. He eyed his lists for a moment before snatching them back. “I’ll get back to you on these.”

He was barely out of the room before Melanie and Lindsay burst out laughing.


Prompt: Talk to me


“The silent treatment won’t work this time”

Ted huffed in annoyance. “I’m not giving in. You know what you did, and don’t even bother trying to pretend you forgot.”

“How many times do you have to be told? My briefcase is not a scratching post!”

“Ted, is everything alright?” Blake peeked into the room and tried not to laugh.

“Lupe is pouting because she’s not getting her treat tonight even though she knows very well it’s her own fault.” Ted threw up his hand is disgust and walked away when Lupe refused to look at him. “Fine, be that way.”


"And they all lived. . ."
Prompt: Once upon a time. . .


Jennifer read to her children every night, fairy tales and adventures filled with epic battles and daring quests while dreaming about Justin and Molly finding their own happily ever afters.

The hardest part of accepting Justin was gay was giving up those dreams. She wouldn’t dance at his wedding or play with his children

Then one summer day, she sat in the backyard of the house Brian bought for Justin, building sandcastles with Gus and JR., and watching Brian drag Justin into the shade where they rested together.

Tears filled her eyes as she finally recognized Justin’s happily ever after.


Wash It All Away
Prompt: Let's get soaking wet


Brian turned the water on full blast. He carefully removed the scarf from his neck, folded it neatly and set it on a shelf. Then, still fully clothed, he stepped into the shower.

He watched the water swirl into the drain, and even after it was no longer streaked with blood, Brian could smell it on his hands. He stood under the spray, clothes plastered to his body, tears he couldn’t acknowledge mingling with the water.

Michael finally pulled him from the shower, guiding him to bed. Brian waited until he turned away to place the scarf under his pillow.


Familiar Touch
Prompt: It shouldn't matter


Sex was sex. That’s what Brian always told himself. It was about getting off in the most pleasurable way possible, nothing more.

So he shouldn’t notice a difference when it was Justin. Justin’s tongue on his cock shouldn’t feel any different that someone else’s tongue even if he now knew every one of Brian’s hot spots.

Brian shouldn’t feel a special thrill knowing how easily he could make Justin lose control or from seeing the fading marks he’d left on Justin’s skin.

Sex with Justin was just sex, nothing more. And Brian was going to prove it. The next time.


Room for Two
Prompt: 7th Picture Prompt-party


Babylon was packed, the dance floor jammed with people. Brian fought his way to the bar, pulling Justin with him.

“Hey, you’re really raking in the big bucks tonight,” Matt greeted him.

Brian grabbed two bottles of champagne. “See you next year.”

“You’re not staying to watch the balls drop?” Matt waggled his eyebrows.

Brian rolled his eyes and led Justin out the back. They’d planned a very private celebration.

“They say whatever you’re doing at midnight determines how you’ll spend the year,” Justin panted beneath him.

Brian enthusiastically rang in the New Year while licking champagne from Justin’s ass.


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