Love Is Blindness

Thank you to Meigan and Philflam for their fabulous beta work!

I reach for him without thinking, and will myself to forget all the times he wasn't there. There is no room for thought or memories. There's only the softness of his hair, the smooth lines of his body, and the heat from his skin. I want, need nothing else.

Love is blindness

I don't wanna see

Won't you wrap the night

Around me?

Oh my heart

Love is blindness

In the predawn darkness, I rely solely on touch. Sometimes it's better that way. My lips trace a path along his shoulders, and my hands stray to lean hips. I soon feel the stirrings of movement beneath me, and I press more firmly against his hips. I have no reason to hurry and won't be rushed. I kiss every inch of his back as my hands sweep up and down his sides. Sometimes kneading, sometimes stroking, sometimes stilling, but never breaking contact.

"Brian," Justin breathes as he turns his head to face me.

I shush him gently and cover his mouth with my own. The only things I want to hear are whispered sounds of pleasure. I nuzzle and caress his legs starting at his thighs and working my way down. Massaging gently as I go, spending extra time on the soles of his feet. Pressing deeply into his erogenous zones. I chuckle softly at the ass wiggling in the air, but continue to ignore it. I'll get there eventually, but for now, I have so many other places to explore.

In a parked car

In a crowded street

You see your love

Made complete

Thread is ripping

The knot is slipping

Love is blindness

I nudge him onto his side and pull him against my body. Still half asleep, he relaxes into me. Burying my face in his neck, I savor the feel of him wrapped around me, but soon it isn't enough. One hand tangled in his hair, I pull his head back slightly. Starting at his collarbone, I lick and nip my way to his mouth. I kiss him again, roughly this time, but still slowly and thoroughly. He grinds his erection against me, trying to hurry me along, and again I ignore him. My mouth moves to his ear, surrounding it with moist heat. I smile slightly as I feel him shiver against me.

He rolls to his back, and I hover over him almost, but not quite touching. I love the anticipation, the edge, it gives everything I'm feeling. My lips settle just above his nipple; only my breath touching him. He moans and arches toward me, and then it begins. I sweep my tongue from the top of his hips to the base of his throat, swirling over his nipples before pulling them gently with my teeth. Again and again until he is bathed in my saliva.

Love is clockworks

And cold steel

Fingers too numb to feel

Squeeze the handle

Blow out the candle

Love is blindness

His hands are tangled in my hair, and my mouth grazes his wrist as I turn my head. I turn into his hand and suck hard on his palm. I pull each finger into my mouth licking and sucking on them slowly. He loves the attention, and there is something about his hands I can't resist. But I am always careful with them. What he does to me with them, what he creates with them blows me away. So much of who he is comes through his hands.

His hand slips out of my mouth and falls to his side. He looks beautiful; head tilted slightly back, eyes closed, lips parted as he struggles to breathe. I stretch out over him letting him take my weight. His chest, still damp from my tongue, sticks to me. I lean down to kiss him when he suddenly reverses our positions.

Love is blindness

I don't want to see

Won't you wrap the night

Around me?

Oh my love


Before I can react, his mouth is on my dick. Warmth envelopes me, and I can't help but relax. He's read enough of my mood to take it slow. The touch of his hand on my balls is gentle and almost reverent. His tongue explores every inch of me. Each touch a little longer, every squeeze a little harder. Until I can feel every stroke of his hands and sweep of his tongue through my entire body. The pleasure and the pressure build with every moment. When he swallows around me, I can't breathe. And when he takes me even deeper, the release feels just as slow and powerful.

He rests his head on my thigh for a moment before coming to lie next to me. Realizing I'm not going to move just yet, he smoothes his hand over my face and kisses me. I taste myself in his mouth, and I'm overwhelmed. I shouldn't be; this is nothing new. But something in the way he feels, something in the way we feel, is different. I hide behind my own insistence on silence because the things I want to say frighten me. Things I don't even remember starting to believe in stick in my throat. His hands are on my face again, and I know there are no words for this, at least none that I know. So I push my tongue in deeper and crush my lips against his and bury everything I want to say in this kiss.

A little death

Without mourning

No call

And no warning

Baby, a dangerous idea

That almost makes sense

He pulls back slightly, and our eyes meet. There's barely enough light to make out his silhouette, but somehow I can see his eyes clearly. No matter how much I might want to, I can't look away. Neither does he. I know what he sees, and I don't even bother trying to hide it anymore. It never worked with him anyway. All my walls and masks, nothing but a waste of time. It used to make me so fucking angry. He was always so sure of who I was. I could see it every time he looked at me, and I didn't want it to be true. I wanted him to see what everyone else saw; what I made them see. I told him that he was only seeing a fantasy. I couldn't believe he was capable of seeing more than I was willing to allow. God, how I hated looking into his eyes. The image he had of me felt like such a damn burden. I did everything I could to show him I was exactly who I said I was, not who he thought he saw. For a while it worked. But he came back, and I started making things easier for him. I still don't understand how he sees me the way he does, but it doesn't make me angry anymore. On nights like this, I find myself drifting closer and closer to that man.

Love is drowning

In a deep well

All the secrets

And no one to tell

Take the money



It feels like we have been staring at each other for hours, but only a heartbeat has passed. I break contact and reverse our positions again. I place random kisses all over his body. Some light and barely there, others open-mouthed and hot. Suddenly, I can't get enough of the taste of him. My tongue explores places most people would never dream of, and all I can think of is familiarity, intimacy, and the still unexpected pleasure of knowing exactly how to make him moan. God I love that sound. I've heard it a hundred times, and still I want more. There isn't an inch of him I haven't touched, kissed, or licked. I would know him by his scent, by the pattern of his breathing, by the weight of his hand in mine. I know exactly what spot to hit to take both of us to the edge. Nothing is more exciting than that.

Then I'm inside him, and there's no more slow and gentle. It's hard and fast and deep. It's lips and teeth and tongues fighting to find each other. It's holding him down and him pulling me in. It's the feel of his hair and the taste of his sweat. It's the breath we can't catch and the ache I never want to end. It's his eyes closed and my head thrown back. It's not whispers of pleasure, but screams of passion and shouting each other's names. It's hands clasped and eyes locked when we finally find release.

Love is blindness

I don't want to see

Won't you wrap the night

Around me?

And then there is silence again. I lay back and wait for him to settle next to me. It's oddly comforting to know what to expect from him. But he can still surprise me. When I turn toward him, he brushes the hair off my face. Then he smiles.

Oh my love


**Tile, lyrics, and inspiration taken from U2's wonderful song "Love Is Blindness."

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