For Art's Sake

Author's Notes:  This was written for the [info]qaf_giftxchnge on IJ. Once again I was lucky enough to write for the lovely [info]zaipixie although I have to admit her request terrified me since I'm not so good with the porn!




Justin knew he should be sleeping; after all, it’d been a long time since he and Brian had indulged in such a marathon fuck session. But they’d also never spent so much time apart. Almost six months had passed since their last visit, and Justin didn’t even want to think about the series of emergencies, disasters, and bad luck that had caused the lengthy separation.

Now that he was finally back in Pittsburgh, he wanted to focus all his attention on Brian. Justin picked up his pencil, intending to continue the line of Brian’s back to his hips, but his hand hovered above the paper, uncertain. Normally he found sketching Brian to be very soothing, and the sight of him sprawled on his stomach, fast asleep, almost glowing under the gold lights Justin had found a few years ago, was certainly inspiring. But something wasn’t right.

In his constant battle to fight off any signs of aging, Brian had been spending more time at the gym recently. As a result, there were subtle changes to his body since the last time Justin had seen him. He’d felt them earlier, the way Brian’s body was leaner overall, but there was more weight to his muscles. While the dim light was a beautiful compliment to Brian’s coloring, Justin couldn’t really see the small difference, but he knew he was sketching the Brian from his memory rather than the man that lay in front of him.

Justin flipped to a new page and wondered how to begin. He hadn’t been concentrating on subtle details earlier, but he wouldn’t be satisfied unless he could get the sketch just right. A perfect solution would allow him to see and feel the new lines of Brian’s body at the same time. Not planning on spending much of this visit working, Justin hadn’t brought more than a few basic drawing supplies, certainly nothing that would work on skin.

As he was about to give up on the whole idea, Justin remembered something. He found it, shoved in the back of the bathroom closet just like he remembered. Brian had laughed when he brought it home, a gift from Debbie that neither had wanted to think too much about. “This,” Brian had said, looking at the chocolate body paint with disgust, “Is for straight people who can’t admit that sex tastes and smells like sweat and come and rubbers. If you have to cover all that up, you shouldn’t be fucking.” Brian had tossed the jar into the closet, and neither of them had given it another thought.

When Justin opened the jar, it still smelled like chocolate so he figured it was still good. It was awfully thick so he crept into the kitchen and microwaved it for a few seconds. The smell was much stronger, and when Justin dipped his finger inside, the chocolate was soft and slightly warm. Perfect.

Brian was still asleep, and Justin took a moment to simply look at him. His arms stretched up with his hands almost meeting above his head. The angle emphasized the muscles of his upper arms, and it was easy to picture him in the gym, shirtless and sweaty, arms flexing as he lifted the bar high above his head again and again.

Kneeling across the small of Brian’s back, Justin was careful not to touch him at all. He dropped some of the chocolate at the base of Brian’s neck, then smoothed both hands down along the curve of his shoulder blades. The paint was slightly grainy but spread easily with a little pressure. Giving into temptation, Justin moved to his arms next. He started at the indention where Brian’s arm met his collarbone, outlining the dense muscles with his fingertips and continuing past his elbow. Brian stirred as he was painting over the fingers of his left hand.

“Justin, what?” he mumbled.

“Shh,” Justin soothed. “Don’t move.”

“Justin,” he said again, this time more alert.

“You won’t be sorry. Just stay still.” Justin smiled when Brian nodded and relaxed again.

Finished with Brian’s hand, Justin moved on to his left arm. As he once again filled the curves and hollows of Brian’s arm with the chocolate, he marveled at how wonderful it looked on him. The dark brown worked perfectly with Brian’s skin tone, and the warm lighting made it all blend perfectly. Justin was tempted to use Brian’s body as a canvas, painting ornate designs over his skin, but that would wait for another time.

Sitting back against the swell of Brian’s ass, Justin began working on his back. He felt Brian’s added strength most keenly here in the way the muscles were firmer, but not tighter. Moving back to the base of his neck again, Justin followed his spine all the way down. From there he moved out, defining the lines of his ribcage. As he moved lower, Brian shifted beneath him, and Justin followed the movement with his fingers, leaving a visible trace of the motion.

Justin moved off of Brian and looked at his work so far. “So fucking gorgeous,” he whispered. The sight of Brian’s body covered in paint his hands had left caused his cock to throb. Justin tried to ignore his arousal, but he couldn’t resist leaning down and licking some of the chocolate from the small of Brian’s back.

“Tease,” Brian grumbled when Justin didn’t continue.

But his work wasn’t done. Taking a large amount of chocolate on each hand, Justin began at the base of Brian’s spine and moved along the outer ridge of his pelvis and the outside curve of his ass, pressing deeply into the skin there. Kneeling at the edge of the bed, he focused his attention on Brian’s legs.

As he followed the powerful muscles down, Justin thought of the hours Brian put in at the gym to get them. He loved watching Brian do leg presses, but now he imagined sitting astride Brian while he did them. With each press, Brian’s thighs would move Justin forward. Brian’s cock would nudge his ass as Justin’s rubbed Brian’s stomach, his balls nestled in Brian’s pubes.

Brian’s moan as Justin pressed his thumbs into the arches of his feet broke the fantasy. Cock heavy and dripping, Justin moved up between Brian’s spread legs. He rested his hands on Brian’s ass and began to stroke between his cheeks.

“Don’t think you’re using that shit as lube,” Brian ordered, startling Justin.

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Justin laughed and reached for the lube and condoms still out on the nightstand.

He trailed slick fingers up and down the crack of Brian’s ass before pushing two gently, but firmly, inside. Brian rose up slightly and “hmmed” his approval. Working his fingers slowing in and out, Justin took his time stroking the walls of Brian’s ass, gradually stretching him. Once he added a third finger, he twisted them deeper, hitting his prostate often.

Justin could spend hours playing with Brian’s ass. He loved the tight warmth, the way Brian’s body opened to him. But once Brian moved up on his knees, he removed his fingers and reached for a condom.

“Ready?” he whispered. A small nod was the only answer he received, and he took it for the signal it was. A short thrust brought the head of his cock inside Brian’s hole, and he moaned with pleasure. He waited for the pressure to ease before thrusting again and moving in a little deeper. Justin loved to fuck Brian like this after they’d already come several times. Each thrust brought him in farther, a slow dance he could savor as inch by inch his cock was surrounded. The intensity built with urgency, a slow burn engulfing both of them.

Brian moved with him, a steady rhythm designed to last as long as possible. Justin relaxed into the rhythm and marveled at the way Brian’s muscles shifted and flexed as he met Justin’s thrusts. The paint decorating his body emphasized every movement, and Justin ran his hand down Brian’s back, needing to feel what he could see.

He reached down with that same hand and began firmly stroking Brian’s cock. Soon the heat and friction began to melt the chocolate that had coated his palm. The smell of chocolate and sex mingled thickly in the air, and, overwhelmed with the urge to taste that, Justin brought his hand back to his mouth.

The first lick left him moaning loudly as the salt of Brian’s precome and the sweetness of the chocolate hit his tongue. He slowly sucked his hand clean, not wanting to waste a drop. Forcing his eyes open, Justin deepened his thrusts as he took in not just the feeling and vision of fucking Brian, but the taste and smell as well.

His hand still wet with saliva, he reached again for Brian’s cock, pumping it swiftly as he ground against his ass. Soon he felt Brian clenching around him, and his own climax hit with a startling intensity.

Once they’d settled, Brian caught his lips in a gentle kiss. “I like it when you get creative.”

“Me too,” but his smile turned to a frown when Brian left the bed. “Where are you going?”

“Shower,” Brian said as if it were obvious. “You coming?”

Justin looked at the sketchpad on the dresser and knew he should go back to it while the memory of how Brian looked and felt under his hands was still fresh. But he’d really only studied one side of his body, and he thought of Brian in the shower, water running down his chest, tracing the lines of his chest as Justin licked droplets from his nipples.

“Right behind you,” Justin answered as he leapt from the bed.

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