Angst Drabbles


Filling the Space

Justin’s departure didn’t change anything for Brian. While he was mooning over his fiddler, Brian spent his nights dancing, drinking, getting high, and fucking, just like he always had. But now he didn’t have to worry about the disapproving wife at home.

And Justin had nothing to do with the phone call he’d just made. Negotiations had been simple; Brian knew exactly what he wanted and was willing to pay. He was simply getting his needs met as efficiently as possible. It was that some nights all the blow jobs in the world didn’t make up for an empty bed.


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Debbie opened the door, still laughing. “Hey, Vic,” she yelled. “You won’t believe what happened...” Then her voice trailed off as she remembered. The house suddenly seemed so empty, the silence crushing. She almost wished for Christmas music, but she’d packed up all the decorations after the disastrous party, and no hula-dancing, singing Santa greeted her.

Quietly shutting the door behind her, Debbie hung up her coat and made her way to the empty kitchen where no one was waiting for her with fresh coffee. “What I’d give, Little Brother,” Debbie whispered, “to be wiping your ass right now.”


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At times, life in New York was nothing but a series of rejections. When it got bad, Justin turned off his phone and hid out in his studio, spending hours staring at his paintings, cataloguing faults and second guessing his choices. He’d never given a shit what anyone thought of his work, but on his own, with so much riding on success, Justin questioned everything.

Justin went days without talking to another person. Brian was miles away, his touch a distant memory. Surrounded by his failures, Justin found it surprisingly easy to forget what it felt like to be loved.


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Emmett watched Ted and Blake finally get it right, and while he was happy for them, he still resented Ted for finding his partner while Emmett seemed destined to be alone. Drew was gone, and Emmett knew in heart they wouldn’t celebrate his twenty-first birthday together.

He feared Ted had been his best chance for happiness, if not for the drugs and the false euphoria that held so much promise. Ted willingly threw away the life they were building. Emmett had never felt anything like that, but he clutched the vial of crystal and decided it was time he did.


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Swallowing Your Pride

At first, Canada was the fresh start they needed. Then Melanie watched Lindsay flirt with JR’s teacher, and it was Sam fucking Auerbach all over again. When she snuck home just before dawn, reeking of his cologne, Melanie wanted to send her away, but she couldn’t. Lindsay would run home to Pittsburgh with the kids. Brian would help her because he always did. Michael would too, just for the chance of having JR in the same city.

No one would help Melanie. She loved her kids enough to pretend she was asleep and pray for the strength to survive this.


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