All I Want

Beta: The incredible [info]noteverything. Thank you so much!


Brian opened the loft door, surprised, but not shocked, to see Justin standing in front of the computer. Brian started to call out to him, but realized Justin was so intent on examining the screen from different angles, he hadn’t heard the door open. Careful not to draw attention to himself, Brian quietly shut the door and set his briefcase on the floor.

Sneaking up behind Justin, Brian wrapped his arms around him as soon as he was close enough. He was mildly disappointed that Justin barely jumped in reaction.

“I thought you weren’t getting in until tonight?” Brian pressed his face against Justin’s neck and smelled his own soap. Apparently Justin had been there long enough to shower.

Justin leaned his face against Brian’s and reached up to hold his arms. “I got an earlier flight, and since I knew you had meetings all day, I just came home.”

“You could have come by the office,” Brian protest, ignoring the warm feeling Justin’s use of the word home to describe the loft still gave him. “Cynthia would have entertained you until I could ditch my meetings. There was nothing urgent.”

Brian felt Justin shrug. “Then Ted would have found out which means Emmett and Michael would know I was here, and the next thing you know Debbie and my mother are pounding on the door demanding to see me.”

Knowing Justin was right, Brian laughed. They kept Justin’s shorter visits a secret for just that reason although Brian figured his weekend absences from Liberty Avenue must make at least a few people suspicious.

“Well, since I have no intention of letting you out of bed, it’s a good thing they don’t know you’re here.” Brian kissed Justin’s shoulder, then his neck when Justin leaned his head back.

“Sounds good to me,” Justin agreed. He shifted forward so he could turn the computer off, but instead of letting go, Brian held him tighter.

“So what is that?” Brian pointed toward the screen, remembering how intently Justin had been studying it when Brian first saw him.

“Not sure yet,” Justin said, once again tilting his head to examine the colors and half-formed shapes that covered the screen. “I was inspired on the plane and didn’t feel like dragging a canvas out of storage so I thought I’d do some sketching on the computer.”

“The only thing that’s ever inspired me on an airplane is a hot ass and an empty bathroom.”

“Somehow that doesn’t surprise me.” Justin turned in Brian’s arms, the computer temporarily forgotten. “I believe you mentioned something about a bed.” He leaned up and kissed Brian, just a brief meeting of their lips. More of a tease and a promise than a kiss.

“I did.” But Brian didn’t feel the same urgency to head to the bedroom that he had earlier. Maybe it was knowing they had the whole weekend, but at that moment he wanted time with Justin more than he needed to fuck him.

“So tell me about this inspiration of yours,” he asked while taking off his jacket and hanging it over the chair before unbuttoning the first few buttons of his shirt. Brian listened to the answer, realizing he’d have to look at the computer again before it made any sense. But that could wait.

Smiling at the slightly quizzical look on Justin’s face, Brian led him across the floor to the couch. He sat, then pulled Justin down so he landed half on his lap. That close, he could again smell his soap on Justin’s skin, and he licked and kissed the sensitive spot just below Justin’s left ear so he could taste it.

Justin relaxed against him, threading his fingers through Brian’s hair and encouraging him to continue nuzzling his neck. When they shifted slightly, Brian felt Justin’s shoe graze him. He looked up and nudged Justin’s feet off the couch.

“Take your shoes off,” he admonished, before adding more softly, “and stay awhile.”

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