The Christmas Eves
Chapter Six: “Manic Panic”
December 24, 2007
Brian groaned and rolled over in the bed, burying his face in the pillows, “No,
no, no not again. Nothing works, nothing fucking works,” he mumbled.
“Daddy, is Dada sick?” Reaghan asked, worriedly peering at his father from
behind Justin’s leg.
Justin looked cautiously at Brian. “I think so, baby boy.”
“Oh no, Dada! Where does it hurt?” Zaira asked, climbing up onto the bed and
patting Brian’s disheveled hair.
Brian rolled back over and faced his daughter, but all he could see was the way
she'd looked... “No!” Brian shouted, causing Zaira to jump back out of the bed.
“Dada?” Zaira asked worried.
“Dada is sick,” Reaghan said with a pout.
“Brian!” Justin said, alarmed. He set the breakfast tray down on the nightstand
and leaned over his lover.
Brian had fallen hard onto his back and put his hands over his face. The
loneliness that he felt thinking of going back to the world without his family
and the frustration of not knowing what the fuck he was even doing in this
warped world were driving him mad.
Justin touched Brian's shoulder. “Brian what's wrong?”
Brian jumped at the contact and tore his hands from his face. “What are you
doing?” he shouted.
Justin jumped back and turned to address his children who looked like they were
close to crying. “Go play, okay? Dada isn't feeling good and you guys don't want
to catch it and be sick on Christmas, do you?” Justin hoped the mention of
Christmas would brighten their darkened glassy eyes.
“No,” Zaira said.
Reaghan stuck his thumb in his mouth. “No,” he answered around it.
“Please, please, please tell me what I'm supposed to do?” Brian asked staring up
at the ceiling.
“Go on, guys. I'll make sure Dada is okay,” Justin said with a forced smile. He
really had no idea what was wrong with Brian. He'd never seen him act this way.
Zaira grabbed Reaghan's arm, making his thumb pop out of his mouth. “Come on.”
The children disappeared out the door and Justin went behind them to lock it. He
was pretty sure that whatever was wrong with his husband wasn't anything
medicine would fix. 'Has Brian had a mental breakdown?' he wondered. “Brian,
what's going on?”
“Just go,” Brian said sitting up and glaring at Justin. “I'll live.”
“You really freaked me out,” Justin moved to sit beside Brian but the older man
suddenly bolted out of the bed.
“What?” he said in a mock laugh. “You?” Brian started to pace the floor in front
of Justin.
“You yelled at Zaira,” Justin told him. “You haven't acted like yourself for a
long fucking time, but that was...” he trailed off not knowing what to say.
Brian walked up to Justin and stared at him, “I'm a bad father.”
“What?” Justin said stepping back away from him.
“I'm a bad father, Justin! I'm just like...”
“You aren't like him, Brian! You aren't,” Justin protested.
“You don't fucking mean that. I know you don't,” Brian could feel tears fall
down his cheeks as he spoke. “I'm a bad husband too.”
Justin walked closer to Brian, put his hands on the man’s shoulders, and looked
up at him. “Brian? Honey, what is it?” he asked in a soft voice.
Brian held his chin up and refused to look down at Justin; his entire body was
trembling from the opposing emotions barreling through him.
“Whatever it is...”
Brian pushed Justin away from him, “Whatever it is? I don't even fucking know
what IT is?”
Justin bit his lip trying to fight off his own tears. “What's got you so upset,
Brian? Did you have a nightmare? I don't understand...”
Brian grabbed Justin by the shoulders. “The last year of my fucking life has
been a nightmare, especially the last three days! I don't understand any of it
either, Sunshine; you're not alone!”
Justin thought he and Brian had made progress the last three days. The man had
even come home early and they'd spent time together watching movies and doing
last-minute Christmas shopping. He was so sure that this morning was going to be
perfect. He thought that Brian would actually be happy when he opened the card.
He'd been a fool. “Stop it, Brian!” Justin yelled back and tried to push Brian
away from him. “You're hurting me.”
Brian released Justin. “That's all I do though, isn't it?” He turned away and
started to pace as he ran his hands through his hair. “Nothing I do is right!
Nothing works!”
Justin was trembling in fear. He wasn't afraid of Brian; he was afraid of
whatever it was that was hurting his husband. “You don't always hurt me,” he
tried to reassure the older man.
“Don't lie to me, Justin. Instead, why don't you tell me the truth!” Brian
stopped once again and stared at Justin with his hands waving in the hair.
“Nothing I do will ever work for you. It's all going to end up the same no
matter what I do.”
“Brian,” Justin tried to move toward Brian but the older man had started to rant
“You don't love me anymore, do you?” Brian asked. “I've fucked everything up and
I always have so why don't you just tell me! Admit what I know you've been
thinking and maybe then this will all be over with for good.” Brian backed up
against the bathroom door and started to slide down it to the ground.
“No, Brian! I don't want that,” Justin pleaded; he couldn't stop his tears now
as he slowly walked over toward his lover.
“You do. I know that now. You aren't supposed to be with me. I can do nothing
for you, Justin,” Brian spoke, his hair a mess and sticking to his forehead and
face from the sweat and tears.
“That isn't true, Brian,” Justin sank to the floor and crawled his way over.
“You've given me so much but you've gotten lost this past year. But you still
gave me something wonderful, Brian.” Justin reached out, grabbed his husband’s
hand, and put it on his stomach, “I'm...”
“No!” Brian roared as he disengaged his hand and stood up. He couldn't bear to
think about that! He couldn't! He would lose it all anyway, right? He didn't
want Justin to tell him. He wished he'd never fucking known in the first place.
Justin looked up at Brian. “Brian, please I need to tell you...”
Brian glared down at Justin. “I don't want to hear any more bullshit, okay? I'm
not sick; I just finally fucking see what the point of all this is.”
“What's that?” Justin dared to whisper as he struggled to his feet.
“You, this...” Brian waved his hands around the room. “This is my own personal
Justin felt like he'd been sucker punched in the gut and had to lean against the
wall, “You don't mean that.”
“What else could this be, Justin? Or do you know? Is this how you planned to get
back at me for all the ways I've fucking wronged you?”
'He knows.' Justin thought as he bowed his head and wiped his tears. 'He knows
I'm pregnant and he thinks I got pregnant to get back at him?' This thought only
made all of Justin’s feelings pulse and run with anger. “This IS your fault!”
Justin spat, gaining strength and his composure.
“Well there, you said it!” Brian laughed.
“You think I did this? You're the one who fucked...”
“Yes!” Brian interrupted. “I fucked up! I made the biggest mistake of my life.
And now I'm going to pay for it... for fucking ever!”
“I can't believe you're being like this, Brian!” Justin spat. “I fucking...”
“You hate me, I know! That's why this is happening. It's your own personal
revenge. I get it, okay? So just get out. Leave me alone and let me get ready to
go to fucking work and live this shitty fucking day already!”
“I never stopped loving you!” Justin said stepping up to look Brian in the eye.
“Not until this very moment.”
“Well, I'm glad I could recreate this perfect moment for you,” Brian laughed
menacingly before turning and opening the door to the bathroom.
“Don't bother coming to Debbie's tonight,” Justin told him angrily. “I'll make
your excuses for you this last fucking time. After all, it's nothing new.”
Brian huffed, “No. It really isn't.”
Justin turned away as the door slammed in his face. He looked over at the bed
and wanted to go and crawl in it. He wanted to disappear. His entire life was
falling apart! But he knew he couldn't do that, not today. He couldn't spoil the
day any more than Brian already had. If he and Brian were over, there was no
reason he needed to dwell on it right now. He had to think of his children. It
was up to him and him alone now. He'd have to get used to it.
Brian stood in the shower under the hot spray. “I'm ending this now. Everything
is just the way it was that day. If I don't try to stop it then it'll have to
end, right? Cause I'm not going to try again. And if it ends that way... then
it'll put an end to their suffering. Whoever you are that's doing this... I
won't let you torture them any more.” Brian fell back onto the bench and sobbed
into his hands. “I'd rather be in a hell without them.”
Michael looked out the
window onto the back lawn. The whole family was outside playing in the snow as
they did every year. Michael had followed Justin back inside after Justin had
offered to go in and make hot chocolate for the kids and coffee for the adults.
Justin had opted for the chocolate confection and then had gone into the fridge
to get out the dessert Debbie had put away.
“Jesus, Justin, that's your fourth piece of gingerbread cake,” Michael said,
sitting down at the kitchen table beside Justin.
“I wasn't aware that you were counting,” Justin said dryly in between bites.
“I've just been watching you, that’s all,” Michael commented.
Justin rolled his eyes. “Didn't know I was that interesting.”
“I guess it's not so much fun to play in the snow without Brian here,” Michael
said, changing the subject.
“I was having fun with Zaira and Reaghan,” Justin said, raising his brows at
Michael and wondering just where this conversation was leading.
“I know,” Michael sighed. “But you guys are usually down on the ground making
forts with the kids and this year you barely threw a snowball at anyone.”
Justin took another big forkful and put it in his mouth. “I'm just tired.”
“Have you told him?” Michael asked in a whisper.
Justin swallowed his bite, looked away from Michael and took a drink of milk. He
wasn't exactly sure what Michael was referring to. Had Daphne told him about him
possibly seeking a divorce or was he talking about the babies? “Told who what?”
he deadpanned.
“Have you told Brian that you’re pregnant?” Michael asked softly.
“What are you talking about, Michael?” He really didn't want anyone knowing
until the entire divorce was finalized. The added pressure and pity he'd surely
get being pregnant and divorced wasn't something he was looking forward to. Not
that he was looking forward to any part of the upcoming divorce.
“I saw you coming out of Dr. Rhine's office,” Michael told him.
Justin huffed, “So you have been spying on me?”
“No.” Michael put his hand on Justin's shoulder and Justin winced and moved away
from him, but not before Michael saw the pained look on his face. “Justin, what
is going on? Are you hurt?”
Justin sighed to himself; he wished he knew what was going on. Brian's moods
were always so manic lately. There were either good days or bad, nothing in
between. And yes, he was hurt, but not in the physical sense really. He knew
though that Brian hadn't meant to squeeze his shoulders so roughly and he had
stopped as soon as Justin had asked. But Justin couldn't tell Michael any of
that. “Brian and I had some rough sex, Michael. I'm okay.” Justin gave him a
reassuring smile and was happy when it seemed Michael had taken the bait.
“Oh, yeah. Well... its just you seem so... so sad and I was worried it was
something else. Hell, I know Ben sometimes leaves bruises on my hips...” he
trailed off and blushed.
Justin smiled. “I'm going to go call everyone in.”
“Wait, Justin. You didn't answer me,” Michael said.
“I haven't exactly told him yet,” Justin breathed out.
“But why not? Don't you think he'll be happy? Hell, I remember when you were
surprised with Reaghan coming along. He was so fucking happy.”
“Brian's got a lot of stuff going on right now and I don't want to add to the
stress.” Justin chastised himself mentally for making up another excuse for
“But having a baby is a wonderful thing. Maybe it will help Brian...”
“What, Michael?” Justin asked exasperated. “What do you think it will help? Will
it help him be home more often with his family? Will it help him come to all of
the things he has missed of Zaira's and Reaghan's this year? All the things he's
going to continue to miss?” Justin felt tears come into his eyes and he put his
hands on his hips. “Or will it help him to show up to family dinners on
Christmas Eve instead of burying himself in work at Kinnetik and inevitably
ruining other people's Christmas too? Will it help him be the father and husband
he promised me he'd be? Will it help take away all the pain he caused when he
basically told me that he wanted to end our marriage this morning?”
Michael looked at Justin in shock, not sure exactly what to say to the young
blond. “I'm sorry, Justin.” Michael walked over and took his best friend's
husband into his arms.
“You can't tell him, Michael. I think he knows, but I'm not sure. I don't want
him to know. Not now. I don't want anyone to know.”
“Okay, I won't tell,” Michael said. “I promise. I won't say a word.”
Justin wasn't sure when he'd ended up sobbing in Michael’s arms or when the
other man had led him up the stairs into his old bedroom. The last thing he
remembered was Michael pulling the covers up around him and feeling soothing
circles being rubbed on his back as he fell into an exhausted sleep.
Michael stood up from his childhood bed and took a deep breath. He looked down
at Justin's tear-streaked face and finally saw all of it there. Justin's eyes
had dark, almost black circles under them and he looked so fucking lonely, even
in his sleep. He wondered what the hell Brian had done, but then again he knew.
Brian hadn't done anything... and that was the problem. The man hadn't been
paying any attention to Justin at all.
He went over to the window and looked out again at his happy family playing
outside. Everyone was oblivious to the amount of pain Justin was experiencing.
He needed to call Brian. He'd promised he wouldn't say anything about the baby,
but he would be damned if he'd let his best friend throw away the best things in
his life and in turn ruin Justin’s and the children's.
He watched for a few minutes and saw that everyone was starting to come in and
so he closed the bedroom door, leaving Justin to sleep while he went downstairs.
“Daddy?” Zaira called from the kitchen where everyone was taking off their wet
clothes and boots.
“Your Daddy's upstairs taking a nap, kiddo,” Michael told her.
“Oh, is he sick?” Jennifer asked, worried about her son.
“But what about pwesents?” Reaghan asked. “We are going to open them now.”
Michael looked at the adults who could all sense the tension coming from him,
“Why don't you all open up the gifts? Jennifer, you make sure you take some
pictures for Justin and Brian.”
“But Daddy can't miss the presents,” Zaira pouted, marching toward Michael.
“Is Daddy sick?” Reaghan asked his grandmother’s question.
Michael sighed and bent down. “He is sick. He ate too much dessert and it made
his tummy hurt so he had to go lay down for a nap.”
“Jeffrey,” Michael addressed his son, “why don't you and Reaghan be Zaira's
helpers and separate all the presents into piles. You can read the names on the
tags, right Zaira?”
“I sure can!” she said proudly.
“Great, you guys go ahead and play Santa and then we'll have some hot cocoa
before we open the gifts. Maybe Daddy will be up from his nap by the time you
get done.”
The kids all smiled, excited that they got to do something so grown up. “But
don't open any of the presents, okay?”
The children agreed and then skipped into the family room. Michael stood up and
looked at his family. All eyes were on him.
“What's going on?” Deb asked.
“Is something the matter with Justin?” Lindsay asked worriedly.
“He wasn't acting like himself outside,” Emmett observed.
“He didn't even make a snowman with the kids,” Melanie added.
Michael sighed, “Have you noticed that Brian isn't here?”
“He's never...” Deb trialed off. “Oh.”
“Shit, what's that fucker done now?” Melanie asked shaking her head.
“Quiet, Mel, the kids are right there,” Lindsay told her partner, rubbing Mel's
large pregnant stomach.
“Didn't Justin say he had that interview with the Forbes people? Then Brian had
to finish the campaign so they could all have the next week off?” Blake jumped
in, the dissatisfaction at having his partner Ted not with him clearly evident
in his voice.
“That’s what Justin told me when he got to the hotel this morning,” Jennifer
confirmed. “But he seemed fine about it. He said he was happy for Brian’s
“But at what cost to his family?” Ben asked.
“Brian's never around anymore,” Emmett said in a whisper.
“Listen,” Michael put his hands on his hips. “I'm going to go up to Kinnetik and
talk some sense into Brian, but I need you guys to make sure Justin stays
asleep. He's really stressed out about all of this and I think that's what got
his stomach so upset.” It wasn't a total lie.
“We've all been ignoring the fact that Brian hasn't been showing up to family
functions for far too long,” Debbie said grasping the situation.
“I hate not living close to him,” Jennifer said. “We used to be so close and
he’d talk to me about everything but I think he’s been hiding how he really
feels from everyone. I thought that when Justin came to the beach house this
summer with just him and the kids, things were fine. He said that Brian had
emergency meetings and he even said it would be nice to be with just him and the
kids and me.”
“It’s not your fault, Jen,” Debbie said. “We see them all the time and we didn’t
realize the impact.”
“It's almost five o'clock. There's no reason why anyone should be working this
late on Christmas Eve. So I'm going to go talk to Brian, send Ted and Cynthia
here and hopefully I won't have to drag Brian here, but I will if I have to,”
Michael said, determined.
“You're a good man, Michael,” Ben said going forward and kissing his lover.
“Wish me luck,” Michael said before waving goodbye to his family, glancing one
last time at Reaghan and Zaira before going to find their father.
“I'll see you at Deb's
in a few, Brian,” Ted said as he passed Brian's office.
“Yeah,” Brian replied noncommittally.
Ted didn't notice. He was just happy to be able to finally leave the office. He
was happy though that they'd gotten everything they needed done on the campaign
and that Kinnetik would then be closed until after the New Year.
Brian stared at the clock on his computer screen. In six more minutes, as
planned, Justin and the children would be killed outside his office at the
four-way stop at the corner of the building. He wasn't going to out and watch
it. He figured that 'fate' or whatever the fuck was fucking with him would just
realize that he was done. He was done with it all.
He didn't want to think about the atrocious pain his children and Justin would
be in. He didn't want them to have the fear of knowing they were going to die.
He wasn't going to watch the vehicle cross and speed through the intersection
and instantly wipe away his family. He couldn't stop it though, he'd realized
this. This all had to have just been his ticket on a crazy train through hell.
He thought about what Justin must have thought about yesterday's today, when the
murderer had gone into their home. It was obviously just some kind of demon or
ghost of a person in this fucked-up world sent to ruin his life, but he was
pretty sure that Justin, Jennifer and his children had to have endured their
fate in a terrifying way.
He wondered if Justin had to watch Reaghan and Zaira be shot before he himself
was shot. Who had been the first? Who had been the last? It didn't matter. Not
now, not really. It only served to remind him of his purpose to end it all the
way it had the first time.
Only this time he wouldn't be walking out of the office with a smile, happy to
be going on his way to Debbie's house and instead seeing the SUV be slammed
into. And then watch in agonizing, still clarity as he saw the vehicle turn over
and over again, his family bounced and jostled inside as the metal and glass
pierced through their bodies and then stand and watch as it burst into flames
only a few feet from him.
There had been no screams; there had been no time for any. The other car had hit
the SUV with such force into the gas tank it had only been a half a minute
before it exploded. The car hadn't even come to a complete stop from its final
flip when it had. He'd seen their bodies through the windows for mere seconds
before the fire nearly blinded him. Then his life, everything had ended along
with theirs. Whatever world he was in now wasn't real and he couldn't make it
real enough to make the bad go away.
He looked down at the clock and saw there was one minute to go. He heard a
roaring fast engine outside on the street and he held his breath for the sounds
that had haunted his nightmares for so long. But the minutes ticked by and
nothing came. He sat there and waited and waited and waited... but still nothing
and it was four minutes after his family's date with death.
“Fucking son of a bitch!”
“Jesus Christ!” Brian nearly jumped out of his chair at the sound of Michael’s
“Michael?” Brian asked warily at the man standing in his office.
“Idiot driver ran the stop sign. Good thing I have no pick-up in my car,” he
“What are you doing here?” Brian asked getting up.
“I should ask you the same question,” Michael eyed him.
“Where's Justin?” Brian asked. “The kids?”
“You care?” Michael asked him.
“What are you talking about, Mikey?”
“Don't play dumb with me. I know you asked Justin for a divorce this morning; he
told me. But that's fucking bullshit, Brian. You're so into your own bullshit
you can't get out. We all may have been ignoring it, not seeing it because we
didn't want to get involved in your relationship and Justin seemed to be...”
“Hold up!” Brian said. This was not in the plans at all. He hadn't asked Justin
for a divorce that morning or on the morning 'one year' ago. He'd fought with
him and pushed him off a cliff the same way he had. He was also sure that Justin
hadn't talked with Mikey about their relationship. Mikey wouldn't have tried to
be so good to him after their deaths if he had. That Brian was sure of. So what
had changed?
“You need to get your ass in gear, Brian!” Michael yelled, refusing to back
down. “You need to get up and come home with me right now and go fix things with
“Fix things with Justin? What did he tell you?” Brian asked.
“He said that you asked him for a fucking divorce, Brian. What the fuck? Why
would you do that? Have you been cheating on him?” He grilled.
“No, Mikey. I haven't been cheating on him and I didn't ask for a divorce,”
Brian went to his closet and pulled out his coat and put it on and then went to
start gathering up the things for his briefcase from his desk.
“Well, something sure fucking happened. He thinks you want a divorce, Brian.”
“We had a fight, but...” he trailed off. “He talked to you about us?”
“Yeah... he, well he broke down and told me. You don't pay attention to him
Brian. The family wasn't paying attention really either. We thought... well, I
don't know what. You didn't like us interfering when you first got together so
we all tried to stay out of it as you personally asked us to. But we can't
Brian didn't say anything. He shut down his computer and grabbed his briefcase
and the keys to Kinnetik. He couldn't deny that Mikey was right. He hadn't paid
attention to Justin or the kids. He'd failed them. He had.
“He's napping in my old room and we’re just about ready to do present so we need
to hurry,” Michael said as they walked out of Kinnetik.
“Is he okay?” Brian asked his friend. Though he knew that after the argument and
the way he'd treated his blond there was no way he was close to being okay.
“He will be if you go up and talk to him. Try and sneak in before the kids see
you. I'm sure they'd love to see you two come down the stairs together. You
know, they sense that something isn't right between their Dads.”
“I know,” Brian said locking the building up. “But I'm still not sure what that
is,” he confessed.
Brian quickly snuck into the house. He glanced at his children who were happily
being read a book by Jennifer, snuggled up safe and alive on the couch beside
her. He let out a breath of relief as he climbed the stairs.
When he opened the door to Mikey's old room he saw Justin laid curled on his
side under the covers, a strand of blond hair held between the fingers of his
left hand. He looked so tired, but peaceful at the same time. Brian felt himself
grow tired looking at his husband. So, so, so fucking tired. Tired of it all.
Brian took off his coat and shoes and climbed in the bed under the covers behind
Justin. He felt Justin stir as he spooned up against him.
“Brian,” Justin croaked out.
“It's me. I'm here. I promise you, Justin. I'm here now,” Brian told him, his
lips in Justin's hair. He breathed in Justin's scent and snaked his arms around
Justin’s body.
Justin lay stiffly in Brian’s arms. He wanted to revel in the security he
usually found when he was wrapped in them, but right now he couldn’t. He was so
fucking scared of what would set Brian off again and didn’t want to get his
hopes up. “But for how long?” Justin whispered.
Brian swallowed the lump in his throat. “Forever, I promise you.”
Justin turned around in Brian’s arms and felt his lover draw him closer into his
strong frame. He stared into Brian’s eyes looking to see if there was any of the
Brian from that morning left in him but saw none. He didn’t see the green eyes
blazing nearly black; now they were a soft, glassy hazel. “You’ve made me so
many promises that you’ve broken,” Justin told him, running his hands along
Brian’s shadowed cheeks.
Brian nodded and closed his eyes; his eyelashes fluttered under Justin’s
fingertips and he absorbed the feeling of having Justin touch him so tenderly
once again. It had been so long. Too long. The passionate kisses they’d shared
were wonderful, but this felt so much different. It was so peaceful and his
emotions and mind weren’t at war with each other. He was calm. “I want to fix
everything, Justin.”
Justin kissed Brian’s jaw and continued to touch Brian as the other man’s hands
made their way under his sweater and splayed themselves on the small of his
back, a couple of the fingers tucked inside his waistband. He didn’t want Brian
to give up on them; he didn’t want to give up on their marriage and he loved
Brian. What he’d told him hadn’t been true; he had lied to Brian for the first
time since he’d known him. He never stopped loving the man, not for a second.
But he couldn’t just forgive and forget without knowing for sure that Brian was
going to change. He needed a grand gesture of some kind, because the little
things Brian had done to give him hope were so easily taken from him and
shattered lately. “How do you think you can fix this, Brian?”
Brian loved having Justin touch and trace his skin with his fingers as though it
was the first time and the pads were learning the textures, curves and lines.
Brian always felt like Justin was painting an invisible work of art all over his
body whenever his lover would touch him, and when he caressed his face like this
it was as if he was casting away the darkness within him and coating him in
light. It was hard for him to open his eyes again and focus on the conversation
he needed to have with his husband. “I don’t know how I can fix this, Justin.
I... I know I’ve hurt you worse. So much of what I said this morning I didn’t
mean. I was just so confused. You’re right though, I did have a nightmare. In
it, you and the kids, you left me. And I deserved it and I know that I deserve
it now if that’s what you still want.”
“It’s not what I want, Brian,” Justin quickly told him.
“I’m no good for you.” Brian squeezed his eyes shut and opened them again. “I’m
selfish for wanting you to stay with me. I want to be the man that you fell in
love with, I want to be who you and the kids deserve but I don’t think I am
worthy of that chance to show you. I know I’m not.”
“I know that you are,” Justin said brushing the two tears that had fallen from
Brian’s eyes away. “You always were worth the chance, Brian.”
Brian let out a long sigh, “Even with everything I said, everything I’ve done...
or I guess I should say everything I didn’t do?”
Justin nodded his head. “I’d give you a million chances as long as you kept
wanting them, Brian. Though I hope I won’t need to.”
“You won’t. This is it, I promise you. And I won’t break a promise again,” Brian
“I said I’d give you a million chances, Brian, and I would. But it’s not only
about me. I have to think about the kids and you have to do right by them. They
are innocent. They are the ones you disappoint the most and they are the ones
you need to make it up to, much more than me.”
Brian leaned down and kissed Justin’s forehead, “I know. I will and I know that
I need to make it up to you just as much.”
“Show me you mean it, Brian,” Justin told him softly.
Brian moved and rolled Justin under him so that he was lying on his back. He
propped his arms up beside Justin’s head and ran his fingers back and forth
along the soft smiling cheeks of his husband. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. I won’t ever stop, Brian,” Justin told him.
Brian shook his head. “Me neither.”
“Brian, I have something I need to tell you. I tried to tell you this morning
but I don’t...”
“Daddy, wake uuuuuup... Dada!” Zaira came barreling into the room.
“Dada!” Reaghan giggled, running behind his sister as the both jumped onto the
Brian and Justin sat up just in time to catch the kids in a big group hug.
“You’re here!” Zaira said excitedly to her father.
“You aren’t sick, Dada?” Reaghan asked his father, hugging him around the neck.
“No... No, I’m not sick. I feel wonderful!” Brian told him, ruffling his son’s
blond hair.
“Do you feel better after your nap, Daddy?” Zaira asked Justin.
“I do, Baby,” Justin, said smiling.
“Well then, it’s time for presents!” Zaira exclaimed, jumping off the bed and
onto the floor, bouncing on her toes.
“Yay! Let’s go, Dada!” Reaghan pulled on Brian’s arm forcing him to get up and
Brian pulled Justin along with him. “Come on, Sunshine. It’s Christmas Eve and
we’ve got presents to open.”
“Santa’s coming tonight too!” Zaira informed her fathers as they walked down the
stairs into the crowded, warm living room.
“Then we better get to open the gifts so that we can get you both in bed before
Santa comes, huh?” Justin said, laughing and drawing everyone’s attention to his
“Brian!” Jennifer said coming out of the kitchen. “Glad you could join us.”
“Me too,” Brian said giving Jennifer a hug, perhaps tighter than he normally
did. “Soooo, where are my presents?” he asked, pulling away.
“Come on, out of the car and upstairs you two,” Justin said opening Reaghan’s
“Are you going to read ‘The Night before Christmas.’ Dada?” Zaira asked yawning
as she hopped out of the car.
“Of course,” Brian told her. “Don’t we always read it before Santa comes?”
“Yes, we do!” Reaghan answered.
Once the family was inside they all went upstairs. “Let’s go get you guys in
your jammies.”
“Justin, let me help get them ready for bed,” Brian told him. “Why don’t you go
and take a warm shower and get in some comfortable clothes. I’ll read them a
couple of the other Christmas books while we wait.”
Justin looked at Brian in surprise. “Are you sure?”
“Positive,” Brian told him. leaning down and kissing his lover’s cold cheek.
“I know where the Christmas PJ’s are, Dada,” Zaira told him. “Daddy took us
shopping last week at Macy’s and we bought them.”
“I know, Daddy showed them to me. Why don’t you show me where he put them,
“I bought a couple of different ones,” Justin reminded Brian.
“I know, and tonight you want Reaghan to wear the green ones with the snowman
and Zaira to wear the pink ones with the snowflakes right?” Brian asked,
remembering what Justin had told him when he’d bought them.
Justin flushed, “Yes.”
“I got it under control; go relax for a few minutes. We’ll be in bed waiting for
you.” Brian kissed Justin’s lips soundly before he went after Zaira and Reaghan.
Justin smiled to himself as he walked into their bedroom. Brian had listened to
him. He had paid attention to HIM! Things were going to be okay.
“And to all a good
night,” Brian closed the book and looked at his family. They were all passed out
asleep in him and Justin’s king-size bed.
It had started off as a bad day but it was ending well. It felt so good to be
snuggled in with them. Zaira and Reaghan were cuddled together in between him
and Justin so Brian had to be careful not to wake them as he got out of the bed.
Justin’s eyelashes fluttered open. “Where are you going?” he mumbled in a
whisper, barely able to keep his eyes open.
“Someone’s got to play Santa and eat the cookies,” he reminded Justin.
Justin started to move out of the bed. “Hey, no,” Brian said, going around and
pushing Justin gently back down into warm bed. “I’ll do it. You need sleep.”
“Okay,” Justin whispered and clumsily kissed Brian’s lips before curling back
around his children and drifting back to sleep.
An hour later Brian
re-entered their bedroom. He smiled seeing that Justin and the kids were in the
same place they’d been when he left.
He got undressed and put on the dark green silk pajama pants Justin had given
him last year. He’d bought Justin red silk ones. He couldn’t believe that he was
actually sort of matching Justin’s pajamas. The thought made him smile though,
he could care less. It made Justin happy. That’s all that mattered.
Brian eased back into his recently vacated spot and put his arms around his
children, his hand finding Justin’s. He stayed awake as long as he could to
watch them until his eyes finally closed.
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